Tests for the section "What and who?"




Parts of plants:

a) stem; d) pen;

b) root; e) a flower;

c) sheet; e) fruit.

2. What is formed in place of the flower? Circle the correct letter.

a) a seed

b) sheet;

c) fruit.




vegetable marrow



Apple tree



3. What parts of plants does a person use? Connect with arrows.

4. Underline the fruits with one line, the root crops with two lines.

cucumber radish

potato cherry

carrot pumpkin

5. Which plants have flowers in inflorescences? Delete the excess.

  1. Clover, sunflower, calendula, poppy, dahlia.

Tests for the section "What and who?"



SURNAME, NAME ________________________________

1. Complete the sentence.

  1. Pike, perch, flounder, catfish, shark is ___________________.

2. What is the body of fish covered with? Circle the correct letter.

a) scales;

b) feathers;

c) wool.

3. Circle all the letters of the correct answers.

Parts of the fish:

a) tail d) wings;

b) gills; e) fins;

c) torso; e) head.

4. Where do fish live? Emphasize.

  1. In the forest, in the water, in the sand, in the soil, in the nest.









5. Match.

Tests for the section "What and who?"



SURNAME, NAME ________________________________

1. Complete the sentence.

  1. Our planet is called ________________________.

2. What is the shape of the Earth? Emphasize.

3. Circle the desired letter.

Globe is...

a) a plan;

b) Earth model;

c) map.

4. Circle the letters of the correct answers.

The earth revolves around...

a) its axis;

b) other planets;

c) the sun.

5. Circle the desired letter.

The main source of light and heat on Earth is ...

a) the moon

b) the sun;

c) stars.



SURNAME, NAME ________________________________


1. Find the properties of snow and ice. Connect with arrows.








2. What does snow turn into when it melts? Circle the correct letter.

a) in a puddle;

b) into ice;

c) into the water.

3. What does water turn into when it freezes? Circle the correct letter.

a) on ice

b) in juice;

c) to the rink.

4. Underline the correct answer.

  1. Snow is made up of snowflakes.

Yes. No.

  1. Snowflakes have 5 rays.

Yes. No.

  1. All snowflakes are the same.

Yes. No.

5. Where can you see ice? Cross out the excess.

  1. On the river, in a puddle, in a glass, in a freezer.

Tests for the section "From where and where?"



SURNAME, NAME ________________________________

1. Complete the sentence.

  1. Boar, woodpecker, butterfly, cat, perch are _________________.













2. Who eats what? Connect with arrows.

3. Who is extra in the row? Cross it out.

  1. Wolf cub, puppy, bear cub, squirrel, hedgehog, piglet.

4. What animal builds a mink? Circle the correct letter.

a) beaver

b) wasp;

c) a mouse.

5. What do animals need to live? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

a) food

b) money;

c) water;

d) heat;

e) air;

e) light.

Tests for the section "How, where and where?"



SURNAME, NAME ________________________________

1. Who is the "addressee"? Circle the correct letter.

a) the person who sends the letter;

b) the one who receives the letter;

c) the one who delivers the letter.

2. Without what you cannot send an envelope with a letter? Circle the correct letter.

a) without a brand;

b) without painting;

c) no postcard.

3. What is mailed? Circle all the letters of the correct answers.

a) a letter

b) story;

c) a parcel;

d) a parcel;

d) postcard.

4. What items can be found in the mail? Cross out the excess.

  1. Stamp, scales, globe, rack.

5. What bird was used to deliver letters? Circle the correct letter.

a) dove

b) magpie;

c) a sparrow.



SURNAME, NAME ________________________________

1. Find the seasons. Cross out the excess.

  1. Winter, autumn, spring, March, summer.

2. Match.













3. Circle the desired letter.

  1. Summer comes after...

a) winters

b) spring;

c) autumn.

4. How many months in a year? Circle the correct letter.

a) 6;

b) 3;

at 12.

5. What is the last month of the year? Emphasize.

  1. November, December, April, January.

Tests for the section "Where and when?"



SURNAME, NAME ________________________________

1. Circle all the letters of the correct answers.

Bicycle Parts:

a) frame;

b) anchor;

c) wheels

d) knitting needle;

e) pedals;

e) steering wheel.

