Basic job data


1. The concept of readiness for schooling. The main aspects of school maturity

1.1 Intellectual school readiness

1.2 Personal readiness for schooling

1.3 Volitional readiness for schooling

1.4 Moral readiness for schooling

2 The main reasons for the unpreparedness of children for schooling



List of sources used

Applications A. Diagnostics for the assimilation of elementary mathematical representations

Applications B. Graphic dictation by D.B. Elkonin

Appendices C. Intelligence Diagnosis Using the Goodenough-Harris Test

Appendices D. Orientation text for school maturity

Appendices E. Ten Word Test

Appendices E. Test "Classification"

Appendices G. Social Maturity Test

Annexes I. Social Maturity Test

Applications K. Test "Composing a story from pictures"

Applications K. Test "What is missing?"

Applications M. Test "The fourth extra"


The problem of children's readiness for school education has recently become very popular among researchers of various specialties. Psychologists, teachers, physiologists study and substantiate the criteria for readiness for schooling, argue about the age at which it is most appropriate to start teaching children at school. Interest in this problem is explained by the fact that, figuratively, psychological readiness for schooling can be compared with the foundation of a building: a good strong foundation is a guarantee of the reliability and quality of a future building.

The problem of studying the readiness of preschoolers for school is not new. In foreign studies, it is reflected in works that study the school maturity of children. (G. Getper 1936, A. Kern 1954, S. Strebel 1957, J. Yiraseya 1970, etc.). AT domestic psychology a serious study of the problem of readiness for schooling, which has its roots in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, is contained in the works of L.I. Bozovic (1968); D.B. Elkonin (1981, 1989); N G. Salmina (1988); HER. Kravtsova (1991); N.V. Nizhegorodtseva, V.D. Shadrikova (1999, 2001) and others. These authors, following L.S. Vygotsky believe that learning leads to development, and therefore learning can begin when the psychological functions involved in it have not yet matured. In addition, the authors of these studies believe that what matters for successful schooling is not the totality of a child's knowledge, skills and abilities, but a certain level of his personal and intellectual development, which is considered as psychological background to schooling. In this regard, I consider it appropriate to designate the last understanding of readiness for school as "psychological readiness for school", to separate him from others.

The psychological readiness of children for schooling is understood as the necessary and sufficient level psychological development child to learn school curriculum under certain learning conditions. The psychological readiness of a child for school is one of the most important outcomes of psychological development during preschool childhood.

We live in the 21st century and now the very high demands of life on the organization of education and training force us to look for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches aimed at conducting teaching methods in accordance with the requirements of life. In this sense, the readiness of preschoolers to study at school is of particular importance.

The solution of this problem involves the determination of the goals and principles of organizing training and education in preschool institutions. At the same time, the success of the subsequent education of children in school depends on its decision. The main goal of determining the psychological readiness of children for schooling is the prevention of school maladaptation.

The urgency of this problem determined the theme of my work "Research on the readiness of children for schooling."


To identify and study the features of the child's psychological readiness for school.


a) To study the features of the psychological readiness of the child for school.

b) To identify the conditions for the formation of the child's psychological readiness for school.

c) Analyze diagnostic methods and programs of psychological assistance to children.

Preparing children for school is a complex task, covering all spheres of a child's life. Psychological readiness for school is only one aspect of this task. But within this aspect, different approaches stand out:

1. Research aimed at shaping up to school age changes in certain skills and abilities necessary for schooling.

2. Study of neoplasms and changes in the child's psyche.

3. Study of the genesis of individual components learning activities and identification of ways of their formation.

4. The study of changes in the child to consciously subordinate his actions to the given, with consistent execution, verbal instructions from an adult. This skill is combined with the ability to master the general way of fulfilling the verbal instructions of an adult.

Readiness for school in modern conditions is considered, first of all, as a readiness for schooling or learning activities. This approach is substantiated by a view of the problem from the side of the periodization of the child's mental development and the change of leading activities. According to E.E. Kravtsova, the problem of psychological readiness for schooling gets its concretization as the problem of changing the leading types of activity, i.e. this is a transition from role-playing games to educational activities. This approach is relevant and significant, but readiness for learning activities does not fully cover the phenomenon of readiness for school. This approach is relevant and significant, but readiness for learning activities does not fully cover the phenomenon of readiness for school.

L.I. Bozovic pointed out back in the 1960s that readiness for schooling is made up of a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, readiness for arbitrary regulation of one's cognitive activity to the social position of the student. Similar views were developed by A.V. Zaporozhets, noting that the readiness to study at school is an integral system of interrelated qualities of a child's personality, including the features of its motivation, the level of development of cognitive, analytic - synthetic activity, the degree of formation of the mechanism of volitional regulation.

Today, it is practically generally accepted that readiness for schooling is a multiple education that requires complex psychological research. Traditionally, there are three aspects of school maturity: intellectual, emotional, social.

Under intellectual activity refers to differentiating perception, perceptual maturity, including the selection of a figure from the background; concentration of attention; analytical thinking, expressed in the ability to comprehend the main connections between phenomena; the possibility of logical memorization; the ability to reproduce the pattern, as well as the development of fine hand movements and sensorimotor coordination. We can say that intellectual maturity, understood in this way, largely reflects the functional maturation of brain structures.

emotional maturity is understood as a decrease in impulsive reactions and the ability to perform a not very attractive activity for a long time.

To social maturity includes the child's need to communicate with peers and the ability to subordinate their behavior to the laws of children's groups, as well as to play the role of a student in a situation of schooling.

Based on the selected parameters, school maturity tests are created.

If foreign studies of school maturity are mainly aimed at creating tests and are much less focused on the theory of the issue, then the works of domestic psychologists contain a deep theoretical study of the problem of psychological readiness for school as a subject of activity, which is expressed in the social formation and fulfillment of intentions and goals, or, in other words, in arbitrary behavior student.

Almost all authors who study psychological readiness for school give arbitrariness a special place in the problem under study. There is a point of view that the weak development of arbitrariness is the main stumbling block of psychological readiness for school. The difficulty lies in the fact that, on the one hand, voluntary behavior is considered a neoplasm of primary school age, developing within the educational (leading) activity of this age, and on the other hand, the weak development of voluntariness hinders the beginning of schooling.

D.B. Elkonin (1978), believing that voluntary behavior is born in a role-playing game in a team of children, allowing the child to rise to a higher level of development than he can do it in the game alone, because. in this case, the collective corrects violations in imitation of the intended image, while it is still very difficult for the child to independently exercise such control.

In the works of E.E. Kravtsova (1991), when characterizing the psychological readiness of children for school, the main blow is placed on the role of communication in the development of the child. There are three areas - attitudes towards an adult, towards a peer, towards oneself, the level of development of which determines the degree of readiness for school and in a certain way correlates with the main structural components educational activity.

It should be emphasized that in domestic psychology, when studying the intellectual component of psychological readiness for school, the emphasis is on the amount of acquired knowledge, although this is also not an unimportant factor, but on the level of development of intellectual processes. “... the child must be able to distinguish the essential in the phenomena of the surrounding reality, be able to compare them, see similar and different, he must learn to reason, find the causes of phenomena, draw conclusions” (L.I. Bozhovich 1968). For successful learning, the child must be able to highlight the subject of his knowledge.

In addition to these components of the child's psychological readiness for school, we single out one more - speech development. Speech is closely related to intelligence and reflects how general development child, and the level of his logical thinking. It is necessary that the child be able to find individual sounds in words, i.e. he must have developed phonemic hearing.

Summing up all that has been said, we list the psychological spheres, according to the level of development of which one judges psychological readiness for school: affective-need, arbitrary, intellectual and speech.

These areas will be discussed below in the course work.

1.1 Intellectual School Readiness

Intellectual readiness for schooling is associated with the development of thought processes. From solving problems that require the establishment of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena with the help of external orienting actions, children move on to solving them in their minds with the help of elementary mental actions using images. In other words, on the basis of the visual-effective form of thinking, a visual-figurative form of thinking begins to take shape. At the same time, children become capable of the first generalizations based on the experience of their first practical experience. substantive activity and fixed in the word. Even at this age, the child has to resolve more and more complex and varied tasks that require the identification and use of connections in relation between objects, phenomena, and actions. In playing, drawing, designing, when performing educational and labor tasks, he not only uses learned actions, but constantly modifies them, obtaining new results.

As curiosity develops, cognitive processes of thinking are increasingly used by children to assimilate the world around them, which goes beyond the tasks put forward by their new own practical activities.

The child begins to set cognitive tasks for himself, seeks explanations for the observed phenomena .. He resorts to a kind of experiment to clarify questions of interest to him, observes phenomena, reasoning and drawing conclusions.

At preschool age, attention is arbitrary. The turning point in the development of attention is connected with the fact that for the first time children begin to consciously control their attention, directing and holding it on certain objects. For this purpose, the older preschooler uses certain methods that he adopts from adults. Thus, the possibilities of this new form of attention are voluntary attention by 6-7 years are already quite large.

Similar age patterns are also observed in the process of memory development. A goal can be set for the child to memorize the material. He begins to use techniques aimed at increasing the efficiency of memorization: repetition, semantic and associative linking of material. Thus, by the age of 6-7 years, the structure of memory undergoes significant changes associated with a significant development of arbitrary forms of memorization and recall.

The study of the features of the intellectual sphere can begin with the study of memory - a mental process that is inextricably linked with thinking. To determine the level of mechanical memorization, a meaningless set of words is given: year, elephant, sword, soap, salt, noise, river floor, spring, son. The child, after listening to this entire series, repeats the words that he remembered. Replay can be used - after additional reading of the same words - in delayed playback, for example, one hour after listening. L.A. Wenger cites the following indicators of mechanical memory, characteristic of 6-7 years of age: from the first time the child remembers at least 5 words out of 10, after 3-4 readings he reproduces 9-10 words, after 1 hour he forgets no more than 2 words reproduced earlier; in the process of sequential memorization of the material, “failures” do not appear, when, after one of the explanations, the child remembers fewer words than earlier and later (which is usually a sign of overwork).

Method A.R. Luria reveals general level mental development, the degree of mastery of generalizing concepts, the ability to plan one's actions. The child is given the task of memorizing words with the help of drawings: for each word or phrase, he makes a concise drawing, which will then help him reproduce this word, i.e. the drawing becomes a means to help memorize words. For memorization, 0-12 words or phrases are given, such as, for example: truck, smart cat, dark forest, day, fun game, frost, naughty child, good weather, the strong man, punishment, an interesting tale. 1.5-2 hours after listening to a series of words and creating the corresponding images, the child receives his drawings and remembers for which word he made each of them.

The level of development of spatial thinking is revealed in different ways. Effective and convenient technique L.A. Wenger "Labyrinth". The child needs to find a way to a certain house. Among other wrong paths and dead ends of the labyrinth. Figuratively given instructions help him in this - he will pass by such objects (trees, bushes, flowers, mushrooms). The child must navigate in the labyrinth itself and in the scheme that displays the sequence of the path, i.e. the solution of the problem.

The most common methods for diagnosing the level of development of verbal-logical thinking are the following:

a) "Explanation of verbal pictures": the child is shown a picture and asked the child to tell what is drawn on it. This technique gives an idea of ​​how correctly the child understands the meaning of the depicted, whether he can highlight the main thing or is lost in individual details, how developed his speech is;

b) "Sequence of events" - a more complex technique. This is a series of plot pictures (from 3 to 6) which depict the stages of actions known to the child. He must build the correct row from these drawings and tell how the events developed.

A series of pictures can be of varying degrees of complexity in content. The sequence of events ”gives the psychologist the same data as the previous technique, but in addition, the child’s understanding of cause-and-effect relationships is revealed here.

Generalization and abstraction, the sequence of inferences and some other questionnaires of thinking are studied using the method of subject classification. The child makes up groups of cards with images of inanimate objects and living beings on them. By classifying various objects, he can distinguish groups according to their functional characteristics and give them generalized names. For example: furniture, clothes. Maybe on an external basis (“everyone is big” or “they are red”), on situational grounds (the wardrobe and the dress are combined into one group, because “the dresses hang in the closet”).

When selecting children for schools, learning programs which are much more complicated, and higher requirements are imposed on the intellect of applicants (gymnasiums, lyceums), more complex methods are used. Difficult thought processes of analysis and synthesis are studied when children define concepts, interpret proverbs. The well-known method of interpreting proverbs has an interesting variant proposed by B.V. Zeigarnik. In addition to the proverb, the child is given phrases, one of which corresponds to the meaning of the proverb, the second does not correspond to the proverb in meaning, but outwardly resembles it. The child, choosing one of the two phrases, explains why it approaches the proverb, but the choice itself shows whether the child is guided by meaningful or external signs, analyzing judgments.

Thus, the intellectual readiness of the child is characterized by the maturation of analytical psychological processes, the mastery of the skill of mental activity.

1.2 Personal readiness for schooling

In order for a child to study successfully, he must first of all strive for a new school life, to "serious" studies, "responsible" assignments. The appearance of such a desire is influenced by the attitude of close adults to learning as an important meaningful activity, much more significant than the game of a preschooler. The attitude of other children also influences, the very opportunity to rise to a new age level in the eyes of the younger ones and compare in position with the older ones. The desire of the child to occupy a new social position leads to the formation of his inner position. L.I. Bozovic characterizes the internal position as a central personal positioning that characterizes the personality of the child as a whole. It is this that determines the behavior and activity of the child and the whole system of his relations to reality, to himself and to the people around him. The schoolchild's lifestyle as a person engaged in a significant and socially valued business in a public place is perceived by the child as an adequate path to adulthood for him - he responds to the motive formed in the game "to become an adult and really carry out its functions."

From the moment the idea of ​​school acquired the features of the desired way of life in the child's mind, we can say that his inner position received a new content - it became the inner position of the schoolchild. And this means that the child psychologically moved into a new age period of his development - primary school age. The internal position of the student can be defined as a system of needs and aspirations of the child associated with the school, i.e. such an attitude towards school, when the child experiences participation in it as his own need (“I want to go to school”).

The presence of an internal need is revealed in the fact that the child resolutely renounces the preschool game, individually-direct way of existence and shows a brightly positive attitude towards school-learning activities in general, especially to those aspects of it that are directly related to learning. Such a positive orientation of the child to school, as to his own educational institution- the most important prerequisite for its successful entry into the school-educational reality, i.e. acceptance by him of the relevant school requirements and full inclusion in the educational process.

Personal readiness for school also includes a certain attitude of the child towards himself. Productive educational activity implies an adequate attitude of the child to his abilities, work results, behavior, i.e. a certain level of development of self-consciousness.

The personal readiness of a child for school is usually judged by his behavior in group classes and during a conversation with a psychologist.

There are also specially developed conversation plans that reveal the position of the student (N.I. Gutkin's method), and special experimental techniques.

For example, the predominance of a cognitive and play motive in a child is determined by the choice of the activity of listening to a fairy tale or playing with toys. After the child has examined the toys for a minute, they begin to read fairy tales to him, but they stop reading at the most interesting place. The psychologist asks what he wants now - to finish listening to a fairy tale or to play with toys. Obviously, with personal readiness for school, preparatory interest dominates and the child prefers to find out what will happen at the end of the fairy tale. Children who are not motivationally ready for learning, with a weak cognitive need, are more attracted to the game.

1.3 Volitional readiness for schooling

Determining the child's personal readiness for school, it is necessary to identify the specifics of the development of an arbitrary sphere. The arbitrariness of the child's behavior is manifested in the fulfillment of the requirements of specific rules set by the teacher when working according to the model. Already at preschool age, the child is faced with the need to overcome the difficulties that arise and the consequences of their actions to the goal. This leads to the fact that he begins to consciously control himself, controlling his internal and external actions, his cognitive processes and behavior in general. This gives reason to believe that the will arises already at preschool age. Of course, volitional actions of preschoolers have their own specifics: they coexist with unintentional actions under the influence of situational feelings and desires.

L.S. Vygotsky considered volitional behavior to be social, and he saw the source of the development of children's will in the relationship of the child with the outside world. At the same time, the leading role in the social conditioning of the will was assigned to his verbal communication with adults.

In genetic terms, L.S. Vygotsky considered will as a stage of mastering the natural processes of behavior. First, adults regulate the behavior of the child with the help of the word, then, assimilated practically the content of the requirements of adults, he regulates his behavior, thereby making a significant step forward along the path of volitional development. After mastering speech, the word becomes for preschoolers not only a means of communication, but also a means of organizing behavior.

In modern scientific research the concept of volitional action is practiced in different aspects. Some psychologists consider the choice of decision and goal setting to be the initial link, while others limit volitional action to its executive part. A.V. Zaporozhets considers the transformation of well-known social and, above all, moral requirements into certain moral motives and qualities of a person that determines her actions, the most significant for the psychology of the will.

One of the central issues of the will is the question of the motivational conditionality of those specific volitional actions and deeds that a person is capable of in different periods of his life.

The question is also raised about the intellectual and moral foundations of the volitional regulation of a preschooler.

During preschool childhood, the nature of the volitional sphere of the personality becomes more complicated and its share in the general structure of behavior changes, which is manifested in the age-related desire to overcome difficulties. The development of will at this age is associated with a change in the motives of behavior, subordination to them.

The manifestation of a certain volitional orientation, bringing to the fore a group of motives that become the most important for the child, leads to the fact that, guided by their behavior by these motives, the child consciously achieves the goal, without succumbing to the distracting attention of the environment. He gradually mastered the ability to subordinate his actions to motives that are far removed from the goal of the action. In particular, for motives of a social nature, he develops a level of purposefulness that is characteristic of a schoolchild.

At the same time, despite the fact that volitional actions appear at preschool age, the scope of their application and their place in the child's behavior remain extremely limited. Research shows that only the older preschooler is capable of long-term volitional efforts. Features of voluntary behavior can be traced not only when observing a child in individual and group classes, but also with the help of special techniques.

The rather well-known oriented Kern-Jirasek test of school maturity includes, in addition to drawing a male figure from memory, two tasks - drawing, simultaneously following a model in your work (the task is given to draw the same drawing point by point as the given geometric figure) and the rule (a condition is stipulated: you cannot draw a line between two identical points, that is, connect a circle with a circle, a cross with a cross, a triangle with a triangle). Thus, the technique reveals the level of orientation of the child to complex system requirements.

From this it follows that the development of arbitrariness for purposeful activity, work according to the model, largely determines the school readiness of the child.

1.4 Moral readiness for schooling

The moral formation of a schoolchild is closely connected with a change in character, his relationship with adults and the birth of moral ideas and feelings in them on this basis, named by L.S. Vygotsky internal ethical instances. D.B. Elkonin connects the emergence of ethical instances with a change in the relationship between adults and children. He writes that in children of preschool age, in contrast to children of early childhood, a new type of relationship develops, which creates a special social situation of development characteristic of this period.

In early childhood, activities are predominantly in cooperation with adults; At preschool age, the child becomes able to independently satisfy many of his needs and desires. As a result, his joint activity with adults, as it were, falls apart, at the same time, the direct fusion of his existence with the life and activities of adults and children also weakens.

However, adults continue to be a constant attraction center around which the life of a child is built. This gives rise to the need for children to participate in the lives of adults, to act according to the model. At the same time, they want to produce not only individual actions of adults, but also to imitate all the complex forms of his activity, his actions, his relationships with other people - in a word, the whole way of life of adults. In the conditions of everyday behavior and his communication with adults, as well as in the practice of role-playing, a preschool child develops social knowledge of many social norms, but this value is not fully realized by the child and is directly soldered to his positive and negative emotions experiences.

The first ethical instances are still relatively simple systemic formations, which are the embryos of moral feelings, on the basis of which already quite mature ones are formed in the future. moral feelings and beliefs.

Moral instances generate moral motives of behavior in preschool children, which can be stronger in their impact than many immediate needs, including elementary needs.

A.N. Leontiev based on numerous studies, conducted by him and his collaborators, put forward the position that preschool age is the period in which for the first time a system of subordinate motives arises that create the unity of the personality, and that it is for this reason that it should be considered, as expressed by the “period of the initial, actual warehouse of the personality”. The system of subordinate motives begins to control the child's behavior and determine his entire development. This position is supplemented by data from subsequent psychological studies. In school-age children, firstly, not only subordination of motives arises, but a relatively stable out-of-situation subordination. In preschoolers, they are mediated by the appeals of the behavior and activities of adults, their relationships, social norms, fixed in the appropriate moral instances.

The emergence of a relatively stable hierarchical structure of motives in a child by the end of preschool age turns him from a situational being into a being with internal unity and organization, the ability to be guided by social norms of life that are stable to him. This characterizes a new stage, which allowed A.N. Leontiev to speak of preschool age as a period of "the initial actual make-up of the personality."

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can say that school readiness is a complex phenomenon that includes intellectual, personal and volitional readiness. For successful education, the child must meet the requirements presented to him.

2 The main reasons for the unpreparedness of children for schooling

Psychological readiness for schooling is a multi-complex phenomenon; when children enter school, insufficient formation of any one component of psychological readiness is often revealed. This leads to disruption or difficulty in adapting the child to school. Conditionally, psychological readiness can be divided into academic readiness and socio-psychological readiness.

Pupils with a socio-psychological unpreparedness for learning, showing childish spontaneity, answer at the lesson at the same time, without raising their hands and interrupting each other, share their thoughts and feelings with the teacher. They are usually included in the work only when the teacher directly addresses them, and the rest of the time they are distracted, do not follow what is happening in the class, and violate discipline. Having high self-esteem, they are offended by remarks when the teacher or parents express dissatisfaction with their behavior, they complain that the lessons are not interesting, the school is bad and the teacher is angry.

There are various options for distinguishing 6-7-year-old children with personality traits that affect confidence in schooling.

1) Anxiety High anxiety becomes stable with constant dissatisfaction academic work student from the teacher and parents, an abundance of comments and reproaches. Anxiety arises from the fear of doing something badly wrong. The same result is achieved in a situation where the child learns well, but parents expect more from him and make excessive demands, sometimes unrealistic.

Due to the increase in anxiety and the low self-esteem associated with it, educational achievements are reduced, and failure is fixed. Uncertainty leads to a number of other features - the desire to mindlessly follow the instructions of an adult, act only according to patterns and patterns, fear to take the initiative, formal assimilation of knowledge and methods of action.

Adults, dissatisfied with the low productivity of the child's educational work, focus more and more on these issues in communicating with him, which increases discomfort.

It turns out a vicious circle: the unfavorable personal characteristics of the child are reflected in the quality of his educational activities, the low performance of the activity causes a corresponding reaction from others, and this negative reaction, in turn, enhances the child's characteristics. This vicious cycle can be broken by changing the assessment attitudes of both the parent and the teacher. Close adults, concentrating on the slightest achievement of the child, without blaming him for individual shortcomings, reduce the level of his anxiety and thus contribute to the successful completion of educational tasks.

2) Demonstrativeness is a personality trait associated with an increased need for success and attention from others. A child with this property behaves in a mannered way. His exaggerated emotional reactions serve as a means to achieve the main goal - to draw attention to himself, to receive approval. If for a child with high anxiety the main problem is the constant disapproval of adults, then for a demonstrative child it is a lack of praise. Negativism extends not only to the forms of school discipline, but also to the teaching requirements of the teacher. Not accepting learning tasks, periodically “dropping out” of educational process, the child cannot acquire the necessary knowledge and methods of action, to study successfully.

The source of demonstrativeness, which is clearly manifested already at preschool age, is usually the lack of attention of adults to children who feel “abandoned”, “unloved” in the family. It happens that the child receives sufficient attention, but it does not satisfy him due to the hypertrophied need for emotional contacts.

Excessive demands are made, as a rule, by spoiled children.

Children with negative demonstrativeness, violating the rules of behavior, achieve the attention they need. It can even be unkind attention, but it still serves as a reinforcement for demonstrativeness. The child acts according to the principle: “it’s better to be scolded than not noticed” - they perversely react to attention and continue to do what they are punished for.

It is desirable for such children to find an opportunity for self-realization. The best place for the manifestation of demonstrativeness - the stage. In addition to participating in matinees, performances, concerts, other activities are suitable for children, including visual.

But the most important thing is to remove or weaken the reinforcement of unacceptable forms of behavior. The task of adults is to unite without notations and edifications, not to turn, to make comments and punish as emotionally as possible.

2) "Departure of Reality" - this is another option for unfavorable development. It manifests itself when demonstrativeness is combined with anxiety in children. These children also have a strong need for attention to themselves, but they cannot realize it in a sharp theatrical form because of their anxiety. They are hardly noticeable, they are afraid of arousing disapproval, they strive to fulfill the requirements of adults. An unsatisfied need for attention leads to an increase in anxiety and even greater passivity, invisibility, which are usually combined with infantility, lack of self-control.

Without achieving significant success in learning, such people, as well as purely demonstrative ones, drop out of the learning process in the classroom. But it looks different, without violating discipline, without interfering with the work of the teacher and classmates, they are in the clouds.

Another urgent problem of the socio-psychological readiness of children for school is the problem of the formation of qualities in children, thanks to which they could communicate with other children, a teacher. The child comes to school, a class where children are busy with one thing and he needs to have sufficiently flexible ways of establishing relationships with other children, he needs the ability to enter a children's society, act together with others, the ability to retreat and defend himself.

