Russian language

Author: Zaitsev N. A.
Publisher: N.Zaitsev Methods LLC, St. Petersburg.

Tutorial. Set for home, group, class.
The kit includes:

6 cardboard sheets of "B2" format tables (520 × 720 mm).
4 sheets of "B3" format tables (360 × 520 mm).
61 cardboard cubes (50 x 50 mm and 60 x 60 mm).
Audio CD (size 5").
"Textbook for parents, educators, teachers" (128 pages, color printing).

Packing: corrugated box.
Weight: 3.50 kg.
Size: 660×380×70mm

retail price, without delivery

p 4500
€ 59

"Zaitsev's Cubes" is a manual for teaching reading from the age of two and can be used in the family, kindergarten and school. The technique gives good results in working with children diagnosed with ZPR, ONR, MMD, alalia, autism, as well as with visually impaired, hearing impaired and deaf. The manual can be used in teaching children and adults for whom Russian is not their native language.

Education is based on the analytical-synthetic method using warehouse blocks and takes place in the form of a fun and exciting game, during which preschoolers have time to start reading before the fun gets bored.

The letters on the cubes and in the tables are of such a size that they are clearly visible even from ten meters away - it is important that from the very beginning the children do not experience any visual strain. The tables are located on the wall, their lower edge is at a height of 165-170 cm from the floor - in order to avoid violations of posture, you need to work more often while standing, with your head up. Under the tables there is a shelf of three boards to make up words from cubes on it.

The cubes differ in color (“golden”, “iron”, “wooden”, white with green punctuation marks), volume (large, small, double), weight (filled with pieces of iron and pieces of wood included in the kit), the sound of the filler, which is distributed when shaking them. The goal is to provide involuntary, fast, reliable memorization.

Writing with a pointer through the cells of the tables also connects the “memory of the body”: are the necessary letters located above, below, left, in the middle or on the right? Looking for books on the shelves, we not only remember their color, thickness, height, but also their location: the legs themselves step where they need to, the hand stretches, the head turns. And only at the last second the gaze is focused.

In the audio recording, columns and rows of tables, the alphabet, to the accompaniment of bayan and balalaika, are sung to 35 popular, mostly folk melodies. Rhythmic pronunciation, and even better singing with musical accompaniment, is a powerful means of influencing memory.

"Side" results accompanying the process of entering the reading:

  • develop literacy skills,
  • speech therapy defects are corrected,
  • speech becomes clearer and more distinct, thanks to the constant pronunciation and singing of warehouses,
  • rapidly expanding vocabulary
  • formed logical thinking,
  • develops the ability to work independently, the ability to obtain the necessary knowledge.

The technique is natural and health-saving. Children not only do not lose health as a result of training, but cases of correction of existing shortcomings (improvement of vision, correction of incipient scoliosis) have also been recorded.

The long-term practice of teachers working according to Zaitsev's methods allows us to provide statistics on the duration of children's education different ages(provided that classes are held for 30-60 minutes 2 times a week).

Elena Neretina
Project "Teaching children to read using N. A. Zaitsev's cubes"

« Teaching children to read with cubes. BUT. Zaitsev»

Relevance and usefulness of innovation.

Due to recent developments in the field preschool education, literacy education for children alternative methods have become irrelevant.

GEF pursues the goal of creating equality of opportunity for everyone

child in obtaining a quality preschool education. Specificity preschool age is such that achievements children preschool age is determined not by the sum of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but by a combination of personal qualities, including those that ensure the child's psychological readiness for school. The standards say that it is necessary to waive training model in kindergarten, i.e. from classes.

The standard requires the appeal of educators and teachers to new forms of work with children that would allow teachers, figuratively speaking, teach

preschoolers without even knowing it. The difference between preschool education and general education lies in the fact that there is no rigid objectivity in kindergarten, the basis of development is the game.

Desire of specialists (teachers - speech therapists) to use new technologies in the work is caused primarily by the specifics children with severe speech impairment. Using the phonemic method learning, educators often felt powerless in the face of the persistent failure of some children. These children hardly mastered the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis. For them sometimes it turns out inaccessible: such abstract-symbolic concepts as "vowel", hard and soft consonants, "letter", "syllable", "dot", "emphasis", "scheme of a word, sentence" etc. A particular difficulty for children represents the assimilation of iotized vowels, soft consonants. And although most of the graduates of speech therapy groups go to school, having mastered the mechanism reading, among them, by the end of the first grade, a huge percentage of dysgraphics and dyslexics is revealed. Thus, the traditional approach to learning literacy in kindergarten does not always meet the modern requirements of the school, since it does not solve the problem of preventing writing disorders well enough.

N.A. system Zaitsev refers to non-traditional systems learning. It was originally developed for teaching children to read without deviations in development, starting from 2 years of age and ending at 7-8 years of age. But the most important thing is not even the age range, but the pace and quality children's education.

An ordinary child of 6-7 years old learns to read according to this system in 2-3 months, a child with speech pathology - in 4-5 months. To be sure, here are some numbers. Out of 10 children with OHP, three read phrases after 2 months, the rest only read words. After another 3 months seven children mastered the syllable by reading, and three fugitives. So the whole period training took 5 months, but among these children five had a secondary diagnosis of “ZPR”, two had stuttering. These data in the course of my work and allowed me to conclude that the proposed Zaitsev system, about its need for defectologists.

