I know what it was for educational practice in a preschool educational institution. It contributed to the systematization of the theoretical knowledge gained, which I applied in practice.

Thanks to this practice, I learned to analyze and draw conclusions about the construction of the learning process in kindergarten.

I was psychologically ready for the internship, which is why I was able to acquire many different skills and abilities, such as communication with children, the ability to interest children in this or that activity, etc.

I was also ready to practice professionally - pedagogically, this was evidenced by the ease with which I got involved in the learning process.

I mastered the algorithm for solving the tasks assigned to me professionally - pedagogical activity.

I know what competencies I formed in the process of professional and pedagogical activity.

During the practice, I managed to achieve my goal and solve problems.

The diagnostic study I conducted was of great importance in the formation of both psychological and pedagogical qualities. This task was not easy, but very interesting, it developed my conversational skills, taught me how to observe, analyze, and give explanations to various facts, events, and various manifestations of a person.

Thanks to the diagnostic study, I was able to:

  • - develop the ability to identify, analyze and take into account general psychological patterns;
  • - to develop the ability to notice and analyze the problems that arise in children that require pedagogical intervention.

To diagnose the cognitive sulfur of older preschoolers, I have selected methods to determine the level of development of involuntary memory, self-control, attention and perception. In my opinion, these components of the cognitive sulfur of children are the main ones for this age category. Since they can compensate for the shortcomings in the development of other components.

For example, the development of memory and attention will lead to the fact that thinking will begin to develop actively.

The diagnostics I conducted made it possible to identify a number of problems that hinder children in the development of the cognitive sphere. I gave some recommendations for their elimination, however, I noted that for more accurate recommendations, it is necessary to conduct a more complete diagnosis of each child.

Self-analysis of the results of the practice and the expert assessment of my work by the head of the practice, the employees of the preschool educational institution coincide.

In general, I can say that I coped with the tasks set and deserve an “excellent” rating.

Olga Kachalka
Characteristics for a student who had an internship in a preschool organization



Kondrashova Svetlana Vasilievna, GBOU SPO student"Samara Social and Pedagogical College", passed undergraduate practice at the SP GBOU secondary school No. 1"OC" with. Bolshaya Glushitsa "Kindergarten No. 4 "Spikelet" in the middle group "Pock".

During internship Svetlana Vasilievna proved to be literate, mastering the basic didactic principles student. Responsible for work, organizations directly educational activities and individual work always had didactic, visual material available.

During practicesKondrashova Svetlana Vasilievna carried out directly educational activities in all areas of child development: cognitive, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic, physical. The program content of the directly educational activity corresponded to the age of the children, the logic of the educational activity was built in accordance with the requirements.

Svetlana Vasilyevna knows how to plan educational and educational activities in the first and second half of the day, carries out the tasks of education in the process of children's activities, knows how to organize children in various activities, to attract their attention, to activate mental activity, to arouse interest in it. Kondrashova Svetlana Vasilievna competently carries out individual work with children, prevents negative forms of behavior. Svetlana Vasilievna owns ICT. Svetlana Vasilievna takes into account the peculiarities of the state of health and general development child when planning and conducting various types of children's activities, clearly knows the norms of health-saving technologies.

Svetlana Vasilievna took part in the creation of a developing object-spatial environment: she designed the art center "I'm drawing",which complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the creation of a developing object-spatial environment:

- pedagogical expediency: this center corresponds to the age capabilities of children - the presence of a variety of artistic material, the selection of images, pictures that provide cognitive, creative activity for all pupils;

- transformability: pictures, photos change in accordance with the educational situation, the theme of the week;

- polyfunctionality: this center provides an opportunity to use various components of the subject environment (for example, children's furniture, as well as the use of multifunctional items, including natural materials suitable for use in various types of children's activities;

- variability: art material periodically changes, a new one appears;

- availability: free access for children organizations independent creative activity.

Svetlana Vasilievna - sociable, creative student,as part of interaction with the family, held a parent meeting on the topic: "What parents should know about GEF DO", developed a folder-slider "Spring-Red", designed an information stand "About the rights, playing".

During internship Svetlana Vasilievna took part in all events held by the joint venture "Kindergarten No. 4 "Spikelet" actively interacting with employees educational institution.

