Principles of analysis of speech disorders(development, systematic approach, consideration of speech disorders in the relationship of speech with other aspects of the mental development of the child) help to establish a natural relationship between various speech and non-speech processes: auditory perception disorders and deviations in the speech motor sphere, between defects in pronunciation and phoneme formation, between active and passive speech; reveal the systemic interaction and interdependence of the disturbed components of speech in the process of pathological development of oral and written speech in children.

In the process of organizing remedial education, great importance is attached to general didactic principles: educational nature of training, scientific character, systematicity and consistency, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity, strength, individual approach.

Speech therapy also relies on special principles: etiopathogenetic (taking into account the etiology and mechanisms of speech disorders), systemic and taking into account the structure of speech disorders, complexity, a differentiated approach, stages, ontogenetic, taking into account personal characteristics, an activity approach, using a bypass, the formation of speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication.

In individual lessons, the skills of correct sound pronunciation are formed. The pronunciation teaching method is characterized as analytical-synthetic, polysensory, concentric ( M.A. Povalyaev) .

When eliminating speech disorders, it is necessary to take into account the totality etiological factors causing their occurrence (external, internal, biological and socio-psychological factors).

So, with dyslalia, malocclusion predisposes to distortion of the articulation of sounds, underdevelopment of articulatory motility. In this case, speech therapy is combined with orthodontic intervention to normalize the bite. Dyslalia can also be caused by insufficient attention of others to the child's speech, i.e. social factor. In this case, speech therapy work is aimed at normalizing the child's speech contacts with the social environment, at the development of speech motor skills, phonemic perception.

The content of speech therapy influence depends on mechanism speech disorder. With the same symptoms of speech disorders, it is possible various mechanisms. For example, substitutions of sounds in dyslalia may be due to inaccurate auditory discrimination, indistinguishability of sounds by ear, or the replacement of these sounds due to underdevelopment of fine articulatory movements. When eliminating dyslalia, the main thing is the impact on the leading violation - the lack of formation of auditory differentiation or underdevelopment of articulatory motility.

Principle systems approach implies the need to take into account the structure of the defect, determine the leading violation, the ratio of primary and secondary. The complexity of the structural and functional organization of the speech system can cause a disorder of speech activity as a whole, even if its individual links are violated, which determines the significance of the impact on all components of speech in the elimination of speech disorders.

Speech disorders in most cases are syndrome, in the structure of which complex connections between speech and non-speech symptoms are distinguished. This determines the need for a comprehensive (medical-psychological-pedagogical) impact, that is, an impact on the entire syndrome as a whole. Especially significant is the complex effect in the elimination of dysarthria, stuttering, alalia, aphasia.

Logopedic influence is based on ontogenetic principle taking into account the patterns and sequence of formation of various forms and functions of speech, from simple to complex, from concrete to more abstract, from situational speech to contextual, etc.

Of great importance in the implementation of speech therapy work is corrections personality education in general, which takes into account the features of personality formation in children with various speech disorders, as well as age characteristics. Speech therapy impact on a child with speech disorders is associated with normalization social contacts with people around.

It is especially important to take into account personal characteristics in the correction of speech disorders associated with organic lesions of the central nervous system (alalia, aphasia, dysarthria, etc.). character of secondary layers.

Correction of speech disorders is carried out taking into account leading activities. In preschoolers, it is carried out in the process gaming activity, which becomes a means of developing analytical and synthetic activities, motor skills, sensory sphere, vocabulary enrichment, assimilation of language patterns, and the formation of a child's personality.

Taking into account the leading activity of the child in the process of speech therapy, various situations of verbal communication are modeled. To consolidate the correct speech skills in the conditions of natural speech communication, close communication is necessary. communication in the work of a speech therapist, teacher, educator, family. The speech therapist informs teachers and parents about the nature of the speech disorder in the child, about the tasks, methods and techniques of work at this stage of correction, seeks to consolidate the correct speech skills not only in the speech therapy room, but also in the classroom, during extracurricular time under the supervision of teachers and parents.

Logopedic influence is carried out by various methods. Teaching method in pedagogy is considered as a way of joint activity of a teacher and children, aimed at mastering children's knowledge, skills and abilities, at the formation of mental abilities, education of feelings, behavior and personal qualities.

Speech therapy uses a variety of methods: practical, visual and verbal. The choice and use of methods is determined by the nature of the speech disorder, the content, goals and objectives of the corrective speech therapy impact, the stage of work, the age, individual psychological characteristics of the child, etc. At each stage of speech therapy, the effectiveness of mastering the correct speech skills is ensured by optimally successful selection of the appropriate group of methods . For example, when eliminating stuttering in school age the effectiveness of speech therapy work is achieved by practical and visual methods. At school age, verbal methods are predominantly used, combined with visual ones.

To practical methods speech therapy impacts include: exercises, games and modeling.

An exercise- this is the repeated repetition of actions by the child when performing practical and mental tasks. In speech therapy work, they are effective in eliminating articulatory and voice disorders.

Exercises are divided into imitative-performing(respiratory, vocal, articulatory; developing general, manual motor skills); constructive(construction of letters from elements, reconstruction of letters); creative, involving the use of learned methods in new conditions, on new speech material.

Widely used in speech therapy speech exercises (repetition of words with a set sound, etc.), gaming exercises (imitation of actions, habits of animals), which relieve tension in children, create an emotionally positive mood.

When exercising, the following must be observed conditions:

Awareness by the child of the purpose of the exercise;

Systematicity, which is realized in repeated repetition;

Gradual complication of conditions, taking into account the stage of correction of the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child;

Conscious implementation of practical and speech actions;

Independent performance, especially at the final stage of correction;

A differentiated approach to the analysis and evaluation of performance.

game method involves the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques: showing, explanations, instructions, questions. The leading role belongs to the teacher, who selects the game in accordance with the intended goals and objectives of correction, distributes roles, and organizes the activities of children.

Modeling- this is the process of creating models and their use in order to form ideas about the structure of objects, relationships and connections between their elements (graphic diagrams of the structure of a sentence, syllabic and sound composition of a word).

Visual Methods- these are forms of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, depending on the visual aids and technical teaching aids used in teaching. Visual methods include observation, viewing drawings, paintings, layouts, demonstration of dia- and films, listening to audio recordings, as well as showing a sample of the task, a method of action, which in some cases act as independent methods.

Observation associated with the use of paintings, drawings, articulation profiles, layouts, as well as showing the articulation of sound, exercises.

Visual aids must meet the following requirements: be clearly visible to all children; be selected taking into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child; meet the tasks of speech therapy work at this stage of correction; be accompanied by precise and specific speech.

Benefits can be used for various purposes: to correct violations of the sensory sphere; for the development of phonemic perception; development sound analysis and synthesis; to fix the correct pronunciation of the sound; for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech; improving connected speech.

Usage verbal methods is determined by the age characteristics of children, the structure and nature of the speech defect, goals, objectives, and the stage of corrective action.

The main verbal methods are storytelling, conversation, reading.