2. What is the essential item for every cyclist? Circle the correct letter.

a) headlights

b) first aid kit;

c) a pump.

3. What kind of wheels did the first cyclists have? Circle the correct letter.

a) wooden;

b) plastic;

c) rubber.

4. Where can I ride a bike? Cross out the excess.

  1. In the park, in the yard, on the road, at the stadium.

5. What does this sign mean? Circle the correct letter.

a) bike path

b) place of stop;

c) cycling is prohibited.



SURNAME, NAME ________________________________

1. What is a star? Circle the correct letter.

a) constellation

b) a flaming ball;

c) small sun.

2. In what ways do stars differ from each other? Circle all the letters of the correct answers.

a) by color

b) in form;

c) beauty

d) size.

3. What is the closest star to earth? Circle the correct letter.

a) the moon

b) the sun;

c) Sirius.

4. What does the Sun create for us? Circle the correct letter.

a) a shadow

b) light;

in a day.

5. How much bright stars in the constellation Ursa Major? Circle the correct letter.

a) 7 stars;

b) 8 stars;

c) 6 stars.

6. Why do stars shine? Circle the correct letter.

a) because they come at night when it is dark;

b) because they reflect the light of electric lamps;

c) because they are made of hot substances.

Tests for the section "Why and why?"

TEST #10


SURNAME, NAME ________________________________

1. When does a rainbow appear in the sky? Circle the correct letter.

a) when the sun is shining

b) when the sun is shining and it is raining;

c) when it rains.

2. How many colors are in the rainbow? Circle the correct letter.

a) 8 colors;

b) 6 colors;

c) 7 colors.

3. What are the colors in the rainbow? Cross out the excess.

  1. Orange, brown, yellow, red, green, white, blue, blue, purple.

4. Arrange the colors from task 3 according to the poem:Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.

5. In the rainbow, orange comes after...

a) blue;

b) green;

c) red.

6. Write down the numbers in the order of the colors of the rainbow.








Tests for the section "Why and why?"

TEST #11


SURNAME, NAME ________________________________

1. Underline the names of vegetables with one line, the names of fruits with two lines.

apple onion grapes

radish pear pineapple

tomato cucumber garlic

orange lemon carrot

2. How to distinguish vegetables? Circle the correct letter.

a) grow in the garden, on trees;

b) grow in the garden, in the beds.

3. Complete the sentence.

  1. Substances found in fruits and vegetables are __________________.

4. Match.

Vitamin A

an Apple

Vitamin B

Vitamin C





black currant

5. Why should you eat vegetables and fruits? Circle the correct letter.

a) they are tasty and sweet;

b) they are beautiful multi-colored;

c) they are healthy and have a lot of vitamins.

Tests for the section "Why and why?"

TEST #12


SURNAME, NAME ________________________________



1. How is the ship arranged? Match. Anchor


Propeller screw




Steering wheel


2. What life-saving equipment is always on board? Cross out the excess.

  1. Life raft, boat, cabin, life buoy, life jacket.

3. What professions are related to the sea? Emphasize.









radio operator




4. Where do ships move?

a) by air

b) on the highway;

c) on rails;

d) on the water.

5. Why are ships built? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

(a) to carry passengers;

b) to fish;

c) to study cosmic bodies;

d) to conduct research;

e) to take walks;

f) to protect the maritime borders of the Motherland.

Tests on the subject "World around". 1 class. At 2 o'clock to the account. Pleshakova A.A. - Tikhomirova E.M.

16th ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2017 - Part 1 - 80s., Part 2 - 64s.

