We bring to your attention an excerpt from the book " About the psychology of raising children" Glushakova O.A., Dubovets Zh.V., Medvedskaya S.F. - ALC "Educational company "Assistance" - 2009

Description: To preserve and strengthen the mental and psychological health of children, emotional well-being and spiritual comfort, to promote the emotional and personal development of preschoolers is possible only through the joint efforts of specialists from preschool institutions and the family.

"SOON TO SCHOOL or Psychological preparation of the child for schooling"

Enrollment of the child in school- this is, on the one hand, a joyful, long-awaited moment, and on the other, a tense, restless period for both parents and children. All parents want to see their children as excellent students who succeed in all their endeavors, so they already begin to teach children to read, write, count, forgetting that both reading and writing are based on the development of cognitive processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination, perception. And if at least one of the above processes is not formed in the child, then schooling will create certain difficulties both for the child and for the adults around him. Consider how cognitive processes affect the success of a child's education in school.

Perception. The first thing your child will encounter in the classroom is the need to navigate in a new space for him. There is an open notebook in front of him. Will he be able, at the request of the teacher, to quickly retreat so many cells to the right, so many down, start from the red line? Do you think it will be easy for the child to continue the lesson if its beginning is already overshadowed. That is why already at the age of 5-6 years it is important to teach the child to navigate in space, to learn where the right, left, top, bottom of the sheet is. You can consolidate the knowledge gained by writing a graphic dictation together with the child.

Attention. If the processes of attention are not formed, then it will be difficult for the child to concentrate his attention on the educational material, he will often be distracted and skip educational material on the lesson. Attention can be formed and developed with the help of simple tasks. For example:

Have your child decorate a piece of paper with a frame. The frame must be certain figures, for example: from crosses, squares and circles, which must be arranged in a certain sequence without violating it.

Let the child compare paired pictures and find differences in them, etc. Find ten differences, etc.

Memory. There are two types of memory: short-term (it is superficial and fragile) and long-term, which is reinforced by the search for the meaning of the memorized. You can train your child's memory by offering him the following exercises:

- "Look and remember." The child is invited to look at the picture for 10 seconds, and then draw what he remembers.

Learning with the child poems, tongue twisters, "Listen and describe." This exercise is used to train both visual memory (“we look”) and auditory (“hear”). You can say: “Now I will read the words, and you, having heard each layer, imagine how what I call looks like, its taste, smell, sounds that it can make, etc. For example: toothpaste on appearance is white and shiny, with a minty smell and taste.

Thinking. The process of thinking makes it possible to distinguish essential features objects and phenomena, natural connections and complex relationships between them, their essence. Simple games, such as "The Fourth Extra", "Name it with one word" and others, will help teach the child the ability to analyze and synthesize, highlight the main and the secondary in practical life.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands- one of the important indicators of a child's readiness for schooling. Weak fine motor skills of the hand can lead to the fact that during the writing lessons the child will be tired and the handwriting will become worse from line to line. At the same time, he will inexorably lag behind his peers. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

You can create a positive attitude in learning if the following rules are taken into account:

Training requires systematic: 10-15 minutes every day will give a greater result than an hour or two on weekends.

It is necessary to take into account the principle “from simple to complex”, i.e. you cannot immediately teach a child everything that you know and can do. Each new element should be added gradually, when the previous knowledge and skills have already been mastered. Do not forget to evaluate successes, and in case of failures, approve actions with the words: “Next time you will definitely do better.”

The leading activity for a child at this age is a game, so try to conduct classes in game form(“What is gone?”, “What has changed?”, “Words-Cities”, etc.).

Children are emotionally responsive, so if the child does not want to play some kind of game or feels unwell, then it is better to postpone the lesson. Game communication should be interesting for both him and you, as in this case a positive atmosphere is created for the development and assimilation of knowledge and skills.

Your child reads, counts and writes. But psychologists for some reason say that it is too early to send him to school. What should a child be able to do to be considered ready for school? And can parents prepare it themselves? What methods do psychologists use to determine the level of intelligence of a child? And what are the ways to correct certain developmental delays?

Answers to these and many other questions related to the psychological preparation of the child for school, you will find in this book.

This book is for teachers primary school, school psychologists, social workers, for everyone who works with younger students. It presents simple methods for determining the level of a child's preparation for school and recommendations for the formation of multi-level classes. It tells in detail about the ways of correcting school fears and anxiety in children. It is interesting to develop lessons on human studies and communication in primary school.