In general, the theoretical level of training student and the quality of his work can be assessed as excellent.

Simonenko Victoria
Results Report undergraduate practice






Tsygankova Victoria Andreevna

students 4 "BUT" course


Supervisor practices

Postovaya Alexandra Alexandrovna

Ust-Labinsk, 2013


on student practice(FULL NAME.) ___

groups of ___ departments ___ in gymnasium No. ___

in the period from ___ 20___ to ___ 20___

"The teacher should be kind, but without weakness, demanding, but without captiousness, allow a joke, but not turn a serious matter into a joke."

K. D. Ushinsky.

For my work, it was not in vain that I took the words of the great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky as an epigraph, on practice convinced of the correctness of the meaning of these words. The words of K. D. Ushinsky make one think and admit that education is a very serious and responsible work that can make a person happy, and this is reflected in the words of the great psychologist A. S. Makarenko“You can’t teach a person to be happy, but you can educate him so that he is happy.”

I, Tsygankova Victoria Andreevna, passed the pedagogical practice in order to form a pedagogical experience of interaction with students primary school on the basis of MBOU gymnasium No. 5 of the city of Ust-Labinsk in 1 "B" class from January 26, 2013 to March 1, 2013. The director of the school is Suglobova Lidia Ivanovna. leader practices from the educational institution was Pankratova Natalya Aleksandrovna, a primary school teacher. Supervisor practices from the college Postovaya Alexandra Aleksandrovna.

Location of gymnasium No. 5 Location: Ust-Labinsk city, st. Red, 309. tel. eight (86135) 2-23-25.

In his pedagogical practice I was transferred from the role of a student to an unusual role for me as a teacher. After all, a person can understand how difficult it is, or vice versa, it will be very accessible and easy for him in this area only when he tries himself in it. Pedagogical practice, in my opinion, helps the student to understand all those items that he has studied these four years and provides an opportunity to apply his knowledge.

During this short period practices I tried myself as a primary school teacher and as a class teacher 1 "B" class. I was assigned to the primary school teacher Pankratova Natalya Alexandrovna. She is a wonderful teacher. Our joint work was fruitful, as professional, vital, big practical experiences, theoretical knowledge, as well as my desire to learn from this experience.

I spent 5 class hours, one extracurricular activity, 12 psychology lessons, 16 math lessons, 16 lessons literary reading, 20 Russian lessons, 4 music lessons, 4 technology lessons, 4 lessons visual arts, 4 lessons of Kuban studies, 12 lessons of physical education and 4 lessons of the world around, and also worked directly with the class. In total, I gave out lessons - 101 and one credit extracurricular activity.

All these lessons were given by me very successfully and interestingly, but from these lessons there is such thing like fine art. For me, this lesson was the most difficult of all given by me. Since Lysenko Vladimir Ivanovich, a teacher of fine arts, taught children to draw differently than they taught me in college. His lessons were professional, had such training as in art schools. Great experience and in-depth knowledge of the teacher Lysenko Vladimir Ivanovich, a very creative person, helped me quickly navigate the lessons. I got acquainted with the requirements of the teacher, Vladimir Ivanovich also shared with me little secrets of successful lessons, gave me several exercises to perform an accurate drawing and also advised me on each topic, which helped me, albeit with great difficulty, to give fine art lessons perfectly well.

But despite such a short period practices, fully felt the heavy, but at the same time unusually unique and interesting work of the teacher.

During the passage practices I regularly consulted with teachers on emerging issues. To all my requests and questions about help, the teachers gave professional recommendations, shared their best practices.

In the course of working with the team, I aroused interest in children with the help of informative and curious information (presentation, demonstration material, attracted attention with unexpected facts and details.

It should be noted that throughout the entire pedagogical practices friendly communication between the teacher and students on the basis of enthusiasm for joint activities, common business and personal communication and the achievement of a common goal and the solution of common tasks prevailed.

Encouragement stimuli prevailed in the interaction - she constantly inspired faith in the strengths and abilities of the children, regardless of their academic performance and, setting a specific goal for the children - predicted the long-awaited result and usefulness of this task.

During practices I have used techniques such as - activation cognitive activity students with additional materials: presentations, visual - illustrative material, additional creative homework assignments. Applied game techniques in the classroom and during educational activities.