Thus, the socio-psychological readiness of children for school implies the development in children of the need to communicate with others, the ability to obey the interests and customs of the children's group.


So, psychological readiness for school is a holistic education. The lag or development of one component sooner or later entails a lag or distortion in the development of others. Many educators and psychologists associate the successful adaptation of a child in grade 1 with readiness for schooling.

This means that for the successful adaptation of a child at school, several parameters of the child's development are distinguished that most significantly affect the success of schooling. Among them, the determining level of the child's motivational development, including the cognitive and social motives of learning, the sufficient development of voluntary behavior and the intellectual sphere.

The problem of children's readiness to study at school is not only scientific, but first of all a real-practical, very vital and acute task that has not yet received its final solution. And a lot depends on its decision, ultimately, the fate of children, their present and future.

The criteria for readiness or unreadiness for schooling are associated with the psychological age of the child, which is measured not by the clock of physical time, but by the scale of psychological development. You also need to be able to read this scale: understand the principles of its compilation, know the reference points, the dimension.

Working on this topic, I came to the following conclusions:

Firstly, the examination of children is necessary for the school and for children, for their successful education;

Secondly, the examination of children must be started earlier, then this work will be more effective, because it is not enough to state that the child is not ready for schooling, it is also necessary to register and monitor and control his development throughout the year.

No. p / p concept Definition
1. Adaptation (lat. adapto- adapt) - the process of adapting to changing environmental conditions.
2. Aspects of (from lat. aspectus - look, look, sight, point of view) - one of the sides of the object under consideration, the point of view, the way it is seen from a certain position.
3. Affect (from lat. affectus- emotional excitement, passion) - a strong, rapidly emerging and rapidly flowing mental state, characterized by a strong and deep experience, a vivid external manifestation, a narrowing of consciousness and a decrease in self-control. There are two types of A.: physiological and pathological.
4. Genesis any scientific theory describing the origin, emergence, formation, development, metamorphosis and death of objects
5. Diagnostics a field of knowledge that includes information about the methods and tools for assessing the state.
6. Method Greek methodos]. Way, method, method of theoretical research or practical implementation of something.
7. Methodology System of rules, exposition of methods learning something. or the execution of some work.
8. Negativistic demonstrativeness a personality trait associated with an increased need for success and attention to others.
9. Pedagogical psychology a branch of psychology that studies the development of the human psyche in the process of education and training and develops the psychological foundations of this process.
10. Perceptivity (from Latin perceptio - representation, perception) - perception of something
11. School maladaptation this is a violation of the adaptation of the student's personality to the conditions of schooling, which acts as a particular phenomenon of the child's disorder of the general ability to mentally adapt in connection with any pathological factors.

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7. Kravtsova E.E. Psychological problems of children's readiness for schooling. M, Pedagogy, 1991

8. Kulagina I.Yu. Age-related psychology. - M., 1991.

9. Mukhina V.S. Child psychology. - M., 1985.

10. Features of the psychological development of children 6 - 7 years of age / Ed. D.B. Elkonina, A.L. Vanger. - M., 1988.

11. Serova L.I. Child's readiness for school.

12. Reader. Developmental and pedagogical psychology / Dubrovina I.V., Zatsepin V.V. - M., 1999.

13. "psychological center Adalin".


Annex A

Diagnostics in mathematics in the preparatory group for school

1. The ability to continue a given pattern, to find a violation of the pattern

2. The ability to compare numbers within 10 using visual material and establish how much one number is more or less than another

3. The ability to use signs > for writing comparison,<, =

4. Ability to perform addition and subtraction of numbers within 10

5. The ability to write addition and subtraction using the signs +, ─, =.

6. Ability to use a numerical segment for counting and counting one or more units

7. The ability, along with a square, circle, triangle, oval, to recognize and name a rectangle, polygon, ball, cube, cylinder, cone

8. The ability to design more complex forms from simple ones according to a given pattern

9. The ability to practically measure the length and volume with various measures (step, elbow, glass, etc.)

10. Have an idea about the generally accepted units of measurement: centimeter, liter, kilogram

11. Composition of a number within 10

12. Ability to solve problems for addition, subtraction

13. The ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a box (graphic dictation).

Assessment of knowledge:

1 point - the child did not answer

2 points - the child answered with the help of a teacher

3 points - the child answered correctly, independently.

Calculation of results

13 - 19 points - low level

20 - 29 - average level

30 - 39 - high level

School preparatory group No. ____________________

No. p / p F.I. child 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 total
n to n to n to n to n to n to n to n to n to n to n to n to n to n to
1 Ankin Maxim
2 Bazina Katya
3 Bespalov Sasha
4 Gorin Yasha
5 Kadura Lesha
6 Kirichenko Varya
7 Kovalyuk Masha
8 Naumenko Anya
9 Petrov Misha
10 Pitilimova Sofia
11 Redko Yaroslav
12 Samsonenko Dima
13 Sapronov Kirill
14 Semka Anya
15 Spiridonov Steve
16 Khromova Nastya
17 Chernykh Semyon
18 Chertkov Vadim
19 Yanin Maxim
20 Panasenko Dima
21 Koveshnikova Natasha

Annex B

Graphic dictation , developed by D.B. Elkonin

It reveals the ability to listen carefully, accurately follow the instructions of an adult, navigate on a sheet of paper, act independently on the instructions of an adult.

To carry out, you will need a sheet of paper in a cage (from a notebook) with four dots drawn on it, located one under the other. The distance between the points along the vertical is approximately 8 cells.


Before the study, the adult explains: “Now we will draw patterns, we must try to make them beautiful and neat. To do this, you need to listen to me carefully and draw as I speak. I will say how many cells and in which direction you should draw a line. You draw the next line where the previous one ended. Do you remember where your right hand is? Pull her to the side where she pointed? (on the door, on the window, etc.) When I say that you need to draw a line to the right, you draw it to the door (choose any visual landmark). Where is the left hand? When I say to draw a line to the left, remember the hand (or any landmark on the left). Now let's try to draw.

The first pattern is training, it is not evaluated, it is checked how the child understood the task.

“Put the pencil on the first dot. Draw without lifting the pencil from the paper: one cell down, one cell to the right, one cell up, one cell to the right, one cell down, then continue to draw the same pattern yourself.” During dictation, you need to pause so that the child has time to finish the previous task. The pattern does not need to continue across the full width of the page.

In the process of execution, you can cheer, but no additional instructions for the execution of the pattern are given.

“We draw the following pattern. Find the next point, put a pencil on it. Ready? One cell up, one cell to the right, one cell up, one cell to the right, one cell down, one cell to the right, one cell down, one cell to the right. Now continue to draw the same pattern yourself.”

After 2 minutes, we begin to perform the next task from the next point.

"Attention! Three cells up, one cell to the right, two cells down, one cell to the right, two cells up, one cell to the right, three cells down, one cell to the right, two cells up, one cell to the right, two cells down, one cell to the right. Now continue the pattern yourself.”

After 2 minutes - the next task: “Put the pencil on the bottom point. Attention! Three squares to the right, one square up, one square to the left, two squares up, three squares to the right, two squares down, one square to the left, one square down, three squares to the right, one square up, one square to the left, two squares up. Now continue the pattern yourself.” You should get the following patterns:

Evaluation of results

The training pattern is not scored. In each subsequent pattern, the accuracy of the reproduction of the task and the ability of the child to independently continue the pattern are considered. The task is considered to be completed well if there is an accurate reproduction (roughness of lines, “trembling” line, “dirt” do not reduce the score). If 1-2 mistakes are made during playback - the average level. A low score if during reproduction there is only a similarity of individual elements or there is no similarity at all. If the child was able to continue the pattern on his own, without additional questions, the task was done well. The child's uncertainty, the mistakes he made while continuing the pattern - the average level. If the child refused to continue the pattern or could not draw a single correct line - a low level of performance.

Such dictations can be turned into an educational game, with their help the child develops thinking, attention, the ability to listen to instructions, logic.

4. Labyrinth

Similar tasks are often found in children's magazines, in workbooks for preschoolers. It reveals (and trains) the level of visual-schematic thinking (the ability to use diagrams, symbols), the development of attention. We offer several options for such labyrinths:

5. Test "What is missing?", developed by R.S. Nemov.


The child is offered 7 drawings, each of which lacks some important detail, or something is drawn incorrectly.

The diagnostician records the time taken to complete the entire task using a stopwatch.

Evaluation of results

10 points (very high level) - the child named all 7 inaccuracies in less than

25 seconds.

8-9 points (high) - the time to search for all inaccuracies took 26-30 seconds.

4-7 points (average) - the search time took from 31 to 40 seconds.

2-3 points (low) - the search time was 41-45 seconds.

0-1 point (very low) - search time is more than 45 seconds.

Annex B


The study is carried out as follows.

The child is given a sheet of white paper of a standard size and one simple pencil. Ordinary writing paper is also suitable, but thick paper specially designed for drawing is preferable. Pencil - necessarily soft, better brand M or 2M; It is acceptable to use an unworn black felt-tip pen.

The child is asked to draw a person “as best as possible” (“man”, “uncle”). While drawing, comments are not allowed. If the child does not complete a drawing of a person in full growth, he is offered to make a new drawing.

Upon completion of the drawing, an additional conversation is held with the child, in which incomprehensible details and features of the image are clarified.

Testing is preferably individual. For preschoolers - exclusively individual.

The scale of features for evaluating a drawing contains 73 points. For the fulfillment of each item, 1 point is awarded, for non-compliance with the criterion - 0 points. As a result, the total score is calculated.


1. Head. Any sufficiently clear image of the head is counted, regardless of the shape (circumference, irregular circle, oval). Facial features not outlined by the head do not count.

2. Neck. Any clear representation of that part of the body other than the head and torso counts. Direct articulation of the head and torso is not counted.

3. Neck; two dimensions. The outline of the neck, without interruption, passes into the outlines of the head, torso, or one or the other at the same time. The line of the neck should smoothly merge into the line of the head or torso. The image of the neck in the form of a single line or “column” between the head and the body does not count.

4. Eyes. Drawn at least one eye; any method of representation is considered satisfactory. Even a single indefinite dash, sometimes found in the drawings of very young children, is counted.

5. Eye details, eyebrows, eyelashes. Eyebrows or eyelashes are shown, or both at the same time.

6. Eye details: pupil. Any overt indication of the pupil or iris other than the outline of the eye. If two eyes are shown, both signs must be present.

7. Details of the eye: proportions. The horizontal size of the eye should be greater than the vertical size. This requirement must be met in the image of both eyes, but if only one eye is drawn, then this is enough. Sometimes in high-level profile drawings the eye is shown in perspective. In such drawings, any triangular shape is counted.

8. Details of the eye: look. Full face: the eyes clearly "look". There should be no convergence or divergence of the pupils either horizontally or vertically.

Profile: The eyes should be shown either as in the preceding paragraph or, if the normal almond shape is retained, the pupil should be placed in front of the eye and not in the center. The assessment must be strict.

9. Nose. Any way to depict the nose. In "mixed profiles" a point is scored even if two noses are drawn.

10. Nose, two dimensions. Full face: Any attempt to draw a nose in 2D counts if the length of the nose is greater than the width of its base.

Profile: Any, the most primitive attempt to show the nose in profile is counted, provided that the base of the nose and its tip are shown. A simple "button" does not count.

11. Mouth. Any image.

12. Lips, two measurements. Full face: two lips are clearly depicted.

13. Nose and lips, two dimensions. An additional point is given if steps 10 and 12 are completed.

14. Chin and forehead. Full face: both eyes and mouth should be drawn, leaving enough space above the eyes and under the mouth for the forehead and chin. The rating is not very strict. Where the neck meets the face, the position of the mouth in relation to the tapering lower part of the head matters.

15. Chin. Clearly separated from the lower lip. Full face: The shape of the chin must be defined in some way, such as a curved line below the mouth or lips, or the entire shape of the face. A beard that covers this part of the face does not allow a point to be awarded for this item.

Note. Not to be confused with item 16. A distinct attempt to show a "pointy" chin is required to score on this item. Most often, this item is scored in a profile picture.

16. The jaw line is shown. Full face: the line of the jaw and chin runs across the neck, and it should not be square. The neck should be wide enough and the chin pointed enough so that the jawline forms an acute angle with the neckline. Rating is strict.

Profile: The jawline runs towards the ear.

17. Bridge of the nose. Full face: the nose is correct in shape and positioned correctly. The base of the nose should be shown and the bridge of the nose should be straight. The location of the upper part of the bridge of the nose is important - it should reach the eyes or end between them. The bridge of the nose should be narrower than the base.

18. Hair I. Any, even the most rough image of hair is counted.

19. Hair II. Hair is shown not just in daubs or scribbles. However, only the hairline on the skull, without any attempt to paint over it, does not count. A point is given if the child made an attempt to somehow paint over the hair or show its wavy outline.

20. Hair III. Any overt attempt to show a haircut or style using bangs, sideburns, or hairline at the base. When a person is drawn with a headdress, a point is scored if the hair on the forehead, behind the ear, or behind indicates the presence of a particular hairstyle.

21. Hair IV. Careful depiction of hair; the direction of the strands is shown. Point 21 does not count if the child's drawing does not meet the requirements of point 20. This is a sign of a higher rank.

22. Ears. Any image of the ears.

23. Ears: Proportion and location. The vertical dimension of the ear must exceed its horizontal dimension. The ears should be located approximately in the middle third of the vertical size of the head.

Full face: the upper part of the ear should depart from the line of the skull, both ears should expand towards the base.

Profile: Some detail of the ear must be shown, for example, the ear canal can be shown as a dot. The auricle should expand towards the back of the head. Note: Some children, especially the mentally retarded, tend to draw the ear as if upside down - expanding towards the face. In such drawings, a point is never counted.

24. Fingers. Any sign of fingers other than the hand or hand. In the drawings of older children with a tendency to sketch, this point counts if there is any sign of fingers.

25. Correct number of fingers shown. If two brushes are drawn, it is necessary that both have five fingers. In the "sketch" drawings of older children, points are scored even if all five fingers cannot be clearly seen.

26. Correct finger details. "Grapes" or "sticks" do not count. The length of the fingers should clearly exceed their width. In more complex drawings, where the brush is shown in perspective or the fingers are only sketched, a point is scored. A point is also given in cases where, due to the fact that the hands are clenched into fists, only the joints or parts of the fingers are shown. The latter is found only in drawings of the highest complexity, where perspective is of great importance.

27. Thumb opposition. The fingers are drawn in such a way that a clear difference between the thumb and the rest is visible. The assessment must be strict. A point is also counted when the thumb is clearly shorter than all the others, or when the angle between it and the index finger is not less than twice the angle between any two fingers, or if the point of attachment of the thumb to the hand is much closer to the wrist, than other fingers. If two hands are shown, the conditions listed above must be met on both hands. If one hand is drawn, then, subject to the specified conditions, a point is counted. Fingers must be shown; the mitten hand does not count, unless it is obvious (or established in a subsequent conversation) that the child has portrayed a person in winter clothes.

28. Brushes. Any image of the hand, not counting the fingers. If fingers are present, there must be space between the base of the fingers and the edge of the sleeve or cuff. Where there are no cuffs, the hand must somehow expand, depicting the palm or back of the hand, as opposed to the wrist. If both hands are drawn, this feature must be present on both.

29. Drawn wrist or ankle. Either the wrist or ankle is clearly drawn separately from the sleeve or leg. A line drawn across the limb and showing the edge of the sleeve or leg is not enough here (this counts in point 55).

30. Hands. Any way of depicting hands. Fingers alone are not enough, but a point is scored if space is left between the base of the fingers and the part of the body to which they are attached. The number of hands must also be correct, with the exception of the profile drawings, where one hand can be counted.

31. Shoulders I. Full face: a change in the direction of the outline of the upper body, which gives the impression of concavity, not convexity. This sign is evaluated quite strictly. The usual oval shape is never counted, the score is always negative, unless it is obvious that this is an indication of a sharp extension of the body below the neck, which is formed by the shoulder blade or collarbone. A well-defined square or rectangular torso does not count, but if the corners are rounded, a point is given.

Profile: the assessment should be somewhat softer than in the full face drawings, since it is much more difficult to correctly depict the shoulders in profile. A drawing can be considered correct, in which not only the head, but also the torso is shown in profile. A point is scored if the lines forming the outlines of the upper torso diverge from each other at the base of the neck, showing the expansion of the chest.

32. Shoulders II. Full face: evaluated more strictly than the previous feature. The shoulders should flow continuously into the neck and arms, and should be "square" and not drooping. If the arm is pulled away from the body, the armpit should be shown.

Profile: The shoulder must be connected in the correct place. The hand should be shown with two lines.

33. Hands on the side or busy with something. Full face: young children often draw their arms rigidly set back from the body. A point is scored if at least one hand, drawn from the side, forms an angle of no more than 10 degrees with the common vertical axis of the body, unless the hands are busy with something, for example, holding an object. A point is scored if the hands are drawn in pockets, on the hips (“hands on the hips”) or laid behind the back.

Profile: A point is scored if the hands are engaged in any work or the entire hand is raised.

34. Elbow joint. In the middle of the hand there should be not a smooth, but a sharp bend. Enough for one hand. The bend and folds of the sleeve are counted.

35. Legs. Any way of depicting legs. The number of legs must be correct. In profile drawings, there can be either one or two legs. When evaluating, one must proceed from common sense, and not just from a purely formal sign. If only one leg is drawn, but the crotch is sketched, a point is scored. On the other hand, three or more legs in the drawing, or only one leg without any excuse for the absence of the other, does not count. One leg, to which two feet are attached, is evaluated positively. Legs can be attached to any part of the figure.

36. Thigh I (perineum). Full face, showing the crotch. Most often, it is depicted by the inner lines of the legs, meeting at the point of connection with the body. (Small children usually place their feet as far apart as possible. This way of displaying does not get a point under this point).

Profile: if only one leg is drawn, then the outline of the buttock should be transferred.

37. Hip P. The hip must be shown more precisely than is necessary to score a point in the previous paragraph.

38. Knee joint. As with the elbow, there should be a sharp (rather than gentle) bend approximately in the middle of the leg, or, as is sometimes found in drawings of very high complexity, a narrowing of the leg at this point. Knee-length trousers are an insufficient sign. The crease or strokes showing the knee are evaluated positively.

39. Foot I. Any image. The image of the foot is counted in any way: two feet full face, one or two feet in profile drawing. Young children can make feet by attaching socks to the bottom of their feet. It counts.

40. Foot II. Proportions. The feet and legs must be shown in two dimensions. Feet should not be "chopped off", i.e. the length of the foot should exceed its height from the sole to the instep. The length of the foot must not exceed 1/3 of the total length of the entire leg and must not be less than 1/10 of the total length of the leg. A point is scored in frontal drawings where the foot is shown to be longer than it is wide.

41. Foot III. Heel. Any way of depicting the heel. In frontal drawings, the attribute is formally counted when the feet are depicted as shown in the figure (provided that there is some dividing line between the leg and the foot). In profile drawings there should be a rise.

42. Foot IV. Perspective. Attempt to keep the angle for at least one foot.

43. Foot V. Details. Any detail, such as laces, ties, straps, or the sole of a boot, depicted with a double line.

44 Connection of arms and legs to the trunk I. Both arms and both legs are attached to the trunk at any point, or the arms are attached to the neck, or to the junction of the head with the trunk (when there is no neck). If the torso is missing, the score is always zero. If the legs are not attached to the body, but to something else, regardless of the attachment of the arms, the score is zero.

45. Attachment of arms and legs II. The arms and legs are attached to the body in the appropriate places. A point is not scored if the attachment of the arm covers half or more of the chest (from the neck to the waist). If there is no neck, the arms should be attached exactly to the upper body.

Full face: if sign 31 is present, then the place of attachment should fall exactly on the shoulders. If, on the basis of 31, the child received zero, then the attachment point should fall exactly on the place where the shoulders should be drawn. The assessment is strict, especially with a negative assessment of item 31.

46. ​​Torso. Any clear image of the torso in one or two dimensions. Where there is no clear distinction between head and torso, but facial features are shown at the top of that figure, a point is scored if the facial features occupy no more than half of the figure; otherwise, the score is zero (unless there is a transverse bar showing the lower border of the head). Any figure drawn between the head and legs counts as a torso, even if its size and shape is more like a neck than a torso. (This rule is based on the fact that many children in whose drawings there is such a feature, in response to the corresponding question, call this part the body). A row of buttons extending down between the legs is scored as a zero for the torso but as a point for the clothing, unless the transverse line shows the border of the torso.

47. Proportionality of the body: two measurements. The length of the body must exceed its width. The distance between points of greatest length and greatest width is measured. If both distances are the same or so close that the difference between them is difficult to determine, the score is zero. In most cases, the difference is large enough that it can be determined by eye, without measurement.

48. Proportions, head I. The area of ​​the head should not be more than half and not less than 1/10 of the area of ​​the body. The score is pretty soft.

49. Proportions, head II. The head is approximately 1/4 of the body area. The score is strict, does not count if

more than 1/3 and less than 1/5. Where the crotch is not shown, as, for example, in some profile drawings, a belt or waist is taken at about 2/3 of the bottom of the total length of the torso.

50. Proportions: face. Full face: the length of the head is greater than its width; an overall oval shape should be shown.

Profile: The head has a clearly elongated, oblong shape. The face is longer than the base of the skull.

51. Proportion: Arms I. Arms at least equal to the length of the torso. The tips of the brushes reach the middle of the thigh, but not the knee. The hands do not necessarily reach to (or below) the crotch, especially if the legs are unusually short. In the full-face drawings, both arms should have this length. The relative length is judged, not the position of the hands.

52. Proportions: hands II. Conical shape of the hands. The forearm is narrower than the upper arm. Any attempt to narrow the forearm is counted, unless it is done right at the waist. If two hands are drawn entirely, the narrowing should be on both.

53. Proportions: legs. The length of the legs must not be less than the vertical size of the body and not more than twice the size of the body. The width of each leg is less than the width of the body.

54. Proportions: limbs in two dimensions. Both arms and legs are shown in two dimensions. If the arms and legs are two-dimensional, a point is scored even if the hands and feet are drawn linearly.

55. Clothes I. Any signs of the image of clothes. As a rule, the earliest methods are a row of buttons going down to the center of the torso, or a hat, or both. Even one thing counts. One dot or small circle in the center of the body almost always means the navel, and does not count as an element of clothing. A series of vertical or horizontal lines drawn across the torso (and sometimes across the limbs) is the most common way of depicting clothing. A point is given for this. Dashes are also counted, which can be regarded as an indication of pockets or cuffs.

56. Clothing II. The presence of at least two opaque garments such as a hat, trousers, etc. that hide the part of the body they cover. When evaluating the design under this paragraph, it should be borne in mind that if the hat just slightly touches the top of the head, but does not cover any part of it, the point is not counted. Buttons alone without any other indication of clothing (eg coat, jacket) do not count. The coat must be depicted with the following two features, sleeves, collar or neckline, buttons, pockets. Trousers must include: waistband, belt, closure, pockets, cuffs, or any other means of separating the foot and leg from the bottom of the leg. The depiction of the foot as an extension of the leg is not counted if the line across the leg is the only feature that indicates the difference between the foot and the ankle.

57. Clothing III. There are no transparent elements of clothing in the picture. Both sleeves and trousers must be shown separately from the wrists and feet.

58. Clothing IV. At least four pieces of clothing are drawn. Clothing items can be: hat, shoes, coat, jacket, shirt, collar, tie, belt, pants, jacket, T-shirt, dressing gown, socks.

Note. Some details should be present on the shoes - laces, straps or soles depicted in a double line. Just one heel is not enough. Trousers should show some details, such as fastening, pockets, cuffs. Coat, jacket or shirt should show: collar, pockets, lapels. Buttons alone are not enough. The collar should not be confused with the neck, shown as a simple inset. The tie is often quite inconspicuous, its presence is clarified upon close examination or during the conversation.

59. Clothing V. Full costume without any absurdities (incompatible items, details). It can be a “uniform” (not only a military uniform, but also a cowboy suit, for example) or a casual suit. In the second case, the suit must be impeccable. This is an "incentive" extra item and therefore more should be shown here than in item 58.

60. Profile I. Head, torso and legs in profile must be shown without error. The torso is not considered to be drawn in profile if the center line of the buttons is not shifted from the middle of the figure to the side of the torso or if there are no other indications, such as the appropriate position of the hands, pockets, tie. In general, the drawing may contain one (but no more) of the following three errors: 1) transparency of the body - the contour of the body is visible through the hand; 2) the legs are not drawn in profile; in full profile, at least the top of one leg should be covered by the other leg that is closer; 3) the arms are attached to the contour of the back and stretched forward.

61. Profile II. The figure must be shown in profile absolutely correctly, without errors and cases of transparency.

62. Full face. Turns on a partial profile when the painter tries to show the shape in perspective. All major body parts

in place and connected correctly, except for parts obscured by perspective or clothing. Essential details: legs, arms, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, neck, torso, palms (hands), feet. The feet should be shown in perspective, not in profile, unless they are turned sideways. Parts should be shown in 2D.

63. Motor coordination in drawing lines. Look at the long lines of the arms, legs and torso. The lines should be firm, sure, and free from random bends. If the overall lines give the impression of being solid, confident, and indicating that the child is in control of the pencil, a point is scored. The drawing can be quite inept, and yet the point must be scored. Several long lines may be outlined or erased. The lines in the drawing do not have to be very smooth and smooth. Young children sometimes try to "color" the drawing. Carefully study the main lines of the drawing. Older children often use a sketchy, sketchy method, easily distinguished from uncertain lines resulting from immature coordination.