Distinctive features of the program

According to the methodology Zaitseva all learning to read is built on cubes and wall charts. « Learning to read with Zaitsev's cubes» - games-activities based on the warehouse principle learning H. BUT. Zaitsev(memorizing warehouses, singing them).

Used large and small cubes, there are single and double, gold, iron, wooden. Available white cube with punctuation marks. Letters on cubes written in different colors. They differ in weight, in the sound and vibration of the filler, etc. Each feature has its own purpose in order to solve certain problems in learning to read. At the same time with cubes in training special warehouse tables are used.

The fundamental difference between the methodology learning to read. BUT. Zaitsev from traditional methods in that the child learns to read without composing words from individual letters, and not by syllables, but by warehouses. It is important that the child sees all the warehouses at once, and not one at a time. From these warehouses, like from bricks, the baby builds a word, gradually moving from letter to reading. Exit to reading through singing - this is an integral principle in the methodology of N.A. Zaitsev. Therefore, warehouses are sung, and not spoken out. The alphabet is also sung, with which the children get acquainted a little later.

The game is built into a complex process of mastering many educational skills. It involves the interpenetration of different types activities: observation, examination, conversation, table reading, reading and"letter" cubes, reading works of Russian folk art (lullabies, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, teasers, fables, etc.).

Thus, playing cubes, the child increases the number of channels of perception through which information enters, resulting in increased efficiency learning. At learning to read according to Zaitsev the child begins to read after a few lessons.

Target project:

Children's education preschool age conscious, correct reading by warehouses with the transition to whole word reading, further develop skills reading sentences. Training children to school.

Tasks project:

introduce children with cubes and tables to learn to distinguish cubes by color, sound, size, classify them;

Work on the phonetic and phonemic side of speech, singing warehouse chants;

Confidently name warehouses on cubes and table, make words;

Easy and fun to introduce the child to learning to read;

Develop oral speech by singing warehouses according to the table, cubes;

Contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary and development of the child's speech;

Develop at children attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills of hands, hearing;

Cultivate love for your native language.

Motivational stage


Develop speech and cognitive activity;

To instill interest in the book, a taste for independent reading;

Develop dialogic speech children.

Age children

The project for children aged 4 to 6 years. The age of the child affects teaching reading according to the method N. BUT. Zaitsev. Productive learning to read directly related to the development of cognitive abilities children. At 4-5 years old, children can already analyze the properties of the objects around them. It is at this age that children there is an interest in letters, so you can start preparing for learning to read. Preparing for teaching children to read preschool age, should include games that contribute to the development of skills reading. They are aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking and fine motor skills.

By reading, the child develops his speech, because reading is one of the varieties of speech (written);

Reading and memorizing new words, the child develops thinking, increases vocabulary;

- reading helps the child to remember the standards for constructing sentences, and he himself begins to build his speech correctly;

For a child reading- this is the new kind obtaining information, now he can independently find out the information of interest to him.

Expected results programs:

By the end of the first year learning children should:

Know, speak and show correctly "golden", "iron", "wooden" warehouses (table and cubes) ;

classify cubes;

Take over warehouse reading words.

By the end of the second year learning children should:

Be able to allocate a shock warehouse;

master reading alphabet songs;

Implementation timeline project(time, stages of work)

Implementation time project

Duration training - 2 years(1st year education - for children 4-5 years old;

2nd year education for children 5-6 years old).

Number of classes in week:

First year training - 2 times.

Second year training - 2 times.

The duration of one lessons:

1st year learning- 2 times a week for 20 minutes

2nd year learning- 2 times a week for 25 min.

System work Zaitseva starts with children who cannot read and write, those who know the letters who do not own sound-letter analysis or insufficiently owned.

Stages of work

Stage 1 preparatory

Goals: draw attention to cubes and tables develop the ability to manipulate cubes learn to follow the actions of the teacher and follow his instructions.

This stage is quite simple and very short 5-6 lessons. However, in each lesson it is necessary to include 1-2 more difficult tasks necessary to ensure the “zone of proximal development”. At this stage, children learn to twist correctly cubes in hand looking at each side depicting warehouses. A special and important technique at this stage is the singing of warehouses in the process of manipulating cube. The teacher first turns himself cube in hand, singing like a scale, and not reading, each warehouse, and the pronounced side cube facing the child. The meaning of this regularly used exercise is in the development of the rhythmic-intonation side of speech, concentration of attention and memorization of warehouses. In other words, the child develops a coordinated work of the system of analyzers, develops a sense of the sound side of speech. This is especially clearly seen when singing warehouses according to the tables.

In the first lessons, such types of work are used as the selection of all cubes having this letter

"Game" Locomotive "


learn to work with cubes, choosing the side with a given vowel on them;

Promote memory and reading warehouses with the same

Learn how to find what you need cube;

Bring attention to work cubes;

The game "classification"


To draw attention children to cubes;

Show me how to spin cube in your hand and sing his song;

Learn to remember the name of various groups cubes;

Learn while handling cubes sort the cubes according to features: deaf - voiced, hard - soft.

“Look and repeat”, where the teacher first composes a short word in front of the child, then mixes and turns these cubes and invites the child to reproduce the word again. You can also use a lot of other games described by N.A. Zaitsev in his book “Letter, reading, account”, invent your own and modify existing ones. At this stage, the work differs from the idea Zaitsev speed of "singing" cubes, which should be low enough, and frequent repetitions of the same games. Also, such techniques are used in the work as showing, changing intonation to attract attention, associated actions with the child. (twist together cube) and increased physical activity (all the time on the move). Thus, this stage can be considered simplified, which is caused by psycho-somatic features children of this category.