Since my pedagogical practice took place from January 26, 2013. until March 1, 2013, then this period included such a holiday as Defender of the Fatherland Day. So I held an extracurricular activity on February 15, 2013 dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland "Fun Starts".

Fun starts

Dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day


1) development of speed qualities of children;

2) instilling love for sports and healthy lifestyles;

3) to cultivate a respectful attitude towards sports.

Location: sports hall, MBOU gymnasium No. 5

Time spending:13 :00 18 :00 (for parents)

Responsible: Tsygankova Victoria Andreevna

Event plan:

1. "Smooth Run"

At the referee's signal, the 1st participant rises from the floor and runs around the turntable, returning back, passes the baton to the next participant, passing him the ball. Then, in turn, all team members run.

2. Relay "With balls" (basketball and volleyball)

At the referee's signal, the participant passes the volleyball over his head to the person standing behind him. At the same time, on command, the standing player runs around his team from any side, becomes the first and passes the basketball from below between the legs to the participant standing behind.

3. "Ball in a hoop" (2 hoops, basketball and volleyball, 1 chip)

At the referee's signal, the first participant must run to hoop 1, take a basketball, run to hoop 2, take a volleyball, run around the chip. Return to hoop 2, put a volleyball, run to hoop 1, put a basketball and pass the baton to the next one.

4. "ball up and down"

Passing the ball over the head and from below between the legs alternately.

5. "Scout"

6. "Ladder"

7. "Ball jumping"

8. "Crabs"

9. "Captain Contest"

Jump rope for a while

10. "Tug of War"

In progress certain practice assignments I consolidated the theoretical knowledge gained in the learning process, and also improved my professional skills in building constructive interaction with children, in writing practical materials and conducting training sessions.

When planning lessons and extracurricular activities, she took into account the characteristics of students, the level of team cohesion, a good example in the work was the class teacher himself and teachers of music, physical education, fine arts, psychology, who use new modern approaches to children in their activities, their independence and personal desire for self-improvement and self-expression. The speech of the teacher should be adapted to the perception of students. It is necessary to take into account the age and level of development of the students, because otherwise a barrier will simply arise between the teacher and the class, and, accordingly, fruitful interaction will not work.

I tried to make the event and lessons interesting, rich and accessible.

To achieve the above goals, she created a special atmosphere of communication, joint activities, which made it possible to achieve the required result.

His Satisfied with practice, taught the lessons confidently, earned authority among the children, and the teachers were also pleased with me. Saying goodbye to the class, the children and the teacher invited me to visit. All previously planned has been implemented.

Julia Grobova
Diary teaching practice on the module "Organization of events aimed at improving the health of the child"


production teaching practice

specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education

PM. 01. Organization of events, and its physical development

Place of passage practices: Kindergarten

MBDOU №6 Nerchinsk

Preschool address People: Nerchinsk, st. Mortar Regiment, 294-2

Dates practices:

Types of jobs practices and verifiable learning outcomes

professional module 01

Types of jobs

Verifiable results

(PC, OK, SW, Y)

The practice of observation

Analysis of documentation in the preschool educational institution: adaptation sheet, sheet (passport) health.PC: 1.1, 1.4, 5.4.OK: 4, 11.ON: 5, 6, 8.At: 3, 5.

Observation and analysis of the interaction of the educator with the medical staff of the educational institution on issues children's health.PC: 1.4.OK: 2, 4.ON: 5.

PC: 1.4, 5.4.OK: 3,10.ON: 4.

Analysis of the planning of regime moments, morning exercises, physical education classes, walks, hardening procedures, sports activities and holidays in accordance with age. PC: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4.OK: 7, 10,11.ON: 1, 4, 7.At: 4,10, 11.

Observation and analysis of regime moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping) directed health promotion according to age. PC: 1.2, 5.2, 5.4.OK: 7, 10,11.ON: 1.At: 4,10.

Diagnostics of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the age group. PC: 1.2, 5.1, 5.4.OK: 2, 4, 7, 11.ON: 1, 2, 8.At: 11.

Observation and analysis of morning exercises, physical education classes, walks, tempering procedures, sports activities and holidays in accordance with age. PC: 1.1, 1.3, 5.1, 5.2.OK: 2, 7, 9, 10, 11.ON: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8.At: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11.