64. Motor coordination in drawing connections. Look at the connection points of the lines. The lines must meet exactly, with no obvious tendency to cross or overlap, and no gap between them (a pattern with multiple lines is judged more strictly than a pattern with frequent changes in line direction). Sketchy, jerky drawing usually counts, although line connections here may be indefinite, since this feature is almost exclusively found in mature type drawings. Some rubbing is allowed.

65. Higher motor coordination. This is a “commendation”, an additional point for the skillful use of a pencil in both drawing details and drawing basic lines. Pay attention to small details, as well as the nature of the main lines. All lines must be drawn firmly, with correct connections. Drawing fine details with a pencil (facial features, small details of clothing, etc.) indicates a good regulation of pencil movements. The evaluation must be very strict. Redrawing or wiping will void the point for that point.

66. Line direction and shape: head outline (quality of lines in shape drawing). The contour of the head should be drawn without obvious signs of involuntary deviations. A point is counted only in those drawings where the shape is achieved without incorrect preliminary attempts (circle, ellipse). In profile drawings, the simple oval to which the nose is attached does not count. The evaluation should be sufficiently rigorous, i.e. the contour of the face should be drawn in a single line, and not in parts.

67. The quality of the lines in the drawing of forms: the contour of the torso. The same as in the previous paragraph, but for the body. Note that primitive shapes (wand, circle or ellipse) do not count. The lines of the torso should indicate an attempt to intentionally move away from a simple egg shape.

68. Quality of lines in drawing forms: arms and hands. The arms and legs should be drawn without breaking the shape, as in the previous paragraph, without a tendency to narrow at the junctions with the body. Both arms and legs must be drawn in two dimensions.

69. Line quality in drawing forms: facial features. Facial features should be completely symmetrical. Eyes, nose and mouth should be shown in 2D.

Full face: facial features should be placed correctly and symmetrically, should clearly convey the appearance of a human face.

Profile: The contour of the eye should be correct and located in the anterior third of the head. The nose should form an obtuse angle with the forehead. The score is strict, the "cartoon" nose does not count.

70. "Sketch" technique. Lines formed by well-regulated short strokes. Repeated tracing of segments of long lines does not count. The "sketch" technique is found in the work of some older children and is almost never found in children younger than 11–12 years old.

71. Special drawing of details. With the help of special lines or hatching, one or more of the following must be depicted: folds of clothing, wrinkles or tails, dressing of fabric, hair, shoes, colors or background items.

72. Hand movement. The figure should express freedom of movement in the shoulders and elbows. Enough with the image of one hand. "Hands on hips" or hands in pockets do not count if both shoulders and elbows are visible. No action is required.

73. Movement of the legs. Freedom in movements both in the knees and in the hips of the figure.

Note. The criteria for the analysis of the picture are developed and formulated by the creators of the test. When analyzing specific material, individual criteria may not seem clear enough. Because of this, subjective interpretations are possible, and the resulting indicator may not fully correspond to the level of unconditional accuracy. The quality of test material processing increases with the development of testing experience and calculation of results.

For the correspondence of the figure to each of the assigned criteria, 1 point is awarded. As a result of a large-scale testing of the test, its creators developed detailed tables for translating the scores obtained into indicators corresponding to the IQ. These criteria, however, were developed quite a long time ago and on a sample of American subjects. Therefore, a thorough correlation of the results obtained today on domestic material with these tables is unacceptable. The following are only the main reference points, which serve as a rough guideline for evaluation.

From the Goodenough-Harris tables, the ratios of scores and "normal" IQ corresponding to 100%, as well as those indicators that approximately correspond to IQ = 70% (ie, the minimum value related to the norm), are taken. The use of the proposed material for the reasons indicated is permissible only within the following limits. In cases where the number of points is lower than the corresponding IQ = 70%, this provides a basis for a more detailed study of the child's intellectual sphere in order to identify a possible mental retardation. We emphasize once again that on the basis of this criterion alone, it is unacceptable to draw conclusions about mental retardation.


3 years IQ = 100% roughly corresponds to a score of 7. 70% - 1 point.

4 years - 100% - 10 points; 70% - 3 points.

5 years - 100% - 16 points; 70% - 6 points.

6 years - 100% - 18-19 points; 70% - 7 points.

7 years - 100% - 22-23 points; 70% - 9 points.

8 years - 100% - 26 points; 70% - 10 points.

9 years - 100% - 31 points; 70% - 13 points.

10 years - 100% - 34-35 points; 70% - 14-15 points.

11 years old - 100% - 36-38 points; 70% - 15-16 points.

12 years old - 100% - 39-41 points; 70% - 18 points.

13 years old - 100% - 42-43 points; 70% - 21 points.

14-15 years old - 100% - 44-46 points; 70% - 24 points.

Annex D

Kern–Jirasika Orientation Test of School Maturity

reveals the general level of mental development, the level of development of thinking, the ability to listen, to perform tasks according to the model, the arbitrariness of mental activity.

The test consists of 4 parts:

Test “Drawing of a man” (male figure);

Copying a phrase from written letters;

Drawing points;


Test “Drawing of a person”


“Here (it is shown where) draw some uncle, as you can.” While drawing, it is unacceptable to correct the child (“you forgot to draw the ears”), the adult silently observes.


1 point: a male figure is drawn (elements of men's clothing), there is a head, torso, limbs; the head is connected to the body by the neck, it should not be larger than the body; the head is smaller than the body; on the head - hair, a headdress, ears are possible; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth; hands have hands with five fingers; legs are bent (there is a foot or boot); the figure is drawn in a synthetic way (the contour is solid, the legs and arms seem to grow from the body, and are not attached to it.

2 points: fulfillment of all requirements, except for the synthetic method of drawing, or if there is a synthetic method, but 3 details are not drawn: neck, hair, fingers; the face is completely drawn.

3 points: the figure has a head, torso, limbs (arms and legs are drawn with two lines); may be missing: neck, ears, hair, clothes, fingers, feet.

4 points: a primitive drawing with a head and torso, arms and legs are not drawn, they can be in the form of a single line.

5 points: lack of a clear image of the torso, no limbs; scribble.

Copying a phrase from written letters


“Look, something is written here. Try to rewrite it the same way here (show below the written phrase) as best you can.”

On the sheet, write the phrase in capital letters, the first letter is capital:

He ate soup.


1 point: well and completely copied sample; letters may be slightly larger than the sample, but not 2 times; the first letter is capital; the phrase consists of three words, their arrangement on the sheet is horizontal (maybe a slight deviation from the horizontal).

2 points: the sample is copied legibly; the size of the letters and the horizontal position are not taken into account (the letter may be larger, the line may go up or down).

3 points: the inscription is divided into three parts, at least 4 letters can be understood.

4 points: at least 2 letters match the pattern, a string is visible.

5 points: illegible scribbles, scratching.

?Drawing points


“The dots are drawn here. Try to draw next to the same.

In the sample, 10 points are evenly spaced vertically and horizontally from each other.


1 point: exact copying of the sample, slight deviations from a line or column are allowed, a reduction in the pattern, an increase is unacceptable.

2 points: the number and location of points correspond to the sample, a deviation of up to three points by half the distance between them is allowed; dots can be replaced by circles.

3 points: the drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, in height or width does not exceed it more than 2 times; the number of points may not match the sample, but they should not be more than 20 and less than 7; let's rotate the picture even 180 degrees.

4 points: the drawing consists of dots, but does not match the sample.

5 points: scribble, scribble.

After each task is evaluated, all points are summed up. If the child scored in total for all three tasks:

3-6 points - he has a high level of readiness for school;

7-12 points - average level;

13-15 points - low level of readiness, the child needs additional

examination of intelligence and mental development.


Reveals the general level of thinking, outlook, development of social qualities.

It is conducted in the form of a question-and-answer conversation.

Exercise may sound like this: “Now I will ask questions, and you try to answer them.” If a child finds it difficult to answer a question right away, you can help him with a few leading questions. The answers are recorded in points, then summed up.

1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog? (horse = 0 points;

wrong answer = -5 points)

2. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon ... (lunch, eat soup, meat = 0;

dinner, sleep and other incorrect answers = -3 points)

3. It is light during the day, but at night... (dark = 0; incorrect answer = -4)

4. The sky is blue and the grass... (green = 0; wrong answer = -4)

5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples - what is it? (fruit = 1; wrong answer = -1)

6. Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?

(so that the train does not collide with the car; so that no one gets hurt, etc. = 0; incorrect answer = -1)

7. What is Moscow, Odessa, St. Petersburg? (name any cities)

(cities = 1; stations = 0; wrong answer = -1)

8. What time is it? (show on a watch, real or toy)

(correctly shown = 4; only a whole hour or a quarter of an hour shown = 3; does not know hours = 0)

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is ..., a small sheep is ...? (puppy, lamb = 4; only one correct answer = 0; wrong answer = -1)

10. Is the dog more like a chicken or a cat? How? What do they have in common?

(for a cat, because they have 4 legs, hair, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0; for a cat without explanation = -1 for a chicken = -3)

11. Why do all cars have brakes?

(two reasons given: braking down a hill, stopping, avoiding a collision, etc. = 1; one reason = 0; wrong answer = -1)

12. How are hammer and ax similar to each other? (two common signs: they are made of wood and iron, they are tools, they can hammer nails, they have handles, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

13. How are a cat and a squirrel alike? (determining that these are animals or giving two common features: they have 4 legs, tails, wool, they can climb trees, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were on the table in front of you? (the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line around) = 3; the screw is screwed in, and the nail is hammered or the screw has a nut = 2; incorrect answer = 0)

15. Football, high jump, tennis, swimming are... (sports (physical education) = 3; games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2; wrong answer = 0)

16. What vehicles do you know? (three ground vehicles + plane or ship = 4; only three ground vehicles or a complete list with an airplane, ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are something that you can move around in = 2; wrong answer = 0)

17. What is the difference between an old person and a young one? What is the difference between them? (three signs (gray hair, no hair, wrinkles, poor vision, often sick, etc.) = 4; one or two differences = 2; incorrect answer (he has a stick, he smokes ...) = 0

18. Why do people play sports? (for two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, not to be fat, etc.) = 4; one reason = 2; incorrect answer (to be able to do something, to earn money, etc.) = 0)

19. Why is it bad when someone deviates from work? (the rest must work for him (or another expression that someone is harmed by this) = 4; he is lazy, earns little, cannot buy anything = 2; wrong answer = 0)

20. Why does a letter need to be stamped? (so paid for forwarding this letter = 5; the other one who receives it would have to pay a fine = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Let's sum up the points.

Sum + 24 and above - high verbal intelligence (outlook).

The sum from + 14 to 23 is above average.

The sum from 0 to + 13 is the average indicator of verbal intelligence.

From -1 to -10 - below average.

From - 11 and less - a low indicator.

Annex D

Ten words test.

The study of voluntary memorization and auditory memory, as well as the stability of attention and the ability to concentrate.

Prepare a set of one-syllable or two-syllable words that are not related in meaning. For example: table, viburnum, chalk, hand, elephant, park, gate, window, tank, dog.

The condition for the test is complete silence.

At the beginning, say: “Now I want to test how you can remember words. I will say the words, and you listen carefully and try to remember them. When I'm done, repeat as many words as you can remember in any order."

In total, 5 presentations of words are carried out, i.e. after the first enumeration and repetition by the child of the memorized words, you again say the same 10 words: “Now I will repeat the words again. You will again memorize them and repeat those that you remember. Name the words that you said last time, and new ones that you remember.

Before the fifth presentation, say: “Now I will name the words for the last time, and you try to remember more.”

In addition to instructions, you should not say anything else, you can only cheer.

A good result is when, after the first presentation, the child reproduces 5-6 words, after the fifth - 8-10 (for senior preschool age)

Annex E

Test "Classification"

The study of logical thinking.

Prepare a set of squats that includes different groups: clothes, dishes, toys, furniture, domestic and wild animals, food, etc.

The child is invited to arrange the pictures (preliminarily mixed) into groups, then complete freedom is provided. After completion, the child must explain why he will arrange the pictures in this way (often children put together animals or an image of kitchen furniture and utensils, or clothes and shoes, in which case offer to separate these cards)

High level of task completion: the child arranged the cards correctly into groups, was able to explain why and name these groups (“pets”, clothes”, “food”, “vegetables”, etc.)

Annex G

1. Degree of psychosocial maturity (outlook)- test conversation proposed by S.A. Banking.

The child must answer the following questions:

1. Give your last name, first name, patronymic.

2. Name the last name, first name, patronymic of dad, mom.

3. Are you a girl or a boy? What will you be when you grow up - an aunt or an uncle?

4. Do you have a brother, sister? Who is older?

5. How old are you? How much will it be in a year? In two years?

6. Is it morning or evening (afternoon or morning)?

7. When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? When do you have lunch - in the morning or in the afternoon?

8. What comes first - lunch or dinner?

9. Where do you live? State your home address.

10. What does your dad, your mom do?

11. Do you like to draw? What color is this ribbon (dress, pencil)

12. What season is it now - winter, spring, summer or autumn? Why do you think so?

13. When can I go sledding - in winter or summer?

14. Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?

15. What does a postman, a doctor, a teacher do?

16. Why does school need a desk, a bell?

17. Do you want to go to school?

18. Show your right eye, left ear. What are eyes and ears for?

19. What animals do you know?

20. What birds do you know?

21. Who is bigger - a cow or a goat? Bird or bee? Who has more paws: a rooster or a dog?

22. Which is more: 8 or 5; 7 or 3? Count from three to six, nine to two.

23. What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's thing?

Response score

For the correct answer to all sub-questions of one item, the child receives 1 point (with the exception of control questions). For correct, but incomplete answers to sub-questions, the child receives 0.5 points. For example, the correct answers are: “Dad works as an engineer”, “A dog has more paws than a rooster”; incomplete answers: “Mom Tanya”, “Dad works at work”.

Control tasks include questions 5, 8, 15.22. They are rated like this:

No. 5 - the child can calculate how old he is -1 point, names the year taking into account the months - 3 points.

No. 8 - for a complete home address with the name of the city - 2 points, incomplete - 1 point.

No. 15 - for each correctly indicated use of school paraphernalia - 1 point.

No. 22 - for the correct answer -2 points.

No. 16 is evaluated jointly with No. 15 and No. 22. If in No. 15 the child scored 3 points, and in No. 16 - a positive answer, then it is considered that he has a positive motivation to study at school.

Evaluation of the results: the child received 24-29 points, he is considered school-mature, 20-24 - medium-mature, 15-20 - a low level of psychosocial maturity.

Appendix I

Test "Find differences"

Reveals the level of development of observation.

Prepare two identical pictures that differ from each other in 5-10 details (such tasks are found in children's magazines, in developing copybooks).

The child looks at the pictures for 1-2 minutes, then talks about the differences he found. A preschool child with a high level of observation must find all the differences.

Annex K

Test "Composing a story from pictures."

Often used by psychologists to identify the level of development of speech, logical thinking.

Pick up pictures from the series of "stories in pictures", cut them. For senior preschool age, 4-5 pictures are enough, united by one plot.

The pictures are mixed up and offered to the child: “If you arrange these pictures in order, you get a story, and in order to correctly decompose, you need to guess what was at the beginning, what was at the end, and what was in the middle.” Remind that you need to lay out from left to right, in order, side by side, in a long strip.

A high level of task completion: the child correctly folded the pictures, was able to compose a story based on them, using common sentences.

Annex L

Test "What is missing?"

This is both a test task and a simple but very useful game that develops visual memory.

Toys, various objects or pictures are used.

Pictures (or toys) are laid out in front of the child - up to ten pieces. He looks at them for 1-2 minutes, then turns away, and you change something, removing or rearranging, after which the child should look and say what has changed. With a good visual memory, the child easily notices the disappearance of 1-3 toys, moving them to another place.

Annex M

Test "The fourth is superfluous."

The ability to generalize, logical, imaginative thinking is revealed.

For children of older preschool age, you can use both pictures and a verbal series.

It is important not only that the child chooses the excess, but also how he explains his choice.

Prepare pictures or words, for example:

image of white mushroom, boletus, flower and fly agaric;

pan, cup, spoon, cupboard;

table, chair, bed, doll.

Possible verbal options:

dog, wind, tornado, hurricane;

bold, courageous, resolute, evil;

laugh, sit, frown, cry;

milk, cheese, lard, curdled milk;

chalk, pen, garden, pencil;

puppy, kitten, horse, piglet;

slippers, shoes, socks, boots, etc.

If you use this technique as a developmental one, you can start with 3-5 pictures or words, gradually complicating the logical series so that there are several correct answers, for example: cat, lion, dog - both a dog (not from the cat family) and a lion (not a pet) can be superfluous.

Chapter 1. Theoretical analysis of the problem of a child's readiness for school

1.2 Problems of studying the personal and motivational readiness of the child for schooling

Chapter 2





The relevance of research. In modern conditions, the role of the personal factor in school education is objectively increasing.

The high demands of life on the organization of upbringing and education make it necessary to look for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches aimed at bringing teaching methods in line with the requirements of life.

In this sense, the problem of school readiness is of particular importance. Determination of the goals and principles of the organization of training and education in preschool institutions is connected with its solution. At the same time, the success of the subsequent education of children in school depends on its decision.

Research into the preparation of children for school was started directly under the guidance of academic psychologist A.V. Zaporozhets. The results of the work were repeatedly discussed with D.B. Elkonin. Both of them fought for the preservation of childhood for children, for the maximum use of the possibilities of this age stage, for a painless transition from preschool to primary school age.

Preparing children for school is a multifaceted task, covering all spheres of a child's life. There are three main approaches to the problem of a child's readiness for school.

The first approach can include all research aimed at developing in preschool children certain skills and abilities necessary for schooling.

The second approach is that a child entering school must have a certain level of cognitive interests, a readiness to change their social position, and a desire to learn.

The essence of the third approach is to study the child's ability to consciously subordinate his actions to the given one while consistently following the adult's verbal instructions. This skill is associated with the ability to master the general way of fulfilling the verbal instructions of an adult.

There are many works in the domestic literature, the purpose of which is to study the problem of preparing for schooling: L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, R.Ya. Guzman, E.E. Kravtsova and others.

The problems of diagnosing children entering school were dealt with by A.L. Wenger, V.V. Kholmovskaya, D.B. Elkonin and others.

The school has recently undergone major transformations, new programs have been introduced. The structure of the school has changed. Higher requirements are imposed on children going to the first grade. The development of alternative methods in the school makes it possible to teach children according to a more intensive program.

Thus, the problem of school readiness remains relevant. The need to study it follows from the school's own work in modern conditions. Firstly, the requirements for children entering school have increased. Secondly, as a result of the introduction of new programs and developments in primary school, there is a possibility for a child to choose one or another program depending on the level of preparation for school.

Thirdly, due to changing social conditions, many children have different levels of readiness. In connection with the relevance of this problem, the topic was defined: "The study of the personal and motivational readiness of the child for school."

The purpose of the study: to identify and substantiate the totality of psychological and pedagogical conditions for a child's readiness for school.

Object of study: the child's readiness for school.

Research hypothesis: the effectiveness of the system of work on studying the readiness of the child for school will increase if the following conditions are met:

a) With the proper organization of special events (classes, tests, purposeful games, etc.) to identify the individual characteristics of the child at the time of the study and school maladaptation.

b) When applying psycho-correctional work with schoolchildren experiencing difficulties in learning and behavior.

Subject of study: the study of the child's personal and motivational readiness for school.

Based on the object and subject to achieve the goal, the following tasks were identified:

To study and analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic.

Consider the essence of the concept of “readiness for schooling”, identify its criteria.

To identify the features of the psychological and pedagogical status of schoolchildren with the aim of timely prevention and effective solution of problems that arise in their learning, communication and mental state.

The methodological basis of the study was the developed theoretical provisions set forth in the works of psychologists, educators, sociologists, philosophers, such as L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydova, R.Ya. Guzman, E.E. Kravtsova, A.L. Wenger, V.V. Kholmovskaya, D.B. Elkonina and others.

Research methods:


study and theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature;

The study and generalization of the experience of teachers and psychologists.


testing, conversation, diagnostic (stating), analysis of students' work (documentation)

Psychocorrectional work with students.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it:

the concept of "personal-motivational and intellectual readiness of the child for school" is presented.

the relationship of mental qualities and properties that determine the readiness of the child for school is determined.

factors of a social and motivational nature, peculiar combinations, which determine a significant variability in the level of readiness of children entering school, are identified.

The practical significance is expressed in the creation of conditions conducive to the formation of a high level of readiness for schooling.

Scope and structure of work. The thesis consists of ___ pages of typewritten text, an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (51 sources), ____ applications.

Chapter I. Generalized theoretical analysis of the studied problem of the child's readiness for school

1.1 The concept of a child's readiness for school

Going to school is a turning point in a child's life. Therefore, the concern that both adults and children show with the approaching need to enter school is understandable. A distinctive feature of the position of a student, a schoolchild, is that his study is a mandatory, socially significant activity. For her, he is responsible to the teacher, the school and the family. The life of a student is subject to a system of strict rules that are the same for all students. Its main content is the assimilation of knowledge common to all children.

A very special type of relationship develops between teacher and student. A teacher is not just an adult who arouses or dislikes a child. He is the official bearer of social requirements for the child. The grade that a student receives in a lesson is not an expression of a personal attitude towards a child, but an objective measure of his knowledge, his fulfillment of his educational duties. A bad evaluation cannot be compensated for either by obedience or remorse. The relationship of children in the classroom is also different from those that develop in the game.

The main measure that determines the position of the child in the peer group is the assessment of the teacher, academic success. At the same time, joint participation in compulsory activities gives rise to a new type of relationship based on shared responsibility. Assimilation of knowledge and restructuring, changing oneself becomes the only educational goal. Knowledge and learning activities are acquired not only for the present, but also for the future, for the future.

The knowledge that children receive at school is of a scientific nature. If earlier primary education was a preparatory stage for the systematic assimilation of the fundamentals of the sciences, now it is turning into the initial link of such assimilation, which begins with the first grade.

The main form of organizing the educational activities of children is a lesson in which the time is calculated up to a minute. In the lesson, all children need to follow the instructions of the teacher, follow them clearly, not be distracted and not engage in extraneous activities. All these requirements relate to the development of different aspects of the personality, mental qualities, knowledge and skills. The student must be responsible for learning, be aware of its social significance, obey the requirements and rules of school life. For successful study, he needs to have developed cognitive interests, a fairly broad cognitive outlook. The student absolutely needs that complex of qualities that organizes the ability to learn. This includes understanding the meaning of educational tasks, their differences from practical ones, awareness of how to perform actions, skills of self-control and self-assessment.

An important aspect of psychological readiness for school is a sufficient level of volitional development of the child. This level turns out to be different for different children, but a typical feature that distinguishes six seven-year-old children is the subordination of motives, which gives the child the opportunity to control his behavior and which is necessary in order to immediately, having come to the first grade, join in the general activity, accept the system school and teacher requirements.

As for the arbitrariness of cognitive activity, although it begins to form at senior preschool age, by the time it enters school, it has not yet reached full development: it is difficult for a child to maintain stable voluntary attention for a long time, to memorize significant material, and the like. Education in elementary school takes into account these characteristics of children and is structured in such a way that the requirements for the arbitrariness of their cognitive activity increase gradually, as it improves in the very process of learning.

The readiness of the child for school in the field of mental development includes several interrelated aspects. A child, in the first grade, needs a certain amount of knowledge about the world around him: about objects and their properties, about phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, about people, their work and other aspects of social life, about “what is good and what is bad” , i.e. on moral standards of conduct. But it is not so much the volume of this knowledge that is important, but their quality - the degree of correctness, clarity and generalization of the ideas that have developed in preschool childhood.

We already know that the figurative thinking of an older preschooler provides quite rich opportunities for mastering generalized knowledge, and with well-organized learning, children master ideas that reflect the essential patterns of phenomena related to different areas of reality. Such representations are the most important acquisition that will help the child to move to the assimilation of scientific knowledge at school. It is quite enough if, as a result of preschool education, the child gets acquainted with those areas and aspects of phenomena that serve as the subject of study of various sciences, begins to single them out, to distinguish living from non-living, plants from animals, natural from man-made, harmful from useful. Systematic acquaintance with each field of knowledge, assimilation of systems of scientific concepts is a matter of the future.


A special place in the psychological readiness for school is occupied by the mastery of special knowledge and skills that are traditionally related to school proper - literacy, counting, and solving arithmetic problems. Primary school is designed for children who have not received special training, and begins to teach them literacy and mathematics from the very beginning. Therefore, appropriate knowledge and skills cannot be considered an obligatory component of a child's readiness for schooling. At the same time, a significant part of the children entering the first grade can read, and almost all children can count to one degree or another. The acquisition of literacy and elements of mathematics at preschool age can influence the success of schooling. Of positive importance is the education in children of general ideas about the sound side of speech and its difference from the content side, about the quantitative relations of things and their difference from the objective meaning of these things. Will help the child to study at school and assimilate the concept of number and some other initial mathematical concepts.