This manual is fully consistent with the federal state educational standard(second generation) for elementary school. The proposed manual contains tests on all topics of the A.A. Pleshakov "The world around. Grade 1". This material can also be used by teachers working on other textbooks.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Preface 5
1. What is the Motherland? 7
2. What do we know about the peoples of Russia? nine
3. What do we know about Moscow? eleven
4. What is above our heads? 13
5. What is under our feet? 16
3. What do different plants have in common? eighteen
7. What grows on the windowsill? twenty
3. What grows in a flower bed? 22
9. What are these leaves? 24
1 O What are needles? 26
Who are insects? 29
Test 12. Who are the fish? 31
3. Who are the birds? 34
14 Who are the animals? 37
What is a zoo? 40
What surrounds us at home? 42
Test 17. What can a computer do? 45
Test 1 8. What can be dangerous around us? 47
9. What is our planet like? 49
D. How is the family? 51
Where do our water and electricity come from? 53
2. How does the letter travel? 55
3. Where do rivers flow? 57
54. Where do snow and ice come from? 60
5. How do plants live? 62
56. How do animals live? 64
7. How to help the birds in winter? 66
Test 28. Where do chocolate, raisins and honey come from? 68
Test 29. Where does garbage come from and where does it go? 70
30. Where does the dirt come from in the snowballs? 73
Answers 76

Preface 5
31. When will the Sabbath come? 7
32. When will summer come? nine
33. Where do polar bears live? eleven
34. Where do elephants live? 13
Test 35 15
Test 36. When did clothes appear? 17
Test 37. When was the bicycle invented? 19
TEST 38. When will we become adults? 21
Test 39. Why does the Sun shine during the day, and the stars - at night? 23
Test 40. Why is the moon different? 25
Test 41. Why is it raining and wind blowing? 27
Test 42. Why does the bell ring?
Why is the rainbow multicolored? 29
Test 43. Why do we love cats and dogs? 31
Test 44. Why don't we pick flowers and catch butterflies? Why do we keep silence in the forest? 33
Test 45. Why are they called that? 35
Test 46 37
Test 47 39
Test 48. Why brush your teeth and wash your hands? 41
Test 49 43
50. Why do we need cars? 45
1. Why do we need trains? 47
2. Why are ships built? 49
53. Why are airplanes built? 51
Test 54 53
55. Why do people explore space? 56
56. Why do we often hear
the word "ecology"? 58
Answers 60

In the learning process, it is important to take into account the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren. The teacher monitors the progress of the children every day, controls the level of assimilation of the material. Tests can facilitate the work of the teacher in this direction.
Tests - tasks that require the choice of the correct answer from the proposed options. Their use presupposes junior schoolchildren a certain amount of information, so they are most often used at the stages of repetition or consolidation of knowledge. Test tasks help the teacher save time for checking, identify the individual level of knowledge of students and adjust the learning process. But we must remember that tests cannot be used as the only form of repetition and consolidation of the studied material.
In this manual, tests are compiled for all topics of the training set.
"The World Around" (author A.A. Pleshakov) for the 1st grade, but can also be used when working on other sets.
Each test includes 5 tasks. The questions are read by the teacher. To make it easier for children to understand the tasks, many of them are illustrated.
The manual is intended for both teachers and parents, who can use tests to determine the amount of knowledge of children.

Shipilova Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher primary school 1 qualification category MBOU Vyazovskaya primary schools-kindergarten Bugulminsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan.

UMK "Perspektiva" - The world around - A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya

Test around the world 1 class. final

1. Which city is the capital of Russia?

a) St. Petersburg

b) Moscow

c) Novgorod

2. What animal is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia?

a) an eagle

b) bear

c) lion

3. What does not apply to wildlife?

a) mushroom

b) the sun

c) dog

4. What should a person do in nature?

a) destroy bird nests

b) burn grass

c) treat injured animals

5. At what time of the year can you observe leaf fall?

a) autumn

b) in spring

c) in summer

6. What group do plants belong to, in which one stiff stem-trunk leaves the root?

a) trees

b) bushes

c) herbs

7. How many legs do insects have?

a) 4 legs

b) 6 legs

c) 8 legs

9. Find an insect.

a) dragonfly

b) spider

c) bat

10. How are animals different from other animals?

a) they are big

b) they are covered with wool

c) they can run well

10. What tree is this leaf from?

a) maple

b) oak

c) birches

11. What plant is shown in the picture?

a) gladiolus

b) hyacinth

c) sansevier

12. What are the names of plants that no one planted and for which no one cares?

a) street

b) wild

c) wild

13. What is the name of the animals that people breed and use on the farm?

a) room

b) homemade

c) cultural

14. What tree is this cone from?

a) ate

b) pines

c) larches

15. Who is not a beast?

a) a frog

b) deer

c) wolf

16. What kind of injury can be caused by an iron, a kettle, a saucepan?

a) cut

b) prick

c) burn

17. What can visitors do at the zoo?

a) feed the animals

b) make noise

c) look at the animals

18. Find a natural phenomenon that happens only in winter?

a) rain

b) thunderstorm

c) snowfall

19. What color are the forests on the map?

a) green

b) yellow

c) brown

20. Which bird is wintering?

a) stork

b) swift

c) nuthatch

21. Where can I cross the street?

a) where there are no cars

b) where other people are crossing

c) where is the zebra drawn

22. What season comes after winter?

a) autumn

b) summer

c) spring

23. What should not be done before bed?

a) brush your teeth

b) ventilate the room

c) have a big dinner

24. What part of the plant is underground? a) root b) stem c) flower

25. Select a coniferous plant.

a) birch

b) pine

c) bird cherry

26. Which organ helps to determine the taste of food?

a) nose

b) skin

c) language

27. Where should most indoor plants be placed?

a) in the shade

b) closer to the light

c) in dark places

28. What does snow turn into when warm?

a) into the fog

b) into the water

c) in pairs

29. What is the name of a book that contains information about rare, endangered plants and animals?

a) Encyclopedia b) Red Book c) Textbook "World around" 30. What is a large animal, massive and heavy build, whose life is connected with the forest, is listed in the Red Book? a) lion b) bison c) brown bear 31. Find an insect that is listed in the Red Book. a) dragonfly b) ladybug c) relic lumberjack

Tests around the world Grade 1 to EMC "Planet of Knowledge"

Test number 1. 1st grade.1 quarter. Section "It's time to learn." Topic "What is the world". Planned results: systematization of children's ideas about the world around them. Skills: based on external signs; distinguish between objects of animate and inanimate nature and compare to express a positive attitude towards school and learning to know and understand the meaning of a name in human life; distinguish between seasonal changes in nature using the example of autumn and activity; summer. Option 1. Last name, first name. Main part. 1. Circle the letter with the correct answer if you think that the world around us is a) nature; b) people, buildings, cars, things; c) nature, people, buildings, machines, things. 2. What subjects are needed for school? Mark the textbook pen phone notebook briefcase machine 3. Set the correspondence. Connect the name with an arrow and to whom it may belong. teacher Alexander student schoolgirl Alexander Petrovich Alexander

Additional part. 4. Cross out the extra pattern, add your own to this row. 5. What season comes after spring? Underline the correct answer. autumn winter summer Option 2. Last name, first name. Main part. 1. Circle the letter with the correct answer if you think that the world around us is a) people; b) nature, cars, buildings, things; c) people, nature, cars, buildings, things. 2. What subjects are needed for school? Mark the briefcase mirror pencil case notebook ball textbook 3. Match. Connect the name with an arrow and to whom it may belong. doctor valentine student valentine

student Petrovich Valentina Additional part. 4. Cross out the extra pattern, add your own to this row. 5. Underline the incorrectly indicated signs of autumn. The temperature rises. The birds are flying. Leaves are shed. The birds are flying away. The air temperature is dropping. Main part No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 2b. 2b. 2b. Evaluation scale. All All Extras part #4 #5 3b. 3b. 6b. 6b. Ito go 12b.

Test number 2. 1 class. 1 quarter. Section "It's time to learn." Theme "School". Planned results: systematization of ideas about the school, about the importance of the school in the life of every person. Skills: to distinguish and name the professions of school employees; observe the daily routine; follow the rules of safe behavior on the way to school and at school. Option 1. Last name, first name. Main part. 1. Underline the name of the profession, which does not apply to a school employee: teacher cleaning lady doctor seller cook librarian 2. Put in order. Number breakfast classes at school water procedures rise exercise 3. At school it is superfluous (cross out): class canteen library gym kiosk doctor's office 4. What can not be done at school? Fill the circle in red: write talk in class read push

run to play 5. Fill in the squares in green in the drawings, where the children do the right thing. Additional part. 6. What is the name of a small area on the road, surrounded by a white line? Underline the correct answer. a) an island of bad luck; b) safety island; c) treasure island. Option 2. Last name, first name. Main part. 1. Underline the name of the profession that does not apply to a school employee: director teacher librarian cook 2. Daily routine. Arrange in order. Number. electrician hairdresser

sleep exercise rise breakfast water procedures 3. Cross out what is superfluous at school: the director's office cafe doctor's office class gym assembly hall 4. What can not be done at school? Fill the circle in red: draw read call names be distracted in the lesson write play Additional part. 5. Color the traffic light with the right color and place the road signs. 6. What is the name of the place where you can cross the road? Underline the correct answer. a) underground passage; b) sidewalk; c) "zebra"; d) path. Evaluation scale.