Story- This is a form of learning in which verbal presentation is descriptive. The story involves the impact on the child's thinking, imagination, feelings, encourages verbal communication, the exchange of impressions. The retelling of fairy tales and literary works is also used.

Conversation depending on the didactic tasks, it can be preliminary and final, generalizing. The use of conversation in speech therapy work must comply with the following conditions:

Rely on a sufficient amount of ideas, the level of speech skills and abilities, be in the "zone of proximal development" of the child;

Take into account the peculiarities of the child's thinking;

Questions should be clear, precise, requiring an unambiguous answer;

It is necessary to activate the mental activity of children in a variety of ways;

The nature of the conversation should correspond to the goals and objectives of the correctional work.

In the process of logopedic influence, various verbal tricks: explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

Explanation and Explanation included in visual and practical methods.

Pedagogical assessment the result of the task, the method and course of its implementation helps to increase the efficiency of the correction process, stimulates and activates the child's activity, helps the formation of self-control and self-esteem. When evaluating a child's activity, it is necessary to take into account his age and individual psychological characteristics.

Logopedic influence is carried out in the following forms of education: frontal, subgroup, individual lesson, lesson.

Main tasks speech therapy impact is the development of speech, correction and prevention of its violations. In the process of speech therapy work, the development of sensory functions is envisaged: motor skills, especially speech motor skills, cognitive activity, attention, memory, the formation of the child's personality with the simultaneous regulation or correction of social relations, and the impact on the social environment.

Efficiency speech therapy impact is due to the following factors:

The level of development of speech therapy as a science;

The connection between theory and practice;

The nature of the defect and the severity of its symptoms;

The age of the person, the state of his health;

Mental characteristics of a person, his activity in the process of speech therapy correction;

The timing of the start and duration of speech therapy work;

Implementation of the basic principles of correctional and speech therapy work;

The skill and personal qualities of a speech therapist (11).

Thus, the professionalism of a speech therapist, his choice of adequate means and methods of speech therapy influence, taking into account the structure and nature of speech disorders, age and individual characteristics of a child with speech pathology, determine the prospect of the process of eliminating speech disorders.

3. Formulating the tasks of an individual lesson in accordance with the leading areas of work.

The tasks of an individual speech therapy session are formulated depending on the stage of the correctional impact, the form of dyslalia. With rhinolalia, depending on the preoperative or postoperative period of work.

With sensory functional dyslalia, the features of the work are as follows:

1) the predominant development in the preparatory period of the function of the speech-auditory analyzer in comparison with the speech-motor (work on the auditory differentiation of sounds);

2) focusing on the work on the formation of phonemic processes in children;

3) purposeful work on the elimination or prevention of letter substitutions in writing;

4) an obligatory stage of differentiation in the presence of mixed sounds in the child's speech.

Overcoming motor functional dyslalia also has its own characteristics.

1. During the preparatory period, priority attention is paid to the development of the child's articulatory motor skills, the development of fairly clear and coordinated articulatory movements. As for the development of auditory perception, it is important to teach the child to distinguish the correct sound from the defective one (for example, the normal pronunciation of the sound [w] from the interdental one).

2. As a rule, there is no need for a special allocation of the 4th stage of work - the stage of differentiation of mixed sounds.

In case of sensorimotor functional dyslalia, depending on the prevailing symptoms, in different versions, the methods of work used to overcome motor and sensory functional dyslalia are combined.

Based on the goals and objectives of speech therapy impact, it seems justified to single out the following stages of work:

preparatory stage; the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities; the stage of formation of communicative skills and abilities.

Speech therapy for dyslalia(E.N. Russian, L.A. Garaninina).

1. Preparatory stage.

2. The stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities:

Sound setting;

Automation of sound in syllables, words, sentences, texts;

Sound differentiation.

4. Stage of formation communication skills and skills.

In parallel with corrective work on the development of articulation in children, they improve phonemic processes.

On the preparatory stage use exercises that contribute to the development of speech hearing, activating the attention of children to the speech of others and their own speech.

At the stage staging sounds and their automation, work is underway to form the correct phonemic representations. Along with the articulatory characteristics of sound, its acoustic features (sound duration, pitch, presence of vibration, etc.) are specified.

At the stage differentiation sounds using a variety of methods to distinguish sounds.

1. Reception of demonstrating the articulation of differentiated sounds (forms: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile).

2. Reception of phonemic analysis, which traditionally includes three language operations:

Phonemic analysis (singling out a sound against the background of a word, determining the position of a sound in relation to other sounds, etc.);

Phonemic synthesis (composing words from a given sequence of sounds, composing words with a given number of sounds, etc.);

phonemic representations.

3. Reception of the connection of sound and letter.

The formation of phonetically correct speech in children with rhinolalia is aimed at solving several problems:

1) the creation of a long "mouth exhalation" when pronouncing all speech sounds, except for nasal ones;

2) mastering the articulation of all speech sounds;

4) differentiation of sounds in order to prevent violations of sound analysis;

5) normalization of the rhythmic-intonational aspect of speech;

6) automation acquired in speech communication.

Correction of speech disorders in children with rhinolalia should be started in the preoperative period (these classes are most fully considered Ippolitova L.G. and Ermakova I.I.). Before surgery it is necessary to form the prerequisites for the correct sound pronunciation:

4. release facial muscles from compensatory movements;

5. prepare the correct pronunciation of vowels;

6. prepare the correct articulation of the available consonants;

After operation corrective action becomes more difficult. Their goals:

4. develop the mobility of the soft palate;

5. Eliminate the wrong way of the organs of articulation;

6.prepare the pronunciation of all speech sounds without a nasal tone (with the exception of nasal sounds).

1) normalization of "oral exhalation", i.e., the education of a long oral air jet when pronouncing all speech sounds, except for nasal ones;

2) mastering the full articulation of all speech sounds in accordance with the program;

4. Selection of didactic and speech material

To technical means

When teaching pronunciation, special technical tools and teaching aids are widely used.

To technical means include devices that convert sounding speech into optical signals (devices of the type I-2, VIR, vibroscopes); devices that convert sound signals into mechanical ones (vibrators), etc.

The skillful use of these technical means provides a more complete perception of the phonetic elements of someone else's and one's own speech, which allows one to assess the quality of one's own speech and make the necessary corrections. Vibrators are used both in frontal and individual lessons. Devices that convert sounding speech into optical signals are used mainly in individual lessons.

To teaching aids include: textbooks on teaching pronunciation; tables; illustrations (demonstration material, handouts); toys (sounding toys, sets of doll furniture and utensils, dolls with a set of clothes for them, animal toys, balls, flags, a set for playing in the sand - a bucket, a shovel, a scoop, etc.); games (lotto, dominoes in pictures, Up and Down, Circus, etc.); special equipment (mirror, speech therapy probes, spatula, alcohol as a disinfectant, cotton wool).

Visual and didactic tables, illustrative material, games are usually made by teachers with the help of parents with their own hands. Textbooks, tables, toys, games, illustrative material are equally suitable for both frontal and individual lessons.