As for skills, counting, problem solving, their usefulness depends on what basis they are built on, how well they are formed. Thus, the skill of reading increases the level of a child's readiness for school only if it is built on the basis of the development of phonemic hearing and awareness of the sound composition of a word, and is itself continuous or syllable-by-syllable. Letter-by-letter reading, often found in preschoolers, will make it difficult for the teacher, because the child will have to be retrained. It is the same with counting - experience will be useful if it is based on an understanding of mathematical relations, the meaning of a number, and useless or even harmful if counting is learned mechanically.

The readiness to assimilate the school curriculum is evidenced not by the knowledge and skills themselves, but by the level of development of cognitive interests and cognitive activity of the child. A general positive attitude towards school and learning is enough to ensure sustainable successful learning, if the child is not attracted by the very content of the knowledge received at school, is not interested in the new things that he gets acquainted with in the classroom, if he is not attracted by the process of cognition itself. Cognitive interests develop gradually, over a long period of time, and cannot arise immediately upon admission to school, if at preschool age they were not given enough attention to their upbringing. studies show that the greatest difficulties in primary school are not those children who have insufficient knowledge and skills by the end of preschool age, but those who show intellectual passivity, who lack the desire and habit to think, solve problems that are not directly related to any interest child's play or life situation. To overcome intellectual passivity, in-depth individual work with the child is required. The level of development of cognitive activity that a child can reach by the end of preschool age and which is sufficient for successful education in primary school includes, in addition to voluntary control of this activity, certain qualities of perception of the child's thinking.

A child entering school must be able to systematically examine objects, phenomena, highlight their diversity and properties. He needs to have a fairly complete, clear and dissected perception, bale. Primary school education is largely based on the children's own work with different material, under the guidance of a teacher. In the process of such work, the essential properties of things are highlighted. Good orientation of the child in space and time is important. Literally from the first days of being at school, the child receives instructions that cannot be fulfilled without taking into account the spatial features of things, knowledge of the direction of space. So, for example, the teacher might suggest drawing a line "obliquely from the top left to the bottom right corner" or "straight down the right side of the cage", etc. the idea of ​​time and the sense of time, the ability to determine how much time has passed is an important condition for the student's organized work in the classroom, completing the task within the specified time.

Especially high demands are made by schooling, the systematic assimilation of knowledge, to the thinking of the child. The child must be able to highlight the essential in the phenomena of the surrounding reality, be able to compare them, see similar and different; he must learn to reason, to find the causes of phenomena, to draw conclusions. Another side of psychological development that determines the readiness of a child for schooling is the development of his speech - mastering the ability to coherently, consistently, understandably for others an object, picture, event, convey the train of his thoughts, explain this or that phenomenon, rule.

Finally, psychological readiness for school includes the qualities of a child's personality that help him enter the class team, find his place in it, and join in common activities. These are social motives of behavior, those rules of behavior in relation to other people learned by the child and the ability to establish and maintain relationships with peers that are formed in the modern activities of preschoolers.

The main place in the preparation of the child for school is the organization of the game and productive activities. It is in these types of activities that social motives of behavior first arise, a hierarchy of motives is formed, the actions of perception and thinking are formed and improved, and social skills of relationships develop. Of course, this does not happen by itself, but with the constant supervision of the activities of children by adults who pass on the experience of social behavior to the younger generation, communicate the necessary knowledge and develop the necessary skills. Some qualities can be formed only in the process of systematic teaching of preschoolers in the classroom - these are elementary skills in the field of educational activities, a sufficient level of performance of cognitive processes.

Obtaining generalized and systematized knowledge plays a significant role in the psychological preparation of children for school. The ability to navigate in cultural specific areas of reality (the quantitative relations of things, the sound matter of language) helps to master certain skills on this basis. In the process of such learning, children develop those elements of a theoretical approach to reality that will enable them to consciously assimilate a variety of knowledge.

Subjectively, readiness for school grows along with the inevitability of going to school on the first of September. In the case of a healthy, normal attitude close to this event, the child eagerly prepares for school.

A special problem is adaptation to school. The situation of uncertainty is always exciting. And before school, every child experiences extreme excitement. He enters into life in new conditions compared to kindergarten. It may also happen that a child in the lower grades will obey the majority against his own will. Therefore, it is necessary to help the child in this difficult period of his life to find himself, to teach him to be responsible for his actions.

I.Yu. Kulachina distinguishes two aspects of psychological readiness - personal (motivational) and intellectual readiness for school. Both aspects are important both in order for the child's educational activity to be successful, and for the speedy adaptation to new conditions, painless entry into a new system of relationships.

Problems of studying the personal and motivational readiness of the child for schooling

In order for a child to study successfully, he, first of all, must strive for a new school life, for “serious” studies, “responsible” assignments. The appearance of such a desire is influenced by the attitude of close adults to learning as an important meaningful activity, much more significant than the game of a preschooler. The attitude of other children also influences, the very opportunity to rise to a new age level in the eyes of the younger ones and equalize in position with the older ones. The desire of the child to occupy a new social position leads to the formation of his inner position. L.I. Bozovic characterizes this as a central personality neoplasm that characterizes the personality of the child as a whole. It is this that determines the behavior and activities of the child, and the whole system of his relations to reality, to himself and to the people around him. The way of life of a schoolchild engaged in a socially significant and socially valued business in a public place is perceived by the child as an adequate path to adulthood for him - he responds to the motive formed in the game "become an adult" and actually perform its functions.

Psychological studies have shown that the age of six to seven years is the period of formation of the psychological mechanisms of a child's personality. The essence of a person's personality is connected with the ego's creative possibilities, with the ego's ability to create new forms of social life, and "creativity in a person, his need for creation and imagination as a psychological means of their implementation arise and begin to develop at preschool age thanks to game activity."

The creativity of the child in the game, the creative attitude to certain tasks and can be one of the indicators of the formation of personality.

This feature of the development of the psyche cannot be underestimated, one cannot but reckon with the child, with his interests, needs, on the contrary, it is necessary to encourage and develop creative abilities. Mental development and personality formation is closely connected with self-consciousness, and self-consciousness is most clearly manifested in self-esteem, in how the baby evaluates himself, his qualities, his capabilities, his successes and failures. It is especially important for the teacher to know and take into account that correct assessment and self-assessment for a six-seven-year-old child is impossible without authoritative correction by an adult. One of the important conditions for the successful education of a child in primary school is that he has the appropriate motives for learning: attitude towards him as an important, socially significant matter, the desire to acquire knowledge, interest in certain academic subjects. Cognitive interest in any object and phenomenon develops in the process of vigorous activity of the children themselves, then the children acquire certain experience, ideas. The presence of experience, ideas contribute in children to the emergence of a desire for knowledge. Only the presence of sufficiently strong and stable motives can induce the child to systematically and conscientiously fulfill the duties imposed on him by the school. The prerequisites for the emergence of these motives are, on the one hand, the general desire of children to go to school, which is formed by the end of preschool childhood, to acquire an honorable position in the eyes of the child, and, on the other hand, the development of curiosity, mental activity, which is manifested in a lively interest in the environment, in the desire learn new things.

Numerous surveys of older schoolchildren and observations of their games testify to the great craving of children for school.

What attracts children to school?

Some children are attracted to learning in school life. “I love to write”, “I will learn to read”, “I will solve problems at school” and this desire is naturally associated with new moments in the development of an older preschooler. It is no longer enough for him to join the life of adults only indirectly in the game. But being a student is something else. This is already a perceived step up to adulthood.

Some children refer to external accessories. “They will buy me a beautiful uniform”, “I will have a brand new satchel and a pencil case”, “My friend is studying at school ...”. This, however, does not mean that motivationally similar children are not ready for school: the very positive attitude towards it, which creates favorable conditions for the subsequent formation of a deeper, actual learning motivation, is of decisive importance. The emergence of learning motivation is facilitated by the formation and development of curiosity, mental activity, directly related to the allocation of cognitive tasks that initially do not appear for the child as independent, being woven into the performance of practical activities, to the performance of tasks of a proper cognitive nature, directing children to the conscious performance of mental work.

A positive attitude towards school includes both intellectual and emotional components. The desire to occupy a new social position, i.e. to become a schoolboy merges with an understanding of the importance of schooling, respect for the teacher, for older schoolmates, it reflects both love and respect for the book as a source of knowledge. However, being in school does not yet give reason to believe that the walls themselves make the child a real schoolboy. He will become one, and now he is on his way, at a difficult transitional age, and he can attend school for various reasons, including those not related to teaching: parents force him, you can run during breaks, and others.

Studies show that the emergence of a child's conscious attitude to school is determined by the way information about it is presented. It is important that the information about the school communicated to children is not only understandable, but also felt and experienced by them. Such an emotional experience is provided, first of all, through the inclusion of children in activities that activate both thinking and feelings. For this, excursions around the school, conversations, stories of adults about their teachers, communication with students, reading fiction, viewing filmstrips, films about the school, feasible inclusion in the public life of the school, holding joint exhibitions of children's works, familiarization with proverbs and sayings, in which the mind merges, the meaning of the book, teaching, etc. is emphasized.

A particularly important role is played by the game in which children find the application of their knowledge, there is a need to acquire new knowledge, and the skills necessary for learning activities develop.

Personal readiness for school includes the formation in children of such qualities that would help them communicate with classmates at school, with a teacher. Every child needs the ability to enter the children's community, to act together with others, to yield in some circumstances and not to yield in others.


Personal readiness for school also includes a certain attitude towards oneself. Productive learning activity implies an adequate attitude of the child to his abilities, work results, behavior, i.e. a certain level of development of self-consciousness. The personal readiness of a child for school is usually judged by his behavior in group classes and during a conversation with a psychologist. There are also specially developed conversation plans that reveal the position of the student (the method of N.I. Gutkina), and special experimental techniques. For example, the predominance of a cognitive or play motive in a child is determined by the choice of activity - listening to a fairy tale or playing with toys. After the child has examined the toys in the room for a minute, they begin to read a fairy tale to him, but they stop reading at the most interesting place. The psychologist asks what he now wants more - to listen to a fairy tale or play with toys, it is obvious that with personal readiness for school, cognitive interest dominates and the child prefers to find out what will happen at the end of the fairy tale. Children who are not motivationally ready for learning, with a weak cognitive need, are more attracted to the game.

From the moment the idea of ​​the school acquired the features of the desired way of life in the mind of the child, it can be said that his inner position received a new content - it became the inner position of the student.

And this means that the child psychologically moved into a new age period of his development - primary school age. The internal position of a schoolchild in the broadest sense can be defined as a system of needs and aspirations of the child associated with the school, i.e. such an attitude towards school, when the child experiences participation in it as his own need (“I want to go to school”). The presence of the internal position of the student is found in the fact that the child resolutely refuses the preschool-playing, individually direct way of existence and shows a brightly positive attitude towards school-learning activities in general and especially to those aspects of it that are directly related to learning.

The next condition for successful learning is sufficient arbitrariness, controllability of behavior, which ensures the implementation of the child's learning motives. The arbitrariness of external motor behavior provides the child with the opportunity to withstand the school regime, in particular, to behave in an organized manner in the classroom.

The main prerequisite for mastering the arbitrariness of behavior is the formation of a system of motives, their subordination, which comes to the end of preschool age, as a result of which some motives come to the fore, while others become less important. All this, however, does not mean that the behavior of a child entering school can and should be characterized by a high degree of arbitrariness, but it is important that at preschool age a mechanism of behavior is formed that ensures the transition to a new type of behavior in general.

Determining the child's personal readiness for school, it is necessary to identify the specifics of the development of the sphere of arbitrariness. Features of voluntary behavior can be traced not only when observing the child in individual and group classes, but also with the help of special techniques.

Quite widely known is the Kern-Jirasek orientation test of school maturity, which includes, in addition to drawing a male figure from memory, two tasks - copying written letters and copying a group of dots, i.e. sample work. Similar to these tasks, the methodology of N.I. Gutkina "House": children draw a picture depicting a house made up of elements of capital letters. There are also simpler methods.

Task A.L. Wenger's "Draw mouse tails" and "Draw umbrella handles". And mouse tails and handles are also letter elements. It is impossible not to mention two more methods of D.B. Elkonina, A.L. Wenger: Graphic Dictation and Pattern and Rule. Performing the first task, the child draws an ornament on a piece of paper in a box from the points set previously, following the instructions of the psychologist. The psychologist dictates to a group of children in which direction and how many cells to draw the lines, and then offers to finish the “pattern” obtained under dictation to the end of the page. Graphic dictation allows you to determine how accurately a child can fulfill the requirement of an adult given orally, as well as the ability to independently perform tasks to a visually perceived sample. A more complex technique “Pattern and Rule” involves simultaneously following a pattern in your work (the task is given to draw exactly the same pattern as a given geometric figure point by point) and a rule (a condition is stipulated: you cannot draw a line between identical points, i.e. connect a circle with a circle, a cross with a cross, a triangle with a triangle). The child tries to complete the task, can draw a figure similar to the given one, neglecting the rule, and, conversely, focus only on the rule, connecting different points and not referring to the model. Thus, the methodology reveals the level of orientation of the child to a complex system of requirements.

1.3 Psychological support of children at the stage of admission and adaptation at school

In the most common sense, school adaptation is understood as the child's adaptation to a new system of social conditions, new relationships, requirements, activities, lifestyle, etc. a child who fits into the school system of requirements, norms and social relations is most often called adapted. Sometimes the most humanistic-minded teachers add another criterion - it is important, they say, that this adaptation be carried out by the child without serious moral losses, deterioration in well-being, mood, self-esteem. Adaptation is not only adaptation to successful functioning in a given environment, but also the ability for further psychological, personal, social development.

An adapted child is a child adapted to the full development of his personal, intellectual and other potentials in the pedagogical environment given to him.

The purpose of the psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow the child to successfully function and develop in the pedagogical environment (school system of relations).

That is, in order to help the child feel comfortable at school, to release his intellectual, personal, physical resources for successful learning and full development, teachers and psychologists need to: identify the psychological characteristics of the child, adjust the educational process to his individual characteristics , opportunities and needs; help the child develop the skills and internal psychological mechanisms necessary for successful learning and communication in the school environment.

Let us dwell on the main stages of work with children during the period of adaptation.

The first stage is the child's admission to school.

Within this stage it is expected:

Conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics aimed at determining the school readiness of the child.

Conducting group and individual consultations for parents of future first-graders. Group consultation in the form of a parent meeting is a way to give parents some useful information about the organization of the last months of a child's life before the start of school. Individual counseling is primarily provided to parents whose children have performed poorly in the testing process and may have difficulty adjusting to school.

Group consultation of teachers of future first-graders, which at this stage is of a general introductory nature.

Conducting a psychological and pedagogical consultation based on the results of diagnostics, the main purpose of which is to develop and implement a specific approach to completing classes.

The second stage is the primary adaptation of children at school.

Without exaggeration, it can be called the most adult for children and the most responsible for adults.

Within the framework of this stage (from September to January) it is expected:

Carrying out consultative and educational work with parents of first-graders, aimed at familiarizing adults with the main tasks and difficulties of primary adaptation, tactics of communication and helping children.

Conducting group and individual consultations of teachers to develop a unified approach to individual children and a unified system of requirements for the class by various teachers working with the class.

Organization of methodological work of teachers aimed at building the educational process in accordance with the individual characteristics and capabilities of schoolchildren, identified during the diagnosis and observation of children in the first weeks of education.

Organization of pedagogical support for schoolchildren. This work is done outside of school hours. The main form of work are various games.

Organization of group developmental work with children, aimed at increasing their level of school readiness, social and psychological adaptation in the new system of relationships.

Analytical work aimed at comprehending the results of the activities of teachers and parents during the period of primary adaptation of first-graders.

The third stage is psychological and pedagogical work with schoolchildren experiencing difficulties in school adaptation

Work in this direction is carried out during the second half of the first grade and involves the following:

Conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics aimed at identifying a group of schoolchildren experiencing difficulties in school education, communication with teachers and peers, and well-being.

Group and individual counseling and education of parents on the results of the diagnosis.

Advising and educating teachers on issues of this age in general.

Organization of pedagogical assistance to children experiencing various difficulties in learning and behavior, taking into account the data of psychodiagnostics.

Organization of group psycho-correctional work with schoolchildren experiencing difficulties in learning and behavior.

Analytical work aimed at comprehending the results of the work carried out during the six months and the year as a whole.

What tasks do teachers and psychologists need to solve when a child enters school?

The first task is to identify the level of his readiness for schooling and those individual characteristics of activity, communication, behavior that must be taken into account in the process of teaching communication in the school environment.

The second task is, if possible, to compensate, eliminate, fill in the gaps, i.e. to increase the level of school readiness by the time of arrival in the first grade.

The third task is to think over the strategy and tactics of teaching the child, taking into account the identified features and opportunities.

We highlight the main areas of work:

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics;

Education and counseling of parents;

Advising and educating educators on class building and teaching individual students.

Diagnostics will reveal the level of readiness of the child to master a new role and fulfill the requirements of educational activities, as well as his individual characteristics, without which it is not possible to build the process of his successful learning and development.

Education and counseling of parents will allow to solve some emerging or already declared problems even before coming to the first grade.

Working with teachers is not only and not so much the acquisition of classes, it is the beginning of a large analytical work with the proposed curriculum.

The initial stage of the child's stay at school is precisely the period of the child's socio-psychological adaptation to new conditions. It is during this period that the main work of the teaching staff, psychologists, and parents of schoolchildren falls, aimed at the fastest adaptation of children to school, adaptation to it as an environment for their development and life.

Let us dwell on the tasks of psychological and pedagogical support for schoolchildren during this period:

Creation of conditions for the psychological and pedagogical adaptation of children at school (creation of a cohesive class team, presentation of uniform reasonable requirements to children, establishment of norms for relationships with peers and teachers, etc.).

Increasing the level of psychological readiness of children for successful learning, assimilation of knowledge, cognitive development;

Adaptation of the curriculum, workload, educational technologies to the age and individual-personal capabilities and needs of students.

The solution of such problems involves the mutual adaptation of the child who came to study and the socio-psychological environment in which his education takes place. On the one hand, special efforts are being made to increase the level of readiness of the child to learn, to be included in the system of pedagogical interaction. On the other hand, the interaction itself, its forms and content are modified in accordance with the characteristics of the child and his capabilities.

Main areas of work:

Counseling and education of teachers, which involves both actual psychological counseling upon request, and joint psychological and pedagogical work on the analysis of the curriculum and its adaptation to specific students. A separate stage is counseling teachers on issues related to the organization of pedagogical support for children in a more acute period of primary adaptation. We single out three main types of consultative situations that are organized and implemented during the period of primary adaptation of children in school.


The first situation is the organization of the methodological work of teachers.

The first step is to harmonize the psychological and pedagogical side of the teacher's activity, the program and the system of psychological and pedagogical requirements for the status of a first-grader.

The second step is to bring the program in accordance with the individual characteristics of the students. The dependent variable should be the pedagogical program. If this is an author's specific product, it is the system of requirements that needs to be modified, and children who can study under this program are already selected according to them, however, experience shows that many curricula used today in public schools need psychological polishing to a greater or lesser extent. (and in adaptation to specific children even more so). But even if the teacher works strictly according to a certain program and considers it ideal, there are still teaching methods, personal style. And this is fertile ground for introspection and self-improvement.

Such work begins in the summer, but of course the process of real activity, meeting with real children help to make both planning and the actual work more meaningful. The analysis is based on: observational data, diagnostic results and a well-developed, modified system of psychological and pedagogical requirements.

The second situation is the organization of pedagogical assistance to children in the period of primary adaptation.

Helping children to adapt in a team, to develop norms and rules of behavior: to get used to a new space, to feel comfortable in it is purely pedagogical work. There are many developed forms of organizing such support, among them are various educational games. It is precisely with their conduct that the consultative assistance of a psychologist is primarily connected. Educational games that have a deep psychological meaning for the child and the children's team often take on outwardly very simple uncomplicated forms, are easy to perform, and are interesting to children.

At the stage of adaptation, the teacher can play them with first-graders during the dynamic hour, at breaks, in the extended day group. The game requires certain skills and abilities from each participant, imposes certain requirements on the level of development of the group, the relationship between its members. In one exercise, the readiness of children to take on leadership functions in one form or another and, at the same time, obey the system of rules set by the leader can be manifested. Another game requires children to have the skills of cooperation, constructive behavior. In any collective interaction, the ability to empathy and empathy is diagnosed and developed. Each game is a diagnosis of the group and its individual members, and the possibility of purposeful influence, and the holistic development of the personal, psychological potential of the child. The planning of such influences and the analysis of their results should be the fruit of cooperation between the teacher and the psychologist.

The third situation is advising first-grade teachers on topical issues related to the problems of teaching specific children or the class as a whole. This work can be extremely varied.

Parent counseling and education.

The psychologist has enough opportunities and chances to actively involve parents in accompanying their children in the learning process. What can he expect, what can he achieve? First of all, it is to increase the psychological competence of parents in matters that are most relevant from the point of view of the period of development experienced by children. Next, creating a benevolent contact, trusting relationship with parents, which are a guarantee that with their problems, doubts and questions, parents will go to a psychologist and honestly share their observations. And lastly, taking some responsibility for what happens to their child at school. If this has been achieved, you can count on cooperation with parents in solving problematic situations for the child. As for the forms of work, they are very traditional: meetings at which the psychologist has the opportunity to provide parents with the necessary psychological information, individual consultations at the request of both the family and the decision of the psychologist himself. At the beginning of the first grade, it is advisable to hold meetings and meetings regularly - about once every two months, telling parents about the difficulties of the adaptation period, forms of child support, optimal psychological forms for solving school problems at home, etc. Before starting psychological developmental work, it is imperative to tell parents about its goals and objectives, involve them in discussing ongoing classes with children, and give certain tasks for observing children during the period of psychological work.

3. Psychologically developing work at the stage of primary adaptation.

The purpose of developing activities at this stage is the creation of socio-psychological conditions for the successful adaptation of first-graders in the situation of schooling.

Achieving this goal is possible in the process of implementing the following tasks:

Developing in children the cognitive skills and abilities necessary for success in elementary school. The complex of these skills is included in the concept of psychological readiness for school;

Development in children of social and communication skills necessary to establish interpersonal relationships with peers and appropriate role-playing relationships with teachers;

Formation of sustainable learning motivation against the background of the positive "I - concept" of children, stable self-esteem and low level of school anxiety.

First of all, possible forms of organization of developing work.

More efficient and economical - group form. The size of the developing group should not exceed 5-6 people. This means that either only a part of the first graders can be included in the process of psychological developmental work, or the class is divided into several stably functioning developing groups.

The following principles for the acquisition of such mini-associations can be proposed:

Each group includes children with different levels of readiness for school, with an accentuation of various problems, so that children help each other in acquiring new psychological skills.

When selecting children in a group, it is necessary, if possible, to equalize the number of boys and girls.

At the first stages of work, it is necessary to take into account the personal relationships of children and select them in groups based on mutual sympathy.

As the groups work, their composition, at the discretion of the psychologist, may change so that the social experience received by children is more versatile. The beginning of developing work with first-graders at the stage of adaptation falls approximately at the end of October - the beginning of November. The cycle must include at least 20 lessons. The frequency of group meetings depends on what stage of work she is at. So in the beginning it should be quite high 3-4 times a week. The approximate duration of each lesson is 35-50 minutes, depending on the condition of the children, the complexity of the proposed exercises and other specific circumstances of the work.

The main content of group classes is games and psychological exercises. Throughout the existence of the group, the psychologist must be engaged in the development and maintenance of group dynamics. Goodbye greeting rituals, various exercises, games that require the interaction and cooperation of children, joint search for solutions or their options, competitive situations, etc. can be used. At the same time, it must be remembered that the existence of a group in a permanent composition should not be very long.

The structure of a group lesson with schoolchildren should include the following elements: greeting ritual, warm-up, reflection of the current lesson, farewell ritual. The program is a system of interrelated classes aimed at developing the necessary level of psychological readiness for school in primary school students in the areas of education, communication with peers and teachers, and motivational readiness.

By the middle of the first grade, for most children, the difficulties of the adaptation period are behind them: now they can use the reserve of intellectual strength, emotional resources, and abilities at their disposal to master various types of activities. Educational activity is very attractive in the eyes of first-graders, they are curious, focused on "adult" activities. They are interested and, if I may say so, "psychologically comfortable" to engage in cognition.

But by the same time, a group of children stands out who have not gone through the era of adaptation so well. Some aspects of the new social situation turned out to be alien and inaccessible for assimilation. For many, the “stumbling block” is the actual learning activity. A complex of failure develops, which in turn gives rise to uncertainty, disappointment, loss of interest in learning, and sometimes cognitive activity in general. Uncertainty can also turn into aggression, anger at those who put them in such a situation, “plunged” into the sea of ​​failure and deprived of support. Others did not succeed in relationships with peers, a teacher. Chronic lack of success in communication has led to the need to defend yourself - withdraw into yourself, internally turn away from others, attack the first. Someone manages to cope with their studies, communicate with classmates, but at what cost? Health worsens, tears or fever in the morning become the norm, strange unpleasant “habits” appear: tics, stuttering, biting nails and hair. These children are maladjusted. For some of them, maladaptation has already acquired forms that threaten personal well-being, for others it has taken on milder forms, smoothed out features.

