Senior Researcher, Laboratory of General Philological Education of the Federal State Scientific Institution "Institute for Education Development Strategy", Candidate pedagogical sciences, Senior Researcher (Associate Professor).

The main direction of scientific activity of M.Z.Biboletova is connected with the theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary school.

Area of ​​scientific interests

History of foreign language teaching methods
Theoretical basis methods of teaching foreign languages. Goals, content and technologies of teaching foreign languages ​​at school.
The theory of the school textbook. Composition, functions and content of educational and methodological kits for English language at different levels of school education
Modern approaches to teaching foreign languages
Early, differentiated, specialized training in a foreign language
Questions of education of schoolchildren by means of foreign languages
Problems of control and quality of students' achievements high school in a foreign language.

M.Z. Biboletova is one of the developers of the fundamental core of the content of general education, federal state educational standards of 2002, 2004, 2010, 2012, exemplary and author's programs in foreign languages, planned results in English for primary and secondary schools; concepts of foreign language education in 2009, 2013 and 2017, the author of a series of federal teaching materials in English "English with pleasure" / "Enjoy English" for grades 2-11 of a comprehensive school.

The total number of publications on these topics exceeds 250 scientific and scientific-methodical works. MZ Biboletova's works are published in Russian and English.

Scientific biography

For more than 20 years she has been teaching foreign language teaching methods at the Moscow Institute of Open Education.

Member of the editorial board of the international journal on applied linguistics Language Awareness (Great Britain) - from 1996 -2000.

National coordinator from Russian Federation in foreign languages ​​in the international program LES (Language education study) (1996)

Member of the editorial board of the journal "English Language at School" - since 2002.

Member of the group of experts of the Russian Academy of Education on domestic textbooks of the English language (2011-2014)

Head of the Laboratory of Didactics of Foreign Languages, ISMO RAO (until 2014)


She was awarded the VDNKh medal for her contribution to the development of methods for teaching foreign languages.

Scientific publications

List of some publications on the indicated problems of foreign language teaching methods:

Chapters of monographs, books, brochures

Biboletova M.Z. "Theoretical foundations for monitoring the learning of students in a foreign language" / / Chapter 2 in the book "Issues of monitoring the learning of students in a foreign language": Method. allowance / Ed. A.A.Mirolyubova. Russian Academy education. Obninsk: Title, 1999. ISBN 5-86866-122-2

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) Educational area"Philology" / / Section in the book "The content of education in the twelve-year school" (co-author) / edited by A.F. Kiselev. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. M., "Enlightenment", - 2000.

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored) Foreign language// Section in the book "State educational standards in the system of general education" (theory and practice). Ministry of Education of Russia, RAO. M., "Enlightenment", - 2001.

Biboletova M.Z. Foreign languages// section in the book “Experiment. Requirements for the level of training of graduates. Mandatory minimum content of education. The new content of education "Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. - M.," Enlightenment ", 2001

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored) Mandatory minimum content and requirements for the level of training of graduates of the basic school. Foreign language.// Section of the monograph "State educational standards in the system of general education (Theory and practice)".// ed. V.S. Ledneva, N.D. Nikandrova, M.V. Ryzhakova. Russian Academy of Education - M., Publishing House of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute. – 2002, 384 p. ISBN 5-89502-381-9 (IPSI)

Biboletova M.Z. "Languages ​​of international communication and their role in a multilingual world when choosing professions, when getting acquainted with cultural heritage countries and continents”// chapter in the book “Module-rating system in specialized education: guidelines". Federal Agency for Education. Russian Academy of Education. M.: SportAcademPross, - 2005.- 362 p. ISBN 5-8134 0161-3

Biboletova M.Z. "Teaching foreign languages ​​in elementary school" // Chapter in the book "Methods of teaching foreign languages: traditions and modernity." / ed. A.A.Mirolyubova - Obninsk: Title, 2010.