Observation and analysis of diagnostics of the results of physical education and development. PC: 1.4, 5.4, 5.5.ON: 6

Production practice

Types of jobs

Verifiable results (PC, OK, SW, Y)

Planning regime moments, morning exercises, classes, walks, hardening, physical education and holidays. PC: 1.2, 5.2, 5.4.OK: 7, 10,11.ON: 1.At: 4,10.

Organization and conducting routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping, directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion.

PC: 1.2, 1.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4.

OK: 2, 4.ON: 2.At: 4,11.

Organization and conducting morning exercises, physical education classes, walks, tempering procedures, sports activities and holidays in accordance with the age of children. PC: 1.1, 1.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4.

OK: 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11.

ON: 3.At: 1,2, 5. 6, 7, 8,11.

Diagnosis of the results of physical education and development of preschool children. PC: 5.4, 5.5.ON: 6

Development of proposals for the correction of the process of physical education. PC: 5.4.ON: 8

Goal and tasks practices

Target: mastering the system of work on event organization, aimed at improving the health of the child and his physical development.

Tasks practices:

to form a system of professional skills and abilities necessary for the educator for planning, organizing and holding events, aimed at improving the health of the child and his physical development;

to form the ability to observe, analyze and conduct introspection event organization, aimed at improving the health of the child and his physical development, evaluate their effectiveness;

develop the ability to choose pedagogical techniques and technology, adequate to the priority tasks of education at this age level;

to form the skills and abilities of diagnosing physical education and development and drawing up recommendations for their correction;

to create conditions for the development of professionally significant personality traits, to form a stable moral and humanistic view of the profession of an educator and other specialists.

During teaching practice students must master practical experience:

organizations and conducting routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping, directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion;

organizations and conducting morning exercises, classes, walks, hardening procedures, sports activities and holidays in accordance with the age of children;

organizations and monitoring changes in the well-being of children during their stay in an educational institution;

interaction with the medical staff of the educational institution on issues children's health;

diagnostics of the results of physical education and development;

observation and analysis events in physical education;

development of proposals for the correction of the process of physical education;

master the skill:

determine the goals, objectives, content, methods and means of physical education and development of preschool children;

plan work on physical education and development of children in accordance with the age and mode of operation of the educational institution;

create pedagogical conditions for washing, dressing, eating, organizations sleep according to age;

work to prevent child injury: check equipment, materials, inventory, facilities for suitability for use in working with children;

use sports equipment and equipment during the educational process;

show children physical exercises, rhythmic movements to music;

determine how to control the state health, changes in the well-being of each child during the period of stay in an educational institution;

identify ways pedagogical student support;

analyze the conduct of routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping, events motor regimen (morning exercises, classes, walks, hardening, sports activities, holidays) in an educational institution.

During the production practices every student must master professional competencies (PC) and general competencies (OK corresponding to the type of professional activity

Code Name of the result of mastering the program practices

PC1.1. To plan Events, health promotion child and his physical development.

PC1.2. Spend regime moments (washing, dressing, eating, etc.) according to age.

PC1.3. Conduct Events on physical education in the process of performing the motor regimen (morning exercises, classes, walks, hardening, sports activities, holidays, etc.).

PC1.4. Realize pedagogical condition monitoring health of every child, promptly inform the medical worker about changes in his state of health.

PC5.2. Create a subject-developing environment in the group.

PC3.5. Maintain documentation that organization of classes

OK 01 Understand the essence and social significance of their future profession show a sustained interest in it.

OK02. organize own activities, determine ways, control and evaluate the solution of professional problems.

OK 07. Set goals, motivate the activities of pupils, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the quality of the educational process.

OK10. To prevent injuries, ensure the safety of life and children's health provide first aid, organize and conduct events for the protection of children and adults in emergency situations.

OK11. Build professional activity in compliance with the legal provisions governing it

Activities during the period practice on PM 01

1. Study of medical records.

2. Acquaintance with the subject environment, directed « Health» and "Physical Culture".

3. Observation and analysis of the results of observations of changes in the well-being of children during their stay in the preschool.