Mirrors, probes, a spatula - belong mainly to individual studies. If the desired articulation is not obtained on the basis of auditory-visual imitation, then the teacher resorts to developing intermediate articulation (for example, fricative p), showing the position of the speech organs in front of the mirror, or to other techniques using the mechanical assistance of a probe, spatula.

It is generally accepted that the elimination of stuttering in children is carried out only in a complex manner. This complex impact is carried out in the following directions:

1. Therapeutic strengthening of the nervous system.

2. Speech therapy classes for the development of independent, stutter-free speech.

3. The work of the educator (according to the instructions of the speech therapist).

4 Working with parents.

5. Logopedic rhythm.

Let's discuss each of them in more detail.

Therapeutic strengthening of the nervous system. All work to eliminate stuttering in children should begin with an examination of the child by a psychoneurologist or neuropathologist. The doctor determines the nature of stuttering whether it is organic or functional.

All doctor's prescriptions (drug strengthening of the nervous system, physiotherapy, etc.) must be strictly followed. The nurse and educators are responsible for this, but the speech therapist of this group controls the timely and systematic medication. The speech therapist also monitors the effect of medicines on the child. And in cases of excessive overexcitation (or, conversely, inhibition, onset of lethargy, constant drowsiness), he immediately consults a doctor to change the appointment.

speech therapy classes carried out within 9-10 months. It is carried out at systematically constructed speech lessons.

1) development in children of free, independent, devoid of signs of stuttering speech;

2) elimination of shortcomings in sound pronunciation;

3) elimination of general underdevelopment of speech (if stuttering is complicated by such a speech anomaly);

4) correction of deviations in extra-speech processes, one way or another connected with the speech act (development of attention, memory).

The process of forming normal speech should not be reduced to mechanical training in the conjugated or reflected pronunciation of words and phrases, in the automatic pronunciation of memorized poems and texts. You must first teach children to use freely, without stuttering situational speech (when the subject of the conversation is presented in a visual form), and then contextual(in the absence of the object about which the Conversation is being conducted). At the same time, it should be borne in mind that stuttering children, as a rule, often find it difficult to verbalize their thoughts, to find the right word, often their speech is inconsistent, these children suffer from verbosity, are prone to lengthy, sometimes completely meaningless reasoning.

Thus, it is clear that stuttering children first of all need to be taught how to use their vocabulary,

accurately formulate your thoughts, quickly find the right word. Stuttering children should learn to speak fluently in any situations, be able to answer a variety of questions and ask them, talking about what is happening at the moment, about past or future events, about their intentions, plans, express their thoughts clearly and consistently

So, the main meaning of classes to eliminate stuttering is the strictly systematic development of a coherent, independent speech. To do this, children must first of all be taught to answer only to questions speech therapist, and ask and speak out when asked by an adult. Of course, in order for children to feel what a clear, concise, expressive, emotionally colored speech is, what its normal pace is, everything spoken by a speech therapist in class should serve as a model for the child.

In addition to special classes to eliminate stuttering, a speech therapist can and should use such moments of the daily routine to correct a defect as preparing for classes, getting ready for a walk, etc. In these situations, a speech therapist provokes children with special questions to pronounce phrases available to them based on specific objects or actions (clothes, objects handed out for classes, manuals, utensils, toys, etc.).

During classes, it is necessary to monitor compliance with one important requirement: the answers of the children should not repeat the answers of their comrades. The speech therapist should constantly remind children of this condition. Its implementation has a great effect not only in the development of coherent speech of children, but also in the development of attention and memory. Indeed, if each of the children, carefully following the answers of his comrades, is forced to rebuild his prepared answer, since this answer has already been sounded, then this will naturally develop in the children the ability to immediately select the words necessary for the answer, to make phrases from them. At the same time, the attention and memory of the child will develop, without which full speech development is impossible.

In speech therapy classes in the second half of the year, it is necessary to introduce elements of competition, games, excitement, in order to cause emotional stress in children at the time of speech, training them to pronounce phrases in various situations, as well as enriching the expressive possibilities of their speech. The speech therapist should strive to ensure that in each lesson the speech practice of children is maximum, and his speech is as minimal as possible.

True, we should not forget that stuttering children quickly get tired. Therefore, noticing the fatigue of children, it is necessary

It is important to prevent the appearance of stutters in speech due to overwork, to switch children from one type of work to another, or to give them the opportunity to move around, stretch themselves, change places, etc.

Children should not be forced to repeat a word or phrase uttered with stuttering, as in this case their attention is fixed on the pronunciation side of the speech, and they are only required to follow the meaning of their answers. If one of the children pronounces a word with a hesitation, the speech therapist does not seem to notice this, but for himself he must decide what caused this stuttering, and either replace the question or change the situation of the answer. It follows from the foregoing that during classes, children should speak completely freely, without stuttering, and free from stuttering, the smooth speech of children is an indicator of the correct organization of classes.

Another important requirement for children's speech is its normal pace. It is normal, not stretched or monotonous. It is known that most stutterers have a hasty, spasmodic speech. Speech therapists, on the other hand, sometimes resort to artificially slowing down the pace of speech, forcing children to sing along, stretching out vowels, pronouncing phrases together. As experience shows, such a technique does not give a positive effect. Usually, after classes, children do not adhere to the pace of speech set by the speech therapist, they are embarrassed to speak in a singsong voice, stretched out. In addition, the task of eliminating stuttering is not the education of the external side of sounding speech, but the internal restructuring of the entire process of speech communication.

When working with stuttering children, it should be borne in mind that many of them are easily vulnerable, impressionable, overly touchy, and classes with them should be carried out, encouraging and encouraging children all the time, while creating an atmosphere of goodwill.

When conducting classes, it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children. For example, if a child is shy, then you should not ask him first, giving him the opportunity to listen to the answers of his comrades, adapt and wait until he has a desire to speak and answer himself. Too mobile, noisy children are best asked after their excitement subsides. Work to eliminate stuttering It will be of great benefit if the activities bring joy to the children, and do not look like a drill or a boring necessity.

Many stuttering children have deficiencies in sound pronunciation. Work in this direction should be carried out from the very first days. The production of sounds, their automation and introduction into speech should be carried out in special subgroup classes. Great help is provided by a teacher who works with children on the instructions of a speech therapist. For example, he can be instructed to carry out separate articulation exercises

Exercises or work with the child to consolidate the delivered sound. It is important, however, to remember that in stuttering classes, children cannot be required to correctly pronounce sounds that have not yet been worked out. Otherwise, the children will start to stutter. The speech therapist needs to patiently wait for the pronunciation skills to become so persistent that the child himself begins to pronounce all the sounds correctly in any situation.

During the first month, work to eliminate stuttering must be combined with a silence mode. This common name, of course, is arbitrary, since it is impossible to achieve complete silence from emotional, mobile, easily excitable children, which in most cases are stuttering children. But it is necessary to strive for this. In the most extreme cases, whispered speech is allowed.