Biboletova M.Z. (editor and co-author) The technology of starting differentiation in teaching English as one of the ways to implement a student-centered approach. Methodical letter for teachers of English in secondary educational institutions. - M.: OOP Publishing house "OPK", 2011.

Foreign language. Planned results. Job system. Grades 5-9: a guide for general education teachers. institutions / M.Z. Biboletova, M.V. Verbitskaya, K.S. Makhmuryan, N.N. Trubaneva): under. ed. G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova.- M.: Enlightenment, 2013. -123 p. (We work according to new standards). - ISBN 978-5-09-029858-2

Biboletova M.Z. “Conceptual approaches to adjusting the content of foreign language education, taking into account the patterns of its formation in modern society”// Chapter in the monograph “Regularities of the formation of the content of philological education in modern society” / FSBSI “Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education”; ed. O.M. Alexandrova - M., Publishing House "Econ-Inform", 2014. - 275 p. ISBN 978-5-9906244-2-9

Biboletova M.Z. "Foreign language" // Chapter in the book "Essays on the history of the formation and development of methods of general secondary education" / ed. M.V. Ryzhakova.- Volume 1, part 1: Humanitarian education until the middle of the twentieth century./- Moscow-St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoria, 2014, 128 p. ISBN 978-5-4469-0290-3

Concepts, programs, textbooks, tutorials

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored with I.L. Beam) The concept of philological education // Foreign languages ​​at school, M., 2000, - No. 3,

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored) Foreign language in the system of school philological education (Concept).//Foreign languages ​​at school. - M., 2009. - No. 1.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N., Shchepilova A.V. The concept of the subject "Foreign language" // Foreign languages ​​at school, M., 2013. - No. 9.

Biboletova M.Z., Bim I.L., Solovova E.N. Requirements for the level of training of graduates / / Collection in two parts: part 1: “Primary School. Basic school"; Part 2 “Secondary (complete) school. General education level. Profile level". - Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, National Fund for Personnel Training - M., MIPKRO Publishing House, 2001.

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored with I.L. Bim, V.V. Kopylova, V.V. Safonova, A.V. Shchepilova and others) New state standards school education in a foreign language: Federal component of state educational standards. Exemplary programs in foreign languages. (in co-authorship). M.: AST-Astrel, 2004. M., - 380 p. ISBN 5-17-026747-9 (AST) and ISBN 5-271-10182-7 (Astrel)

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) "Foreign Language". //Section of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education. Primary general education. (Standards of the second generation). Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M.: Enlightenment, 2010.

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) Foreign language. Section of Exemplary Programs for Academic Subjects. Primary School. In 2 parts. Part 2. M.: Enlightenment, 2010

Biboletova M.Z. (in co-authorship). Foreign language. Section of Exemplary Programs for Academic Subjects. 5-9 grades. M.: Education, 2010.

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored) “Snowball English”. Intensive course. Textbook for the 11th grade of educational institutions - M., Education, 1996

Biboletova M.Z. (co-authored with N.N. Trubaneva and others) Educational and methodological kit (TMK: textbook, workbook, teacher's book, audio application, multimedia training program) "English with pleasure" / "Enjoy English" For 2-11 classes. (Mark of the Ministry of Education and Science) - Obninsk: Title, 1998-2014.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. The program of the English language course "English with pleasure" / "Enjoy English" for students in grades 2-11 of educational institutions. - Obninsk, Title, 2008

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. “Enjoy English – Starter// Textbook for Grade 1 –M., Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf", 2000

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. The working program of the English language course for teaching materials "English with pleasure" / "Enjoy English" for grades 2-4 and 5-9. - Obninsk, Title, 2013. - 168 p.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. - English: English with pleasure / EnjoyEnglish: textbook for grades 3, 4, 7, 9, 10 general. established - - M.: AST, 2015.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. - English: English with pleasure / EnjoyEnglish: textbooks for 2, 5, 6, 8, 11 classes general. established - - M .: Bustard, 2017.