4. Observation and analysis of regime moments.

5. Diagnosis of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.

6. Carrying out regime moments.


Head of the preschool educational institution - Astrakhantseva Larisa Borisovna

Educator-head - Merinova Elena Viktorovna

Assistant educator - Varfolomeeva Irina Nikolaevna


days practice Content of the work

Every day (May 17-26) Analysis of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution, directed for implementation educational areas « Health» and "Physical Culture"

Every day (May 17-26) Diagnostics of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children

Every day (May 17-26)Analysis of medical records in preschool: adaptation sheet, sheet (passport) health.

Help the educator in conducting regime moments.

Every day (May 17-26) Observation and analysis of the results of observations of changes in the well-being of children during their stay in an educational institution.

Every day (May 17-26) Organization and carrying out routine moments of the 1st half of the day (washing, dressing, eating, walking, sleeping, directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion; outdoor games

Every day (May 17-26) Organization and holding routine moments of the 2nd half of the day (washing, dressing, eating, directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion; organization and carrying out hardening procedures and gymnastics after sleep.

Group daily routine



08.15 – 08.30 BREAKFAST;



10.15 - 12.00 FIRST WALK;

12.10 – 13.00 LUNCH;

13.00 - 15.00 DAY SLEEP;






Task 1. The state of the physical children's health.Analysis of documentation in the preschool educational institution: adaptation sheet, sheet (passport) health.

Target: to study the state of the physical children's health group.

1. Talk with a medical worker of the preschool educational institution, a teacher about the state of physical children's health.

2. Get acquainted with the medical documentation - a sheet of adaptation of a child of a nursery group within a month with conclusions on the severity of the past adaptation, a passport (sheet) health groups with recommendations for the educator.

3. Fill in the table

Sheet (passport) health groups is a document filled out regularly teachers working in DOO. It reflects the quality and dynamics children's health and development; his individual physical and personality traits. The use of the Passport in kindergartens makes it possible to accompany the pupil and give support a systematic (continuous, complex and individual character, focused on preventing risk factors, problems and crises, taking into account the state children's health, which allows you to optimize the development processes and health improvement of preschoolers.

I. F child age, date of birth Group health

Task 2. Acquaintance with the subject environment, directed for the implementation of educational areas "Physical development"

Pay attention to:

Sanitary and hygienic condition

Variety of sports equipment and attributes (items)

Rationality of location of physical culture equipment and attributes

Aesthetic design of the gym

The group room has

Skittles, balls, Swedish wall, rope, ring toss, gymnastic stick

The gym has sports equipment.: balls, hoops, flags, tambourine, sandbags, "track health» , gymnastic board.

Schedule of physical education classes in the age group where I go practice

Group exercise - Tuesday, Thursday

Walking exercise - Monday, Wednesday

General conclusion:

In the kindergarten, namely in the gym, there is all the necessary equipment for physical activities. On the site there is a sports ground, equipped in accordance with the requirements.

Task 3. Observation and analysis of the results of observations of changes in the well-being of children during their stay in an educational institution.

Target: observe changes in the well-being of two children according to the proposed scheme and draw conclusions

Scheme for monitoring and evaluating the emotional states of children

Kind of activity

Name child Activities during break times Organized activity Unorganized activity(free play)

He does exercises with pleasure, basically he performs all physical exercises correctly.

She knows how to wash her hands herself, to dry herself with her own towel.

Sleeps at nap time.

Carefully works in the classroom, listens to the teacher. Tries to fulfill the tasks and instructions of the educator. calmly plays "Barbershop", "Score", in board-printed games. Gets along with other children.

Prevents the teacher from doing morning exercises or does not do it at all.

He doesn’t go to wash with the guys. Later comes one.

Doesn't sleep during sleep. Inattentive, does not listen to the teacher. Does not try, refuses to fulfill the tasks and instructions of the educator. Aggressively refers to both peers and teachers. Runs around the group, screaming. Fights with both girls and boys. Prevents other children from playing. Does not respond to the comments of the teacher. Crying and complaining about peers.

findings: after analyzing the children - Masha and Timofey, I made the following conclusion.