A special chapter is devoted to children who are poorly prepared for school and who do not adapt well to new conditions. The book ends with a chapter addressed to teachers and parents. Here's how to identify your personality traits and level vocational training how to engage in self-management, establish contact between teachers and parents and organize work with them.

In the manual "School failure: causes, psychocorrection, psychoprophylaxis: Tutorial." Lokalova N. P. considers a number of factors affecting the success of schooling, sets out the psychological, psycho-physiological, psychological and pedagogical reasons school failure elementary, middle and high school students. The features of the development of cognitive, motivational, emotional, voluntary-regulatory spheres in students with cognitive difficulties in learning are described. The reasons for the difficulties of younger schoolchildren in teaching the Russian language, reading and mathematics are given. Considerable attention in the book is given to the issue of psychoprophylaxis of school failure. A feature of this textbook is the inclusion of fragments from the psychological and pedagogical works of different authors after each topic in order to provide deeper and more detailed coverage of the relevant problem.

The manual is intended for students of psychological and pedagogical faculties, school psychologists, primary and secondary school teachers.

The textbook discusses the main theoretical concepts and problems of the psychological readiness of the child to study at school, presents various aspects of the mental health of schoolchildren. The role of psychological support of the family when the child enters school is shown. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the components of psychological readiness. The textbook is intended for students of the Faculty of Psychology, practical psychologists.

AT guidelines on conducting a psychological examination of preschool children to determine school readiness, methods for diagnosing the main components of a child's school maturity are presented. Particular attention is paid to the methodology for drawing up a psychological conclusion based on the results of the survey, and some recommendations are given to improve the child's readiness for schooling.

Manual "Children's psychodiagnostics: Practical classes: Method. instructions" Comp. Yu.V. Filippov is intended for 4-5 year students of the Faculty of Psychology, specializing in "Pedagogical Psychology". The presented material is aimed at preparing students to perform practical exercises on the course "Children's psychodiagnostics" in the section "Methods of diagnosing school maturity".

The book "Psychological readiness for school" Gutkin N.I. - the result of a long-term study of the problem of the psychological readiness of children for schooling. The author has developed a holistic concept of the phenomenon under study, on the basis of which an original diagnostic and development program has been created. The book details the methodology for developing cognitive interest in children, as well as learning motivation and arbitrary behavior in teaching. It reveals in detail what a development group is and how to lead it correctly. The application contains games for the development of thinking, attention, memory, motor skills, etc., used in the development group.

Going to school is a significant event in a child's life. And in order to make it easier for him to get used to new circumstances, each parent must take a very responsible approach to the psychological preparation of his baby.

And here a lot of ambiguities immediately arise: what time to start? what techniques and exercises to use and is it possible to do without the help of a psychologist? What are the difficulties of psychological preparation for school? We have tried to answer these and some other questions for you.

We can start right away with video advice from an expert:

Psychological readiness for learning is determined by several criteria:

- the presence of such formed psychological processes as attention, imagination, memory, perception and speech; - the development of logical thinking and phonetic hearing; - the child's personal perception of himself in school conditions, awareness of his new social position; - the desire for knowledge, the ability to listen and obey teacher.

From the first point, the conclusion suggests itself that it is possible to start psychological preparation for school already with a three-year-old baby, conducting various classes on the development of memory, attention and speech. However, this period largely depends on the individual characteristics of children.

Difficulties of psychological preparation for school.

In the process of preparing your child for school, a number of difficulties may arise.

  • restlessness. Often there is simply not enough patience to complete the tasks assigned to him. But if a parent offers his child help and completes a task with him, then the kid will eventually form the habit of bringing things to the end.
  • Not being able to follow the pattern respecting the rules and discipline. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to accustom children to the rules from an early age. This is very easy to achieve with the help of games in which certain restrictions and norms of behavior are set. It is also important to evaluate all the actions that the child performs, both in the game and in Everyday life. Praise and justified censure at an early age form in children a respectful attitude towards the assessment of their knowledge and behavior.
  • Inability to generalize and classify the surrounding objects and nature. In this case, games with pictures from the category “extra item”, lotto, etc. are good. Involving a child in helping with some household chores (cooking, washing dishes, repairing a bicycle, cleaning the house, etc.) also helps him learn about the world around him and the connections that exist in it.
  • Reluctance to learn. To overcome a child's reluctance to education, it is necessary to turn the entire learning process into an entertaining game, and not into a "heavy obligation." By beating every action of the child, the parent will be able to instill in the child curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, which will greatly facilitate his life during his school years.