The same simplification can be seen in working with tables that are included in learning from the first lesson. As mentioned above, singing songs is also provided for working with tables. The teacher, leading a long pointer along the rows of squares with warehouses, does not read, but sings these rows to any motive - from “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” to “Moscow evenings”, and the children follow the tip of the pointer and try to repeat after the teacher. If children the sound pronunciation is grossly violated, then at this stage it is possible to sing only easily pronounceable sounds: k, t, c, g, m, n,. But in the future (starting from 3-4 lessons) you need to enter all the other letters, and it was noticed that thanks to the constant, voluntary singing of songs (which, by the way, children really like, they have much better automated skills worked out on individual lessons sounds. That is why it is possible to introduce work on tables and cubes for a speech pathologist to correct sound pronunciation.

At the same, short, stage, such a form of work as the teacher's compilation of words from words is introduced and remains for a long time. cubes, and it can be absolutely any words, from “soup”, “cupboard”, to “Batman”, “transformer”, depending on the requests children. This game looks like this. The speech therapist invites children to “go to the toy store” and “buy” whatever they want. Children name their favorite toys, the speech therapist lays out words from cubes on the shelf hanging on the wall, making sure that all the children looked at his manipulations with cubes. After the word is on the shelf, the speech therapist runs his finger over the word, reading it slowly, intonation reflecting parts of the word, that is, warehouses (ma-shi-n-ka, that is, 4 cube) . Then the word is read a second time, but together with the children. So it is necessary to work with every word, since imitation occupies a large place in learning.

Main stage.

« Reading one word»

Goals: learn children put words out of cubes and read them, feel the length of the word, put everything cubes nearby, avoiding gaps between warehouses, operate with concepts "emphasis" and « capital letter» , work according to warehouse pictures.

Children begin to navigate quite easily in a heap cubes lying on the table and find the right cube the pattern quickly enough. Table work remains throughout this period, and games with cubes become significantly more difficult. Now children can independently read most of the warehouses on cubes, that is, there is a mastery by reading open syllables . Thanks to the constant singing of songs cubes and tables in children the ability was formed not only to read the desired warehouse, but also to visually correlate the planar warehouse of the table with the warehouse on cube, search for the desired warehouse by twisting cube in hand. Here we can talk about the intensive development of orientation in space. The ability to trace the columns and rows of warehouses on the table is also actively formed, which is of great importance when writing and reading. Of course, not all children have reached the optimal level. reading warehouses at this point, because cognitive activity and the level of development of thinking in all children different. Someone from children already ready to make up words from cubes, someone is at the level of singing and, therefore, only memorizes warehouses. Still, you shouldn't keep these kids on their low, it is better to offer more complex types of work. So, at this second stage learning, the teacher not only composes words from cubes and reads them to children, requiring repetition, but also actively attracts children to self-composing words from cubes. The more words in the class, the better. You can use games like

“Magic Words”, where children from any cubes, chosen at random, make up a word, and then with the help of a speech therapist they try to read it, and then decide who got it funnier: shapuli, koshavu, etc. The game is also often used

“Guess”, where the teacher puts 4 to 10 toys in front of the children and lays them out cubes the name of only one. Children try to guess, using the elimination method, which word is laid out, focusing on toys. In the same period, the most active are games where children themselves try to write any words. (with the help of a teacher, if required): their names, the names of their parents and favorite animals, the names of toys, cartoons, sweets, etc. In case of difficulty, you need to show the necessary warehouses on the table, the children first look for the right one cube, then the desired warehouse on it and lay out the word they want to write.

Thus, at this stage, the following tasks: teach put children out of cubes words yourself, read short words, correctly search for the right cube, relying on the table, feel the length of the word (that is, its finiteness, put everything cubes nearby, avoiding gaps between warehouses, determine the stressed syllable and correctly put on words cube with accent.

Warehouse pictures game looks something like So: a speech therapist shows children pictures of a lion, a ram, a cat, etc. (up to 10 pictures). After mixing and a new demonstration, for example, the word “LEO” without a hint picture, a frenzied work of thought begins. The children are screaming out following: "frog!" (according to the first syllable they could read, “cat!” (according to the length of the word, “bow!” (according to the first letter, “rhinoceros!” (just shout something, and finally someone then: "a lion!". The child is given a picture, the game continues in the same spirit. The one with the most pictures wins. This process cannot yet be called by reading, everything here is based on a guess, but it is these exercises that accelerate the pace of mastering by reading, enrich vocabulary, activate inactive children and give some discharge to the disinhibited. A similar approach for teaching children to read used earlier by M. Montessori and called it “intuitive reading". I would especially like to emphasize the great importance of warehouse pictures in the work of a teacher in a special school. This is a real find for children with learning difficulties, since it allows you to activate the dictionary as much as possible at all, develops logical thinking, attention, memory.