Main part No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 2b. 2b. 2b. 2b. Everything is 8b. Add. part #5 #6 3b. 3b. All 6b. Ito go 14b. Test number 3. 1st grade.2 quarter. Section "Man". Topic: How do you perceive the world? "Your body". Planned results: to distinguish the main parts of the human body, the sense organs. Skills: find and show body parts; to distinguish and name the sense organs, to know about their importance in observing the elementary rules of personal hygiene. human life; Option 1. Last name, first name. Draw the missing parts of the face for the little men - organs. The main part. feelings. 2. What is superfluous for a person? Cross out. a) arms e) neck b) legs f) back c) head g) stomach d) fingers h) wings

3. right, circle. Look at the picture. Which of the guys is sitting 4. What helps a person to become hardened? Note Additional part. daily routine sports correct posture nutrition watching TV playing on the computer 5. Set the correspondence. Connect the sense organs with an arrow and what they determine: nose eyes ears tongue skin color smell sound sensation taste Option 2. Last name, first name. 1. Draw the missing parts of the face for the little men - organs. The main part. feelings.

2. What is superfluous for a person? Cross out. a) head e) fingers b) back f) tail c) legs g) stomach d) neck h) arms 3. Look at the picture. Which of the guys sits correctly, circle. Additional part. 4. If you want to be healthy, what should you do? Mark wash your face watch TV temper yourself go in for sports play on the computer brush your teeth 5. Set the correspondence. Connect the sense organs with an arrow and what they determine: nose sound eyes skin ears tongue smell color sensation taste Evaluation scale. Main part Total Add. part Total Total

No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 2b. 1b. 2b. 5 B. No. 4 No. 5 2b. 3b. 5 B. 10b. Section: Nature in human life. TEST No. 4. 1st grade. 3rd quarter. Subject: Plants. Expected results: to distinguish between trees, shrubs, herbs, deciduous and coniferous plants. Skills: to distinguish and name parts of a plant; classify plants into species; match fruits and seeds with plant names. Last name, first name ____________________________________ 1 option. Main part. 2. What does a plant not need to develop? Mark. 1. Underline all parts of plants: a) onions; d) root; b) sheet; e) pen; c) a flower; e) stem. a) silence b) water c) heat d) light Connect trees and leaves with arrows. 3.

4. Circle only the trees with a blue pencil. Additional part 5. Underline the roots with one line. a) pumpkin c) potatoes; e) cherry; b) radish; d) cucumber; e) carrots.

6. What is the name of the fruit of the tree from which chocolate is made? Circle the correct answer. a) nuts c) cocoa beans; b) grapes; d) chocolate. Option 2. Surname, name ____________________________________ Main part. 1. Underline the names of vegetables. a) an orange b) carrots; c) tomato; d) potatoes; e) cucumber; d) grapes. 2. What does a plant need to develop? Mark. a) noise b) water; c) light; c) bad weather. 3. Connect trees and fruits with arrows. 4. Circle only the herbs with a green pencil.

Additional part. 5. What is formed in place of the flower? Underline the correct answer with one line. a) a seed b) fetus; c) sheet; d) root. 6. What product is not needed to make chocolate? a) sugar b) pepper; c) milk; d) cocoa. Evaluation scale. Main part No. 3 No. 2 1b. 3b. No. 4 4b. No. 1 2b. Only 10b. Add. part Total Total No. 5 3b. No. 6 1b. 4b. 14b.