Such a restriction is necessary so that, firstly, the pathological reflex to stuttering fades. Secondly, the silence of children (outside classes) for a month calms their nervous system, makes it possible to take a break from speech-rich classes. Thirdly, by speaking only in speech-language therapy classes and therefore always without hesitation, children are gradually established in the idea that they can not stutter, which serves as a kind of psychotherapy.

Educator activities. The speech therapist is responsible for organizing the silence regime and general control over its implementation. However, direct control over the restriction of children's speech falls mainly on educators, to a lesser extent on parents on those days when the child is taken to the family.

First of all, one important requirement must be observed: the silence of children should in no case be achieved by a ban. Here it is necessary to show pedagogical ingenuity, since the prohibition to speak oppresses children, creates in them negative emotions. If the teacher felt that the children could no longer be silent, he can begin to learn a poem with them in chorus, play some game in which the children will speak in phrases that have already been memorized or say certain words in chorus after the teacher.

Working with parents. Of great importance in the overall success of the correctional impact is the work of a speech therapist and educators with parents of stuttering children. A speech therapist should advise parents on the general and speech regimen of the child, acquaint them with the requirements for the speech of children, and invite them to open classes.

At home, a calm, friendly atmosphere should be created for the child, excessive unrest is harmful to his nervous system. It is necessary to categorically exclude punishments, intimidation, reproaches, long harsh moralizing. It is not recommended for such children to attend cinemas, theaters, circuses and other emotional and spectacular events. All the time

learning should not take the child to visit and parents to receive guests at home.

Logopedic rhythm. Of great importance for the elimination of stuttering are speech therapy rhythms, if they are carried out correctly. Usually in such classes it is customary to use various exercises to develop motor skills, coordination of movements, and a sense of musical rhythm. In working with stuttering children, it is necessary, in addition to all of the above, to correct specific deviations in extra-verbal processes (attention disturbance, motor restlessness, lack of composure, inability to control oneself, quickly switch from one type of activity to another). A prerequisite for such activities is slowing down the pace at the end, calming the children, slowing down the pace of speech and movements, muscle relaxation, and the removal of emotional arousal.

So, we have discussed all aspects of the complex educational impact and once again emphasize that only it can contribute to the complete elimination of stuttering.


Stuttering usually occurs in early childhood (between 2 and 5 years of age). It is necessary to eliminate this speech defect as soon as it manifests itself. Otherwise, stuttering will take hold and become persistent, and at school age it will begin to progress. In addition, stuttering is eliminated more easily and quickly in preschoolers than in older children.

Currently, there is no single method to eliminate this defect. And most importantly, often speech therapy influence is directed only to the mechanical training of children in smooth, slow pronunciation and the specific features of their speech development, the peculiarity of the flow of non-speech processes that are directly related to the communicative function of the language are not taken into account at all.

Our psychological and pedagogical study of 4-7 year old stuttering preschoolers made it possible to establish that, as a rule, these children have a sufficient vocabulary, sometimes exceeding the age norm. Their speech is often replete with adult expressions: “nevertheless”, “in short”, “apparently, this is so”, “of course, I know this”, “in all likelihood, I won’t come tomorrow”, “by the way” etc. Many people talk about space, about astronauts, about three-stage rockets. However, against the background of such apparent well-being, these Children often cannot remember the most elementary objects of action, qualities, or name them at the right time (although, as the survey showed, they have this knowledge in their vocabulary). It should be noted that these difficulties in finding the right word, in the speech design of thoughts cause

Increased stuttering, long pauses, frequent use of embolus (“well”, “e”, “here”, “and”, “there”, “this”, “still”, “a”).

Often in the speech of stuttering children there is no necessary sequence, they are prone to verbosity, sometimes lengthy reasoning completely devoid of meaning.

Obviously, such children need to be taught to use the vocabulary they have, giving their thoughts an accurate verbal form. To do this, children must be able to quickly find the right word, be consistent in their stories. Stuttering children must also be taught fluency in speech regardless of the situation, answer all kinds of questions, ask themselves, talk about what is happening at the moment, about past or future events, about their intentions, plans. It goes without saying that the speech therapy impact aimed at the mechanical training of children in smooth pronunciation is not enough in this case.

For the full flow of the speech act great importance has a sufficient formation of such various extra-verbal processes as stability of attention and memory, observation, flexibility of switching from one type of activity to another, the ability to control oneself and one's thinking. And our study of stuttering children also revealed that, as a rule, their attention is unstable, they do not know how to be collected, switch thoughts from one object to another in time, it is difficult for them to keep in memory everything necessary for the implementation of the statement, their accuracy of perception of the interlocutor's speech , its content leaves much to be desired, and therefore their verbal reaction to it is not always correct, their will is poorly developed, they have poor control over themselves and directed thinking.

All of the above suggests that the work to overcome stuttering will be complete and effective if the direct correction of children's speech is combined with the correction of these features. For this purpose, you can use the program material of the mass kindergarten. It seems quite possible to combine the education and upbringing of children (according to the kindergarten program) with the process of developing their coherent speech and work on the re-education of existing mental characteristics.

It is necessary to develop the coherent speech of children in the sequence in which the usual development of the speech of a preschooler occurs, that is, on the basis of the psychological patterns of the course of this process. In psychological studies, it is noted that the earliest form of children's speech is speech that is directly correlated with practical action or with the situation in which or about which communication takes place.

A specific situation or a situation of direct activity greatly facilitates the child's formulation of mental

whether the name of the objects or the designation of the actions performed. In case of difficulty in finding the right word, the specific situation allows the child to use a pronoun like this, this, this or just a gesture pointing to a particular object. For example, if it is difficult for a child to remember or find the necessary word during the answer, he can answer: “I took this,” or “I put it here,” or “Here it is.” This form of speech is called situational.

In contrast, speech contextual, i.e., connected with objects that the child cannot observe at the moment of speech, with past events, sometimes very old, or with his future actions, intentions, plans, is the most difficult for stuttering children. The complexity of such speech is due to the fact that the child has to build his thought, relying only on linguistic means.

It is necessary to develop coherent speech in stuttering children, starting with the most simple and accessible situational form for them, gradually leading them to the ability to use the contextual form of speech. To implement this transition, the methodology provides for a consistent complication of children's speech through a gradual decrease in reliance on visual perception.

So, the main line of the consistent development of coherent speech of children is that at first they master the ability to use stutter-free speech associated with specific, visual objects or actions. Then they begin to speak under the influence of bright, clear visual representations, and at the end of the training they master generalized abstract statements without any visual support. Such is the gradual way of children's mastery of various forms of speech.

From what has been said, it is clear that the main point of speech therapy classes is not in training the skills of mechanical speech, but in teaching children to easily and freely express their thoughts, answer, ask, explain, tell, draw conclusions, conclusions, generalizations. As practice has shown, the mechanical training of children's speech, exercises in conjugated, reflected speech, in reproducing a memorized text do not bring the desired results. The greatest effect is the use of independent speech from the very first lessons.

In order for independent speech to be accessible to children, i.e., not to cause them to stutter, it is necessary from the very first lessons to create an environment that would make it easier for children to quickly and accurately select words for answers. It should be borne in mind: if children see, comprehend, do something, then they easily name it, since the actions performed are, as it were, before their eyes and suggest their names themselves. Such a favorable environment, providing maximum visibility, can be created during the passage of all sections of the mass kindergarten program (in visual activity,

With the development of elementary mathematical concepts and speech).