Maria is a pretty obedient, attentive, neat, disciplined girl. Timofey is the complete opposite of Masha: he does not listen to the teacher, does not respond to his remarks, does not get along with the children, a complete lack of discipline. After watching Masha and Tima on practice, we can confidently conclude that Masha feels quite comfortable surrounded by children and caregivers, and Timofey does not like to be in someone else's environment.

Task 4. Observation and analysis of regime moments.

Target: analyze regime moments of the first and second half of the day.

Observe and analyze routine moments (reception of children, washing, morning exercises, dressing, eating, sleeping, etc.) directed for the education of cultural and hygienic skills and health promotion according to age. according to the proposed schemes.

Scheme for analyzing the conduct of regime moments in a preschool educational institution

1. How organized preparation of the premises for the regime moment. Before the arrival of the children, the teacher ventilates the room, and the nanny performs wet cleaning, arranges tables and chairs. Furniture and other equipment is fully appropriate for the age and height of children. The teacher distributes the duty of the children in advance.

2. Dayo Do children have a preliminary setting for holding a routine moment: Yes

3. Is the principle of consistency and gradualness observed when ? Yes, it is.

4. Are the responsibilities distributed correctly between the educator and the nanny when organization of regime moment? Yes, right.

5. Are the uniform requirements for children observed by the educator and the nanny? Yes, they are.

6. What skills do children have? Children possess the necessary skills and abilities of activity. The level of their formation in accordance with program requirements. Middle level.

7. What methods does the educator use to develop KPs ​​and self-service skills in children? Their correspondence age characteristics children. The teacher uses the art word: poems, nursery rhymes. Completely age appropriate.

8. Do children show independence? Do they help each other? Yes, children show independence in labor assignments, in independent activities. Children try to help each other. And with great desire to help the teacher.

Task 5. Diagnosis of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.

Target: to assess the level of formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children

Analyze the program requirements for the level of development of cultural and hygienic skills of preschoolers (washing, eating, dressing and undressing) in a specific age group.

Assess the level of formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of a particular age group of preschool educational institutions, while doing this work, rely on the data given in the "Table of increasing volume and complication of the content of skills throughout the preschool age."

Conclusion: I passed practice in the second junior group. I watched for two days and spent regime moments with the children. All the guys already know and know how to handle soap, water, towels; know how to dress and undress themselves, hang their things neatly. The guys behave culturally at the table: do not talk while eating, do not indulge, do not put elbows on the table, chew food with their mouths closed. They can already notice the disorder in their clothes and eliminate it, if not, then they turn to adults for help.

Thus, I believe that the caregivers are second junior group "Baby" formed in children all the KHNs that are indicated in the program.

Task 6. Carrying out regime moments

Target: Organize independently sensitive moments at 1 and 2 noon and make self-analysis of their conduct.

Summaries of regime moments should be presented in diary.

Self-analysis of regime processes in the first half of the day

Difficulties, :

There were no difficulties.


Morning gymnastics.


art word: poems, nursery rhymes. Sport equipment: tambourine, gymnastic board, balls, hoops, musical accompaniment.

Difficulties, arising during the:

Organize all the kids.

Causes of difficulties:

The children did not obey and did not want to do exercises.

(suggestions for improvement):

Sedentary and unorganized children. Find a special approach to them.

General conclusion

Self-analysis of morning exercises

Difficulties, arising in preparation for morning exercises:

Organization of all children.

The most successful was:

Exercises for motor activity and the respiratory system.

Used methods and techniques organizationsmotor activity of children:

verbal method, visual method, practical method, game method.

Difficulties, arising during the:

Involve children in joint activities.

Causes of difficulties:

Disorganization of children.

Next time pay attention to (suggestions for improvement):

Sedentary and unorganized children. Find a special approach to them.

General conclusion:

I really enjoyed exercising with the kids. Children got a good emotional mood for the whole day.

Self-analysis of regime processes in the second half of the day

Difficulties, arising in preparation for conducting regime processes:

There were no difficulties.

The most successful was:

Washing, gymnastics after sleep.

Used methods and techniques for the formation of CGT:

art word: poems, nursery rhymes.

Difficulties, arising during the:

There were no difficulties.

General conclusion

The most successful thing I managed to do in the second half of the day is gymnastics after sleep, washing. The children all unquestioningly performed gymnastics exercises and together went to wash everything.