Articles in scientific publications

Biboletova M.Z. (co-author) Methodological foundations of the approach to measuring the level of foreign language proficiency of students in basic secondary school. - M: Bustard, - 1999.

Biboletova M.Z. Multimedia components in teaching foreign languages ​​// in Sat. “Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia in Education" St. Petersburg, -1999.

Biboletova M.Z. prospects early learning FL in connection with the transition to a 4-year primary education for schoolchildren // in Sat. "Early teaching of foreign languages: experience, problems, prospects". Velikiy Novgorod, 2001.

Biboletova M.Z. Problems of early teaching of foreign languages ​​in a comprehensive primary school// http// M., 2001 (on-line)

Biboletova M.Z. foreign language school education in modern Russian society: trends and prospects // in Sat. scientific papers“Problems of philological education in modern school". - Center for Philological Education ISMO RAO, 2010. - 123 p.

Biboletova M.Z. Possibilities of stratified differentiation technology in teaching English in secondary school // in Sat. " Modern technologies teaching foreign languages ​​at school and university. -M.: MPGU-MIOO.- 2010.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. Features of the final assessment of the achievement of the planned results of primary education: English / / Foreign languages ​​at school. - M., 2010. - No. 8

Biboletova M.Z. How the ideas of a new educational standard are implemented in the teaching materials “Enjoy English” for grades 2-4 // English language at school, - Obninsk: Title, 2011.- No. 2.

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. Formation of value orientations junior schoolchildren in the course of English.// English at school. - Obninsk, 2011.- No. 3.

Biboletova M.Z. Teaching languages ​​in a multi-ethnic cultural society // in Sat. scientific stat. "Traditions as the basis of innovations in linguistic education" based on the materials of the Int. Conf., April 26-28, 2012 - Ryazan, 2012.

Biboletova M.Z. Foreign-language school education in modern Russian society: trends and prospects. Russian language in national school. M.: modern education, 2012, - №2

Biboletova M.Z. Teaching a foreign language in the context of language education in modern Russian school// on Sat. "Theory and practice of teaching foreign languages: traditions and innovations" based on the materials of the international scientific and practical. conf. in memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education I.L. Bim. - M .: Thesaurus, 2013, 332 pages.

Biboletova M.Z., Ladyzhenskaya N.V. Educational potential of the subject "Foreign language" // Foreign languages ​​at school, M., 2015, - No. 3

Biboletova M.Z. Features of the content of compulsory foreign language education from the standpoint of culture and pragmatism// In Sat. “Dialogue of cultures. Culture of Dialogue: In Search of Advanced Socio-Humanitarian Practices”. Proceedings of the First International Conference (Moscow, April 14-16, 2016) / Ed. ed. E.G. Tareva, L.G. Vikulova. - M.: MGPU; Languages ​​of the Peoples of the World, 2016. - 620 p. ISBN 978-5-9907685-3-6

Biboletova M.Z. Influence of cognitive linguistics on modern strategies of foreign language education incorporated in the Federal State Educational Standard.// Innovative technologies in science and education: collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / ed. G.Yu.Gulyaeva-Penza: ICNS Science and Education, 2016 - 322p. ISBN 978-5-9909307-4-2

Biboletova M.Z. The potential of a foreign language teacher in modeling the information and educational environment. // Sat. scientific tr. Professional development foreign language teachers in the system teacher education. Proceedings of the international conference (Moscow, October 12-14, 2017) / Ed. N.V. Yazykova, L.G. Vikulova.- M.: MGPU; Languages ​​of the Peoples of the World; THESAURUS, 2017.- 310 with ISBN 978-5-98421-333-2.