In the classroom for visual activity when designing objects from paper, cardboard and other materials, drawing up applications from ready-made and self-cut geometric shapes, modeling from clay or plasticine, drawing with a pencil and paints, children see those objects that they have to talk about, comprehend their actions and they are quickly called, and the sequence of making crafts is easily reproduced in their story. Thus, visual activity can be used from the first stages of speech therapy classes without any changes in the order and course of the program for mass kindergartens.

The development of programs for the development of elementary mathematical concepts is another matter. At the first stages of speech therapy classes, only those sections of it are presented that allow the use of visual material (acquaintance with the concept of quantity and counting, with geometric flat and volumetric figures, with dividing the whole into parts, ordinal counting, etc.). Other sections of the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts take place at the later stages of speech therapy classes.

When passing a program for the development of speech, a speech therapist needs to change the sequence of classes in such a way that to at the first stages it was necessary to examine objects and objects, compare objects and objects, look at pictures, walk and observe in nature.

The proposed stuttering technique is designed for 9-10 months of daily practice. It must be remembered that the first 2-3 months of speech therapy work with children are the most responsible. The further success of the work depends to a large extent on the correctness of their implementation. It is necessary to strictly observe the basic requirements for classes.

During the lessons, the speech therapist must make the children aware of the importance of what they are doing, and their answers to questions are needed in order to clarify whether they understood his explanations correctly. Classes should arouse interest in children, a constant desire to answer complex and tricky questions of a speech therapist.

The development of coherent speech in stuttering children should be carried out by a speech therapist not only during classes, but also in such situations of the daily routine as group duty, going for a walk, preparing for classes, setting tables for meals. In this case, clothes can become specific material for conversation. child, necessary for classes, utensils, toys, etc. For example, a speech therapist can ask children whose thing it is, what color it is, what the child puts on the table, what he is doing at the moment, what he did in the group in the morning, last night what he will do after class, etc. At the same time, we must not forget that on early stages logo questions

peda should refer only to specific items or actions.

The system for overcoming stuttering based on the development of coherent speech of children includes five periods:

I - propaedeutic.

II - accompanying or ascertaining speech.

Ш - final speech or speech in the wake of visual representations.

IV - planning speech or speech devoid of visual

V - consolidation of coherent speech skills.

First period. Its main goal is to overcome speech impulsivity, disorganization of children. As you know, many stuttering children are excitable, motor restless, they talk incessantly, do not know how to listen to the explanations of their elders, constantly interrupt them with their questions, remarks, and statements. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to teach children to restrain their speech activity, not to speak out on any occasion, but to answer only when the speech therapist asks questions, and only what he asks about, to be attentive and disciplined. It is clear that without observing these conditions it is impossible to carry out a gradual, in a strict system, development of the speech of children.

The first period should not take more than 3-4 lessons. In the classes of this period, the children themselves still do not say anything, but only silently listen to the speech therapist. At first, this is a very difficult task for children. They put in their lines every now and then. And here the speech therapist requires resourcefulness, tact and endurance. He should, in a very mild form, but at the same time quite decisively, make the children feel that attention and discipline are required of them.

The lesson can be carried out approximately as follows. The speech therapist introduces children to each other, with the rules of behavior in the classroom. Then he checks the children's knowledge of the names of flowers, geometric shapes, animals, vegetables, fruits, means of transport, trees, etc. When explaining, the speech therapist can turn to the children with the following phrase: “Now the one who listened most attentively to everyone will come to my table me, he will show us pictures with vegetables", or "Now the one who sits best and does not interrupt me will come out", or "Now the one who, while I was talking, was sitting quietly and quietly" will come up to the picture, etc.

Of course, in subsequent classes, the speech therapist will still have to pay the children's attention to their behavior, but at the very first they should be quite familiar with the rules of communication with each other and with adults. Only observance of discipline and the correct speech mode will help to implement the basic principle of the proposed methodology - the gradual complication of children's speech.

Second period. During this period, the simplest speech available to stuttering children is used. This speech accompanies their actions or the actions of a speech therapist, and also fixes the observed objects, their visible properties and quantity.

Here is an example of a conversation in one of the classes of this period. Speech therapist. Look, kids, you all have paper strips. I wonder what color they are? Same or different? Let's see. Vova, what stripe do you have? Vova. Green. Speech therapist. How about you, Petya? Petya. Yellow.

Speech therapist. And Masha, I wonder what strip? Masha. And mine is red.

Speech therapist. Nina, do you think that all stripes are the same or different? Nina. All stripes are different.

And here is an example of a speech therapist talking with children while on duty in a group.

Speech therapist. Misha, who are you feeding now? Misha. I feed the fish.

Speech therapist. And you, Masha, what are you clearing from the table? Masha. I remove the spoon.

Speech therapist. What are you putting in the box, Kolya? Kolya. I'm stacking cubes.

Speech therapist. I don't see what you're wiping the table with, Vova! Vova. Sponge.

Third period. During this period, children master the ability to answer questions, explain, tell without direct reliance on the observed object or action, but only on the traces of visual representations. At first, you can use the previous forms of speech already learned by the children (accompanying and ascertaining). For example, a conversation using old and new forms of speech might look like this: Speech therapist. Vova, tell me what you did now. Vova. At first, I crushed the plasticine well in my hands, and then rolled a ball out of it. Speech therapist. And you, Misha, what are you doing? Misha. And I still only roll plasticine with my palms. Speech therapist. I wonder what Serezha managed to do? Seryozha. And I kneaded the plasticine, rolled up the ball, and now I am making a dimple in it.

And here is a fragment of a speech therapy lesson.

Speech therapist. What kind geometric figures we went with you in the last lesson? Kolya says.

Kolya. Oval. And repeated the triangle, square and circle. Speech therapist. Let's remember how a circle differs from a square. Borya will answer.

Borya. A circle can be rolled, but a square cannot. Speech therapist (tells the children with a gesture). Tell Masha.

Masha. The square has sharp edges, and the circle is even, smooth.

Flood e. And which two geometric figures are very similar to each other? Katia!

Katia. Circle and oval.

Speech therapist. How are they similar? Let's remember. Masha!

Masha. A circle has no sharp corners and an oval does not.

Speech therapist. What else (makes a suggestive gesture)? Glory!

Glory. A circle can be rolled and an oval can also be rolled.

The fourth period. In this period, in addition to all those named, they use the most complex form of speech - planning, as well as detailed explanations and stories of children without any visual support. Usually, during this period, the speech therapist offers questions and tasks like: “What are you going to do?”; “What will you do first? And then?"; "What are you going to do with this toy?"; “Who are you preparing a gift for?”; “Tell me how to treat four children with one apple?”; "Who will tell you how to compare the number of large and small objects?"; “Now, children, I will tell you the beginning of the story, and you will come up with its end: “Once Petya was walking along the river bank and suddenly he heard a loud cry.” And here, who shouted, why and what Petya did, think for yourself ”; “Children, soon Masha will bring a hedgehog to our group. Let's think about how we will take care of him."