In time, this stage lasts 12-15 lessons (about a month, after which most children already able to post simple words such as “poppy”, “shovel”, “fish”, “ball”, “shelf”, “thunder”, read them, post your names and surnames, it is better to read stock pictures. However, if we take into account the age of first-graders, then many children by the end of this stage, the ability to read not only individual words, but also phrases can be formed. Difficulties can be caused by words with consonant clusters and soft consonants. That is why at this stage, the hallmark is the work on phonemic perception, without which children would not be able to write words with a consonant confluence for a long time. This work is carried out by a speech therapist or teacher in accordance with the program, but in a much smaller volume. It is only necessary to develop the ability children hear a given sound in a word and determine the place of the sound in the word. Work on sound-letter analysis is not carried out at all, because, firstly, it is not necessary, and secondly, it would only slow down children's education, since the storage principle implies immediately starting to read from open syllables. That is why, in particular, this principle is best suited for children with deviations - children, as a rule, find it difficult to master sound-letter analysis, and they bypass this stage altogether, immediately operating with the syllable.

Final stage.

Goals: teach everyone put children out of cubes short non-prepositional phrases, read them, give an idea of ​​a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and the distance between words, a period at the end of a sentence, a comma, and also teach how to draw letters with a pencil and felt-tip pen on paper and chalk on a board.

Clearly defined children who have mastered the mechanism reading and for whom it is difficult. Oddly enough, but the most powerful and capable of reading sometimes there are children with the greatest speech and intellectual problems, while the lighter ones have difficulty absorbing the material. Capable children by this time are already laying out and reading short phrases, and some have difficulty reading short words. This stage took us about 2 months, but it is necessary to devote all the time to the consolidation of the acquired skills until the end. school year ie 5-6 months. At this stage, still used cubes to draw up short phrases. Children lay out sentences both under dictation and according to the model from the book. The ability to lay out words according to a model is consolidated (according to a warehouse picture, tables are not left without attention, work on which did not stop all time: children independently and together with the teacher lead a pointer on the table, composing words, phrases. By the end of the school year, the children have well learned the concepts of “deaf sound”, “voiced sound”, “ soft sound”, “hard sound”, “consonant”, “vowel”.

To implement tasks project games are used with a subgroup children, combining in yourself:


Didactic games;

Solving riddles;

1. Verbal methods learning:

a) an explanation

b) singing (sounds and warehouses).

2. Visual Methods learning:

a) show cubes, tables;

b) use additional benefits(pictures - associations, illustrations, cards, board - printed games);

c) show how to act.

3. Practical methods learning:

a) joint activity of an adult and children;

b) independent children's activities.

Implementation conditions project:


Group classes are held in a special room - an office. The placement and area of ​​​​the office correspond to the instructions on designing preschool institutions (according to the Regulations on the DOW)


Training conducts, teacher - speech therapist I KK having certificate confirming the right to teaching children to read according to the method N. BUT. Zaitsev Neretina Elena Pavlovna


The office is adequately lit; there is a wardrobe for storing didactic material; a board on which you can place pictures, write letters, give a schematic representation of an object; shelves to work with cubes; audio recorder,

Information Support.

Didactic material: 4 sheets of OT tables (360x520mm);

52 cardboard cube(50x50mm and 60x60mm); educational audio cassette with tunes of all warehouses;

240 thematic pictures,

associative pictures by N. Pyatibratova.

Selection of riddles, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, verses, fables, crossword puzzles. Tutorial "A textbook for parents, educators, teachers" ON THE Zaitsev, fourth edition, St. Petersburg, 2005 ,

allowance "I study and memorize letters" N. Pyatibratova.

Final event:

Open classes at the end of each year.


Many researchers of school maladaptation singled out interhemispheric asymmetry as one of its causes. That is, such children the formation of the dominant hemisphere (sensory channel of perception - visual, auditory, kinesthetic) is delayed. A peculiar structure of mental development is formed and speech becomes the most vulnerable, there are violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, voluntary activity and motivation. At learning literacy according to the N.A. system Zaitsev children with an unformed dominant hemisphere are fully involved in the work, since the system involves relying on all the main channels of perception. The system implements a compensatory approach to learning, which is a prerequisite for the work of a speech therapist and defectologist.

The study of the neuropsychological aspects of this technique allows us to conclude that learning to read according to the H system. BUT. Zaitsev is one of the steps speech therapy work, which is qualitatively different from the traditional work on learning literacy in kindergarten, because it is outside the scope of the program.

You can study according to the method of Nikolai Zaitsev not only in the children's development center, but also at home. Get manuals, tables, a long pointer and the cubes themselves. Begin?

As you may have guessed, this technique is different from the usual for absolutely everyone. Is that the letters here also learn to write. But not immediately in copybooks for preschoolers or in squared notebooks. The nervous system of the baby is not yet ready for small writing, it is difficult for the fingers. And according to the “I write beautifully” manual, everything happens easier, the child does not spoil his eyesight and posture, because the manual consists of 46 cards, where the letters are divided into elements and written in large.

You can practice writing both printed and capital letters, and there are numbers here too. And who said that it is necessary to do this at the table? Attach it to the board with a magnet - and trace with your finger in parts, and then the whole letter, and immediately write it on the board with chalk! Many people like to work on the floor - the position is easy to change. And when all the letters are mastered, you can move on to writing in notebooks in a large cell. And up to 4.5 years, it is better to stay longer on large and convenient cards.

Separately, I want to say about the guys with special needs in development. Their mothers and fathers will probably be interested to know that this technique suits their baby like no one else. And developmental delays will not prevent him from learning to read and write. Along the way, the developmental lag will also decrease: the child will begin to speak better, think faster, learn to concentrate. Only you need not a simple teacher, but a specialist - for example, a speech therapist, defectologist or psychologist.