Biboletova M.Z. The concept of the subject area "Foreign languages" as a strategy for the development of foreign language education in the Russian school. // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University. N.A. Dobrolyubova. Issue 40. Intercultural communication and teaching foreign languages. Actual problems of education - N. Novgorod: NGLU, 2017. - 217 p. (pp. 195-204). ISSN 2072-3490 (VAK)

M.Z. Biboletova Scientific activity of the laboratory of didactics of foreign languages ​​of the ISMO RAE as a reflection of the development of domestic methodology.// Scientific and information-analytical journal "Domestic and foreign pedagogy". 2018, No. 1 (47) volume 2 p. 34-44 (0.9 pp) (RSCI, HAC)

M.Z. Biboletova (co-author) Possibilities of the subject “ foreign language»in the development of reading literacy as a meta-subject skill // Scientific and methodological journal "Foreign languages ​​at school". 2018, No. 5. (1.0 pp). (RSCI, HAC)

Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. The role of the scientific and methodological set in a foreign language in modeling the modern information and educational environment. //Scientific and information-analytical journal "Values ​​and Meanings". - 2018. No. 5 (57) - P. 111-127. (RSCI, HAC).

Bibliography in English

Biboletova M. National Profile of Language Education in Russia: IEA(LES)// 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. The Russian Federation. Language Policy// “Profiles of Language Education in 25 Countries”. IEA. Language Education Study. Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1996.

Biboletova M. Learning English with “Enjoy English”// “How to teach Young Learners Effectively” The British Council, Moscow, Summer, 2000.

Biboletova M., Trubaneva N. Methodological Support for the reader “Coral Reef. Inside Australia's Great Barrier Reef” by M.Hooper. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Biboletova M. Spotlight on a material writer - “Foilo”. Journal of the Materials Development Association, Norwich, UK. December 2009.

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Publisher: Title 2015.

In many educational institutions, English begins to be taught only from the 5th grade. Especially for such conditions, several groups of authors have developed educational and methodological kits. One of these groups is the trio of methodologists represented by M.Z. Biboletova, O.A. Denisenko and N.N. Trubaneva. Their teaching materials include a textbook, a workbook, as well as GDZ collections.

The value of a solution book for an English textbook

Not all fifth-graders who begin to study this subject are able to successfully cope with the assimilation and correct application of new knowledge. This can become a big problem, coupled with the increased workload in other disciplines. The troubleshooters will help you deal with the difficulties that have arisen.

Online teaching aid in English for grade 5, authored by M.Z. Biboletova, O.A. Denisenko and N.N. Trubaneva with ready-made homework will allow the student to easily overcome difficulties in the work assigned at home. Having found the desired exercise number, the child will be able to check the answer with his result and, if an error is found, correct it. At the same time, the material will successfully be deposited in his head. In the future, this will allow the student to successfully answer the teacher's questions in the classroom, solve similar exercises in tests, tests and school Olympic competitions.

GDZ will also be valuable for:

  • parents who can not worry about the marks of their child in this discipline and, if necessary, will be ready to help during the execution;
  • teachers of the subject at school, to whom the collection will give the opportunity to create their own manuals and typical tasks for tests in the classroom.

How to use the aid correctly?

Online collection in English by M.Z. Biboletova user-friendly, so anyone can find the key to solving any exercise. All correct answers are arranged by their respective units in the same order as the tasks in the main book. Before checking the results, the student needs to solve the problem himself. You should not write off ready-made answers indiscriminately, as this can cause poor mastery of knowledge in the discipline and lead to poor grades.

GDZ English textbook "Enjoy English" student "s book for grade 5 general education schools , edited by Biboletova, designed with age features schoolchildren and meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The material provides the development of 4 main skills of foreign language learners: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Having mastered the information, students will be able to perceive English speech, read and translate texts, perform exercises on vocabulary and grammar, answer questions using the basics of English grammar, compose simple sentences, write essays and short essays.

To consolidate and practice the past educational material developed Workbook anjoy english. To help parents, to check the correct implementation homework child, the GDZ is included in the educational and methodological set of the textbook. The solution book includes not only answers to the exercises and tables of the textbook, but is also equipped with listening texts, answers to test papers, as well as answers to additional exercises to consolidate the material covered and translate the text.