Answering such questions, children tell in detail, reason, draw conclusions, generalizations. In other words, during this period they already use contextual speech.

But if before this period children only answered the questions posed, now it is necessary to start teaching children to ask questions on their own. It might go something like this. The speech therapist invites children to play teacher. The selected teacher sits at the speech therapist's table. Now he is no longer Kolya, but Nikolai Fedorovich, who, imitating the manner of a speech therapist, asks all the children questions, and the children take turns answering them cheerfully. Everyone wants to be a teacher. But for this role, the speech therapist appoints only the one who responded best and most of all to the chosen teacher. Therefore, all the children raise their hands and enthusiastically talk about everything that the teacher asks about.

Fifth period. During this period, the skills of free use of all types of coherent speech are fixed. With children in speech therapy classes, the entire remaining program material of mass kindergartens is passed. At the same time, the speech therapist seeks to provoke children as often as possible to pronounce phrases for a variety of reasons. Moreover, unlike a mass kindergarten, one should try to ensure that situations arise in the classroom that require emotional speech, since, as you know, speech in a state of emotional arousal is especially difficult for stuttering children, and such exercises will not interfere with them. The speech therapist enters with the children into a lively

Sedu, argues and jokes with them, organizes noisy, cheerful discussions, dialogues of children among themselves.

It is especially useful during this period to use various options for children's creative stories based on program material. For example, compiling a story based on key words: summer, forest, children, mushrooms, thunderstorm, hut; inventing a fairy tale on the topic: “How Grisha first came to kindergarten”, “Who was the coward Seryozha afraid of”, “Why did Sveta cry at the zoo”, etc.

As already noted, in parallel with the development of coherent speech of children, correctional and educational work should be carried out to eliminate deviations in extra-speech processes. This work is carried out systematically both in the process of teaching and educating children according to the program, and outside the classroom.

The very installation, which is given in all speech therapy classes: “Listen carefully to the answers of your comrades, never repeat them, but answer differently,” requires constant attention from children, develops their memory, the ability to instantly switch if the answer prepared by the child has already sounded, because it is necessary immediately come up with a different answer. In addition, starting from the third period, children have to keep in mind the sequence of performing a particular task, otherwise, later, when answering questions from a speech therapist, they will not be able to tell about their actions accurately and in detail. All this also develops their memory, expands the amount of attention.

Another important condition for speech therapy classes is that children, while working with a speech therapist, should carefully follow the answers of their comrades and, in case of their mistakes or inaccuracies, immediately make changes, additions to their answers and stories. All these and various other techniques organize the mental activity of stuttering children.

The foregoing is a necessary but not sufficient condition for correcting deviations in extraverbal processes. You should also apply special techniques aimed at developing the attention and memory of children. For example, when teaching and educating children, it is advisable to give them multi-stage instructions such as: “Who can put three circles on the left and two squares on the right?” or “Who can draw two sticks with red chalk on the left and two squares with green chalk on the right?” etc.

Complete success in working with stuttering children can only be achieved if all the indicated measures are carried out and, simultaneously with the development of coherent speech, all identified deviations in mental processes are corrected. This work must be combined with therapeutic measures to strengthen the nervous system of stuttering children. Of great importance is also how skillfully the parents continue the work of a speech therapist, how conscientiously and accurately

Volkova G.A. Game activity in the elimination of stuttering in preschoolers. -M., 1983.

Levina R.E. On the problem of stuttering in children. - Defectology, 1969, No. 3.

Pravdina O. V. Speech therapy. - M., 1969.- S. 53-54, 151-172.

Seliverstov V. I. A modern complex method for overcoming stuttering//Speech disorders in children and adolescents / Ed. S. S. Lyapidevsky. - M., 1969.- S. 243-273.

Cheveleva N. A. Stuttering in children / / Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy / Ed. R. E. Levina. - M., 1968. - S. 229-258.

Cheveleva N. A. Correction of speech in stuttering preschoolers. - M., 1965.

Cheveleva N.A. Parents about stuttering in children. - Defectology, 1978, No. 1.

Shostak B.I. On some motor disorders in stuttering//Essays on the pathology of speech and voice.-M., 1967, no. 3. - S. 148-169.

KhvattsevM. E. Speech therapy. - M., 1959.- S. 213-247.


1. What is stuttering?

2. How is stuttering divided by etiological grounds?

3. What are the causes of organic stuttering central origin?

4. What causes of functional stuttering do you know?

5. How is stuttering classified according to the type of seizures?

6. What are the degrees of stuttering?

7. What are the symptoms of stuttering?

8. What is logophobia?

9. What is embolophrasy?

10. What are the points of view on embolophrasy?

11. What involuntary movements accompanying stuttering do you know?

12. What are the voluntary accompanying movements during stuttering?

13. If a 4-year-old child with a tonic form of stuttering of moderate severity has a Freschels reflex, facial tics, can it be argued that this pathology of speech has arisen recently?


Surely it will be useful for you to learn about the basic principles of the work of a speech therapist.

1. Accounting for the mechanisms of speech impairment (etiopathogenetic principle).

Initially, it is necessary to identify the cause of the appearance of logopathology and eliminate it. If the cause of the burr is a shortened hyoid ligament (bridle), the frenulum must be trimmed. Speech impairment can also be caused by insufficient attention of others, in this case, correctional work is aimed at normalizing the child's communication, the formation of articulation, and phonemic processes.

2. Complexity

Speech is a complex process. When correcting speech disorders, the work of not only a speech therapist, but also other specialists (child psychiatrist, neuropathologist, psychologist) is required, because the brain is a single whole, and sound pronunciation disorders can be one of the symptoms of a more complex speech disorder. So, the cause of alalia is a selective lesion of the cerebral cortex, alalia manifests itself in the difficulties of learning the language, in the deviation of personality formation, higher mental functions. Without medication and psychocorrection, speech therapy is ineffective. With stuttering, neurological abnormalities and a speech defect and mental disorders are also observed. Only an integrated approach, including medical, psychological, speech therapy effects, psychotherapy can get rid of this ailment.

3. Impact on all aspects of speech (the principle of a systematic approach).

Often parents focus on one speech problem of the child, unaware that speech is underdeveloped in general. It is impossible to be limited only to the correction of incorrect sound pronunciation; such violations as omissions and rearrangements of sounds and syllables in words, poverty of vocabulary, incorrect agreement of words in a sentence also deserve attention.

4. Reliance on a safe link.

Overcoming a speech disorder, the specialist first relies on what has remained more intact, and only then gradually connect the disturbed “link” to vigorous activity.

5. Accounting for the patterns of the normal course of speech development.

In mastering language norms, there are algorithms that must be taken into account. The main task of speech therapy work is to bring the course of the speech development of a child suffering from a speech disorder as close as possible to the normal order.