Exercises and techniques.

There are a number of pedagogical programs to prepare a child for school both intellectually and psychologically. Among them, the methods of N. A. Zaitsev, V. M. Miniyarov, Glen Doman, N. S. Zhukova and others are widely known.

We offer you several exercises aimed at developing readiness for school.

Exercise "What has changed?"

  • For the development of memory and attention

Lay out several toys in front of the child in one row (start with five). Let him remember what lies in front of him, and in what order. Then ask the child to turn away. Swap toys. Now let the kid put everything back in place.

Exercise "Make up a story"

Put pictures in front of the child in a logical sequence (preferably with images related to study). Now tell him the story on the given cards. Make sure the story is motivating to learn. Next time, lay out other cards in front of the child and give the task to come up with a story on them.

Exercise "Cross out the extra number"

  • Develops attention, memory and logical thinking

Offer a piece of paper where groups of numbers are written, for example "1873 56234 516784 876867". Set the task: cross out all the numbers "1". Next time, have the child cross out two numbers already, and so on.

Exercise "Enchanted words"

  • Helps develop phonetic awareness

Tell a fairy tale that words are held captive in the castle of an evil sorceress. To free them, it is necessary to disenchant these words. To do this, the child must name each of them by sounds. The crumbs will have only three attempts to save one word. Next, tell what sounds are with an example a simple word e.g. "mom". At the same time, make sure that you do not call the correct pronunciation of the letters, but their phonetic sound, that is, not “em”, but “m”.

Exercise "Collect a portfolio"

  • Motivating exercise

It is better to start somewhere 3-4 months before your child goes to school. Tell him that he will be given homework there and now he needs to practice a little. Daily give the baby small tasks, sum up at the end of each week. If the kid did everything right, then the next day buy him a pen, but only the one that the child himself wants. Next time - pencils, then - a diary, etc. Explain that when the kid collects a portfolio for school, then he can become a real STUDENT!

Is it possible to prepare a child for school without the help of a psychologist?

In order for a child to have a socio-psychological and personal readiness for school, an adequate “internal position of a schoolchild” must be formed in him. Systematic, properly structured parenting classes will be able to create the right model for the behavior of the baby and prepare him for school. However, if you encounter difficulties in organizing the activities of the child that you cannot cope with on your own, be sure to seek help from or to a qualified psychologist.

The specialist will help you gently correct the child's behavior and direct his energy in the right direction. If you are initially not confident in your abilities, then it is better to immediately provide this to a psychologist who will help your beloved baby with dignity and joy to accept the new status of “student”.

There is very little left before the start of the new school year. It will be especially difficult for first-graders to enter the school schedule. According to teachers and psychologists, kindergarten graduates will spend the first months adapting to new conditions, we are talking about the psychological restructuring of the lives of kids. Tyumen teacher-psychologist Natalya Kurmanova assures that in the first grade, children most often suffer from regime change. AT kindergarten they were treated more condescendingly, and at school they make certain demands, and not everyone is ready to accept them. The specialist spoke about how to psychologically prepare a child for a new stage of life in an interview with our publication.

Corr.: Very often one hears the phrase: “A child must be psychologically ready at school”… What should parents mean by this phrase, and is it possible to prepare a first-grader for school?

Psychological readiness is a combination of intellectual and personal development child. Many parents believe that for the success of the child in school, it is enough to organize only intellectual readiness - to teach the child to read, count and solve, and this will provide him full training to school, but a very important aspect in preparation is internal personal readiness: his level of adaptation to new conditions, the level of independence and self-service, his assimilation of social norms and rules. At the age of 6-7, the entire psychological appearance of the child changes, his personality, cognitive and mental capabilities, the sphere of emotions and experiences, and the social circle are transformed.

The child is not always well aware of his new position, but he certainly feels and experiences it: he is proud that he has become an adult. The child's experience of his new social status associated with the emergence of the “internal position of the student”.

There is such a thing as partial readiness for school, when a child is not able to quickly learn new knowledge, he needs extra time, so learning programs always designed for children with an average level of preparedness. Many of today's first graders are quite sophisticated in training sessions even before going to school. Enhanced training, visits to preschool lyceums, gymnasiums, etc. often leads to the fact that going to school loses the element of novelty for the child, prevents the child from experiencing the significance of this event. In addition, a program designed for the average student seems uninteresting to them, already experienced.