Section: Nature in human life. TEST No. 5 Grade 1. 3 quarter. Theme: Animals. Planned results: to know the names of representatives of different groups of animals (insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, animals) and give examples. Skills: to distinguish between wild and domestic animals; classify by signs; know the names of insects, fish, birds and animals. 1 option. Surname, name ____________________________________ Main part. Boar, woodpecker, butterfly, cat, perch - this is 1. Complete the sentence. _____________________________. 2. What is the name of the respiratory organ in fish? a) bronchi; b) heart;

c) gills; d) lungs. 3. Connect the adult animal with its cub with arrows. 4. Who is superfluous here? Color the circle red. Name the remaining animals in one word. ______________________________ Additional part. 5. What insect makes honey? a) a bee b) wasp; c) a butterfly; d) a grasshopper.

6. Why do birds have a tail? a) to drive away insects; b) is the steering wheel; c) to keep them in the air; d) beauty. Last name, first name ____________________________________ Option 2. Main part. 1. Complete the sentence. Pike, perch, flounder, catfish, shark - this is _____________________________. 2. Which of these birds does not fly? a) woodpecker; b) a sparrow; c) ostrich; d) duck. 3. Connect the adult animal with its cub with arrows. 4. Who is superfluous here? Color the circle red.

Name the remaining animals in one word. ______________________________ 5. What animals are called mammals? Additional part. a) birds b) all; c) fish; d) animals. 6. How many legs do insects have? a) eight; b) six; at four; d) the amount may be different. Evaluation scale. Main part Total No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 2b. 1b. 1b. 3b. 7b. Add. part number 5 1b. No. 6 2b. Total Total about 3b. 10b.

TEST No. 6. 1st grade.4 quarter. Section: Man among people. Subject: Our Motherland. Our house. Planned results: to recognize the state symbols Russian Federation and your region assess the nature of human relationships in various social groups(family, peer group). Skills: know the professions of people; establish family ties; know the name of your country, its capital, coat of arms and flag. 1 option. Surname, name ____________________________________ Main part. 1. What colors are present on the Russian flag and in what order. Underline the correct answer. a) white, green, red; b) white, blue, red; c) red, white, blue; d) yellow, blue, red. 2. What is the name of our country? Underline the correct answer.

a) Russia; b) the Soviet Union; c) motherland. 3. What professions are shown in the pictures. Sign them. _________________ ____________________ __________________ 4. Who is not a family member. Tick ​​the correct answer. a) grandfather b) mother; c) neighbor d) sister. Additional part. 5. Color the circle in red next to the drawing that most of all resembles the house and the area in which you live.

6. Find the excess. Tick ​​the correct answer. a) the state language; b) National anthem; c) the national flag. Surname, name ____________________________________ Main part. Option 2. 1. What colors are present on the Russian flag and in what order. Underline the correct answer. a) red, yellow, red; b) red, white, black; c) white, blue, red; d) red, white, blue. 2. What is the name of the capital of Russia. Underline the correct answer. a) Kyiv; b) London; to Minsk; Moscow city. 3. What professions are shown in the pictures. Sign them. ____________________ _________________ _____________________

4. The closest people are (tick the correct answer): a) family; b) classmates; c) teachers; d) friends. Additional part. 5. Color the circle in red next to the picture that most resembles the house and the area where you visit your grandparents in the summer. 6. What combination of items does not apply to your home. Tick ​​the correct answer. a) table, chair, cabinet; b) desk, board, office; c) refrigerator, stoves, vacuum cleaner. Evaluation scale. Total Main part No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 2b. 1b. 1b. 3b. 7b. Add. part number 5 1b. No. 6 2b. Total Total about 3b. 10b.

TEST No. 7. Grade 1. 4 quarter. Section: Man among people. Subject: Spring. Summer's soon. Planned results: to recognize the studied objects of animate and inanimate nature; Skills: follow the rules of safe behavior at home, on the street, in nature and public places; distinguish the most characteristic features of the seasons. 1 option. Surname, name ____________________________________ Main part.

1. Find the spring months. Underline the correct answer. a) December, January, February; b) March, April, May; c) September, October, November. 2. What does this sign mean? Tick ​​the correct answer. a) underground passage; b) the place where the trolleybus stops; c) pedestrian crossing. 3. Sign the seasons. _____________________ ________________________ ________________________ 4. Circle the land transport with a red pencil, the water transport with blue. Additional part. 5. Which pictures show signs of spring? Color the circle green.