6. Accounting for leading activities.

For a child preschool age play is such an activity. During the game, he has a lot of questions, which means that he feels the need for verbal communication. The speech therapist joins the game and, imperceptibly for the child, helps him overcome the speech disorder. For schoolchildren, the leading activity is educational. On this basis, the entire program of speech therapy work is built. However, game moments also remain. Everyone loves to play, even adults. In our work with adults, we also use speech games. After all, everyone knows: “Learning should be fun in order to study well”

The speech therapy process is long and focused. The following stages are distinguished:
diagnostics (examination, detection of speech disorders, development of an individual program for correction)
correction: motivating the student, preparing the organs of articulation, practicing correct speech breathing, staging sounds, automating sounds in independent speech, differentiating mixed sounds.
Evaluation and control We evaluate the dynamics in training, we check the absence of relapses.

8. Accounting for individual characteristics. Every child, especially a child with a disability, is unique. A speech therapist should be able, taking into account individual characteristics, to find an approach to any child, establish a trusting relationship with him, interest him, inspire confidence in acquiring normal speech. finding an individual approach to the child is the key to the success of speech therapy work.

9. Close cooperation with parents.

The role of parents in eliminating the child's speech problem is one of the leading ones. A child spends a couple of hours a week with a speech therapist, while the development of speech is a continuous process. Only parental participation, interest, ingenuity, energy and constant control over the process are able to bring the speech therapist's move to the end. And overcoming a problem together can unite parents and a child, because it involves learning through play! This is especially important when working with speechless children (alaliks, children with delayed speech development), when it is the parents who need to constantly, regularly, repeatedly and uniformly pronounce one word throughout the day. And here is a miracle - the child spoke!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Basic principles of speech therapy work

Speech therapy is among other special sciences: deaf pedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, tiflopedagogy, education and training of children with motor disorders; it has a methodological basis in common with them and a common special task: the maximum overcoming of defects in children (and adults) suffering from a violation (in this case, speech), and preparing them for work.

The complexity of highlighting the basic principles of speech therapy influence lies in the fact that people of the most different ages(preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults); Speech disorders are very diverse, just as diverse are the causes of their occurrence, their role and significance for the usefulness of the communicative function of a person’s speech, for his general development and education, character formation and for his participation in work and social life.

As a pedagogical discipline, speech therapy should be guided in its practice by general pedagogical principles, in particular the principles of didactics.

The system of speech therapy influences can be formulated in the form of the following provisions.

1. Speech therapy work should be carried out taking into account the personality of the speech pathologist, both its negative sides, which must be re-educated, and the positive ones, which must be used in the compensation process; in particular, taking into account the interdependence and connection of the activity of all analyzers, the involvement of healthy analyzers is used to compensate for the activity of inferior ones.

2. The speech of a person as a whole is involved in speech therapy work: a speech therapist must create a dictionary, grammatical structure and the sound side of speech (motor alalia) even with the mildest speech disorder, when there are pronunciation defects of only some sound groups and individual sounds, he cannot limit his work only to creating the correct isolated sound, but from the point of view of the pronunciation of this sound, rework both the dictionary (not a bow, but a hand, not a scythe, but a cat) and the phrase I don’t want to bite, but I want to eat ). The speech therapist must not only achieve the correct pronunciation of soft and hard consonants or voiced and deaf, but also distinguish them, that is, prepare the basis for correct written speech.

3. The focus of speech therapy work should always remain the most affected link in this disorder (primarily impaired speech component). So, for example, with dyslalia and dysarthria, this will be sound pronunciation, with alalia, a dictionary, with stuttering, a calm, smooth flow of speech, etc.

4. Depending on the stages of speech development, a speech therapist must change his target methodological settings.

5. In a properly constructed speech therapy process, the regularities and sequence of normal both speech and general mental development should be taken into account.

6. The organization, the form of work, the material involved should correspond to the age of the speech pathologist: it is desirable to quickly include program material in work with a schoolchild and conduct classes in the form of school classes, and with a preschooler to use mainly game forms, but still build your work in the form of organized and planned classes.

7. The difficulties of speech therapy work and its timing will depend on the nature of each speech disorder and on its degree. For example, the gradual development of sound pronunciation in dysarthria is associated with a gradual complication of the articulatory structures of the sounds of a given language and with a gradual transition from less affected movements to more affected ones.

With motor alalia, the gradual development of speech can be schematically characterized by the following main directions: a) from onomatopoeia and babble words to words that are increasingly complex in their verbal structure; b) from the most specific words and grammatical categories in terms of their semantic content to more and more abstract ones; c) from the most simple sentences to more and more extensive and complex.

8 All the work of a speech therapist should be imbued with psychotherapy, which is based on an understanding of the difficulties of a speech pathologist, on the understanding that the majority of poorly speaking people are having a hard time with their speech insufficiency - ridicule of others, failure in school; many of them already doubt that they will be able to overcome their difficulties.

9. The upbringing and re-education of speech takes place under the targeted influence of a speech therapist, largely on the basis of imitation of a speech therapist, therefore the personality of a speech therapist and, in particular, his speech becomes very important. Painstaking, thoughtful work is possible only if a speech therapist sincerely loves his work and children.

All behavior of a speech therapist should be even, benevolent towards his pet; his emotional background should be colored with joyful, but calm and businesslike revival. The speech therapist should be demanding, but at the same time, his exactingness should be reasonable, understanding and taking into account all the difficulties of the speech pathologist. from the environment (a stutterer again begins to stutter when strangers appear, confuses already practiced sounds when required to retell an article that is difficult for him, etc.).

All disruptions and failures of the speech therapy process should be considered by the speech therapist primarily from the point of view of the feasibility of the requirements for the speech pathologist.

The credibility of a speech therapist is very important for both children and their parents and caregivers, since the relatively short work of a speech therapist should be supported by additional work at home or in a children's institution.

Authority in the eyes of the child is achieved by the general manner of behavior, the clarity of their tasks and requirements; in relation to parents and educators, the speech therapist must also be even and patient, conduct a qualified, but accessible explanation of his requirements and his tasks.

A speech therapist should be able to subtly observe in order to know well those with whom he works, especially since in the process of working they speech level changes all the time, and in connection with this change, the difficulties and tasks of speech therapy work change accordingly. (So, in working with motor alalik at the first stage, it is most difficult to overcome its speech negativism, at the second and third stages, difficulties in the field of vocabulary and grammatical structure increase and there is a danger of stuttering.)

A speech therapist should be well aware of the main speech disorders and their course, should be familiar with the modern understanding of their mechanisms, should know the methodology for the initial teaching of literacy and mathematics, since it is he who has to start teaching children with severe speech disorders (dysarthria, alalia, rhinolalia, etc.). ).

Initial training for many speech disorders has specific difficulties, in addition, it is very often an auxiliary means of correcting defective speech.

The insufficiency of uniform programs, manuals requires a creative attitude of the speech therapist to his work and careful preliminary preparation for each lesson.

Speech therapy classes are conducted with specially selected groups or individually.

The organization of small (from 3-4 to 5-6 people) selected groups (according to the nature and severity of the violation, by age, by intelligence) provides more opportunities for conducting various games and exercises, for educational and psychotherapeutic influence both on the most timid and shy, and on the disinhibited and negative.