Parents play an invaluable role in maintaining the “internal position of a schoolchild” in a first-grader. Advice to parents: Are you serious about school life child, attention to his successes and failures, patience, obligatory encouragement of efforts and efforts, emotional support help to feel the significance of their activities, help to increase the child's self-esteem, his self-confidence.

Cor: What psychological problems and difficulties do first-graders face at school?

In the first grade, children most often suffer from regime change. In kindergarten, they were treated more condescendingly, but at school they have certain requirements, and not everyone is ready to accept them. There is a problem of restlessness, they cannot sit still for more than 20 minutes. Many modern children do not have the skills of independence, self-service, they cannot prepare for the lesson, they lose things during physical education, in the locker room, they forget about the portfolios. There are a lot of guys in the class, and everyone needs to find an approach. It is necessary to get used to the teacher, to his demeanor, to his voice, etc. Many react very negatively to being called by their last name, they are offended, it is difficult for them to accept themselves as a separate independent person, but this must be instilled.

Corr.: Are there any simple tricks to adapt to the beginning of studies at school?

In order for the adaptation process to take place most painlessly, parents need to make efforts already in the summer.

First reception This is the first visit to school with the child. The child should feel your emotional mood. If the parent is positive and optimistic about school, then the child learns this attitude very deeply, and in the future he will not have anxiety from attending school.

Second reception It is advisable for parents to arrange for their child to attend a school camp during the summer holidays. So he will be able to quickly assess the situation and adapt, the preschooler already in the summer masters the space in which he will have to study. At the beginning of the school year, he will not have to spend time and energy to navigate the school walls, he will be more likely to be inquisitive about the school subjects themselves, and not about the walls of the school.

Third reception - in August, 2-3 weeks before the start of the school year, it is necessary to regulate the daily routine that will operate during the school period, the morning rise should correspond to the time when you have to wake up during school hours. By gradually accustoming the child to the daily routine, parents will help the child to facilitate the period of adaptation to new circumstances.

Fourth reception - when doing classes, it is important for adults to maintain a positive attitude so as not to scare the child away.

Fifth reception- classes are best done in a playful way, be sure to take breaks for rest and games. The maximum concentration of attention in children at this age is 20 minutes, after which fatigue sets in, after 5-7 minutes of changing activities, the child is again ready to work actively. At the same time, he must understand that his work is adequately encouraged by adults, supported by praise.

Sixth reception - it will be much easier for a child to adapt to new conditions if one of his acquaintances studies with him in the class. Try to organize for the child the opportunity to communicate with peers, if possible with future classmates.

Educational psychologist Natalya Kurmanova

Cor.: How to build a student's daily routine so that he can comfortably endure new loads?

The most rational distribution of the time of the future first grader is the daily routine, which will take into account the individual characteristics of the child himself. The most active hours of children 6-7 years old: 8.00-11.00 and 16.00-17.00.

For example, if your child is a lark, then the most active activities should be planned for the first half of the day, and if he is an owl, he will be more active in the afternoon. But, I suggest you build a first-grader's daily routine like this. Try to have him go to bed no later than 9 pm and get up at 7 am, because. A first-grader should sleep at least 10 hours, plus - daytime sleep, to which the body is accustomed. The guys should be in the fresh air for at least 3 hours a day, so immediately after school, take a walk with the child for at least 40 minutes. Only then go to lunch - let him work up an appetite.

Lunch must be 13.30-14.00 . After that, give your fidget plenty of rest. You do not need to immediately seat him for lessons, after lunch there is a decline in working capacity. If the child is accustomed to watching TV or playing games, then between 15.00-16.00 this is the right time.

Even if the child no longer sleeps during the day, he can come home and fall asleep immediately. This means that the body is exhausted. Give your child a chance to rest.

Only when the child has eaten and rested, you can sit down for lessons. Optimal time - 16.00-17.00. In first grade homework they don’t ask, but this time can be spent flipping through the material studied at school with the child, helping the child reproduce what he remembers most during the day, finding out what topics could be difficult and helping him figure it out.

After preparing homework, your child can go to the section or circle. The road there can be combined with a walk.

And no homework tonight! Can't make it to the circle? It is better to postpone one lesson than to reschedule the lessons for the evening.

The overexcitation that has accumulated during the day must be removed by a walk. Do not think that evening dancing and unprecedented activity indicate that the child is not tired. Take a walk with your child before bed to relieve stress. If we go to bed at 21.00, then it is worth starting the walk no later than 19.30, immediately after dinner.