Thanks to EMC "Enjoy English" students will prepare verification work, olympiads and exams in English.

GDZ for Biboletov's 5th grade workbook can be downloaded.

English is studied quite early in modern school. Therefore, children receive valuable knowledge earlier than they were acquired, for the most part, by representatives of the previous generation. For foreign speech in the system of general primary education, two hours a week are allocated. At the second stage of education, there will be one more lesson. There are also numerous specialized institutions in which this subject is much larger.

In the end elementary school already supposed to know the Latin alphabet, the basic rules of reading and have a decent vocabulary. Students should be able to learn dialogues on everyday topics and reproduce them in faces. Emphasis is placed on developing the ability to understand foreign words by ear and determine the main meaning of the listened simple adapted text.

Authors M.Z. Biboletova, O.A. Denisenko and N.N. Trubaneva created a course for fourth-graders, which was prepared for publication by the Drofa publishing house, the Enjoy English series in 2016. Along with the textbook and workbook, the EMC also includes ready-made homework assignments. They make it easy individual sessions the student and provide him with regular methodological support.

How will GDZ Biboletova and Denisenko help a student in grade 4?

well chosen training materials and the perfect correspondence to the curriculum of the same group of authors makes the choice of this manual preferable. In addition, the collection meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard (FSES), so that children will definitely receive the necessary level of preparation. The principal advantages of the GDZ on our website are as follows:

  • quick search for the desired exercise number;
  • new versions of the solver;
  • control over the compliance of the content of the book with the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;
  • a large number of solutions;
  • supporting material is provided exactly where needed.

Regular diligent studies using ready-made correct answers will be useful in preparing for control and verification work, tests. Actively practicing tutors can use the information to incorporate into their own work programs for younger learners.

Which is better: Biboletova's solution book or an English teacher?

Since the answers are not only given, but also commented on, they can partially replace a private teacher. However, for a successful result, it is necessary to show certain diligence and attentiveness. You can't just copy the solutions in a notebook, you should comprehend them, apply the received practical knowledge to various problems, and achieve a high level of conscious assimilation. Topics covered this year are:

  • we love the place where we were born and live. my edge;
  • wild and domestic animals;
  • you are your pet's best friend;
  • natural habitat of our smaller brothers.

"English with pleasure" / "Enjoy English" (the authors: Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N., Babushis E.E., Clark O.I. and etc.) is a completed English language course for general educational institutions (grades 2-11), providing continuity between the primary (grades 2-4), basic (grades 5-9) and senior (grades 10-11) levels of education. Educational-methodical kit (EMC) "Enjoy English" releases publishing house "Titul" .

WMC Enjoy English for the basic school (grades 5-9) is part of a holistic course for grades 2-11 of the comprehensive secondary school. The course meets the modern needs of the individual and society, implements the principle of continuous education and at all levels of education guarantees the achievement of the results of teaching English, indicated in the Federal State Educational Standards LLC. The course is designed for 105 study hours (three lessons per week) in accordance with the Federal Basic Curriculum.

Textbooks "Enjoy English" are not included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of those with state accreditation educational programs primary general, basic general, secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253).

textbooks "Enjoy English" were included in the Federal list of textbooks recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for use in educational process in educational institutions, for the 2013/2014 academic year. The content of the textbooks corresponds to the federal state educational standard basic general education (FGOS LLC 2010).

Composition of the UMC "Enjoy English" /"English with pleasure" for grades 5-9:
- Textbook. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grades. The authors: Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N., Babushis E.E., Clark O.I. and etc.
- Workbook No. 1. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grades. The authors:
- Workbook number 2 " Test papers. Preparation for GIA. Grade 9 The authors: Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N.
- Audio supplement to the textbook on CD MP3. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grades. The authors: Biboletova M.Z. and etc.
- Educational computer program on CD. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grades. The authors: Biboletova M.Z. and etc.
- A book for teachers. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grades. Biboletova M.Z.
- Working program of the course. 5-9 grades. The authors: Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N.