Parallel work on sound pronunciation always brings amazing results. With the help of cubes, you can develop the child comprehensively. It just takes a little more time. But right away - the love of reading for life is guaranteed!

Homeschooling has many benefits. One of them is that your child, even with a cold and a runny nose, will not be suspended from classes, which means that their effectiveness will be higher. However, you also have a great responsibility for the final result. If the baby does not learn to read in 6-7 months, refuses to study, you will not be able to express your complaints to the teacher. All claims - to yourself!

But there are situations when you simply have no other choice but to deal with the child on your own. And even if your baby is not yet 3 years old or he is often sick, you are quite capable of teaching him to read and write on your own. Only we will do it according to all the rules!

Games and exercises for toddlers 3-4 years old

Where to start learning? We hope that you will find a place on the wall for tables: they are quite voluminous. Having collected the cubes (and it will take you 1.5-2 hours), put them in a pile on the table under the tables. If space in the apartment is a real problem, put the cubes in a box that you will only take out for classes. Make a pointer from a long rail (at least 1.1 m). Well, you can start!

Game "Steam locomotive"

Invite your child to build a locomotive. To do this, put a locomotive (a toy trailer) and a large golden cube with the letter A on the shelf (for the first lesson). Say that all the cars in the train will be with the letter A, and show on the first cube (on any large one) how to find the side with the letter A. Place it next to the locomotive. Let the child try to put the rest of the cubes himself. Intervene only if the baby does not understand how to look for the blocks with the letter A.

Be sure to explain that the letter A is only on large cubes. Thus, the child works only with them, gradually highlighting them visually. When the locomotive is built, it must set off, but for this all the “carriages” must be read: PA, TA, NA, SA, FA, SHA, CHA, etc.

  • How it's done?

Make sure the child's eyes are on the engine. With the index finger of your right hand, show the first large golden cube and name it. Let the child repeat. The same is true for other “cars”, and first your finger moves to the next cube, and only then the warehouse is announced.

Instead of a finger, you can use an accent cube that moves on top of the "cars". In the following lessons, other vowels on the large and small gold cubes are taken as a sample. In the future, the child himself decides with what letter the “carriages” of his train will be.

Game "Funny words"

Invite the kid to write any word he wants from the cubes. To do this, you just need to pick up the cubes you like and put them together. In the process of work, unobtrusively remind the child how to put the cubes: from left to right, side by side, "on the legs, not on the head." Then read the written word as usual. It turns out, of course, abracadabra.

Toddlers usually have fun because a ridiculous thing came out and try to repeat the game. Encourage your child's initiative! This game helps to teach kids how to put cubes correctly and intuitively feel the boundaries of words (after all, a word cannot be too long - from 9-12 cubes). This is the stage of preparation for independent and conscious writing of words from blocks.

Exercise "What song should you sing?"

It is one of the most important in the initial stages of learning. Tell the kid that our cubes are not simple, everyone has their own song. Several dice are "sung" (see below). Then invite the baby to choose from the total mass of the cube that he would like to listen to. In the future, such a free choice is necessary for the child, since he gets the opportunity to work according to his own program, intuitively clarifying those moments that he needs.

  • How to sing in cubes?

Your face is on the same level as the child's face. Hold the cube with both hands to the right of your mouth. The sung side of the cube is facing the baby, that is, the child sees both the warehouse on the cube and your mouth at the same time: what the lips are doing, how the tongue works. This is important for kids who are still bad, slurred.

It is necessary to sing the cube slowly, somewhat exaggeratedly. This exercise indirectly helps with the production of sounds. Already from the first cube, the sponges automatically begin to move in the children - they repeat what they heard. Pay special attention to the look of the child, which should be directed only at you.

Seeing how you sang a few cubes "on his order", the baby tries to do it himself. The sung warehouse is directed at him, that is, the child looks at the sung warehouse. On order, you can not only “sing the cube”, but also read the warehouse chosen by the kid on it. He just needs to poke his finger in the direction he likes, and the mother will readily read it, turning to the child.

Exercises "Singing shoes", "Talking turrets"

If the kid himself tries to make a building out of cubes, encourage him. In other cases, push the baby to this thought. At the end of the construction, say: “You know, this tower is not simple, but magical. Our cubes can sing, and each cube has its own song. The tower turned out to be singing. Come on, I'll sing you whatever cube you want.

The child chooses any cube from the tower, you sing it in the same way as in the game “Which cube should you sing?”. Just remember about the look of the baby - during any exercise with cubes, he must fix it on what you are voicing, otherwise all the work will lose its meaning.

In this game, the turrets also “speak”, that is, you voice the warehouse on the cube that the kid has chosen. Do not forget to characterize each sung or read cube: "Oh, you have a big iron one." Sing: "BU BO BA BA BE B". You need to sing very slowly.

Exercise "Singing songs on the table"

Your baby is facing the table. You are to her right, holding a long pointer in your right hand. “Look, this is a table. It also has songs, the same as on the cubes. I will sing these songs to you, and you carefully look at the tip of the pointer, listen and sing along if you want. Make sure the child is looking carefully at the tip of the pointer as you slowly bring it up to the big gold cube: "It's a big gold one: WOAAAA." Sing along the scale motif (from the top note to the bottom), while the pointer does not move down very quickly.

Sing, pronouncing the sounds as clearly as possible, the baby’s desire to sing along and generally work with the table largely depends on this. It's good if the baby tries to sing along. Just like a big gold one, sing the rest of the columns, carefully looking at the child and watching his reaction. If the baby is tired, and the table has not yet been finished, try playing like this: when a large cube is sung, hands are raised up, when a small cube is sung, do squats.