The undergraduate practice was carried out within the framework of kindergarten No. 41 from 19.04.12 to 02.05.12. Kindergarten No. 41 is preschool with priority development in physical culture.

As part of this kindergarten, I underwent educational, educational, pedagogical and industrial practice, so I am already familiar with the routine and methods of work in this institution.

Pre-diploma practice is carried out to master the initial professional experience, to test the professional readiness of the future specialist for independent work and to collect materials for the final qualifying work.

This practice is related to thesis, builds skills research activities and contributes to better development and implementation of the thesis.

A specialist with "Preschool education" should be able to solve problems corresponding to his degree and qualifications:

Participate in practical applied activities. Own basic pedagogical methods and tricks;

Competently set and solve pedagogical problems;

Conduct teaching activities in preschool educational institutions.

In accordance with the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, a preschool education specialist can carry out professional activities.

This type of practice provides for the generalization and analysis of the experience gained in the process of preparing and writing term papers, previous practices, the implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills during the study period, as well as preparation for writing a final qualifying work.

Undergraduate practice as the final stage of the main educational program teaching the direction of preparation "Preschool education" has its own goals and objectives.

The objectives of the practice are:

Formation of an individual style in the pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher;

Consolidation and improvement of professional skills and abilities determined by a comprehensive plan of practical training;

Preparation for writing a graduation thesis.

The objectives of the practice are:

Improving the ability to select and use the most effective forms and methods of educational work with children, taking into account variable programs and technologies;

Formation of skills to rationally use the methodological and material base of a preschool institution;

Improving the skills to work with parents;

Application of a creative approach to the choice of different forms of work planning educational and educational work with children;

The use of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the study of individual children and the team as a whole.

Development of scenarios for theatrical performances aimed at the aesthetic education of preschool children.

During the internship, the work was built according to the long-term plan, approved by the senior educator and head of the MBDOU d / s No. 41. The direct basis for planning was the program "Childhood", according to which this MBDOU works. Based on a long-term plan that reflected all types learning activities, the prospect of developing cultural and hygienic skills, role-playing games, work activities and work with parents, made up a calendar-thematic plan, which described in detail all types of children's activities and work with them. Long-term and calendar-thematic planning allowed me to properly build work with children, see the prospects for the development of children and competently distribute activities without missing anything in my work. For setting goals and objectives in the long-term and calendar-thematic terms, in addition to the "Program" I used study guides using private methods, children's literary and artistic works, I was also helped by materials collected in the methodological office of the institution. For more fruitful work, I collected card indexes of observations, outdoor and didactic games, physical minutes. Riddles, poems, proverbs and sayings were also selected, which helped a lot in carrying out various regime moments and organizing classes.

In the first half of the day in the morning period, much attention was paid to creating a positive mood in the group with the help of dialogues with children, various word games, such as “Call kindly”, “Hello, friend!” and others. didactic games in order to develop in children the mental processes of attention, thinking, etc., individual work was also carried out with children in all types of children's activities. Planned and independent play activity children in play corners, where children learned to distribute roles among themselves, agree on the implementation of game rules, and also learned to choose a business according to their interests, at will. I set myself the task of attracting uncommunicative children to games with peers, for which I myself took on various roles, played games with children, used the artistic word and other methods and techniques to influence children. Morning exercises were carried out daily with the children. The children enjoyed participating in all of the above activities. During the morning reception of the children, she did not experience any particular difficulties, but I would like to note that the parents did not always bring the children to the garden on time, which made it difficult to plan individual work in the morning period of time. In general, the planned work for this period of time was completed.

During the internship in the group, I implemented educational activities for the development of speech, applications, drawing, the development of elementary mathematical concepts and familiarization with others.

In order to conduct educational activities with children, I prepared in advance and conscientiously, for which I drew up outline plans, selected visual and handout materials, looked for and taught poems, nursery rhymes, etc., produced various didactic material. Walks were carried out in the allotted day and evening. During the walk with the children outdoor games were held, observations were made. Observations of animate and inanimate nature helped to form children's ideas about objects and natural phenomena, helped to establish cause-and-effect relationships in nature, instill in children a love for the environment, develop memory, thinking, and imagination.