Thus, the main tasks of the third stage of work are to determine the level of school adaptation of first-graders and the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for solving the problems of learning, behavior and psychological well-being of schoolchildren who experience difficulties in the process of school adaptation.

The activities of teachers and psychologists unfold in the following areas:

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the level and content of school adaptation of first-graders.

Conducting a psychological and pedagogical consultation based on the results of diagnostics with the development of a strategy and tactics for accompanying each child, and especially those schoolchildren who experience difficulties in adapting.

Carrying out consultative and educational work with parents, individual counseling of the most difficult cases.

Organization of pedagogical assistance to schoolchildren experiencing difficulties in adaptation.

Organization of socio-psychological assistance to children experiencing difficulties in adaptation.


2.1 The choice of methods and techniques for studying the readiness of the child for schooling

Readiness for school is a complex holistic phenomenon that characterizes the psychophysical state of the future student as a whole. Among its various psychological parameters, the most important are: the formation of the most important cognitive processes and skills that allow the first grader to successfully carry out educational activities, motivational readiness - the formation of the student's internal position, personal readiness - a certain attitude towards himself, his abilities, work results, behavior, i.e. . a certain level of development of self-consciousness. The main purpose of the psychological examination of a child admitted to school is to recognize his individual characteristics, as well as to continue their maladjustment.

There are three aspects of school maturity: intellectual, emotional and social. Intellectual maturity refers to differentiated perception, including figures from the background, concentration of attention, analytical thinking, the ability to memorize, the ability to reproduce images, and the development of sensorimotor coordination. Emotional maturity is a decrease in impulsive reactions and the ability to perform various tasks for a long time. Social maturity includes the need to communicate with peers and the ability to subordinate one's behavior to the laws of children's groups, as well as the ability to fulfill the role of a student in a school situation.

Based on these parameters, tests are created to determine school maturity. Readiness diagnostics is nothing more than a search for an answer to the question of whether the child will successfully master the program, cope with educational, social, emotional and psychophysical stress.

The purpose of the study was to study the formation of a child's psychological readiness for schooling. To do this, we used several methods:

Technique 1. (test conversation, planted by S.A. Bankov) (Appendix No. 2) this technique involves the study of the psychosocial maturity of the child.


Table 1.

High level

Middle level

Low level

Nikita A.


Vladik Ch.

As can be seen from table 4:

2 people - very high level;

6 people - high level;

9 people - average level;

3 people - low level.

Method 5. Study of visual perception using a test

“Name the figures” (Appendix 6).

Method 6. Determination of auditory perception using a test

"Understanding the text" (Appendix 7).


Table 5

High level

Middle level

Low level

1. Nikita A.

2. Robert A.

4. Christina B.

5. Alyosha B.

6. Regina V.

10. Artem K.

11. Alina L.

12. Artem L.

13. Sasha S.

15. Lena P.

16. Masha P.

17. Vova S.

18. Sharif H.

19. Vladik Ch.

20. Airat Sh.

As can be seen from table 5:

visual perception:

6 people - high level;

10 people - average level;

4 people - the average level.

Auditory perception:

8 people - high level;

12 people - the average level.

Methodology7. Methodology for diagnosing the level of development

observation (Appendix 8).



Table 6

High level

Middle level

Low level

Nikita A.

Robert A.

Christina B.

Regina V.

Vladik Ch.

As can be seen from table 6:

2 people - high level;

10 people - average level;

8 people - low level.

Method 8. Memory diagnostics. Auditory memory is studied using the "10 words" technique (Appendix 9).

Method 9. Visual memory. Using the methodology of D. Wexler (Appendix 10).


Table 7

High level

Middle level

Low level

Nikita A.

Robert A.

Christina B.

Regina V.


Variance Data

degree of psychosocial maturity

school maturity

level of perception

It can be seen from the table data that the most pronounced differences in dispersion data are observed in the following parameters: 1, 4, 3, 5, 8.

Linear correlation data can be presented in the form of the following table.

Table. Linear correlation data

degree of psychosocial maturity

school maturity

level of mental performance according to corrective tests

level of perception

visual perception "Name the figures"

auditory perception "Name the figures"

level of development of observation

visual memory according to the Wexler method

Auditory memory according to the Wechsler method

From the above data, it can be seen that the strongest relationships exist between the following parameters: 1-4, 2-3, 2-5, 2-7, 3-4, 3-6, 3-8, 4-5, 5-7 , 6-8 - the level of significance for all values ​​is the same and equals Р=0.001. This indicates the interdependence of these parameters from each other, i.e. the presence of one parameter in a child can serve as a prerequisite for the formation of another, and vice versa. Since the data of the correlation analysis are positive, the relationship between the dependent parameters is directly proportional. Correlation analysis data are presented in the form of a correlation galaxy in Appendix No. 11.

Based on the data obtained using the methods of mathematical processing, it can be seen that the results and conclusions of the thesis work have been confirmed in the methods of mathematical data processing.

2.2 Psychocorrective work with schoolchildren at the stage of adaptation

The correctional program for younger schoolchildren was prepared by the candidate of psychological sciences N.L. Vasilyeva.

Goal: overcoming intellectual difficulties in teaching at school, developing the creative potential of each student.

The group included children with low rates of voluntariness, forcing of educational actions and fine motor skills of the hand.

Classes were held 2 times a week for 45-50 minutes. Each lesson was enlightened to the development of various mental processes and was organized according to the scheme traditional for the entire program: greeting ritual, reflection, the main part of reflection, farewell ritual.

The lesson began with a verse of a song, which was chosen by the guys according to their mood and or a general handshake with the wish of everyone health and good. As a rule, it was not difficult for them to recall the previous lesson and their impressions of various games. The general attitude of children to classes has changed. In the beginning, they willingly ran to the office without asking about the upcoming lesson, and then they became interested in the content. If it was not supposed to carry out the exercises they loved, they went reluctantly. On such days, we had to make additional efforts to increase their interest (this included the inclusion of the games they liked in the program, and the presentation of medals "The most serious", "The most ingenious", etc.)


From the exercise for the development of attention, I especially liked the "Live Picture" during the classes for the development of thinking, the task to list the possible uses of bricks was surprising. By the end of the classes, the children began to accept the working conditions much faster, their attentiveness increased, as evidenced by the kindness and correctness of performing rather complex tasks.

The program of the cycle "Educational Games" includes 12 lessons. Each lesson is aimed at predominantly training one of the mental processes.

Lesson 1. Acquaintance.

The purpose of the lesson: Creating an atmosphere of psychological security, group cohesion.

1. Acquaintance. Each participant in a circle calls his name. The second circle is held with the repetition of three names: the name of the neighbor on the right, his own name and the name of the neighbor on the left.

2. Confusion

3. Correction test

4. Joint drawing

5. Ring

Lesson 2. Attention.

Purpose of the lesson: training of voluntary attention, continuation of work

over group cohesion.

Repetition of names in a circle. Throw the ball to your favorite participant by calling his name.

Listen to silence.

Correction test.

Synthesis of words from sounds.

Live photo.

Words are invisible.


Lesson 3. Memory.

Purpose of the lesson: training of an arbitrary component of the auditory,

visual and motor memory.

Correction test.

Lived - was - a cat.

Transfer of an imaginary object.

Live photo.

Words are invisible.

Bird - door - fish.

Lesson 4. Divergent thinking.

The purpose of the lesson: training the ability to think creatively, give

own answers to ambiguous questions.

Correction test.

Words with a given letter.

Making proposals.

Establishment of causal relationships.

Draw a drawing.

Shared history.

Lesson 5. Imagination.

The purpose of the lesson: training the ability to fantasize, creative


Correction test.

Domestic cartoon.

Draw what you see.

List all possible uses of bricks.

Finish "Kolobok" differently.

What do ink blobs look like?

Lesson 6. Convergent thinking.

The purpose of the lesson: training the ability to think logically, accustoming to standard mental operations.

Correction test.

Finish a series of numbers.

Exclusion of the 4th superfluous.

Words are invisible.

Revealing relationships.

Lesson 7. Communication skills.

The purpose of the lesson: training the ability to work together, cooperate.

Correction test.


Words with a given letter.

5. Joint drawing

6. Path.

Lesson 8. Divergent thinking.

The purpose of the lesson: training the ability to think creatively and independently, to give their own answers to ambiguous questions.

Correction test.

Association run.

To make a sentence.

An exercise.

Solving problems on matches.

An exercise.

Guess the object by matches.

Lesson 9. Attention.

Purpose of the lesson: training of voluntary attention, continuation of work on the development of the ability to interact

Correction test.

What has changed in the classroom?

Synthesis of words and sounds.

Forbidden movement.

Words are invisible.

Team score.

Lesson 10. Memory.

The purpose of the lesson: training an arbitrary component of various types of memory.

Lesson 11. Imagination.

The purpose of the lesson: training the ability to fantasize, creative abilities.

Correction test.

Domestic cartoon.

What do clouds look like?

Shared story from sentences.

Come up with ideas for this story.

Draw your mood in colors.

Lesson 12. Conclusion.

The purpose of the lesson: Consolidation of a positively colored emotional attitude to intellectual activity and to interaction with a group of peers.

Correction test.

Words are invisible.

Association run.




"A child's readiness for school" is a complex, multifaceted concept that covers all spheres of a child's life. This is a necessary and sufficient level of psychological development of the child for the development of the school curriculum in the conditions of peer education.

The main components of a child's readiness for school are personal (motivational) and intellectual readiness for school. Both aspects are important both for the child's educational activity to be successful and for his speedy adaptation to new conditions, without painful entry into a new system of relationships.

Psychological readiness for schooling is determined, first of all, to identify children who are not ready for schooling, in order to carry out developmental work with them aimed at preventing school failure and maladaptation.

It is advisable to carry out developmental work with children in need in development groups. In these groups, a program that develops the psyche of children is being implemented. There is no special task to teach children to count, write, read. The main task is to bring the psychological development of the child to the level of readiness for school. The main emphasis in the development group is on the motivational and development of the child, namely the development of cognitive interest and learning motivation. The task of an adult is to first awaken in a child a desire to learn something new, and only then begin work on the development of higher psychological functions.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that preparing a child for school is one of the important tasks of teaching upbringing, its solution in unity with other tasks of preschool education allows for the holistic harmonious development of the personality of each child.


Azarova T.V. Developmental work of a psychologist at the stage of adaptation of children at school. / T.V. Azarova., M.r., Bityanova. - M.: World of Psychology, 1996. - 125p.

Amonashvili Sh.A. Hello children. / Sh.A. Amonashvili. – M.: Enlightenment, 1983. – 320p.

Andryushchenko T.Yu. correction of the psychological development of younger schoolchildren at the stage of education./ T.Yu. Andryushchenko., N.V. Karabekova //Questions of psychology. - 1993. No. 1 - P. 18-23.


Anufriev A.F. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. / A.F. Anufriev, S.N. Kostromina. - M .: Education, 1998 - 340s.

Bityanova M.R. The work of a psychologist in elementary school. / M.R. Bityakova., T.V. Azarova., E.I. Afanasiev and others - M.: Genesis, 2001. - 347p.

Blonsky P.P. Psychology of the younger schoolchild./ P.P. Blonsky, - M.: Enlightenment, 1997 - 285p.

Varga A.Ya. Psychological correction of communication disorders // Ed. A.A. Bodaleva, V.V. Stolin. -M.: Sphere, 1989 -304s.

Wenger A.L. Scheme of individual examination of children of primary school age: for school psychologists. /A.L. Wenger., G.A. Zuckerman. -Tomsk: Knowledge, 1993 -218s.

Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: In 6 volumes. - M.: 1984. G4.

Gilbukh Z.V. Methodology for the distribution of first-graders by class. /Z.V. Gilbukh., S.L. Korobko., L.I. Andryushchenko. - Kiev: Nauka, 1998 - 105 p.

Gurevich K.M. Psychological diagnostics. / K.M. Gurevich, E.M.Borisova.–M.: NPO, "MODEK"., 2001 -367p.

Gurevich K.M. Psychological correction. / K.M. Gurevich, I.V. Dubrovina.–M.: Enlightenment 1991–217p.

Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. / N.I. Gutkin. –M.: Enlightenment, 1996-265s.

Davydov V.V. Problems of developing education. / V.V. Davydov. -M.: knowledge, 1994 -308s.

Dubrovina I.V. Workbook of a school psychologist. / I.V. Dubrovina - M.: Education, 1991-217 p.

Dubrovina I.V. School psychological service. / I.V. Dubrovina- M .: Education, 1991-395s.

Daschitsyna Z.V. Assessment of the degree of readiness of children to study at a school of different levels of differentiation. /Z.V. Dashchitsen. - M: Sphere, 1998-107s.

Elfimova N.V. Diagnosis and correction of learning motivation in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren./N.V.-M.: 1991-295s.

Ingenkamp K. Pedagogical diagnostics./ K. Ingenkamp.-M.: Vlados, 1991-215p.

Karabanova O.A. The game in the correction of the mental development of the child./ OA Karabanova. - M.: Knowledge, 1997 - 187p.

Kolominsky Ya.L. The teacher about the psychology of children of six years of age./Ya.L. Kolominsky, E.A. Panko. - M.: Enlightenment., 1998 - 252p.

Kozyreva E.A. The program of psychological support, their teachers and parents from grades 1 to 11. / E.A. Kozyrev. –M.: Sphere, 1997-471s.

Kochubey B.I. Emotional stability of schoolchildren./ B.I. Kochubey, E.V. Novikov. - M.: Sphere, 1991-398s.

Kravtsova E.E. Psychological problems of children's readiness for learning at school./E.E. Kravtsov. –M.: Sphere, 1995-153p.

Luskanova N.G. Research methods for children with learning difficulties./N.G. Luskanova. - M.: Thought, 1993-250s.

Markova A.K. Formation of learning motivation at school age./ A.K. Markova.-M.: Sfera., 1993-220s.

Matveeva L.A. Development of the properties of the subject of educational activity in primary school age. / L.A. Matveeva.-L .: Science, 1991-124p.

Matyukhina M.V. Motivation for the teaching of younger students. / M.V. Matyukhina. -M.: Enlightenment., 1996-135s.

Mikhailova Z.A. Game entertaining tasks./ ZA Mikhailova. –M.: Vlados., 1998-56s.

Mukhina V.S. Child psychology. / V.S. Mukhina - M .: Education, 1996-420s.

Mukhina V.S. Psychology of childhood and adolescence / V.S. Mukhina. - M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1998-216s.

Nemov R.S. Psychology. In 3 volumes - M .: Vlados, 2001-651s.

Nizhegorodtseva N.V. The development of cognitive processes and personality in senior preschool age. / N.V. Nizhegorodtseva. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy., 1996-308s.

Nizhegorodtseva N.V. Psychological and pedagogical readiness of the child for school. / N.V. Nizhegorodtseva., V.D. Shadrikov.-M .: Vlados., 2002-258p.

General psychology./Under. Ed. V.V. Bogoslovsky., A.G. Kovaleva /. St. Petersburg: Sphere., 1989-345s.

Features of the mental development of children 6-7 years of age. / Under. Ed. B.D. Elkonina, A.L. Wenger. - M.: 1988 - 260s.

Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school./R.V. Ovcharova.- M.: Sfera, 1999-235p.

Petrovsky V.A. Learning to communicate with a child./V.A. Petrovsky., A.M. Vinogradova., L.M. Klarina and others - M .: Thought., 1993-347p.

Psychology of a developing personality. / Under the editorship of V.V. Davydov.-M .: Education., 1990-396s

Psychological development of younger schoolchildren./ Ed. V.V.Davydova.- M.: Enlightenment., 1990-402p.

Practical psychologist's guide: readiness for school: developing programs. Moscow: Knowledge, 1998 - 195p.

Samoukina N.V. Game methods in training and education./N.V. Samoukina. –M.: Genesis, 1992-106s.

Tikhomirova L.F. Development of cognitive abilities of children. /L.F. Tikhomirov. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development 1996-354s.

Fridman L.M. Psychological reference book of the teacher./L.M. Fridman., I.Yu.Kulagin.-M: Knowledge..1993-67p.

Tsukerman G.A. What theory is needed for school psychology? / Questions of psychology.-1993-№1-p. 17.

Cheremoshkina L.V. Development of children's attention. /L.V. Cheremoshkin. - Yaroslavl.: A popular guide for parents and teachers., - 200p.

Shadrikov V.D. Activities and abilities / V.D. Shadrikov.-M.: Enlightenment., 1994-138s.

Shmakova S. From the game to self-education: a collection of games-corrections /S. Shmakova, N. Bezborodova- M.: Knowledge..1993-85p.

Elkonin B.D. Age and individual characteristics of younger students. / V.D. Elkonin, T.V. Dragunov. –M.: Enlightenment 1981-210s.

Elkonin B.D. Child psychology. / B.D. Elkonin. –M.: Enlightenment 1989-320s.

Elkonin B.D. Some questions of diagnostics of mental development of children. / V.D. Elkonin. –M.: Enlightenment 1989-190s.


Appendix 1.

Educational material for classes. Sustainability of attention. Eliminate impulsivity.

"Listen to silence"

Everyone listens to silence for 3 minutes. This is followed by a discussion of who heard what and in what order.


The facilitator asks the children to internally measure the time equal to 1 minute. When the inner minute is over, everyone raises their hand. The facilitator uses a stopwatch to measure real time and writes down the degree of discrepancy for each answer. This exercise, in addition to training attention, is also a good diagnostic method for studying the internal pace of the child.

The amount of attention.

"What changed"

The exercise has several options.

What has changed in the class compared to the previous lesson (lesson, afternoon)?

What has changed in the circle? If the participants of the lesson are sitting in a circle, then you can use this option. The driver closes his eyes or turns away. The leader silently (with gestures) asks any participants in the lesson to change places, then the driver must restore the original picture of the circle.

"Live Picture"

The leader (or one of the children) organizes the participants (from two to all) into any group. A living picture may or may not have a plot. Participants freeze in a given position. Entering for 30 seconds examines this sculptural group, then turns away. A specified number of changes are made to the picture. The task of the incoming one is to restore the original picture.

Concentration (intensity) of attention.

Invisible words.

The facilitator writes on the board (or on the wall, or in the air) with his finger a word one letter at a time. Children write letters as they appear on paper or try to remember them. Then it is discussed which word each got. The leader can involve one of the children in the image of the word. In this case, he shows one after another cards with letters written on them to the student, which he reproduces with his finger on the board. The number of repetitions is agreed in advance (from two to three in the first lessons to one as you get used to it), and the pace of the exercise gradually increases.

Synthesis of words from sounds.

The incoming pronounces the word, but not together (ball), but in separate sounds (m - i - h, k - o - r - o - in - a). Children synthesize these sounds into words. Two parameters that regulate the complexity of the exercise are the length of the word and the rate of pronunciation of sounds. As they learn, the children themselves think of words from sounds (plasticine)

Team score.

The group is divided into two teams. The order of the digits (within 10, etc.) and the arithmetic operations used (+; -; ·) are specified in advance. Then the children of the first team call the numbers in turn, the leader, or one of the children, calls the arithmetic operations. The children of the second team follow this row and perform operations in their minds. Then the teams change places. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Switching attention.

Correction test.

For this exercise, you can use special tables, but old magazines are also suitable.

For the next 5 minutes, the children swap magazines and check for errors. Each missing letter is considered a mistake, checking by the children themselves ensures concentration of attention for another 5 minutes, i.e. is also attention training.

The teacher should pay attention to the individual characteristics and pace of each child when performing a correction test. One child works at a fast pace, looks through a large piece of text, however, and he has a lot of mistakes.

The other does everything without a single mistake, but slowly and little in volume. Depending on the identified features of the activity, each child receives recommendations for improving the style of work.

Distribution of attention.


Restore the missing word.


A series of 5-7 words is read that are not related in meaning, for example: sugar - bullet - box - fish - dance - pear. Then the row is not read completely, one of the words is skipped. Children must restore the missing word (and in the future - and its place in the row). The third time, another word is skipped. For the fourth time, you can ask the children to restore the entire row completely, without preserving the order of words or in order.

Memory accuracy.

"Once upon a time there was a cat ..."

The exercise consists in drawing up a series of definitions for a noun. Each of the participants repeats the entire previous row, adding their definition at the end.

For example, "It was a beautiful cat..."

“It was a beautiful fluffy cat…”

“It was a beautiful, fluffy cat with green eyes…”

Various options can be used, for example, “Grandma, baked a cake. This was…"

Making up stories.

a) From individual words.

Each of the participants speaks in turn one word at a time so that the result is a common story. Before you say your word, you must repeat all the previously said words.

b) From the proposals.

The exercise is similar to the previous one, the difference is that each participant says a whole sentence, not just one word. An indispensable condition is the repetition of the previous row.

Bird - animal - fish.

The facilitator randomly offers each participant one of three words. The participant must, in response, recall a representative of one species or another. It is not possible to repeat what has already been said.

Example: a bird is a bullfinch, a fish is a bream, an animal is a bear, etc.

14. Transfer of an imaginary object.

The host sets an object, showing the actions performed with it (for example, stroking a kitten, playing ball). The object is not called aloud, only actions are shown. The object is passed in a circle, and everyone must guess what was passed to him, or try to feel (fluffy white kitten, elastic ball) or do something with this object and pass it to another. By observing other participants, children gradually become more and more confident about what subject they are conveying. In addition, this exercise trains figurative and tactile memory well. In a more complex version, each passes his subject. The next participant guesses what he got.

Ways to develop divergent thinking.

Fluency of thought.

15. Come up with words with a given letter.

a) Beginning with the letter "a";

b) Ending with the letter "t";

c) In which the third from the beginning of the letter "c";

16. List objects with a given attribute:

a) Red (white, green, etc.) color;

b) round shape.

Flexibility of thinking.

17. List all possible uses of a brick - in 8 minutes. If the children's answers are something like this: building a house, a barn, a garage, a school, a fireplace, this will indicate good fluency of thinking, but its insufficient flexibility, since all of the listed ways of using bricks belong to the same class. If the child says that with the help of a brick one can hold a door, make a weight out of paper, hammer a nail, or make red powder, then he will receive, in addition to a high score in thinking fluency, also a high score in immediate flexibility of thinking: this subject quickly moves from one class to another.

Fluency of associations.

18. List words with the meaning "good" and words with a meaning opposite to the word "solid".

19. Four small numbers are given. The question is what arrhythmic actions can be performed with them in order to eventually get, for example (4 + 4; 3 + 4; 3 + 4 + 1; 2 + 3 + 4-1).

20. Running associations.

The first participant says the word. The second participant adds his word. The third participant comes up with a sentence that includes two named words. The offer must make sense. Then he comes up with a new word, and the next participant tries to connect the second and third words in the sentence, and so on. The goal is to gradually increase exercise performance.

For example: tree, light. “Having climbed a tree, I saw a light not far from the window of the forester's lodge.

21. Fluency of expressions.

Initial letters are given (for example, B - C - E - P), each of which represents the beginning of words in a sentence. It is necessary to form various sentences, for example: "The whole family ate a pie."

Ease of adaptation.

22. Solving problems with matches.

The ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Children are offered the beginning of the phrase. It is necessary to continue this phrase with the words "due to the fact that ...", "because ...".

Today I am very cold because: ... it is cold outside.

... walked for a long time.

Mom is in a good mood because ... etc.

Ways to develop convergent thinking. The ability to understand the elements.

Guess an object or animal by its features.

Children conceive an object in the absence of the driver and then list its features in turn: color, shape, possible use or habitat (for animals), etc. According to these signs, the driver indicates the intended object.

25. Establishing relationships.

On the left is the relationship between the two concepts. From the row of words on the right, one so that it forms a similar relationship with the top word.

School Hospital

Education Doctor, student, institution, treatment, patient.

Song Painting

Deaf Lame, blind, artist, drawing, sick.

Steel Fork, wood, chair, food, tablecloth.

Exclusion of the 4th superfluous.

Isolation of essential features.

A group of words is proposed, three of which are united by an essential feature, and the fourth word turns out to be superfluous, not suitable in meaning. For example, a truck, train, bus, tram - transport.


Meaningful tasks of the type are proposed: Ivan is younger than Sergey. Ivan is older than Oleg. Who is older: Sergey or Oleg?


Name objects in one word, for example:

Fork, spoon, knife...

Rain, snow, frost...


29. Inner cartoon.

The facilitator tells the beginning of the story and then interrupts it. For example: “You are walking along the road and you see the walls of an unfamiliar magical city ahead. You enter the city gates and…”; or “You are going for a walk in the woods. The sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing. You go to the edge of the forest and ... ". Children represent the continuation of the story. Can be used as a standalone exercise.

30. Finish drawings.

The contours of the elements of object images are presented, for example, the silhouette of a tree with one branch, a circle - a head with ears, simple geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle. Children are asked to draw each of the figures so that some kind of picture is obtained. What matters is the degree of originality, unusualness of the image created by the child (the absence of repetitions from the drawings of other children) and the freedom to use the given elements to create an image of the imagination (for example, the figure does not act as the main part of the picture, but is included as one of the secondary elements in the image created by the child: the triangle is no longer the roof of the house, but the pencil lead with which the boy draws a picture).

Communication skills.