For successful work in a group (preschoolers, schoolchildren of different grades), there must be discipline, which is best ensured by a clear, thoughtful work plan for the entire group and individual requirements for everyone in the group.

group work does not exclude the need for individual work, which is carried out either temporarily (as the preparation of the most "severe" children for work in a group), or in parallel (in addition to work in a group of individual children), or entirely (if the speech therapist does not have an appropriate group).

The speech of a speech therapist should be a role model in all respects: in its pace, diction, euphony, correctness of expressions and pronunciation. Thus, a speech therapist cannot be either stuttering or tongue-tied, he must be able to speak fluently and expressively.

In speech therapy, special methods have been developed to overcome various speech defects.

The work of a speech therapist should be well equipped with various benefits. Toys, pictures (subject, plot, series of sequential pictures9), board games (such as loto, dominoes "Who is faster"), books (primers, books for reading, fiction, textbooks for different classes) serve as aids in speech therapy work, tables in Russian. The speech therapist uses all these benefits depending on the immediate task that he sets for himself in connection with the nature of the violation, the stage of work, the intellect and the general development of the student. In this regard, toys, pictures, texts should be specially selected and grouped.

The choice of benefits and the method of using them are determined by the target setting for its use; the same manual can be used both for examination purposes and for the purpose of exercise, the creation of certain skills.

Special benefits include a speech therapy mirror, in which the student can see both the face of the speech therapist and his own.

The principles of speech therapy work are general starting points that determine the activities of a speech therapist and children in the process of correcting speech disorders.

General didactic principles of speech therapy influence: the educational nature of education, scientific character, systematic and consistent nature, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity, strength, individual approach.

Special principles of speech therapy influence:

1) Etiopathogenetic - taking into account the etiology and mechanisms of speech disorders (When eliminating speech disorders, it is necessary to take into account the totality of etiological factors that cause their occurrence. These are external, internal, biological and socio-psychological factors. The content of speech therapy influence depends on the mechanism of speech disorders. With the same symptomatology of disorders speech, various mechanisms are possible.)

2) Consistency and consideration of the structure of speech disorders (Assumes the need to take into account the structure of the defect in speech therapy work, determine the leading disorder, the ratio of primary and secondary symptoms. The complexity of the structural and functional organization of the speech system causes a disorder of speech activity as a whole in violation of even its individual links. This and determines the significance of the impact on all components of speech in the elimination of speech disorders.)

3) Complexity (Complex medical-psychological-pedagogical impact is very important in eliminating all complex speech disorders, but it is especially significant in eliminating dysarthria, stuttering, alalia, aphasia.)

4) A differentiated approach (carried out on the basis of taking into account the etiology, mechanisms, symptoms of the disorder, the structure of the speech defect, the age and individual characteristics of the child. In the process of correcting speech disorders, general and specific patterns of development of abnormal children are taken into account. Speech therapy work to correct speech disorders in various categories of abnormal children. children has its own specifics, due to the peculiarities of their sensorimotor and mental development.In the process of speech therapy, it is necessary to take into account the level of development of speech, cognitive activity, features of the sensory sphere and motor skills of the child.)

5) Staged (Speech therapy impact is a purposeful, complexly organized process in which various stages are distinguished. Each of them is characterized by its goals, objectives, methods and methods of correction. Prerequisites are consistently formed for the transition from one stage to another. For example, work to eliminate dyslalia includes the following stages: staging, automation, differentiation of sounds.)

6) Development (involves the allocation in the process of speech therapy work of those tasks, difficulties, stages that are in the zone of proximal development of the child.)

7) Ontogenetic (Speech therapy impact is based on the ontogenetic principle, taking into account the patterns and sequence of formation of various forms and functions of speech. The formation of correct speech skills, forms and functions of speech is carried out from simple to complex, from concrete to more abstract, from productive forms to unproductive , from situational speech to contextual, from the assimilation of semantic relations to the assimilation of formal features of speech (language) units.)

8) Taking into account age and personality characteristics (Peculiarities of personality formation in children with various forms of speech disorders, as well as age characteristics are taken into account. Special meaning takes into account personal characteristics in the correction of speech disorders associated with brain disorders (alalia, aphasia, stuttering, dysarthria). In this case, in the symptoms of the disorder, pronounced features of personality formation are noted, which are both primary in nature, due to organic damage to the brain, and the nature of secondary layers.)

9) Activity approach (Correction of speech disorders is carried out taking into account the leading activity. In preschool children, it is carried out in the process of playing activity, at school age, the leading activity is educational.)

10) Using a workaround (i.e., the formation of a new functional system bypassing the affected link. So, in the process of overcoming alalia, aphasia, the creation of new functional systems based on intact links is of great importance.)

11) Formation of speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication (Taking into account the leading activity of the child in the process of speech therapy work, various situations of speech communication are modeled. To consolidate the correct speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication, close communication is necessary in the work of a speech therapist, teacher, educator, family.)

Teaching method is a way of joint activity of a teacher and children, aimed at mastering children's knowledge, skills and abilities, at the formation of mental abilities, education of feelings, behavior and personal qualities. Various methods are used in speech therapy work:


a) an exercise is a repeated repetition by a child of practical and mental given actions. They are divided into imitative-performing (performed by children in accordance with the model, for example, practical exercises - breathing, voice, articulatory, developing general, manual motor skills), constructive (using various kinds construction) and creative (involving the use of learned methods in new conditions, on new speech material).

b) games involve the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques: demonstration, explanation, instructions, questions. One of the main components is an imaginary situation in expanded form (plot, role, game actions).

c) modeling is the process of creating models and their use in order to form ideas about the structure of objects, about the relationships and connections between the elements of these objects. Sign-symbolic modeling has received wide application.

2) visual: they are those forms of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities that are significantly dependent on the visual aids and technical teaching aids used in teaching. The use of manuals facilitates the assimilation of materials, contributes to the formation of sensory prerequisites for the development of speech skills. Reliance on sensory images makes the assimilation of speech skills more specific, accessible, conscious, increases the efficiency of speech therapy work. These include observations, viewing drawings, paintings, layouts, viewing filmstrips, movies, listening to records, tape recordings, showing a sample task, a method of action.

3) verbal: the features of their use are determined by the age characteristics of children, the structure and nature of the speech defect, goals, objectives, and the stage of corrective action.

a) a story is a form of learning in which the presentation is descriptive. It is used to create in children an idea of ​​​​a particular phenomenon, to evoke positive emotions, to create a model of correct expressive speech, to prepare children for subsequent independent work, to enrich the dictionary, to consolidate grammatical forms of speech.

b) conversation (depending on the didactic tasks, preliminary, final, summarizing conversations are organized)

c) reading

According to the nature of the orientation, the methods of speech therapy work are divided into methods of "direct influence" (for example, the impact on articulatory motility when eliminating dyslalia) and methods of "workarounds" (for example, the creation of new functional connections bypassing the broken links of the speech functional system in aphasia).