And all the songs differ in intonation: the big ones are sung in a lower voice, the small ones in a higher one. This technique allows you to develop the coordinated work of analyzers: auditory, visual, motor, and also helps the baby switch attention from one to another.

Usually the child really wants to try to sing according to the table. Please encourage him to do so! Sing together first, you and the child. The baby is standing on a chair with a pointer, and you are on the side, slightly hugging the baby, with your hand clasping his handle. A little later, when the child masters this exercise, he will be happy to sing songs on his own.

It is better to sing the table in its entirety at each lesson, but if the baby is very tired, it is better to split it in parts. The main task is not to lose the child's interest in new activities. This can be achieved if he himself chooses which song to sing now, which one to start with today

Exercise "Writing words on the table"

The baby is standing on a chair, you are behind, grabbing him by the shoulders with one hand and helping to hold the pointer with the other (your hand is clasping the child’s hand along with the pointer). The two decide which word to write. It is better to start with the name of the child, then move on to the last name, the names of mom, dad, toys, cartoons, etc.

If you decide to write a name, for example Styopa, then clearly pronounce the first warehouse: C, only after that point the child’s hand with a pointer to the column SU SO SA SE SY C to the letter C. It is the same with the warehouse TE: column TYU TE TYA TY, square TE; PA: PU PO PA PE PY P, PA square. Each warehouse is voiced, and then shown (almost immediately - after 1-2 seconds).

After the first spelling of the word, be sure to write it a second time, already at a faster pace. It is desirable that the baby's hand is not weak-willed, but also directs the pointer. In the next lesson, the child will write his own name.

We write words from cubes
  • Game "Lunch"

Have your child cook dinner. That is, write words from the cubes that denote various dishes. Your child may well remember words such as "soup", "compote", "pasta". Together with the baby, put the necessary cubes on the shelf. And then “eat” lunch, that is, read every word. The same words can be written with a pointer on the table if your baby wants "additives."

  • Zoo game

Let the kid name those animals that he remembers, and write these words in cubes on the shelf. If it’s hard to remember right away, put animal figurines on the shelf. If desired, the child writes the same words with a pointer on the table (together with you, of course).

Games for children 4-6 years old

All games for three-year-olds are suitable for older children, but new, more complex ones are also added. Now do not forget about the cube with punctuation marks. For each written word from the cubes, put a cube with an accent. We will write names and surnames with a capital letter, for which we will put the ZB on the first cube.

And now, after 2-3 weeks of training, we will begin to trace the letters on the laminated cards from the “I Write Beautifully” manual with a finger and a marker. So, having played with the child in games for three-year-olds, we begin to master new ones, repeating the exercise “Writing words on the table” and “Singing on the table” at each lesson.

Exercise "Riddles"

Give your child riddles. He guesses, and you write the answer in cubes. For example, such a riddle: “Who is above us upside down?” If you can't guess, write the answer on paper. But do not read a word to him: let the baby puff and try to read the word "fly" on his own.

Game "Brothers"

Explain: “All cubes have brothers: large ones have small, younger ones, and younger ones have large, older ones. You see, they are all confused with us, they lie in one heap. Let's find older and younger brothers and put them together." You take the first cube (SHU SE XYA SI SH), put it on the shelf with the side of the SA and ask to find the same brother, but the older one: SU SO SA SE SY S (repeat several times).

You will see, your baby will find it without difficulty, puts it on the SA side. It turned out SYA-SA. We read, we are glad that the brothers were found, then we are looking for another 5-6 pairs. When all the pairs are on the shelf, read them again.

Game "Look and repeat"

Invite the kid to write his name (or any other) from the cubes. The word is written in cubes, and then you invite the baby to turn away. At this time, rearrange and twist the cubes in the word so that it becomes unrecognizable. Let the kid try to restore what he wrote, based on the already known visual image of his name, which you wrote more than once. Then play with other people's first and last names. Names are more suitable, as they are usually shorter and easier to recover.

In the future, the game can be played with any words. The main rule is not to confuse the cubes too much. At first, it is enough to rearrange two cubes in places, and in another lesson, add a flip of the cube, in the third and subsequent ones - swap all the cubes, turn two over and push them a little more. If the baby can not cope and is upset about this, help him.

The game "Conceived word"

In a mysterious tone, tell the baby that you have come up with one interesting word, but you won’t say which one. The child must guess himself, laying out those cubes that will be called. For example, you thought of the word “table.” Say that the first cube in this word reads S. The kid, already familiar with the search for cubes from the general mass, is trying to find a cube, relying only on his memory.

If the cube is not located in any way, name its full description: “It's a big wooden one, SU CO SA SE SY S” and show the corresponding column on the table for 3 seconds. When all the cubes are set, offer to read the word and guess what you have in mind. If the child has not yet guessed, read the word with him.

Game "Guess"

The child sits on a chair in front of you and a table with cubes. Next to you on another table or stool are 4-5 different objects or toys (ball, scissors, book, doll, mirror). The kid names the objects, while it is very important to agree on the name of the word: not a ball, but a ball, not a book, but a book.

Ask them to guess which of these words you will now write. Lay out the word in cubes in front of the child. He reads the word (do not forget to run your finger over the cubes), then takes the corresponding object and puts it near him. At the end of the game, count how many items the kid has won. In the future, the number of items on the table will increase to 8-10.