In random order, break into pairs, for example, enter into a pair with the one who is now nearby. The couples are located one after another, holding hands, raising their closed hands up, as if forming a roof. The driver passes under closed hands and chooses a partner for himself. The new couple stands behind, and the freed participant enters the stream and looks for a mate, etc. In essence, this game is a sociometric procedure and turns out to be emotionally significant for each participant.


The leader is chosen. The rest of the participants, holding hands, form a circle. The leader turns away, and the rest of the participants begin to “get confused”, changing their position in the circle, but not opening their hands. The driver needs to unravel the resulting figure, returning everyone to their original position, in a circle.

Joint drawing.

a) Each participant in turn or on a piece of paper some line related to the previous ones. The result is a general pattern. Participants discuss what they have achieved. You can all together come up with a name for the picture or a name if it is a character.

b) The game can be played by teams. This option introduces a time parameter.

Annex 2

Method 1. The degree of psychosocial maturity (test conversation,

planted by S.A. banking).

Survey questions:

Give your last name, first name, patronymic

Say your first name, last name. Mother's name, father's name.

Are you a girl or a boy? What will you be when you grow up as an aunt or uncle?


Do you have a brother, sister? Who is older?

How old are you? How much will it be in a year? In two years?

Is it morning or evening? (Afternoon or morning?)

When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? Do you have lunch in the morning or afternoon? What comes before lunch or dinner?

Where do you live? State your home address.

What is your father's job? Mother?

Do you like to draw? What color is this pencil (ribbon, dress)?

What season is it now - winter, spring, summer or autumn? Why do you think so?

When can you go sledding? - winter or summer?

Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?

What does a postman, a doctor, a teacher do?

Bell and school desk are needed for what?

You yourself (a) want to go to school number 7

Show your right eye, left ear. What are eyes and ears for?

What animals do you know?

What kind of birds do you know?

Who is bigger cow or goat? Bird or bee? Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster?

What is greater than 8 or 9, 7 or 3?.. Count from 3 to 6, from 9 to 2.

What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's item?

Response score:

1. For the correct answer to all sub-questions of one item, the child receives 1 point, (except for control ones)

2. The child may receive 0.5 points for correct but incomplete answers to the sub-questions of the item.

3. Answers corresponding to the question posed are considered correct: Dad works as an engineer, A dog has more paws than a rooster. Answers such as: Mom Tanya are considered incorrect; Dad works at work.

4. Control tasks include questions: 5, 8, 15, 22.

No. 5 - if the child can calculate how old he is - 1 point,

if he names the years taking into account the months - 3 points.

No. 8 - for a full home address with the name of the city - 2 points,

for incomplete - 1 point.

No. 15 - for each correctly indicated use of school paraphernalia - 1 point.

No. 22 - for the correct answer - 2 points.

Item 16 is assessed together with items 15 and 17. If in item 15 the child scored 3 points and gave a positive answer to the question of item 16, then the protocol indicates a positive motivation to study at school (the total score should be at least 4).

Annex 3

Method 2. Determination of school maturity on the test

Kerna-Jiraseka. (Appendix No. 2)

The test includes three tasks: drawing a figure from a representation,

Copying a phrase from written letters, drawing dots in a certain spatial position.

These tasks give a general idea of ​​the level of mental development of the child, his ability to imitate, the severity of fine-motor coordination. Without the development of the latter, it is impossible to form writing skills, develop a second signal system and abstract thinking and speech.

Testing procedure: the child is given a piece of paper, the name and surname of the child is written on the front side.

Instruction: "Here (each is shown where) draw some uncle as you can." When the drawing is finished, the children are asked to turn over the sheet, on the back of which is written a sample phrase and a pattern of 10 dots.

The second task is formulated as follows: “Look, something is written here. You don't know how to write yet, but try. Take a good look at how it's written and write the same."

The third task: “Points are drawn here. Try to draw them side by side as well"

Evaluation of results:

Each task is scored from 1 (best) to 5 (worst).

Evaluation criteria for each of the tasks:

Task number 1 "Drawing a male figure."

1 point - the drawn figure must have a head, torso, limbs. The neck should connect the head with the body (it should not be larger than the body). On the head - hair (possibly a hat or hat), ears, on the face - eyes, nose, mouth. The upper limbs should end with a hand with five fingers. There must be elements of men's clothing.

2 points - fulfillment of all requirements, as in assessment 1, except for the synthetic method of representation (i.e., the head, torso are drawn separately, arms, legs are attached to it.) Perhaps three missing parts of the body: neck, hair, 1 finger , but no part of the body should be missing.

3 points - the figure in the drawings must have a neck and torso, limbs (Arms and legs, which must be drawn with two lines). Ears, hair, clothes, fingers, feet are missing.

4 points - a primitive drawing of the head with the torso. The limbs (only one pair is enough) are shown in one line.

5 points - there is no clear image of the trunk and limbs. Scribble.

1 point - high level of intellectual development;

2 points - average level;

3 points - below average;

4 points - low level;

5 points - very low.

Appendix 4

Method 3. The level of mental performance according to corrective

An important criterion for school maturity, i.e. readiness for school is the level of formation of voluntary attention.

The technique of using curly tables. for the diagnosis of mental performance and attention in children of 6-7 years of age, the Research Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents was proposed.

Work with this table continues for 2 minutes

Instruction: look carefully at the figures, look for three among them: a flag, a triangle, a circle. In the triangle you will put a dash (-), In a circle - a cross (+), In a checkbox - a dot (.). You should ask the child how he understood the tasks. A signal is given to start work. Tables are collected after 2 minutes.

Evaluation of the performance of the task is carried out according to the number of viewed figures and the number of errors made.

For example, a child looked at 60 signs and made 7 mistakes. in terms of 100 characters, which will be 11.6.

X \u003d 7x100 \u003d 11.6

In addition, the coefficient of productivity of mental performance is calculated by the formula:

UR - mental performance;

C - number of scanned lines;

a is the number of errors.

Appendix 5

Method 4. Diagnosis of the level of perception. Methodology "What's enough?" (Nemov R.S.).

The child is offered 7 drawings. Each of which lacks some important element.

Instructions: each of the pictures is missing some important detail, look carefully and name the missing detail. Carrying out diagnostics with the help of a stopwatch or a second hand of a watch fixes the time. Spent to complete the task.

Evaluation of results:

10 points - the child named all 7 missing items in less than 25 seconds

8-9 points - the time to search for all the missing items took 26 -30 seconds;

6-7 points - the time to search for all the missing items took 31-35 seconds;

4-5 points - the time to search for all the missing items took 36-40 seconds;

2-3 points - the time to search for all the missing items took 41-45 seconds;

score - time to search for all missing items took more than 45 seconds

Conclusions about the level of development:

10 points - very high;

8 -9 points - high;

4-7 points - average;

2-3 points - low;

0-1 point - very low.

Appendix 6

Technique 5. Study of visual perception with the help of the “Name the figures” test.

The visual perception of children is determined by the speed of memorization and the accredited reproduction of the material read from the board, as well as from the textbook and other manuals. The level of visual perception of children depends on the methods of work of the teacher, the number and nature of visual aids, their correct selection, the time and place of their use in the lesson. Therefore, it is important to determine and develop the level of visual perception.

Task: The child is shown signs with the image of objects

Instruction: “Tell me, what figures are these drawings made of?”

(Figures are presented according to the degree of complexity).

Evaluation of results: the task is considered completed, it is evaluated with a sign (+), if the child correctly found and named all the shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle) or made 1-2 mistakes - a high level. The task is considered completed, evaluated with a sign (+), if the child made 3-4 mistakes - the average level. The task is considered not completed. It is evaluated with a sign (-), if the child made 5 mistakes or more - a low level.

Appendix 7

Method 6. Determination of auditory perception using the test "Understanding the text."

Auditory perception determines the understanding and assimilation of the heard material. The level of auditory perception can be identified by asking the child to tell how he understood the text he read.

Assignment: a sentence is dictated to the child: "Seryozha got up, washed, had breakfast, took a briefcase, went to school." After this, the child is asked about Seryozha's procedure.

Evaluation of results: Correct answers are evaluated with a sign (+) - this is a high level. If the child made 1-3 mistakes, the answer is also rated with a (+) sign, but this is an average level; more than 3 errors, the test is considered not completed and is evaluated with a sign (-) - low level

Appendix 8

Methodology7. A technique for diagnosing the level of development of observation.

It is necessary to prepare 2 pictures, simple in plot and number of details. These pictures should be the same, except for the 5-10 details provided in advance - the differences.


The child examines both pictures for 1-2 minutes, then he must tell about the differences he found.

Evaluation of the results: The number of correctly noted differences is counted, and those indicated in error are subtracted from them. The difference is divided by the number of actual differences. The closer the result is to 1, the higher the level of observation in the child.

Annex 9

Method 8. Memory diagnostics. Auditory memory is studied using the "10 words" technique

10 words are read to the child: table, viburnum, chalk, elephant, park, legs, hand, gate, window, tank.

Reproduction of 5-6 words after reading indicates a good level of auditory mechanical memory.

Annex 10

Method 9. Visual memory. Using the technique of D. Wexler

The child is offered 4 drawings.

The child is allowed to look at each of the pictures for 10 seconds. Then he must reproduce them on a blank sheet of paper.

a) Two crossed lines and two flags - 1 point,

Correctly placed flags - 1 point,

Correct line crossing angle - 1 point,

The maximum score for this assignment is 3 points.

b) Large square with two diameters -1 point,

Four small squares in a large one - 1 point,

Two diameters with all small squares -1 point,

Four dots in squares -1 point,

Accuracy in proportions -1 point,

The maximum score is 5 points.

c) Open rectangle with right angle

on each edge - 1 point,

Center and left or right side reproduced correctly - 1 point,

The figure is correct, except for one incorrectly reproduced angle - 1 point,

The figure is correctly reproduced - 3 points.

Maximum score -3 points

d) A large rectangle with a small one in it -1 point,

All vertices of the inner rectangle are connected to the vertices of the outer rectangle - 1 point,

The small rectangles are accurately placed in the large -1 point.

The maximum score is 3 points.

The maximum score is 14 points.

Annex 11

Correlative galaxy

degree of psychosocial maturity

school maturity

level of mental performance according to corrective tests

level of perception

visual perception "Name the figures"

auditory perception "Name the figures"

level of development of observation

visual memory according to the Wexler method

auditory memory according to the Wexler method

Irina Kukushkina
Methods for studying the psychological readiness for school of children aged 6–7

Admission to school marks the beginning of a qualitatively new stage in life child: his attitude towards adults, peers, himself and his activities is changing. The child must be ready to major changes in your life, ready for school. And to be ready for school It's not just about being able to write, read and count. This alone is not enough for the successful education of the child. It must have formed all the components of the so-called «» .

Under psychological readiness for school learning is understood as the necessary and sufficient level mental development of the child to master school curriculum in terms of learning in a team of peers.

Psychological readiness, as you know, the concept is multicomponent, which consists of several components.

First of all, the child must have the desire to go to school, gain knowledge, i.e. in the language psychology, - motivation for learning. He must have a social position schoolboy: he must be able to interact with peers, the teacher, fulfill his requirements, control his behavior. It is important that the child be healthy and resilient, otherwise it will be difficult for him to withstand the load during the lesson and the entire school day. And, perhaps most importantly, he must have good mental development, which is the basis for the successful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as for maintaining the optimal pace of intellectual activity so that the child has time to work with the class.

Psychological readiness for school is the result of the entire previous development of the child, the result of the entire system of education and training in the family and kindergarten. The activities of the teacher psychologist kindergarten necessarily provides for work on study of the psychological readiness of children for school. This is a diagnostic work that allows you to identify the level of formation in children main components psychological readiness. For myself, I have identified such components as motivational, intellectual readiness, the level of anxiety as an indicator of the emotional state, as well as the presence of children specific knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure successful entry into educational activities.

To study these components, I use the following methods:

1. Methodology diagnostics of learning motivation in children 5-7 years old. T. A. Nezhnova, modified by A. M. Parishioners

2. Adapted version methods D. Veksler (assessment of intellectual development children 5-7 years old)

3. Express diagnostics school readiness E. K. Varkhotova, N. V. Dyatko, E. V. Sazonova.

4. Anxiety test R. Tamml, M. Dorki, V. Amen

And now briefly about what indicators are evaluated using data. methodologies.

Diagnosis of learning motivation in children 5-7 years old.

As you know, learning preschoolers is motivated not by one, but by a whole system of motives, which in preschool age become relatively stable. So educational and cognitive motives are manifested in interest in new knowledge, the desire to learn something new. External positional motifs refer to external attributes school life, positions schoolboy. Evaluative motives are the desire children receive a high assessment of an adult, his approval and location. In the structure of motives there is a place for play (preschool) motives. They continue to play an important role, but should no longer occupy a leading place in the motivational structure. preschoolers.

Diagnostics of learning motivation with children aged 6-7 is carried out twice during the school year - in January (before preparatory classes at school and the beginning of training on adaptation to school) and in May. This type of survey allows you to see the relationship school and preschool motives for each child, as well as the level of formation of each type of motives.

Practice shows that the percentage of formation of educational motives by the end of the academic year increases, and the gaming motives are steadily lost. Many factors influence the positive dynamics. This, of course, and preparatory classes at school, and special work carried out by educators and parents, and classes on the formation psychological readiness for school that I lead. All this generally gives a positive result. Although it should be noted that there are some children who, at the end of the school year, make a conscious choice in favor of play motives, while in the results of the first diagnosis they were dominated by school motives. That is, some children, immersed in school atmosphere understand that they are better off in kindergarten. And this despite the fact that many of them are distinguished by a high level of intellectual development. This is due to the fact that they did not meet the expectations associated with school. Perhaps it seemed to them that everything was too easy there, or, conversely, they appreciated the degree of responsibility that falls on them. Therefore, there is such a conscious withdrawal into childhood. Fortunately, such not many children, Of course, despite the high intellectual level, we cannot speak of a complete the readiness of such a child for school, because subconsciously he does not want to try on a new social role with its norms and rules. This is back to what school readiness It is not only the ability to read, write and count.

Anxiety - as a property of the child's personality does not contribute to successful learning in school. Problem school anxiety exists, and already among preschoolers can be identified children who are most likely to experience this problem. These are children who have a consistently high level of anxiety. (still situational). Starting from the age of 5, the diagnosis of anxiety is carried out with children regularly, in preparatory group for school - twice.

According to the results of diagnostics at the end of the academic year, the index of anxiety children 6-7 years usually increases somewhat compared to the same when surveyed at the beginning of the academic year, although it remains within the average level. The number is increasing children with a high level of anxiety, most of which are boys. The increase in the indicator of the level of anxiety can be explained by increased attention to children as future first-graders, both on the part of parents and educators. In life children there was a school with its rules. Children are subject to increased requirements, certain restrictions appear, which, of course, affect the condition children. Also, children emotionally experience the upcoming graduation from kindergarten and all the events associated with it. Hence the increase in situational anxiety. To prevent anxiety in children recommendations are given to parents and educators of groups, in my classes I also include games and exercises that help increase confidence and self-esteem children.

intellectual school readiness

Studying the intellectual development of the child, the level of development of his mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, speech, perception, as well as the level of formation in the child of certain knowledge, skills, skills necessary for schooling(possession of arithmetic operations, ability to read, work according to instructions, etc.).

Methodology Veksler allows you to determine not only the general level of intellectual development, but also the level of its components - verbal and non-verbal intelligence, as well as to see the very structure of the intellect of each child, to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Summarizing the data, the general intellectual indicator for the group is calculated children, separately for the group of boys and girls and for the kindergarten as a whole.

Well, the final chord in this monitoring is express diagnostics school readiness which takes place in May. This the technique is compact, very easy to use and, most importantly, (of course, taking into account other survey results) allows you to almost accurately answer the question, ready whether the child to learning in school. Here, among other things, such child’s skills are revealed as the ability to navigate on a sheet, divide words into syllables, highlight sounds in words, compose words from given letters, read, the development of arbitrariness is determined.

Summarizing the monitoring data, the final conclusion is made for each child - ready for school, ready for school"conditionally" Or no ready. Children, ready for school"conditionally" These are children who have many skills and abilities that lie in the zone of proximal development. That is, with a little help, they are able to cope with tasks.

Using diagnostic results

1. Provided to parents (at individual consultations, in a generalized form - to educators preparatory groups and kindergarten administration;

2. Used in analytical work (assessment of the level of development, degree school readiness for every child, groups children, identifying strengths and weaknesses, recurring problems; comparison of data with the results of graduates of other years; assessment of the activities of the educator (to an extent); defining areas of work for the new academic year).

graduate work

1.1 The concept of a child's readiness for school

Going to school is a turning point in a child's life. Therefore, the concern that both adults and children show with the approaching need to enter school is understandable. A distinctive feature of the position of a student, a schoolchild, is that his study is a mandatory, socially significant activity. For her, he is responsible to the teacher, the school and the family. The life of a student is subject to a system of strict rules that are the same for all students. Its main content is the assimilation of knowledge common to all children.

A very special type of relationship develops between teacher and student. A teacher is not just an adult who arouses or dislikes a child. He is the official bearer of social requirements for the child. The grade that a student receives in a lesson is not an expression of a personal attitude towards a child, but an objective measure of his knowledge, his fulfillment of his educational duties. A bad evaluation cannot be compensated for either by obedience or remorse. The relationship of children in the classroom is also different from those that develop in the game.

The main measure that determines the position of the child in the peer group is the assessment of the teacher, academic success. At the same time, joint participation in compulsory activities gives rise to a new type of relationship based on shared responsibility. Assimilation of knowledge and restructuring, changing oneself becomes the only educational goal. Knowledge and learning activities are acquired not only for the present, but also for the future, for the future.

The knowledge that children receive at school is of a scientific nature. If earlier primary education was a preparatory stage for the systematic assimilation of the fundamentals of the sciences, now it is turning into the initial link of such assimilation, which begins with the first grade.

The main form of organizing the educational activities of children is a lesson in which the time is calculated up to a minute. In the lesson, all children need to follow the instructions of the teacher, follow them clearly, not be distracted and not engage in extraneous activities. All these requirements relate to the development of different aspects of the personality, mental qualities, knowledge and skills. The student must be responsible for learning, be aware of its social significance, obey the requirements and rules of school life. For successful study, he needs to have developed cognitive interests, a fairly broad cognitive outlook. The student absolutely needs that complex of qualities that organizes the ability to learn. This includes understanding the meaning of educational tasks, their differences from practical ones, awareness of how to perform actions, skills of self-control and self-assessment.

An important aspect of psychological readiness for school is a sufficient level of volitional development of the child. This level turns out to be different for different children, but a typical feature that distinguishes six seven-year-old children is the subordination of motives, which gives the child the opportunity to control his behavior and which is necessary in order to immediately, having come to the first grade, join in the general activity, accept the system school and teacher requirements.

As for the arbitrariness of cognitive activity, although it begins to form at senior preschool age, by the time it enters school, it has not yet reached full development: it is difficult for a child to maintain stable voluntary attention for a long time, to memorize significant material, and the like. Education in elementary school takes into account these characteristics of children and is structured in such a way that the requirements for the arbitrariness of their cognitive activity increase gradually, as it improves in the very process of learning.

The readiness of the child for school in the field of mental development includes several interrelated aspects. A child, in the first grade, needs a certain amount of knowledge about the world around him: about objects and their properties, about phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, about people, their work and other aspects of social life, about “what is good and what is bad” , i.e. on moral standards of conduct. But what is important is not so much the volume of this knowledge as their quality - the degree of correctness, clarity and generalization of the ideas that have developed in preschool childhood.

We already know that the figurative thinking of an older preschooler provides quite rich opportunities for mastering generalized knowledge, and with well-organized learning, children master ideas that reflect the essential patterns of phenomena related to different areas of reality. Such representations are the most important acquisition that will help the child to move to the assimilation of scientific knowledge at school. It is quite enough if, as a result of preschool education, the child gets acquainted with those areas and aspects of phenomena that serve as the subject of study of various sciences, begins to single them out, to distinguish living from non-living, plants from animals, natural from man-made, harmful from useful. Systematic acquaintance with each field of knowledge, assimilation of systems of scientific concepts is a matter of the future.

A special place in the psychological readiness for school is occupied by the mastery of special knowledge and skills that are traditionally related to school proper - literacy, counting, and solving arithmetic problems. Primary school is designed for children who have not received special training, and begins to teach them literacy and mathematics from the very beginning. Therefore, appropriate knowledge and skills cannot be considered an obligatory component of a child's readiness for schooling. At the same time, a significant part of the children entering the first grade can read, and almost all children can count to one degree or another. The acquisition of literacy and elements of mathematics at preschool age can influence the success of schooling. Of positive importance is the education in children of general ideas about the sound side of speech and its difference from the content side, about the quantitative relations of things and their difference from the objective meaning of these things. Will help the child to study at school and assimilate the concept of number and some other initial mathematical concepts.

As for skills, counting, problem solving, their usefulness depends on what basis they are built on, how well they are formed. Thus, the skill of reading increases the level of a child's readiness for school only if it is built on the basis of the development of phonemic hearing and awareness of the sound composition of a word, and is itself continuous or syllable-by-syllable. Letter-by-letter reading, often found in preschoolers, will make it difficult for the teacher, because the child will have to be retrained. It is the same with counting - experience will be useful if it is based on an understanding of mathematical relations, the meaning of a number, and useless or even harmful if counting is learned mechanically.

The readiness to assimilate the school curriculum is evidenced not by the knowledge and skills themselves, but by the level of development of cognitive interests and cognitive activity of the child. A general positive attitude towards school and learning is enough to ensure sustainable successful learning, if the child is not attracted by the very content of the knowledge received at school, is not interested in the new things that he gets acquainted with in the classroom, if he is not attracted by the process of cognition itself. Cognitive interests develop gradually, over a long period of time, and cannot arise immediately upon admission to school, if at preschool age they were not given enough attention to their upbringing. studies show that the greatest difficulties in primary school are not those children who have insufficient knowledge and skills by the end of preschool age, but those who show intellectual passivity, who lack the desire and habit to think, solve problems that are not directly related to any interest child's play or life situation. To overcome intellectual passivity, in-depth individual work with the child is required. The level of development of cognitive activity that a child can reach by the end of preschool age and which is sufficient for successful education in primary school includes, in addition to voluntary control of this activity, certain qualities of perception of the child's thinking.

A child entering school must be able to systematically examine objects, phenomena, highlight their diversity and properties. He needs to have a fairly complete, clear and dissected perception, bale. Primary school education is largely based on the children's own work with different material, under the guidance of a teacher. In the process of such work, the essential properties of things are highlighted. Good orientation of the child in space and time is important. Literally from the first days of being at school, the child receives instructions that cannot be fulfilled without taking into account the spatial features of things, knowledge of the direction of space. So, for example, the teacher might suggest drawing a line "obliquely from the top left to the bottom right corner" or "straight down the right side of the cage", etc. an idea of ​​time and a sense of time, the ability to determine how much time has passed is an important condition for the student's organized work in the classroom, completing the task on time.

Especially high demands are made by schooling, the systematic assimilation of knowledge, to the thinking of the child. The child must be able to highlight the essential in the phenomena of the surrounding reality, be able to compare them, see similar and different; he must learn to reason, to find the causes of phenomena, to draw conclusions. Another side of psychological development that determines a child's readiness for schooling is the development of his speech - mastering the ability to coherently, consistently, understandably for others an object, picture, event, convey the train of his thoughts, explain this or that phenomenon, rule.

Finally, psychological readiness for school includes the qualities of a child's personality that help him enter the class team, find his place in it, and join in common activities. These are social motives of behavior, those rules of behavior in relation to other people learned by the child and the ability to establish and maintain relationships with peers that are formed in the modern activities of preschoolers.

The main place in the preparation of the child for school is the organization of the game and productive activities. It is in these types of activities that social motives of behavior first arise, a hierarchy of motives is formed, the actions of perception and thinking are formed and improved, and social skills of relationships develop. Of course, this does not happen by itself, but with the constant supervision of the activities of children by adults who pass on the experience of social behavior to the younger generation, communicate the necessary knowledge and develop the necessary skills. Some qualities can be formed only in the process of systematic teaching of preschoolers in the classroom - these are elementary skills in the field of educational activities, a sufficient level of performance of cognitive processes.

Obtaining generalized and systematized knowledge plays a significant role in the psychological preparation of children for school. The ability to navigate in cultural specific areas of reality (the quantitative relations of things, the sound matter of language) helps to master certain skills on this basis. In the process of such learning, children develop those elements of a theoretical approach to reality that will enable them to consciously assimilate a variety of knowledge.

Subjectively, readiness for school grows along with the inevitability of going to school on the first of September. In the case of a healthy, normal attitude close to this event, the child eagerly prepares for school.

A special problem is adaptation to school. The situation of uncertainty is always exciting. And before school, every child experiences extreme excitement. He enters into life in new conditions compared to kindergarten. It may also happen that a child in the lower grades will obey the majority against his own will. Therefore, it is necessary to help the child in this difficult period of his life to find himself, to teach him to be responsible for his actions.

I.Yu. Kulachina distinguishes two aspects of psychological readiness - personal (motivational) and intellectual readiness for school. Both aspects are important both in order for the child's educational activity to be successful, and for the speedy adaptation to new conditions, painless entry into a new system of relationships.