Composition of the UMC "Enjoy English" /"English with pleasure" for grades 5-6:
- Textbook for grades 5-6. The authors: Biboletova M.Z., Dobrynina N.V., Trubaneva N.N.
- Workbook. Biboletova M.Z.
- Reading book for grades 5-6. The authors: Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A.
- Audio supplement to the textbook on CD MP3. The authors: Biboletova M.Z. and etc.
- Educational computer program on CD. The authors: Biboletova M.Z. and etc.
- A book for teachers. Biboletova M.Z.

Enjoy English textbooks for grades 5-9 is:
- interesting content and modern technologies;
- observance of continuity between all textbooks, which makes it easy to advance in mastering the English language from class to class;
- the opportunity to learn to communicate with people who speak English in oral and written form (in particular, via the Internet), to represent the culture of their country;
- fascinating plots of textbooks, living modern English;
- entertaining role-playing games, developing and creative tasks, short-term and long-term projects, scenarios of extracurricular activities;
- differentiated tasks for students with different interests and different language abilities;
- extensive reference material helping to learn to improve independently in English;
- original audio and video materials performed by native speakers;
- functional design, contributing to more effective language acquisition;
- modern forms of control in the format of a unified state exam.

textbooks in English Biboletova M.Z. and others have a transparent structure: each of their sections is designed for one quarter. The learning process provides for the development communication skills students in speaking, listening, reading and writing. At the same time, the emphasis is on the development of the intellectual cognitive abilities of schoolchildren, on the formation of their need to use English as a means of communication, on the development of the desire for mutual understanding with representatives of a different culture and the ability to represent the culture of their own people. The topics of textbooks are selected taking into account the interests of students of the appropriate age. the textbooks also include tasks for self-control and extensive reference material.

Workbooks in English Biboletova M.Z. contain a large number of exercises, as well as entertaining tasks to perform at your leisure, which allows you to approach learning English in a differentiated way, taking into account the interests of each student and his individual pace of mastering the language.

book to read is an integral part of the UMC Enjoy English Biboletova M.Z. and others for grades 5-6 of educational institutions at the beginning of education from grade 2. The book includes original stories for children and teenagers from the Rockets series by the English publisher A&C Black: Uncle-and-Auntie Pat, Granny's Jungle Garden, Jenny the Joker, Grandad's Boneshaker Bicycle by the author Colin West. The story is told in a fascinating emotional form on behalf of the protagonist, who finds himself in situations that are close and understandable to schoolchildren of 10-12 years of age. Each story is accompanied by various exercises that allow you to teach not only reading, but also speaking and writing. The book is supplied with a large number of illustrations. At the end of each story, Russian analogues of the words and expressions highlighted in the text are given, which removes difficulties in reading authentic texts and makes it easier to understand living English speech.

There are textbooks audio applications in MP3 format, which are an integral part of the UMK Enjoy English for students in each class. Audio applications include listening activities for each lesson aimed at developing listening and speaking skills.

Educational computer programs help to consolidate and test lexico-grammatical and phonetic skills, as well as to form reading and spelling skills. Programs allow you to save and print the results of each student's work.

Books for teachers are an integral part of the UMC Enjoy English Biboletova M.Z. and other educational institutions at the beginning of education from grade 2 and contain methodological recommendations, a list of topics for oral and writing, exemplary thematic planning; texts for listening and texts of video lessons; keys to the exercises of the textbook "Enjoy English", as well as scenarios for extracurricular activities.

AT work program the main characteristics of teaching materials are revealed, the goals and content of teaching English in grades 5-9 are outlined, and general and lesson thematic planning is given, indicating the main types learning activities schoolchildren and communicative / educational tasks solved at each lesson. All this is designed to facilitate the work of the teacher and help him competently build and organize the process of teaching English.

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