Working with stock pictures

This is the spelling of words from cubes according to the model that the stock picture serves as. The child looks at the words in the picture and writes the same from the cubes. This exercise develops visual perception very well, and prepares six-year-olds for work on rewriting assignments.

The section contains manuals on teaching reading, calligraphy, mathematics, grammar of the Russian language, English language according to the methods of N. Zaitsev.

To familiarize yourself with the manuals in the catalog for each section and each title is given short description. Here you can find out the current cost of the benefit and make a purchase in our store.

Please note that only in the manuals themselves is given a complete and detailed description theoretical, didactic principles and methods of work according to the methods of N. Zaitsev.

A generalization of many years of experience of parents, educators, teachers says this:

  • Many parents are able to teach their children themselves. For those who are especially impatient, words are made up of cubes and even two-year-olds begin to read and count.
  • Children familiar with Zaitsev's Cubes speak faster, take sounds more clearly.
  • Preschoolers of four to five years old begin to read and count within a hundred after 10-12 lessons.
  • Children with developmental disabilities are successfully rehabilitated.
  • First graders begin to read, add and subtract within a hundred in the first week.
  • Learning Russian from a difficult and boring subject can be made easy and exciting.
  • Vision and posture are not only preserved, but even improved (there are opinions of serious scientists), the number of problems associated with physical inactivity is sharply reduced.

The last observation is related to the features teaching materials and ways of organizing classes. Tables located on the walls and, as it were, surrounding students, are used when introducing new material, explaining it, consolidating it, and repeating it.

Each of the tables is a system reference signals(V. F. Shatalov) or enlarged didactic unit(P. M. Erdniev), which allows a minimum of signs to convey maximum information and has the properties fast recall(P. M. Erdniev) the necessary knowledge.

Any teacher's question can be answered, any assignment can be completed using tables as a support. Successful is the one who accepts optimal solutions, i.e. performs actions with the least number of steps, based on qualitative inferences: purposefully selects the desired table, in it the desired column, line or cell containing the answer.

To provide quick access to any table, desks are placed around the perimeter. Students spend a significant part of the study time in motion (there is no time to sit down), with their heads held high (but not excessively). In an effort to quickly (a natural competitive effect) give the correct answer, they begin to read information not only from close, but from medium and long distances, thereby involuntarily training and strengthening vision.

The elimination of immobility, physical enslavement, inevitable when working in a sitting position, allows students to think more actively, to keep their attention on learning tasks longer and without much stress. Classes are held in game form. Hundreds of games have been developed and described in methodological manuals for manuals. The pace of work, development and consolidation of information is so high that it makes it easy to get ahead of any traditional standards. So all fives! Everyone is successful! Consequences: removal of complexes and stresses, improvement psychological climate in a group (class), elimination of conflicts student-parent, student-teacher, parent-teacher.

70-80 percent of children by the age of seven without any overload and even with the strengthening of psychophysical characteristics can be prepared for classes according to the programs of the current third-fourth grades.

The technique of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev is today considered one of the best developmental systems for teaching preschoolers to read, write and count. This method is universal - it is perfect for working with one and a half year old children, and with three-year-olds, and with older children. Moreover, the Zaitsev system gives very good results when working with babies with developmental delays, as well as with visually impaired, hearing impaired and deaf children.

Also, Zaitsev's cubes and tables are successfully used to teach Russian to foreigners.

Learn by playing

Zaitsev's cube-based training methodology is based on Nikolai Alexandrovich's vast pedagogical experience. Its creator is not a theoretician. For many years he worked in various children's institutions and watched both normally developing babies and those who had any problems or lags. As a result, a whole system early development children based on the following basic principles:

  • Principle one - lack of coercion. Children learn by playing. Sometimes they don't even know what's going on. studying proccess, because there are no tables or desks, kids can run, sit, come closer or stand aside - as they like. Children do not have to repeat the words after the teacher - everything happens only on a voluntary basis.
  • The second principle warehouse reading. Children do not learn letters, but read at once in warehouses. Just do not confuse with syllables! A warehouse is a speech unit of the Zaitsev method, it is a consonant-vowel pair, or a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or one letter. All warehouses are written in tables and on the faces of the cubes.
  • The third principle Let's start with the letter. Children show the necessary warehouses in the table or find cubes to compose a word, that is, they turn sounds into signs - and, after all, this is a letter! The essence of the Zaitsev method is to show the child words, and not to explain how individual letters merge into syllables, and then into words.
  • The fourth principle use of multiple senses. When learning, hearing, vision and touch are involved, there are a lot of cubes - large and small; light and heavy; "golden", "iron", "wooden" and white; with different fillers that sound louder or muffled. The inscriptions on the cubes are bright, clear, multi-colored - they can be seen from afar. "Sounding" cubes become one of the most favorite toys of almost all babies, starting from six months.

These principles are the basis of training according to the Zaitsev method. After all, the development of intelligence in children under one year is not the same as in seven-year-olds. Young children do not think analytically, they have difficulty turning abstract letters into sounds and then putting them into words, but they are especially susceptible to signals from the senses. Therefore, the cubes help to distinguish between different sounds - vowels and consonants, soft and hard.

When and how much to practice

Zaitsev's cubes and the method of teaching reading can be used almost everywhere - in kindergartens, at schools or at home, of course, group classes under the guidance of an experienced teacher give the best results. With the right approach and the implementation of all the rules of the methodology, six-year-old children begin to read after just a few lessons, four-year-olds - after about 16-20 lessons, and two-three-year-olds - after six to nine months.