Diagnosis of the psychological readiness of the child to study at school

In the process of internship, I studied the work of a teacher-psychologist, which is built in accordance with the "Regulations on the psychological service in MBDOU No. 9", which defines the scope of professional competence...

Studying the readiness of the child for schooling

Features of the development of volitional qualities in children 6-7 years old

The readiness of the child to study at school is one of the most important outcomes of mental development during preschool childhood and the key to successful schooling. From that...

Features of the development of the motivational sphere of older preschoolers

3) psychodiagnostics of the formation of readiness for schooling, its development and, if necessary, correction. It seems...

Prevention of school maladjustment in the psychodiagnostics of readiness for school

The problem includes: the definition of this concept, the allocation of the structure, as well as understanding the essence of the applied aspects of "working" with this phenomenon: diagnostics, counseling and development...

Mental development of preschool children

By the end of preschool age, the child changes dramatically. The age of 6-7 years is called the age of "stretching" (the child quickly stretches in length) or the age of changing teeth (the first permanent teeth usually appear by this time) ...

Motivation is a system of arguments, arguments in favor of something, motivation. The totality of motives that determine a particular act (Motivation 2001-2009) ...

Conditions for the formation of children's readiness to study at school in a kindergarten

Recently, the task of preparing children for schooling has occupied one of the important places in the development of the ideas of psychological science. Successfully solving the problems of developing the child's personality ...

The phenomenon of psychological readiness for schooling

They can be represented as the sum of four components: the physiological readiness of the body, its maturity, psychological readiness, personal readiness, level of socialization...

The main goal of determining the psychological readiness for schooling is the prevention of school maladaptation. In accordance with this goal, various classes have recently been created, the task of which is to implement an individual approach in teaching in relation to children both ready and not ready for school in order to avoid manifestations of school maladaptation.

Under the psychological readiness for school education is understood the necessary and sufficient level of mental development of the child for the development of the school curriculum in the conditions of learning in a peer group. The psychological readiness of the child for schooling is one of the most important outcomes of mental development during preschool childhood.

The high demands of life on the organization of upbringing and education make it necessary to look for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches aimed at bringing teaching methods in line with the requirements of life. In this sense, the problem of readiness of preschoolers to study at school is of particular importance. Determining the goals and principles of organizing training and education in preschool institutions is connected with its solution. At the same time, the success of the subsequent education of children in school depends on its decision.

Questions of psychological readiness for learning at school are considered by teachers: L.I. Bozhovich, L.A. Venger, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.S. Mukhina, L.M. Fridman, M.M. Bezrukikh, E.E. Kravtsova and many others.

The relevance of considering this problem is related to the violation of successive links in the goals, content, methods of teaching and education and changing the requirements of society for the quality of education and training of children of preschool and primary school age.

The transition of elementary school to a four-year education is a real fact of long-term planning of the educational strategy in our country. How appropriate it is from the point of view of the age stages of the development of the child and whether it creates conditions for a favorable adaptation to schooling is a question. on which the opinions of some psychologists and methodologists differ. From the point of view of the analysis of the age stages of a child's development, focused on periodization associated with crises of age development [L.S. Vygodsky], the age of 6.5 years, defined as optimal for entering a four-year primary school, is not a favorable period for the child, since coincides with the crisis of the seventh year of life.

The crisis of the seventh year of life is associated with a change in the perception of one's place in the system of relations, i.e. with a change in the social situation in the life of the child. According to L.I. Bozhovich, the crisis of 7 years is the period of the birth of the social "I" of the child. Psychologists believe that the reassessment of values ​​characteristic of this period is determined by a change in the child's internal position under the influence of internal factors prepared by the entire course of the child's personal development. The ability to realize one's experiences, which was outlined at the end of preschool childhood, is strengthened. During the crisis of the seventh year of life, what L.S. Vygodsky called the generalization of experience manifests itself, in which conscious experiences form stable affective complexes. I.Yu. Kulagina believes that this crisis is independent of when the child went to school - at 6 or 7 years old, since for different children the crisis can shift either to 6 or 8 years, i.e. it is not strictly connected with an objective change in the situation. [Kulagina I.Yu. Developmental psychology.-M., 1997.p.120].

However, real observations in school practice give reason to believe that a significant part of the children go through a crisis precisely under the influence of schooling that has begun. The child finds himself in a new social situation, where the values ​​associated with the game, the old interests, the motives of actions that are significant for the previous stage of life, instantly lose their external reinforcement. I.Yu.Kulagina writes: “A little schoolboy plays with enthusiasm and will play for a long time, but the game ceases to be the main content of his life.” [Kulagina I.Yu. Quoted from op. 121].

Preparing children for school is a complex task, covering all areas of a child's life, so the methods used to determine readiness should be the most adequate and comprehensive. This determined the choice of the topic of the course work.

The theme of our work is: "Analysis of the definition of the psychological and pedagogical readiness of the child for schooling."

The purpose of the work: to analyze the psychological and pedagogical readiness of the child for schooling.

Object of study: the process of readiness for schooling.

Subject of study: methods for determining a child's readiness for schooling.

To achieve this goal, we have identified the following tasks:

1. study and analysis of literature on the research topic;

2. definition of the essence of the concept of "child readiness for schooling";

3. definition and brief description of the main factors influencing the preparation of the child for school;

4. analysis of the definition of the psychological and pedagogical readiness of the child for schooling;

5. empirical research on the topic;

7. formulation of conclusions.

The main research methods are literature analysis, generalization and systematization of materials, testing, observation.

An analysis of the curriculum and the requirements of the school for the student confirms the generally accepted provisions that readiness for school is manifested in the motivational, arbitrary, intellectual and speech spheres.

The task of preparing children for schooling occupies one of the important places in the development of the ideas of psychological science. In modern psychology, there is still no single and clear definition of the concept of "readiness", or "school maturity". A. Anastasi interprets the concept of school maturity as "mastery of skills, knowledge, abilities, motivation and other behavioral characteristics necessary for the optimal level of mastering the school curriculum." I. Shvantsara more capaciously defines school maturity as the achievement of such a degree in development when the child "becomes able to take part in school education." I. Shvantsara singles out the mental, social and emotional components as components of readiness for schooling. For a long time it was believed that the criterion for a child's readiness for learning is the level of his mental development. L.S. Vygotsky was one of the first to formulate the idea that readiness for schooling lies not so much in the quantitative stock of ideas, but in the level of development of cognitive processes. According to L.S. Vygotsky, to be ready for schooling means, first of all, to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in the appropriate categories. A.V. Zaporozhets noted that the readiness to study at school is an integral system of interrelated qualities of a child's personality, including the features of its motivation, the level of development of cognitive, analytical and synthetic activity, the degree of formation of the mechanisms of volitional regulation of actions, etc. To date, it is practically universally recognized that readiness for schooling is a multicomponent education that requires complex psychological research.

Different schools have their own ways and methods of organizing the admission of children. At the same time, school psychologists, to the extent of their competence, theoretical preferences, use various sets of methodological procedures that allow obtaining data on the formation of psychological readiness for schooling. Hence the obvious need to create a unified psychodiagnostic system for assessing the readiness of children for school. No less obvious is the need to develop a standardized system for processing test results and making decisions.

Scientists have developed a methodical approach to solving the problem of assessing the cognitive readiness of children for school, which allows unifying this procedure.

When setting the task of assessing the readiness of children for schooling, we were faced with the problem of the existence of two concepts of mental development. The first of them - the concept of the French psychologist Jean Piaget - asserts the genetic predetermination of mental development and, accordingly, the thesis that development precedes learning. The second concept formulated by L.S. Vygotsky, argues that learning precedes mental development. We proceeded from the concept of L.S. Vygotsky. Children come to school with different levels of learning, not mental development. In this case, the ultimate task of assessing children's cognitive readiness for school is to create optimal learning conditions for ALL children, regardless of their level of preparation. All children should be given equal opportunities to realize their potential. What does this mean practically? This means it is necessary to form classes in such a way that in each of them there are children with approximately the same level of preparation. Only in this case, the teacher will be able to optimally organize the educational process, focusing on the appropriate level of preparation of children.

In terms of professional psychodiagnostics, the approach developed by us involves the construction of a "reference portrait" of the applicant; selection in accordance with the reference portrait of diagnostic techniques; construction of real psychological portraits of applicants; obtaining a ranked list of applicants by comparing the reference and real psychological portraits; determination of the educational route (formation of classes that are homogeneous in terms of the degree of cognitive readiness).

The first stage is the construction of a "psychological standard" of the applicant

For a reasonable choice of objective methods for assessing the readiness of children for the learning process, a reference psychological profile of a child entering school is built, namely, the nomenclature and the degree of the necessary severity of cognitive properties that determine this readiness are determined. Moreover, such an image is not built by a psychologist, but by experts - primary school teachers who have extensive experience in teaching and who know well what properties are most needed.


Answer "0"

Answer "1"



"NECESSARY" -answer "2"

"Absolutely NECESSARY - the answer"3"

"?" - if the wording is not clear.

Note. When solving other problems related to the psychological support of the educational process, the rating scale can be supplemented with a negative part:

Answer "-1"

Answer "-2"

Answer "-3"




Thus, the scale becomes symmetrical seven-point and takes into account all possible options for the necessary degree of formation or inadmissibility of mental properties.

As a result of the survey, a reference profile of the applicant was obtained.

The second stage - the selection of methods of psychodiagnostic research

According to the obtained “ideal portrait”, psychodiagnostic methods were chosen to diagnose the level of development of the necessary properties. Note that when assessing the readiness of children for school in different schools, different sets of methods are used, the selection of which is determined either by the level of qualification of the psychologist or by the tests available. This approach, firstly, is simply incorrect and, secondly, does not allow comparing test results obtained in different schools. As a result, children who did not pass the competition to specialized schools (gymnasiums, lyceums, private schools, etc.) must be re-tested when they enter another school.

List of research methods.

1. Test "Choice of a paired figure" Kagan (diagnoses the ability to differentiate perception).

2.Correction test (children's version).

3. Method "Put down the badges" (diagnoses the distribution and switching of attention, learning).

4. Determining the amount of figurative memory.

5. Determination of the volume of direct memorization.

6.Method of pictograms.

7. Test "Image thinking".

8. Classification method (exclusion of an extra item).

9.Methodology "Analogies" (on verbal material).

10. Diagnosis of counting abilities (direct and reverse counting).

11. Methodology "Nonsense" (diagnostics of creativity).

12. Methodology "Yes and no do not speak" (diagnosis of the level of speech development).

13. Test for understanding grammatical structures.

14. Test "Sound analysis of words."

15. Graphic dictation.

16. Test "Choose the right person" (diagnosis of anxiety).

17. Bass-Darkey test (aggressiveness diagnostics).

The presented list is an optimized version obtained after eliminating a number of redundant methods.

The total testing time for one child was 45-55 minutes.

The test results were entered into a specially developed protocol. In it, the teacher who conducted the survey had to give his own assessment of the degree of readiness of the child for school (on a five-point scale).

A psychodiagnostic examination of applicants to the school makes it possible to build their individual psychological portraits.

The third stage is the processing of test results and the formation of homogeneous classes

To assess the closeness of the reference and real profiles of school applicants, the following indicators were used:

The S+ indicator is the total number of the difference between the scores of those properties of the real and reference profiles, according to which the child exceeded the required level.

Indicator S - the total number of the difference between the scores of those properties of the real and reference profiles, according to which the child did not reach the required level.

Indicator n is the number of properties for which the child has not reached the required level.

For each of the above indicators, each child is assigned the number of his place in the general list. The integral indicator is the average sum of seats occupied by each child. Having thus obtained the initial "balance of power", you can use the cluster analysis method to form groups of children with similar test results.

In the complex of issues that make up the main content of the problem of the child's psychological readiness for schooling, a special place is occupied by the definition of indicators of school readiness and the choice of means for diagnosing them.

The theoretical basis of the developed “Complex procedure for diagnosing school readiness” is the concept of the system genesis of the activity of Academician V.D. Shadrikov and the research of leading Russian psychologists and teachers: K.D. Ushinsky, L.S. Elkonin, A.P. Usova and others.

Thus, the general of the above, we note that:

physiological readiness for school is determined by the level of development of the main functional systems of the child's body and the state of his health. The assessment of the physiological readiness of children for systematic schooling is carried out by physicians according to standard criteria. When forming and diagnosing psychological readiness for school, it is necessary to take into account the level of physiological development, since the latter is the foundation of school performance.

Psychological readiness for school reflects the general level of development of the child and represents the readiness for a new educational activity for him and the readiness to master the knowledge and skills provided for by the school curriculum. The psychological structure of school readiness includes qualities related to all areas of the psyche: personality traits, knowledge and skills, cognitive, psychomotor and integral abilities.

In the process of learning, the child develops, and the initial level of readiness for learning also changes. The content and structure of the initial readiness for systematic schooling are determined by the characteristics of educational activities and the content of education in the first grade of the school.

When developing a diagnostic procedure and selecting diagnostic tools, first of all, the cost-effectiveness and reliability of the methods, their compliance with the age characteristics of children and the possibility of including kindergarten and primary school in the educational process are taken into account.

The diagnostic procedure includes 6 stages:

I. Preparatory stage (explanatory work with parents and caregivers, collecting information about children, planning diagnostics, getting to know children, questioning parents).

II. Group diagnostics (“Graphic dictation”, “Graphic test”, “School drawing”, sociometry).

III. Individual examination (test “10 words”, learning experiment, tests “Severity of synkinesis”, “4-odd”, “Ladder”, “Visual analysis”, expert evaluation).

IV. Processing the results, drawing up a psychodiagnostic conclusion, building an individual readiness profile, filling out a psychological and pedagogical characteristic.

V. Group and individual counseling for parents and teachers.

VI. Correctional and developmental work with children.

The psychodiagnostic procedure involves 12 methods, 4 of which are performed by a group method (the duration of the examination for each of them is 15-20 minutes), 6 - during an individual examination (the duration of the examination is 30-40 minutes), 2 - are carried out in the form of an expert assessment of the level development of this quality by the educators of the group. In addition, three more methods can be used (Kern-Jirasek Orientation Test of School Maturity, “Family Drawing”, Nezhnova’s standard conversation), when building an individual readiness profile, the results of these tests are not used, but can be useful for filling out characteristics and determining the optimal primary education program for this child.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, a psychodiagnostic conclusion and a forecast of the success of schooling are formulated, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child are filled in, an individual readiness profile is built, and an individual index of school readiness (IIG) is determined.

In the conditions of a kindergarten, the diagnosis of school readiness in one group takes four weeks, including group and individual consultations for parents and the construction of individual readiness profiles. At the same time, the load on a specialist conducting diagnostics is from 1 to 3 hours a day.

The complex nature of the methodology is due to a number of points:
the selected indicators of school readiness are basic qualities that characterize the general level of mental development, and allow you to get information about the holistic development of the child as an individual: about the nature of his activity, features of the personal-motivational sphere, cognitive and psychomotor abilities, knowledge and skills, about such complex integral qualities like learning ability, ability to accept a task, arbitrariness of activity; along with test assessments, the diagnostic procedure involves the use of an expert assessment of the level of development of the child by educators and parents, this increases the reliability and objectivity of the psychological diagnosis and the forecast of school performance; diagnostic results are the basis for an individual approach to teaching and raising children and planning group and individual correctional and developmental work in a single educational space "kindergarten - school".

Thus, we note that modern psychological and pedagogical data indicate that if by the time the child enters school he does not accumulate vivid impressions, useful and interesting information, he will not develop a need to find out the incomprehensible, to learn new things, he will not create a solid basis for mastering the system of scientific knowledge in school education.

Among the functions that the kindergarten performs in the system of public education, in addition to the comprehensive development of the child, a large place is occupied by the preparation of children for school. The success of his further education largely depends on how well and timely a preschooler is prepared. The timeliness of this work depends, in turn, on the competent timely diagnosis and correction of these phenomena.

Chapter 1 Conclusions

Readiness for schooling is a necessary and sufficient level of physical and mental development of a child for mastering the school curriculum in the conditions of learning in a peer group. Psychological readiness for school, associated with the successful start of education, determines the most favorable development options that require more or less corrective work.

A child entering school must also develop an aesthetic taste at the proper level, and here the primary role belongs to the family. The role of parents in preparing children for school is enormous: adult family members perform the functions of parents, educators, and teachers. However, not all parents in conditions of isolation from the preschool institution can provide a complete, comprehensive preparation of their child for schooling, mastering the school curriculum.

Among the functions that the kindergarten performs in the system of public education, in addition to the comprehensive development of the child, a large place is occupied by the preparation of children for school. The success of his further education largely depends on how well and timely a preschooler is prepared.

The applied methods of diagnosing psychological readiness should show the development of the child in all areas. At the same time, it should be remembered that when studying children in the transitional period from preschool to primary school age, the diagnostic scheme should include the diagnosis of both neoplasms of preschool age and the initial forms of activity of the next period. Readiness, which is measured by testing, essentially comes down to mastering the knowledge, skills, abilities and motivation necessary for the optimal development of the school curriculum. The child's readiness for schooling is determined by a systematic examination of the state of the intellectual, speech, emotional-volitional and motivational spheres.

Chapter 2 Study of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the child for schooling

2.1 Research highlights

The purpose of the study: to study the possibilities of using psychological and pedagogical methods to determine the readiness of a child for schooling.

Tasks of practical research:

· Based on the analysis of the literature, identify diagnostically significant parameters;

· Select diagnostic techniques to determine the selected parameters;

Conduct methods for preschool children;

Summarize findings.

To carry out the experimental part of our work, we studied a small team of preschoolers, consisting of 13 people in MDOU No. 451, a preparatory group. Of these, 7 boys (Yaroslav Ch., Vova V., Lesha K., Alexander K., Andrey K., Dima D., Pavel P.) and 6 girls (Yaroslava Ya., Yulia K., Olya Sh., Veronika Sh., Lera T., Nastya T.).

For 3 weeks, conversations were held with the teacher, observations of the children, and diagnostic methods were used.

The guys in the group are very different. Outwardly, the relationship between them looked prosperous, but in conversations, in the presence of classes, some alienation was noticeable, even the indifference of some children to others.

The girls were more responsive, willingly answered questions. The children were interested in the task with drawings.

Based on the research program, at the first stage, we conducted a study of the level of readiness of children for schooling. The study was conducted using a proven and valid set of techniques that allow us to judge all aspects of readiness (see Appendix 1). This study was conducted jointly with a psychologist at MDOU No. 451. The data obtained during the methods are presented in Table 1, where for convenience they are expressed in levels - high (B), above average (AC), average (C), below average (HC ), low (H).

Table 1

The level of readiness of children for schooling

Diagnostic criteria

Psychological processes

Motor skills


Personal readiness

General level of readiness




Yaroslav C.

Yaroslav Ya.

Andrew K.

Veronica Sh.

Alexander K.

The level of attention in children of the experimental group is at the average level - 84.6%, below the age norm - in 15.3%.

The memory of preschoolers is an important cognitive process. In the experimental group there are children with a sufficient level of memory development - a high level is observed in 30.1% of children; in 46.1% of cases, the level of memory development is average; 23.1% - below the norm.

The thinking of preschoolers is in the stage of intensive formation and the prevailing number of preschoolers corresponds to the norm (in 76.9%), in 23.1% the level of development of thinking is low.

Arbitrariness is not formed in 30.1% of children, at the average level of formation it is noted in 76.9%.

The level of development of motor skills is quite low - in 23.1% it corresponds to the average level, and in the rest of the children it is low, which is insufficient for children of this age.

In 23.1% of children, the motivation to study at school is not formed, it is at a low level; 61.5% have formed superficial motivation (average level, i.e. the school attracts more external aspects); 15.2% have formed motivation.

Personal readiness is also at an insufficient level: the average level of formation of personal readiness is predominant - in 76.9%, in 23.1% - a low level.

Summarizing the data, it can be noted that the average level of readiness for school education prevails in children, it was noted in 69% (9 people). In 23% (3 people) the level is low, in 8% (1 person) it is below average.

2.2 Recommendations to parents on improving the work of preparing children for schooling

Specialists distinguish between short-term and long-term memory, as well as types of memory depending on the nature of memorizing the material: motor, visual, verbal and logical. However, it is quite difficult to isolate them in their pure form and is possible only under artificial conditions, because. in real activity, including educational, they appear in unity or in certain combinations, for example: for the development of visual-motor and visual memory, it is necessary to organize the work of the child according to the model, which should be carried out in the following stages: first, the child works with constant visual based on the sample, then the time for examining the sample is gradually reduced by 15-20 seconds, depending on the complexity of the proposed work, but so that the child has time to examine and capture the sample. . It is advisable to carry out these types of exercises in such activities: drawing, modeling, writing off the board, working with a constructor, drawing patterns in cells. In addition, children are always happy to perform tasks of the following type: they are presented with some plot picture for a certain time, the content of which they must study in detail and then reproduce from memory. Then a similar picture is presented, in which any details are missing or, on the contrary, extra images appear. These differences should be caught by children.

For the development of verbal-motor memory, it is advisable to use the exercises given above for visual-motor memory, using a verbal description or instruction of the proposed activity instead of a visual sample. For example, you ask the child to complete the proposed task with the help of the constructor without referring to the sample, but from memory: to reproduce a drawing according to a verbal description, etc.

You read a set of words (10-15) to the child, which can be divided into groups according to various characteristics (dishes, clothes, animals, etc.), and then ask him to name the words that he remembered.

The nature of the reproduction will indicate how well the child's generalization mechanisms are formed, which are the basis for the development of logical memory.

Complicating the task, you can offer children to memorize a story with clearly defined semantic blocks.

As noted above, for children 6-7 years old, it is more natural to memorize such material that is included in the game activity. Therefore, when working with the tasks proposed above, it is advisable to use game techniques, for example, including story games about scouts, astronauts, businessmen, etc.

By the time of entering school, a child of 6-7 years old should already have formed visual-active thinking, which is the necessary basic education for the development of visual-figurative thinking, which forms the basis of successful education in elementary school. In addition, children of this age should have elements of logical thinking. Thus, at this age stage, the child develops different types of thinking that contribute to the successful mastery of the curriculum.

For the development of visual-effective thinking, the most effective way is object-tool activity, which is most fully embodied in the activity of design.

The following types of tasks contribute to the development of visual-figurative thinking: the above-described work with designers, but not according to a visual model, but according to verbal instructions, as well as according to the child’s own plan, when he must first come up with a design object, and then independently implement it.

The development of the same type of thinking is achieved by including children in various plot-role-playing and directing games, in which the child himself invents the plot and independently embodies it.

The following exercises will provide invaluable assistance in the development of logical thinking:

a) "The fourth extra": the task involves the exclusion of one item that does not have some feature common to the other three.

b) inventing the missing parts of the story when one of them is missing (the beginning of the event, the middle or the end). Along with the development of logical thinking, the compilation of stories is extremely important for the development of the child's speech, enriching his vocabulary, stimulates imagination and fantasy.

Exercises with matches or sticks (lay out a figure from a certain number of matches, transfer one of them in order to get a different image: connect several dots with one line without lifting your hand) also help develop spatial thinking.

As practice shows, children of 6-7 years old who come to school, unfortunately, have an extremely low level of development of motor skills, which is very clearly manifested in the inability to draw a straight line, write a printed letter according to a model, cut it out of paper and carefully paste, draw. It often turns out that coordination and accuracy of movements are not formed in children of this age, many children do not control their bodies.

Numerous psychological studies show that there is a direct relationship between the development of these skills and the level of general mental and intellectual development of the child.

As exercises for the development of motor skills, the following tasks can be offered:

a) draw a simple pattern (Figure 1)

b) play the game "difficult turns". The game begins with the fact that you draw paths of various shapes, at one end of which is a car, and at the other - a house (Figure 2). Then tell the child: "You are the driver and you need to drive your car to the house. The road you will take is not easy. Therefore, be careful and careful." The child must use a pencil, without taking his hands off, to "drive" along the bends of the tracks.

To develop such motor skills, there are many different exercises and games. This is primarily work with designers, drawing, modeling, laying out mosaics, appliqué, cutting.

In order to develop overall coordination and accuracy of movements, the following games and competitions can be offered to children:

a) the game "Edible-inedible", as well as any games and exercises with the ball;

b) the game "Mirror": the child is invited to be a mirror and repeat all the movements of an adult (both individual movements and their sequence); the role of the leader can be transferred to the child, who himself comes up with the movements;

c) playing "Tir": hitting the target with various objects (ball, arrows, rings, etc.). This exercise contributes to the development of not only coordination of movements and their accuracy, but also the eye.

Developed phonemic hearing is a necessary prerequisite for a child's successful mastery of reading and writing, and in general serves as an indispensable condition for teaching literacy. Therefore, early diagnosis of the formation of phonemic hearing is necessary for the timely elimination of its possible defects.

As a rule, this diagnostic function is performed by a speech therapist. Therefore, if any violations of phonemic hearing are detected in a child, all subsequent corrective work should be carried out in close cooperation with specialists in this field.

One of the main indicators of a child's readiness for school is the development of his volitionality, which ensures the full functioning of all mental functions and behavior in general.

Children with insufficiently formed voluntariness are worse included in the learning process, and even with a normal level of intellectual development, such students can fall into the group of underachievers. Therefore, it is advisable to pay special attention to the development of arbitrariness.