Going to bed should be calm, without talking about daytime difficulties and without reminders of annoying mistakes or the failures of the day.

Corr.: What guidelines should be conveyed to a child who is going to the first grade? Some children, having gone to school for a while, say - I don’t want to, I won’t go, I’m not interested ... What to answer?

Children can say - I don’t want to, I won’t go, I’m not interested for several reasons: parents themselves are “afraid” of school; nervous that they will have to take on additional workloads and responsibilities; when children see that parents have a negative attitude towards school, and even towards teachers; when the parents themselves have no interest in knowledge, they do not read; when the child does not feel support from the parents. If the teacher complains about the behavior of the child, and the parents punish him without understanding, he is fixed in his mind that the school is bad. Often, before entering school, the child is intensively prepared, and then he is not interested in the program that he has already mastered in school. preschool age. Psychologically, the child missed the period when the role-playing game was the leading activity, in a word - he did not play enough. Therefore, a positive attitude towards school, towards learning directly depends on the attitude towards school of a significant adult, his parents.

The most important thing, according to psychologists, is to support the first grader in his desire to succeed. It is necessary to praise a novice student for each achievement. Praise and emotional support (“well done!”, “You did so well!”) can increase the intellectual achievements of even an adult, not to mention a child. Moms and dads are also advised not to forget that when a person studies, something may not work out for him and this is quite natural - the child has the right to make a mistake.

Experts recommend not to send the child to school without breakfast, to be attentive to complaints of headache, fatigue, poor health - most often these are objective indicators of fatigue, learning difficulties. In addition, you need to control the amount of time spent on gadgets, for a seven-year-old, the norm is only 15-20 minutes a day.

Since recently, residents of Tyumen can get a free consultation with a psychologist, for all questions that arise, they are waiting for you in the virtual office on the portal "Territory of Health". Here you can anonymously discuss family or personal problems.

Interviewed by Elena KUKHALSKAYA,
author's photo

Inga Malyugina
Psychological preparation of children for school

I, Malyugina Inga Viktorovna, teacher preschool group. I am glad to welcome you on my page. Today we will talk with you about readiness preparatory children groups to study in school.

The child's readiness for learning school is one of the most important outcomes mental development during preschool childhood and the key to successful education in school. From being a child prepared for school all previous preschool period of development, will depend on the success of its adaptation of entering the mode school life, his academic success, his psychological well-being.

Let's figure out with you what is the child's readiness for school.

Composite Components psychological readiness for school are:




* physical.

Personal and socio-psychological readiness for school includes the formation of a child's readiness to accept a new social position schoolboy having a range of important duties and rights, occupying other than preschoolers in the children's society.

Taking a stand student- is primarily related to school,to educational activities, to teacher, to yourself. The ability to communicate with adults, with peers, enter into a children's society, act together with others.

Intelligent readiness for school consists in acquiring a certain outlook, a stock of specific knowledge, in understanding general patterns, underlying knowledge:

* the orientation of the child in the world around him, the stock of his knowledge acquired by him in the system,

* Desire to learn new things

* sensory development,

development of figurative representations,

*development of speech and thinking.

Emotional and volitional readiness of the child to school involves:

* the ability to subjugate motives, control one's behavior,

* the ability to organize your workplace and maintain order in it,

* a positive attitude towards the goals of the activity (study, acceptance of them,

* the desire to overcome difficulties,

* the desire to achieve the result of their activities.

Physical readiness includes:

*health status (absence of serious diseases, heredity, etc.)

* physical development (classes in sports sections, visits to circles,

*development of analyzer systems,

* development of small muscle groups (hand, fingers,

*development of basic movements (running, jumping, walking, sports games).

All mental processes(attention, memory, thinking, imagination) must be sufficiently developed. The child should be able to focus his attention on different work, for example, writing the elements of a letter. The development of perception and thinking allows the child to systematically observe the objects and phenomena being studied, to highlight significant features and differences in objects and phenomena, to reason and draw conclusions, and to come to a certain result.

AT modern world a lot of different benefits, exercises, tasks, games for the comprehensive development of the child. Easy and fun to do with all family members who have free time and a desire to practice. When typing tasks, pay attention to the weak points of your child. Use general strengthening exercises that are useful for strengthening perception, attention, memory, hand motility. Speak difficult words clearly. Ask them to pronounce, repeat. Learn a lot of little rhymes, read to your child. Learn tongue twisters and make up stories. Ask them to retell. Play collective games, they develop arbitrariness of actions, concentration, enrich the speech reserve children, sociability, evoke positive emotions.