Zaitsev's technique provides for two classes per week for 30-60 minutes. If you study at home, you can allocate as much time for training as you see fit. If the child is really interested, you can practice daily for 30 minutes a day. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to adhere to some kind of strict schedule - the main thing is that the child has good mood and desire! In no case should you force him or tear him away from his favorite activities. Training should be interesting game and should not cause negative emotions.

You can introduce children to Zaitsev's cubes from three months. Of course, at first they need to be used simply as rattles. But starting from 6 months, you can sometimes make simple words from cubes, name and show them. For example, a wardrobe, a table, a chair, a bear ...

From the age of two or three, you can already start learning to read.

Classes according to the Zaitsev method

Today, "Zaitsev's Cubes" can be bought in so many children's goods stores. The set usually includes:

  • 6 cardboard sheets with tables, format 520×720 mm;
  • 4 sheets with tables, format 360×520 mm;
  • 61 cardboard cubes (50x50mm and 60x60mm);
  • audio CD;
  • color "Textbook for parents, educators, teachers";
  • packing box.


Before starting classes, you need to glue the tables and hang them on the wall. The height at which the tables are located depends on how many kids will be engaged at the same time.

  • For group lessons. In classrooms, as a rule, tables are hung at a distance of 160-170 centimeters from the floor - so everyone will be able to see clearly. There are three shelves under the tables - on them the kids put words from cubes. There must be a long pointer in the class - the teacher and children will show warehouses and “write” words with it. The cubes do not need to be sorted - the kids must learn to quickly find the right warehouses themselves.
  • For homework. For one child, the tables are attached in such a way that they are located just above his height. Well, you can just stack the cubes on the table.


If you bought blanks, then you will first have to assemble or glue them. Even if the baby has expressed a desire to do it on his own, it is better to control the process - then he will not be tempted to “gut” the “ringing” cube and study its filling.
It makes sense to strengthen paper cubes with cardboard from the inside and tape along the edges. The most frequently used warehouses are best "duplicated". Before assembling, just copy the images and make several identical cubes - then the baby, without any problems, will be able to add any words.

Audio CD

Classes on Zaitsev's cubes are usually held with musical accompaniment. The package includes an audio CD with 35 melodies. Under them, the children at each lesson will “sing” all the warehouses. This is a very important part of learning, because babies learn to pronounce sounds distinctly and clearly. The game principle makes this process fun and tireless - as a rule, children sing along with adults with great pleasure. By the way, many educators and parents note that after learning according to the Zaitsev method, the child’s speech becomes much cleaner.


The set "Zaitsev's Cubes" includes Toolkit Of course, it is better for your child to learn from an experienced teacher who has mastered the Zaitsev method well, for example, in a kindergarten or in a children's development center. But you can do it yourself with the baby. Honestly, there is nothing complicated here, just read the manual carefully - the whole process is described there in plain language and very detailed, there are also descriptions of many games and interesting tasks with which you can start learning. Later, you will be able to come up with games that will be interesting to your baby.
If for some reason singing warehouses is a problem for you, pronounce them in recitative. Singing or pronouncing warehouses, show them on the table with a pointer or on a cube, turning it in front of the child - this is very important! Simultaneous exposure to sound and vision dramatically increases the effectiveness of learning. In addition, the child trains vision and memory, and also learns attention.

Advantages of Zaitsev's technique

There are many! Adherents of this system of education note that:

  • Children quickly begin to read fluently. Moreover, reading is not perceived as something complicated and requiring additional efforts - everything happens in the game, as if "by itself".
  • Memory improves, the ability to think logically develops.
  • Children subconsciously remember the correct spelling of words.
  • Regular pronunciation of words corrects the shortcomings of speech, the child begins to speak more clearly and distinctly.
  • The vocabulary is rapidly expanding.
  • Trains - and sometimes even improves! - vision, because the eyes must constantly follow the pointer.
  • Classes are not harmful to health - children move a lot, they are forced to raise their heads, which is very useful for posture.
  • The ability to concentrate is formed, the child learns to work independently.
  • The Zaitsev method is universal, it is suitable for children of any age, it can be used to teach children with various disabilities.
  • The technique is quite simple, with a certain perseverance, even “unprepared” parents can use it at home.

Disadvantages of the technique

However, the reviews about Zaitsev's cubes are not only positive - some parents and teachers have a lot of complaints about this technique. And not to say about them - just not fair:

  • The main disadvantage of the Zaitsev method is its incompatibility with the official school curriculum.
  • At school, children have to relearn from reading in warehouses to reading in syllables. And sometimes this process is very painful.
  • The color scheme of the cubes does not correspond to the color scheme adopted at school for consonants, vowels, voiced and deaf sounds.
  • Children who have learned according to the Zaitsev method have difficulty mastering word parsing in terms of composition and phonetic parsing- after all, they are used to dividing words only by warehouses.
  • Class aids are expensive, bulky, and time-consuming to assemble.
  • Not all parents succeed in quickly teaching their child to read. The method is more suitable for classes with an experienced teacher.


As you can see, learning with Zaitsev's cubes is undoubtedly a very interesting and noteworthy method. It is good because it is suitable for any children, regardless of age, abilities and temperament. Whether to use cubes or rely on classical learning methods is up to you.

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