The development of arbitrariness is a multicomponent process that requires the mandatory formation of an integral system of conscious self-regulation.

The most effective activity for the development of arbitrariness is productive activity, primarily design.

The first stage in the formation of arbitrariness is learning to work according to the model. Getting started, you must first ask the child to carefully consider, study the house, which he must assemble from the cubes on his own. After that, the adult percentage of the child will start building and observe the nature and sequence of this work.

If the child makes mistakes during assembly, then with him it is necessary to analyze the reasons that led to design errors and then ask the child to make the necessary adjustments.

Designing according to a visual model is the first stage in the formation of arbitrariness. Further improvement of arbitrary self-regulation is carried out by purposefully complicating the conditions of activity. At the next stage, the child is offered a similar job, in which not a real building, but a drawing of a house will serve as a model. In this case, two options for the image are possible:

a) complete, when the schematic drawing shows all the parts forming the building;

b) contour - without detailing.

The subsequent complication involves designing according to a verbal description, and then according to one's own plan. In the latter case, the child, before starting work, must describe in detail the features of the intended building.

One of the most common exercises for the development of arbitrariness, as close as possible to the condition of educational activity, is the "Graphic Dictation", which involves two conditions for completing the task:

1) the child is offered a sample of a geometric pattern made on checkered paper; the child is asked to reproduce the proposed sample and independently continue exactly the same drawing (Figure 3)

2) a similar work is proposed to be performed by ear, when an adult dictates a sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their direction (right to left, up - down)

With an insufficient stock of knowledge, it is very important to stimulate the child's interest in the environment, to fix his attention on what he sees on a walk, during excursions. It is necessary to teach him to talk about his ideas, such stories must be listened to with interest, even if they are monosyllabic and inconsistent. It is useful to ask additional questions, try to get a more detailed and detailed story. We advise parents to read children's books to their children more often, take them to the cinema, and discuss what they have read and seen with them.

If a positive attitude towards school is not formed, it is necessary to give the child as much attention as possible. Communication with him should be built not in school, but in preschool form. It should be direct, emotional. Such a student cannot be strictly required to comply with the rules of school life, he cannot be scolded and punished for their violations. This can lead to the manifestation of a persistent negative attitude towards the school, teacher, teaching. It is necessary to wait until the child himself, observing other children, comes to a correct understanding of his position and the requirements for behavior arising from it.

To increase the level of development of thinking and speech, the participation of the child in collective games after school hours is very important. It is necessary to more often entrust him with the performance of roles that require the adoption of any decisions, active verbal communication with other children.

No need to try to "train" the child to perform in the understanding of tasks such as those given in the methods. This will give only the appearance of success, and when faced with any new task for him, he will be as worthless as before.

With a "low" level of development of thinking and speech, it is necessary from the very beginning of training additional individual tasks aimed at a more complete assimilation of the curriculum. It will be more difficult to close the resulting gaps in the future. It is useful to increase the volume of propaedeutic knowledge (especially in mathematics). At the same time, there is no need to rush to develop skills: work on understanding the material, and not on the speed, accuracy and accuracy of answering questions or performing any actions.

An insufficient level of development of figurative representations is one of the frequent causes of learning difficulties not only for 6-7 year old children, but also much later (up to the senior classes). At the same time, the period of their most intensive formation falls on preschool and the beginning of primary school age.

Therefore, if a child entering school has shortcomings in this area, then they should be compensated as soon as possible.

Figurative and constructive activity is extremely important for the development of figurative representations. It is necessary to stimulate drawing, sculpting, appliqué, construction from building material and various structures during extracurricular time. It is useful to give similar homework: draw a picture, assemble a simple model for a constructor, etc. In the selection of tasks, you can rely on the "Kindergarten Education Program".

It is very important to instill in the child self-confidence, to prevent the occurrence of low self-esteem. To do this, you need to praise him more often, in no case scold him for his mistakes, but only show how to correct them in order to improve the result.

With an insufficient level of development of small movements, the same types of activity are useful as for the development of figurative representations (graphic, constructive). You can string beads, fasten and unfasten buttons, buttons, hooks (these actions are willingly performed by children while playing with a doll: undressing her before "putting to bed", dressing for a "walk", etc.)

For the development of large movements, it is important to achieve an increase in motor activity. There is no need to involve the child in participating in sports competitions - failures can finally scare him away from physical education. In this case, classes that do not contain competitive elements are much more useful: physical exercises, comic games like "Loaf", "Baba sowed peas", etc. Parents should often play ball with their child, go skiing together, etc. Swimming lessons are very helpful.

Chapter 2 Conclusions

The purpose of the study: to study the possibilities of using psychological and pedagogical methods to determine the readiness of a child for schooling.

To carry out the experimental part of our work, we studied a small team of preschoolers, consisting of 13 people in MDOU No. 451, a preparatory group. For 3 weeks, conversations were held with the teacher, observations of the children, and diagnostic methods were used.

Diagnostics of the readiness of preschool children for schooling - as a diagnostic tool, a set of methods was used, carried out by a psychologist of MDOU No. 451.

Based on the research program, at the first stage, we conducted a study of the level of readiness of children for schooling. The study was conducted using a proven and valid set of techniques that allow us to judge all aspects of readiness (see Appendix 1). Summarizing the data, it can be noted that the average level of readiness for school education prevails in children, it was noted in 69% (9 people). In 23% (3 people) the level is low, in 8% (1 person) it is below average.

In order to effectively prepare a child for schooling, we have proposed recommendations to parents on organizing the preparation of children at home.


Preparing a child for school is an important step in the upbringing and education of a preschooler in kindergarten and in the family. Its content is determined by the system of requirements that the school makes to the child. These requirements are the need for a responsible attitude to school and study, arbitrary control of one's behavior, performance of mental work that ensures the conscious assimilation of knowledge, and the establishment of relationships with adults and peers determined by joint activities.

The qualities required by a schoolchild cannot develop outside the process of schooling. Proceeding from this, the psychological readiness for school lies in the fact that the preschooler masters the prerequisites for their next assimilation. The task of identifying the content of psychological readiness for school is the task of establishing the prerequisites for the actual “school” psychological qualities that can and should be formed in a child by the time they enter school.

The formation of the qualities necessary for the future student is helped by a system of pedagogical influences based on the correct orientation of children's activities and the pedagogical process as a whole.

Only the combined efforts of educators, teachers, and parents can ensure the comprehensive development of the child and its proper preparation for school. The family is the first and most important environment for the development of the child, however, the personality of the child is also formed and developed in the preschool institution. In practice, the unity of the influences of the family and the kindergarten affects the development of the child best of all.

To achieve this goal, we studied and analyzed the literature on the research topic. The main sources were of a psychological nature and revealed the essence of the process of a child's readiness for schooling.

We have determined the meaning of the concept of "readiness for schooling", by which we mean the necessary and sufficient level of physical and mental development of the child for mastering the school curriculum in the conditions of learning in a group of peers. Psychological readiness for school, associated with the successful start of education, determines the most favorable development options that require more or less corrective work.

In the course of the work, the family and the preschool educational institution were identified and characterized as factors influencing the preparation of the child for school.

In accordance with the topic and purpose of the work, we identified the goals and objectives of the experimental work, and conducted an empirical study on this topic. As part of this study, recommendations were developed and offered to parents on how to improve work with children in the process of preparing them for schooling.

Thus, having realized all the tasks set by us, we fulfilled the goal of the work.

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Methods and methods for determining a child's readiness for schooling



Practical – Actionable Thinking

PURPOSE: assessment of visual-motor coordination, the level of practical-effective thinking.

EQUIPMENT: test form, felt-tip pen, stopwatch.

INSTRUCTIONS: There is a piece of paper in front of you. Imagine that the circles are bumps in the swamp, help the hare run through these bumps so as not to drown in the swamp. You need to put dots in the middle of the circles (the experimenter shows in his place that the dot is put with one touch of the felt-tip pen). The hare must run through the swamp in half a minute. When I say “stop”, you need to stop. How many times can you touch the circle? How should the dots be placed? (That's right, start).

PROCEDURE: Work can be organized both individually and in a group of 3-4 people. It lasts 30 seconds until the command “stop”!

PROCESSING: The total number of points set in 30 seconds and the number of errors are taken into account. Errors are points outside the circles, points that fall on the circle. The task success rate is calculated:

n – n I , where n is the number of points in 30 seconds;

The coefficient determines the level of success of the task:

II - 0.99 - 0.76

III - 0.75 - 0.51

IV - 0.50 - 0.26

V - 0.25 - 0


Age of task …………….

Children's institution




PURPOSE: to determine the level of development of the classification operation at the non-verbal level.

EQUIPMENT: 5 cards depicting a set of 4 items, one of which cannot be generalized with the others according to an essential feature common to it, that is, “superfluous”.

INSTRUCTIONS: Look carefully at the picture. What item is missing here? What object turned out to be here by chance, by mistake, what are objects called in one word?

PROCEDURE: the subject is offered 5 cards of various subjects in turn.

Card "Vegetables-Fruits": apple, pear, carrot, plum.

Card "Toys and educational things": car, pyramid, doll, satchel.

Card “Clothes-shoes”: coat, sandals, shorts, T-shirt.

Card "Domestic - wild animals": chicken, pig, cow, fox.

Map "Animals and technical vehicles": bus, motorcycle, car, horse.

PROCESSING: the correctness of the generalization is evaluated and the presence or absence of a classification is the name of the generalizing word.

Each correctly completed task is evaluated in points:

generalization on an essential basis - 2 points;

the use of a generalizing word - 1 point.

The maximum number of points is 15.

There are 3 conditional levels of formation of generalization:

– high-15 -12 points

––average - 11-6 points

– low 0 – 5 points or less


Last name, first name Performance level

Age of task …………….

Children's institution

Final score in points: ___________________________________________

Task performance level I ______ II ______ III ______ IV ______ V ____

(circle as appropriate)



(according to J. Jirasek)

PURPOSE: determining the level of verbal thinking, the ability to think logically and answer questions.

EQUIPMENT: test form for determining the level of “Verbal thinking”.

INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: Please answer me a few questions.

SURVEY PROCEDURE: the subject is asked questions, the answers to which are evaluated on a scale.


Level I - 24 or more - very high

II level - from 14 - 23 - high

III level - from 0 -13 - medium

IV level – (- 1) – (-10) - low

Level V - (-11) or less - very low


Need to circle the number

Move points to the right column

Correct answer

Incorrect answer

Other answers

Which animal is bigger: a horse or a dog?

We have breakfast in the morning, what about in the afternoon?

Light during the day, but at night?

The sky is blue, but the grass?

Apples, pears, plums, peaches - what's that?

What is: Moscow, Kaluga, Bryansk, Tula, Stavropol?

Stations 0

Football, swimming, hockey, volleyball...

Sports, physical education +3

Games, exercise. +2

Is the little cow a calf? A small dog is...? Little horse?

Puppy, foal +4

Someone one puppy or foal 0

Why do all cars have brakes?

2 of the following reasons: braking downhill, on a curve, stopping in case of danger of a collision, after finishing a ride +1

One reason given

How are hammer and ax similar to each other?

2 common traits +3

Named one attribute +2

What is the difference between a nail and a screw?

Screw thread +3

The screw is screwed, and the nail is hammered, the screw has a nut +2

Is the dog more like a cat or a chicken? How? What do they have the same?

For a cat (with highlighting similarity features) 0

For chicken - 3

For a cat (without highlighting signs of similarity) - 1

How are squirrels and cats similar?

2 signs +3

1 sign +2

What vehicles do you know?

3 means: ground, water, air, etc. +4

Nothing is named or incorrect 0

3 ground assets +2

What is the difference between a young person and an old one?

3 signs +4

1-2 signs +2


Surname Performance level

Age of task …………….

Children's institution



PURPOSE: to determine the level of development of the criticality of cognitive activity.

EQUIPMENT: picture with ridiculous situations.

INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: look carefully and tell what is incorrectly drawn in the picture.

EXAMINATION PROCEDURE: the subject examines the picture for 30 seconds and names those ridiculous situations that he finds (10 in total).

PROCESSING: One point is given for each absurdity identified.

SCALE EVALUATION: allows you to highlight the following levels of critical thinking:

High - 10 - 9.8

Medium - - 7.6 - 5.4

Low - 3 or less.


Last name, first name Performance level

Age of task …………….

Children's institution



PURPOSE: identifying the features of establishing cause-and-effect relationships between objects and events, studying the state of oral and connected speech, as well as the relationship between the level of development of thinking and speech.

EQUIPMENT: 5 plot-related pictures.

INSTRUCTION AND PROCEDURE: pictures are laid out in front of the child in the order when the sequence of the storyline is broken: 2,3,1,5,6,4. It is proposed to decompose the pictures in accordance with the logic of the development of the storyline: "Put the pictures in order." The subject performs the task, the experimenter fixes the features of his activity, according to which the child can be assigned to one of 5 levels.


I level - laid out without errors, without additional and corrective actions.

II level - made one amendment.

III level - made 2 amendments.

IV level - made one mistake.

Level V - laid out the pictures without establishing a logical sequence or refused to complete the task.

In case of refusal, a conversation is conducted on the pictures. The story or conversation is completely recorded and then analyzed, after which the level of development of the child's coherent speech is determined.


I level - a complete coherent description of the events in the story.

II level - insufficiently complete, but coherent description in the story.

III level - insufficiently complete, but coherent description in the story or incorrect answers to the experimenter's questions.

IV level - enumeration of objects, actions, qualities.

Level V - enumeration of items.

FINAL PROCESSING: levels of understanding of the plot and levels of description by means of speech are correlated:

a) match;

b) do not match.

If the levels do not match, their numbers are added up and divided in half, for example: the child’s activity in establishing cause-and-effect relationships (adding pictures in a logical sequence) is assessed as an activity of level I, and activity in describing events is level II, which means that the child is at an intermediate level 1.5.

CONCLUSION: the development of thinking is ahead of the development of the speech function (either coincides or lags behind). Next, the presence - the absence of a violation of the child's speech is outlined.


Last name, first name Performance level

Children's institution


Conclusion on the state of speech

No sound pronunciation disorders

Rhinolalia yes no

Stuttering yes no

Violation of the tempo of speech and rhythm yes no

General underdevelopment of speech yes no

speech therapist yes no

(Underline whatever applicable)



PURPOSE: to determine the volume of involuntary visual memory.

EQUIPMENT: a set of 10 pictures.

1. Fish 6. Sledge

2. Bucket 7. Tree

3. Doll 8. Cup

4. Hammer 9. Clock

5. Briefcase 10. TV

INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: now I will show you the pictures, and you say what is drawn on them.

EXAMINATION PROCEDURE: pictures are presented one at a time and laid out in front of the subject in a row (approximately one picture per second). After the picture is laid out, the experimenter waits another second and selects the stimulus material. The subject must name what was drawn in the picture. The playback order does not matter. The protocol records the fact of the correct reproduction of pictures.

PROCESSING: One point is awarded for each correct title reproduced.


Level I - 10 correct names (10 points)

II level - 9-8

III level - 7-6

IV level - 5-4

Level V - 3 or less


Last name, first name Performance level

Job age ........................

Children's institution



PURPOSE: determination of the volume of arbitrary visual memorization

EQUIPMENT: set of 10 cards

1. Ball 6. Hat

2. Apple 7. Matryoshka

3. Mushroom 8. Chicken

4. Carrot 9. Poppy

5. Butterfly 10. Truck

INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: now I will show you pictures, you say what is drawn on them, and try to remember them.

EXAMINATION PROCEDURE: pictures are presented one at a time and laid out in front of the subject in a row (approximately one picture per second). After the last picture is posted, the experimenter waits another second and removes the stimulus material. The subject must reproduce the entire set of pictures at the verbal level, i.e. name the items shown.

The playback order does not matter. Each correctly reproduced picture is recorded in the protocol.

PROCESSING: for each correctly reproduced name, one point is given.


Level I - 10 correct names (points)

II level - 9.8

Level III - 7.6

IV level - 5.4

Level V - 3 or less


Last name, first name Performance level

Job age ........................

Children's institution

Correctly reproduced names are circled.



PURPOSE: determination of the volume of direct memorization of verbal material.

EQUIPMENT: set of 10 words

1. House 6. Milk

2. Sun 7. Table

3. Crow 8. Snow

4. Clock 9. Window

5. Pencil 10. Book

INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: now I will read (name) a few words to you, and you try to remember them and then repeat them.

EXAMINATION PROCEDURE: words are called at a slow pace (approximately one word per second), a set of words is presented once and clearly. Then the words are immediately reproduced by the subject. The playback order does not matter. Correctly and accurately reproduced words are recorded in the protocol.

PROCESSING: one point is given for each correctly reproduced word. Changing the word is considered a mistake (the sun is the sun, the window is a window).


I level - 10 points (10 correctly reproduced words).

II level - 9-8

III level - 7-6

IV level - 5-4

Level V - 3 or less


Last name, first name Performance level

Job age ........................

Children's institution

Correctly reproduced words are circled.

Sum of points



PHONEMATIC HEARING (according to N.V. Nechaeva)

PURPOSE: to determine the level of development of phonemic analysis and the ability to transcode a sound code into a sound system.

EQUIPMENT: sheet of paper, pen (pencil).

INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: now we will try to write down a few words, but not in letters, but in circles. How many sounds in a word, so many circles.

EXAMPLE: the word soup. We draw circles. We check.

EXAMINATION PROCEDURE: the subject draws circles under the dictation of the experimenter on a piece of paper.

SET OF WORDS: ay, hand, juice, star, spring.

PROCESSING: if the job is done correctly, the entry should be as follows:


Level I - all schemes are completed correctly

II level - 4 schemes are executed correctly

III level - 3 schemes are executed correctly

IV level - 2 schemes are executed correctly

Level V - all schemes are executed incorrectly



(Modification of the Luscher-Dorofeeva color test)

PURPOSE: to determine the emotional status of the child by the functional state of the child.

EQUIPMENT: 3 envelopes with three identical sets of 3x3 cm squares in red, blue and green. A standard sheet of typewritten paper or white cardstock as a flatbed.

INSTRUCTION AND PROCEDURE: The subject lays out the colored squares on a white tablet in any order.

The task is performed 3 times in a row.

Testing is carried out 5 times in 3 days.

1. The experimenter takes any of the envelopes with squares.

Put the squares next to each other. First, lay down the square of the color you like best.

Then put a square in the color you like too.

Now put the last square.

2. The next envelope is taken.

Now lay it all out the way you want.

Line 2 is filled in the protocol. Squares are removed.

3. The last envelope is taken.

Now unfold these squares.

Line 3 is filled in the protocol.

The actions of the child are recorded in the protocol, for example:

Testing time is not more than 1 minute.

PROCESSING: 3 rows of numbers are shown in the protocol. Analysis and interpretation of the results are carried out according to the table according to the second numerical series (in our example it is: 3,2,1), since the choice of the first row may be associated with the child's orienting reaction, and the third - with adaptation.

The repeatability of functional states may indicate their structure, they are differentiated by levels.

Repeatable states

Sustainability level

The following scheme is proposed for the interpretation of functional states:




Results of the first survey




Results of the second survey


No. No. Red (R) Blue (C) Green (G)





Functional state (on the II row): _________________________________________________________________

Results of the third survey


No. No. Red (R) Blue (C) Green (G)





Color formula (on the II row): _________________________________________________________________

Functional state (on the II row): _________________________________________________________________

Results of the fourth survey


No. No. Red (R) Blue (C) Green (G)





Color formula (on the II row): ________________________________________________________________

Functional state (on the II row): ________________________________________________________________

Results of the fifth survey


No. No. Red (R) Blue (C) Green (G)





Color formula (on the II row): ________________________________________________________________

Functional state (on the II row): _________________________________________________________________


Circle the largest number.

volitional regulation



PURPOSE: determination of the level of volitional regulation in the structure of monotonous activity.

EQUIPMENT: a test form, on which the outlines of 15 circles the size of a one-kopeck coin are drawn in one row, a felt-tip pen.

INSTRUCTIONS: paint over these circles carefully, without going beyond the outline.

PROCEDURE: -How to work? - Carefully. - Start!

In an individual examination, work ends as soon as the child begins to show negligence or refuses to work.

In group organization, you can ask to paint over all the circles, but when processing the results, take into account those that preceded the first, carelessly painted over.

PROCESSING: I neatly filled circle - 1 point. The maximum number of points is 15.

There are 5 levels of volitional regulation:

I - 15 points

II - 14-11 points

III - 10-7 points

IV - 6-4 points

V - 3 or less points


Last name, first name Performance level

Children's institution



(Modification of the Ozeretskov method)

PURPOSE: study of fatigue, workability, concentration.

EQUIPMENT: two tables with test objects: geometric shapes (signs), stopwatch.

INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: cross out the circles in each line with one line from top to bottom. Work quickly and carefully, try not to miss. You make one line, go to the second and so on. until you complete all the tasks.

EXAMINATION PROCEDURE: on the first table, every two minutes, the experimenter marks with a line on the sheet the number of characters viewed. The time to complete the entire task is fixed - 8 minutes.

At the end of the experimental day, according to the second table, two minutes are given to perform a similar task to determine the degree of fatigue of the subject.

PROCESSING: the number of missing and incorrectly crossed out characters is fixed; time spent on the task for every 2 minutes and in total.

The work productivity coefficient is calculated by the formula:

where is the number of all scanned characters;

The number of correctly crossed out characters;

The number of missing or incorrectly crossed out characters.


(according to Kern - J. Irasek)

OBJECTIVES: determination of the formation of general ideas as the degree of preparedness for schooling and predicting school performance;

identification of the level of development of fine motor skills of hands, visual-motor coordination, general intellectual development, perseverance.

EQUIPMENT: two test tasks, a pen or pencil.

INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: now you will perform several tasks, try to do everything carefully and carefully.

EXAMINATION PROCEDURE: on the form it is possible to draw independently and a sample of 2 tasks:




The result of each task is evaluated according to a 5-level system.


INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: draw a person. After the instructions for the assignment, no explanation, assistance or drawing attention to shortcomings and errors is allowed.

EVALUATION of the child's drawing.

Level I - the drawn figure must have a head, torso, limbs. The head joins the neck and should not be larger than the body. There is hair on the head (they can be covered with a headdress), ears. The face should have eyes, a mouth, a nose. Hands should end with a five-fingered hand. The legs are bent at the bottom. The figure must have clothes. The figure must be drawn in a contour way without separate parts.

II level - fulfillment of all the requirements listed above, in the absence of a neck, hair, one finger, the presence of a synthetic method of drawing (all parts separately).

III level - the figure has a head, torso, limbs. Arms or legs, or both, are drawn with two lines. The absence of a neck, hair, ears, clothes, fingers, feet is allowed.

IV level - a primitive drawing with a head and a body. The limbs are drawn with only one line each.

Level V - there is no clear image of the torso or only the head and legs are drawn. Scribble.


Last name, first name Performance level

The age of knowledge...................

Children's institution


INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: look and write below what is written here. Try to write the same.

EVALUATION of task performance:

I level - well, legibly copied sample. The size of the letters exceeds the size of the sample letters by no more than 2 times. The first letter is the same height as the capital letter. The letters are clearly connected in two words, the copied phrase deviates from the horizontal by no more than 30 degrees.

II level - the sample is legibly copied, but the size of the letters and the observance of the horizontal line are not taken into account.

III level - a clear breakdown into two parts; you can understand at least 4 letters of the sample.

IV level - 2 letters match the sample; the inscription line is observed.

V level - doodle.


Last name, first name Performance level

The age of knowledge...................

Children's institution


INSTRUCTION TO THE SUBJECT: dots are drawn here. Draw them on the right as well.

EVALUATION of the results of the assignment:

I level - points are correctly copied. A slight deviation of one point from a line or column is allowed; reduction of the sample and its increase by no more than twice. The drawing must be parallel to the pattern.

II level - the number and arrangement of points corresponds to the sample. You can ignore the deviation of no more than three points by half the gap between the lines.

Level III - the drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, not exceeding its width and height by more than twice. The number of points may not correspond to the sample, but they should not be more than 20 and less than 7. Any turn is allowed, even 180 degrees.

IV level - the contour of the picture does not match the sample, but consists of dots. Sample dimensions and number of points are not respected.

V level - doodle.


Last name, first name Performance level

The age of knowledge...................

Children's institution



(Diagnostic conversation)

EQUIPMENT: test protocol form

What is your name?

State your last name.

Oh what an adult you are!

Are you going to school soon?

1. Do you want to study?

2. Why (want or not)?

3. Where do you want to study?

4. When will you go to school?

5. How do you prepare for school? Tell.

6. Who will teach you?

7. What will the teacher teach you?

8. What will you do at home when you become a schoolboy?

9. Who will help you study at home?

10. Who will you help at school?

11. Do you like being praised?

12. Who will praise you when you become a schoolboy?

13. What will you need to do to be praised?

14. How do you want to study?

15. How will you behave at school? Tell.

The following table is suggested for interpreting the results:


As a result of the survey, it should be noted:

The main violations in the mental development of the child;

The main preserved core features of the child's personality;

The peculiarity of the mental development of the child's personality and his individual capabilities;

Leading correctional and health-improving conditions for the development of safely psycho-physiological functions;

Perspective psychological and pedagogical possibilities of social correction and integration of the child's personality.

Speech disorders are fixed during the examination of the child.