You can choose games or toys that will help you in preparing children for school(for example, your favorite fairy tale character, in any case, your child is growing and approaching school. And it is in your interest to make this time as soft and interesting as possible.

But please remember a few simple rules:

*classes should not be violent,

*Lessons should not exceed 35 minutes

* arrange small physical education minutes, breaks,

*Classes must be arranged in a system.

Try to wake up motivation for classes, interest the child (praise, stickers for special achievements, surprise moments, etc.)

In conclusion, I would like to say the following - no matter how your child moves to the heights of knowledge, he needs your help, love, support, faith in himself. Create a healthy, positive, positive attitude before school, in which he would strive to acquire new knowledge, skills, was not afraid of bad grades, problems with teachers, classmates, and was sure that an excellent student or a loser, he is your most beloved and dear!

Good luck, dear parents!

Primary general education

Line UMK S. V. Ivanov. Russian language (1-4)

Line UMK V. N. Rudnitskaya. Mathematics (1-4)

Line UMK N. F. Vinogradova. Literary reading (1-4)

Line UMK N. F. Vinogradova. The world (1-4)

I am a first-grader: the psychological readiness of a child for school through the eyes of teachers and psychologists

Successful adaptation and interest in learning help the child more than the knowledge gained before school.

Usually, when it comes to a child’s readiness for school, we immediately begin to sort out a set of knowledge and skills in our head: does the child read fluently, to what extent does he think he knows how to behave, does he have all the knowledge and skills that are tested at school interviews before enrollment in first grade? Meanwhile, in the first year psychological aspect readiness often plays a much more important role than intellectual. Successful adaptation and interest in learning help the child more than the knowledge gained before school.

To understand how to actually prepare a child for school, we ask experts for advice: a psychologist, a physiologist, the director of the Institute developmental psychology RAO Mariana Mikhailovna Bezrukikh, the doctors pedagogical sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education Natalia Fyodorovna Vinogradova, and also refer to selected articles of the book "All about the junior schoolchild" by the publishing house "Drofa-Ventana".

The year before school: the best preparation is play

: There is a strong belief among parents that the content of the concept of "readiness for school" invented by them (parents!) is considered as running ahead and "running through" the program, at least the first grade. The motive for this approach: it will be easier for the child to learn. This is the first myth associated with the preschooler's readiness for schooling. In fact, a full-fledged play activity will help the most before the first class.

Let the kids play. Teachers and psychologists are unanimous in their opinion: a child who has not finished playing in preschool childhood is not ready for school! Moreover, the game for him is not fun, but a natural need and a serious life school: the child plays roles (while playing), which tomorrow will become real for him. With a well-developed game, the most serious qualities are associated, which a schoolchild needs like air. AT gaming activity educational activity is also born.

  • Give kids total freedom to play: let him embody his thoughts, take everything he needs for the game.
  • Play with your child to stimulate their imagination, creativity. It is useful to take on different roles in order to support the game, to accustom the child to joint game activities.
  • Respect the rules of the game. As agreed, we do it: if there are no clear rules in the game or they are constantly changing, then it is difficult for a child to understand their value.
  • Win! Often, when playing checkers, chess, lotto or dominoes with children, we arrange “giveaway”. Meanwhile, it is important to win against the child - of course, not every time. Your first grader should get used to a possible defeat and accept it with dignity.
  • Change roles. It is best to encourage when the child takes on and fulfills the role of leader (commander, leader), but from time to time you need to change the conditions and put the child in front of the need to obey.
  • Give your child the opportunity to be the subject of the activity. Sometimes it seems to us: if a child with pleasure (or without pleasure) fulfills the requests, commands, demands of adults - read, fold a sheet of paper, collect pencils, put together a puzzle - then this is an arbitrary activity, and he is the subject. In fact, everything is not so simple.
Natalia Fyodorovna Vinogradova: Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and other close relatives, take it for granted: voluntary activity differs from imposed (involuntary) activity in that the child myself puts in front of small tasks that myself and decides. Such a child, having come to the first grade, not only listens to the teacher, but hears him, accepts the demand and independently, without reproaches, repetitions and reminders, performs the task.