Outdoor games during the walk were carried out according to the plan, including games of low and high mobility. In outdoor games, the most favorable conditions were created for the development of physical qualities: dexterity, speed, strength, endurance. Also, during the games, the children practiced counting, orientation in space, and learned to interact with each other.

Individual work with children on a walk was carried out with the aim of increasing the motor activity of sedentary children, repeating and consolidating previously acquired knowledge and skills in physical education, speech development, mathematics, ecology, and fine arts.

Also during the walk, work was planned and carried out on the labor education of children. I tried to diversify the work of labor education, which made it possible to involve all children in the performance of labor assignments, to systematically and systematically include children in joint work with the teacher and individual work.

In the afternoon, I paid much attention to the development of role-playing games and theatrical games. My task was to develop the ability of children to choose a role for themselves, to perform several interconnected actions in the game, and also to teach children to interact with each other in the game.

During the theatrical games:

 expand and deepen children's knowledge of the world around them;

 mental processes develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination;

 stimulated mental operations;

 there is a development of various analyzers: visual, auditory, motor speech;

 vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, melodic-intonation side of speech, tempo, expressiveness of speech are activated and improved;

 motor skills, coordination, smoothness, switchability, purposefulness of movements are improved;

 develops the emotional-volitional sphere;

 Behavior modification

 a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other develops, the experience of moral behavior is formed;

 development of creative, search activity, independence is stimulated;

 participation in theatrical games gives children joy, arouses active interest, captivates them.

Stages of the performance

1. Choice of a play or dramatization, reading, discussion.

2. Division into episodes and retelling them by children.

3. Work on episodes in the form of sketches with improvised text.

4. Search for a musical and plastic solution for individual studies, staging dances, songs, creating sketches of scenery and costumes with children and parents.

5. Transition to the text of the play: work on episodes (expressiveness of speech, authenticity of behavior in stage conditions).

6. Rehearsal of individual paintings in different compositions with details of scenery and props (possibly conditional), with musical accompaniment.

7. Rehearsal of the entire play with costumes, props, scenery. Specifying the tempo of the performance.

8. Premiere of the play. Discussion with children, viewers.

9. Rerun of the performance. Preparation of an exhibition of children's drawings based on the performance, as well as a stand or an album with photographs.

In addition, according to the plan of the final qualifying work, I diagnosed the level of aesthetic education of children of senior preschool age and used the data obtained to organize the educational process. Then I staged and played performances (Appendices 1-4). In the process of creating a theatrical performance, children learn to express feelings and thoughts in an artistic form and, thereby, liberate their personality. Using the entire richest arsenal of theatrical means, they also receive purely playful pleasure, which allows them to deeply consolidate their skills.

Throughout the day, during all regime moments, I worked on the development and improvement of cultural and hygienic skills, both individually and with a group of children. To do this, I used an artistic word, a reminder, explanations, a personal example and encouragement.

During the internship, much attention was paid to the development of labor skills and abilities in children. Throughout the day: on a walk, in preparation for classes, when working in a corner of nature, she systematically included children in the performance of labor activities, both individually and as a whole group, with the help of instructions and requests. Children were happy to join in the work together with the teacher and other children. By the end of the internship, it was possible to solve the tasks set in the long-term plan, the children performed various tasks with pleasure, tried to help adults in everything, and strove to perform labor actions with high quality.

I worked with parents according to the plan: folders-movers were designed, health corners were replenished, a number of parent meetings were held in different groups.

In the process of work were used:

1. Visual Methods: observations, showing illustrations and paintings, showing an image;

2. Verbal methods: explanation, story, reading works of art, explanation;

3. Game methods: didactic games, playing out fairy tales, outdoor games.

When organizing classes, game techniques (surprise moments), questions for children, showing a sample with an examination, explanation, and help were used.

Taking into account the results of the work done, I made the following recommendations to educators and narrow specialists of MBDOU d / s No. 41:

1. Create conditions for creative activity children. Encourage performing creativity in theatrical activities, develop the ability to freely and liberatedly hold on during a performance, encourage improvisation by means of facial expressions, expressive movements and intonation.

2. Ensure the relationship of theatrical activities with other types of children's activities in a single pedagogical process.

Appendix 1

Scenario of the play "Rainbow"

Calm music sounds, birds chirp.