6. What are the main summer changes in inanimate nature. Circle the letters of the correct answers. a) hot weather b) ice drift; c) cooling; d) thunderstorms and showers. Option 2. Surname, name ____________________________________ Main part. 1. Find the summer months. Underline the correct answer.) March, April, May; b) June, July, August; c) December, January, February. 2. What does this sign mean. Tick ​​the correct answer.

a) cycling b) underground passage; c) parking. 3. Sign the seasons. forbidden; _________________________ __________________________ ________________________ 4. Circle ground transport with a red pencil, air transport with blue. Additional part. 5. Which pictures show signs of summer? Color the circle green.

6. What are the main spring changes in inanimate nature. Circle the letters of the correct answers. a) melting snow b) snowfall; b) the sun is shining brightly; d) thaw. Evaluation scale. Main part Total No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 1b. 5 B. 1b. 3b. 10b. Add. part number 5 2b. No. 6 2b. Total Total about 4b. 14b.

Environment Test for Grade 1 Students

40 minutes are allotted for testing. Testing is carried out at the end of the fourth quarter. The work consists of 2 parts: 1 part - test, which contains 10 questions with a choice of one correct answer; Part 2 - creative, in which you need to write a story on one of the presented topics of your choice.

Surname ___________________________ Grade ____________

Name_______________________________ School______


Dear guys! Before you lies a work that will show how you learned the material on the world around you over the past year. Read the task carefully, choose only one of the provided answers. If you don't know the answer, skip the task and move on to the next task. Return to the unfinished task later. Do not rush, do not worry and do not be upset if you did not have time to complete one of the tasks. We wish you success!

1) Which of the following mushrooms are poisonous:

B) oiler

B) pale toadstool

D) russula

2) Which of the provided answers only lists pets?

A) wolf, dog, cow, pig

B) lynx, bear, hare, wild boar

C) horse, cow, pig, cat

D) cow, dog, fox, raccoon

3) Earth satellite is:

A) the sun

D) Jupiter

4) Inanimate nature includes:

B) plants

B) animals

D) a person

5) Which of the following applies to wildlife:

A) plants

To the air

6) Which of the following options lists only cultivated plants:

A) shepherd's purse, oats, wheatgrass, boletus

B) burdock, nettle, celery, dandelion

C) coltsfoot, sow thistle, cattail, cornflower

D) rice, wheat, rye, corn

7) The capital of the Russian Federation is the city:

A) Kazan

B) Moscow

In Saint-Petersburg

D) Volgograd

8) What are the main colors of the Russian flag:

A) white, green, yellow

B) white, blue, red

B) blue, white, purple,

D) green, white, blue

9) In which of the answer options are the rules of behavior in the forest

A) ruin anthills, pull out flowers;

B) do not litter in the forest, do not kindle fires;

C) trample forest clearings, break branches of trees;

D) scare birds and animals, tear armfuls of flowers

10) Which of the answer options lists the winter months:

A) January, March, April

B) November, October, December

c) January, February, March

d) December, January, February

Instructions: choose one of the topics provided, compose a story and write it down.

A) “My small homeland” (tell us where you were born, what is the name of your city (village), what interesting places are there, what is produced in your small homeland);

B) “Forests are our wealth” (tell us about the benefits of forests, what forests are, who lives in them, what grows);

C) “My family” (tell us about how many people you have in your family, who does what, how you spend your weekends);

D) “My favorite season” (what is your favorite season: spring, summer, winter or autumn? Why do you like it the most? What do you know of interesting things about this time?)

Assessment sheet:

For the performance of the work, two marks are put: one for the test, the other for creative work. In the first part, one point is given for each correct answer.

9-10 points - the student has mastered the material in full

7-8 points - the student has mastered the material well, but there are gaps in knowledge in some sections

5-6 points - the student has averagely mastered the material, but he has gaps in the study of sections

Less than 5 points - the student did not master the material.

Key to answers:

question number

Creative work is evaluated at the discretion of the teacher. When evaluating the work, spelling and punctuation errors are not taken into account.