Arbitrariness is successfully formed in the game, because in the process of her child must obey the established rules (if these are board and outdoor games), establish role-playing relationships with partners (if this is a role-playing game, for example, “to mother-daughters”, “theater”, “ cosmonauts”, “firefighters”, “school”, etc.). Moreover, the game encourages children to reckon with each other, listen to the participants, obey today, lead tomorrow, seek joint solutions and resolve conflicts the day after tomorrow. That is, everything that happens in the game (the child himself sets the game task, fulfills the rule and the game action, develops the plot, establishes joint actions and relationships), ensures the purposeful formation of elements of arbitrary activity, which the preschooler has not the slightest idea about. But in fact, he is psychologically preparing for schooling, which stands on the "shoulders" of joint educational activities.

How to talk to your child about school?

Of course, your child already knows quite a lot about school - from older brothers and sisters, friends, from books and cartoons, from yourself. Perhaps he has already crossed the threshold of the school, for example, when he went to an interview before admission to the first class. And yet, he is not yet aware of a lot of things, they have not yet become part of his everyday life. Most likely, he will come to you with questions - and they are the most valuable for us to start an important conversation about the school.
  • Respond to the child's interest. The information that you yourself created the request for is best perceived. Therefore, every question a child has about school is precious. Answer his questions in detail, in detail, try not only to satisfy the curiosity of the child, but also to motivate him to ask new questions.
  • Try not to joke. The sense of humor of a preschooler is not always developed to the extent necessary to distinguish between irony, exaggeration and other speech techniques. A random awkward joke (“yes, they put children in a corner for crooked letters”, “you will serve ten years at your desk like me and you will be free”, and the like) can seriously scare the future student.
  • Motivate smart. The most important thing for which it is worth going to school is, of course, the opportunity to learn new interesting and useful things. Try to motivate your child with what is really important: delicious buns in the canteen or a wide football field - things, of course, are pleasant, but they have nothing to do with learning motivation.
  • Start with a clean slate. It may turn out that your own impressions of the school were not the most rosy. Please remember: your story has nothing to do with your child's story. He, like any schoolchild, will have to rebuild relations with the school, and we hope that they will turn out better than you once had.

How to make the transition to a new stage of life as comfortable as possible for a child?

The book "All About the Primary School Student" clearly defines the main task of parents in the first school year: "to help the child adapt (get used to) new activities, new living conditions, strangers and environments, maintain efficiency, relieve fatigue and raise interest in school."
To solve this problem, it is enough to set priorities clearly: we do not need brilliant results, breakthroughs, achievements at any cost now. Most of all, we need to develop the positive habit of going to school with joy, overcoming moderate difficulties, enjoying meeting classmates and teachers whenever possible, and after school, going out, relaxing, playing, and generally living the lifestyle of a child at the age of seven. eight years old.
  • Look closely at the condition of the child. Often the cause of failure elementary school student is normal fatigue. Watch how your first grader feels, whether his sleep has become disturbing, whether his appetite has disappeared. Perhaps, to overcome difficulties, it is enough to slightly adjust the daily routine, give the child a little more time to rest and sleep.
  • Adjust the load. Now almost every child in the first grade is doing something other than studying - and that's great. But if you feel that the first-grader is tired, or that additional classes are crowding walks, sleep and games out of his daily routine, consider dropping the “ballast” from extracurricular activities.

Mariana Mikhailovna Bezrukikh: In the first year of study, you should not start new additional classes - neither art, nor music, or any other. It is better to minimize the load in the first grade and use all the forces of the body to adapt to school. If the child began to study in a circle before school, you can try to continue. But what every first grader needs is a sports club, a swimming section, or any activity that will allow the child to actively move and relieve emotional stress.
Dear parents, do not forget that there are only 24 hours in a day. Ten of them the child must sleep, another two and a half hours - to walk. He will spend six hours at school. Take at least 1.5 hours for hygiene procedures and the same amount for food - and you will understand that the child has very little left for himself, for games, for understanding everything that happened to him during the day. Do you want to take this precious time to some kind of circle?

Don't rush. Almost all adults on the planet now live in a constant time pressure. But time pressure for a child is the main stress factor. Even if your first grader is not one of the slow ones, it is still hard for him to get into the rhythm of a new life. Before pulling somewhere again and forcing him to fit in a short period of time, let him catch his breath.

How to survive the first difficulties with study?

Even the most capable children sooner or later face the first failures, this is natural and even partly useful: it is clear in which direction to move, what to pay attention to. It happens that a child suddenly cools down to study, becomes restless, dissatisfied, sometimes even refuses to go to school. Often not so much children as their parents are not ready for such failures. To support the child and at the same time not frighten off his desire to learn, you should follow these tips:
  • Respect the rights of the child. The authors of the book “All About the Primary School Student” remind: the primary school student has the right to be alone (at least sometimes!), the right to choose what to do in their free time, plan their own activities, relax, take walks and participate in making decisions that concern them. life. Observance of these rights and freedoms will help the child to realize that studying is not a heavy duty, but an important and exciting kind of activity.
  • Make your child the master of the workspace. One of the most dangerous enemies of children's motivation is alienation from learning. So that the child feels that lessons, schoolwork, homework, projects are precisely his territory, let him equip his own workplace, choose the right accessories. A very small section of the room can also become a child’s personal workspace - but let it still be.
  • Accept failure appropriately. At primary school age, it is very important for a child how relatives relate to him. It is not uncommon for the word "excellent student" to become synonymous with the words "good", "worthy", even "beloved" for a child. Try not to take bad news too hard, let your child understand that his success and failure in school does not affect your love for him.
  • Reinforce the feeling of success. As soon as the child succeeds at least something - one letter from the whole line comes out exactly, the example is finally solved correctly, three lines from the primer are read independently - praise him, and praise him wholeheartedly.
. Prevention book for parents bad habits and the formation of a value attitude to health in young children school age. are given guidelines which will help parents organize activities with the child at home.

First-hand: our experts, educators and psychologists give advice to parents of first-graders

Maryana Mikhailovna Bezrukikh:
- The main thing that will help you smoothly enter your studies is adequate requirements for children, and in everything. To their behavior, skills, quality and time to complete tasks. Well, the average first grader cannot fluently read a whole paragraph in a minute, cannot sit still for forty minutes, and then walk sedately along the corridor for another ten minutes. And one more thing: your expectations of the success of the child should correspond not only to his age, but also individual characteristics development. The state of health of a child sometimes plays a greater role than his intellectual abilities.

Natalya Fedorovna Vinogradova:
- A request to you, dear adults: observe nature with your child, make small discoveries, expand his sensory experience. Many of our children come to school "wretched" in terms of feelings - they look a little, touch, listen, determine the taste, smell of different objects. But it is the sensory perception of the surrounding world that is the basis for the development of the mind. Many great educators of the past emphasized that the development of the mind and speech proceeds from the observation of nature.
Primary school education is by no means the main thing. It is more important not to ruin the motivation to study, but for this, choose a convenient school and a kind teacher. Wish you luck!

Tatyana Yurievna Altukhova, primary school teacher, teacher of the highest category, general experience work - 28 years:
- Dear parents! I have one request for you, and I think many colleagues will agree with me: it is better for your child to sit at a desk completely untrained than trained incorrectly. What a huge amount of work it costs - to wean a child from letter-by-letter reading, to motivate him to work correctly with prescriptions in which he has been writing at random for two years now. In general, if you are not sure that you can do everything right, it is better to read a book to your child or take him for a walk. Give him a general idea about the world, about nature, about why it is so important to study and why to gain knowledge. The teacher will do the rest.

Marfa Buseva, child psychologist:
- Dear parents of preschoolers! I know that you will still work with your children, give recipes, examples ... I will not dissuade you, but please, please leave them alone more often. Let them, loitering around the house, suddenly find something for themselves, start building a house out of pillows, start muttering fairy tales to themselves and quartering teddy bears. Let them dig tunnels in the sandbox, make water pipes from plastic bottles, tie knots on ropes, try on pots and declare that it is time for them to go into space. All the basic skills are laid in the game, creativity, imagination, initiative are awakened - and what will the child do without all this at the desk?

Anastasia Izyumskaya, journalist, founder of the family information support project "Family Tree":
- There is one golden rule familiar to everyone who has ever flown on planes: in the event of an air accident, first put on a mask for yourself, then for a child. Before the birth of my son, this rule seemed blasphemous to me. Since then, a lot has had to be rethought, including the need to take care of yourself. An anxious mother is not able to give the child protection, and he will need protection, oh how, even in the most beautiful school. If you feel that it is difficult for you to cope with the global changes in your life, that you are very worried about your son or daughter, that thoughts about school oppress you - take care of your well-being. Support yourself - and then you will be able to support your first grader at the right time.

Alexandra Chkanikova

*Since May 2017, the DROFA-VENTANA joint publishing group has been part of the Russian Textbook Corporation. The corporation also included the Astrel publishing house and the LECTA digital educational platform. Alexander Brychkin, a graduate of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, candidate of economic sciences, head of innovative projects of the DROFA publishing house in the field of digital education, has been appointed General Director.
