Correction-developing tasks.

1. Teach the child to determine the direction of sound in space.

2. Prepare the child for the assimilation of the sound-syllabic series by forming spatio-temporal representations.

3. Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sounds [M] and [M "], differentiate sounds by ear and in pronunciation.

4. Introduce the concepts: “consonant sound”, “hard (soft) consonant sound” into the child’s passive and active dictionary.

5. Learn to determine the place of sounds [M], [M "] at the beginning, middle and end of words.

6. Learn to analyze syllables like AM, MA.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise "Go to the sound" (development of auditory attention).

The adult blindfolds the child and rings the bell himself. The child should go to the sound of the bell.

Task 2. Didactic exercise "Before - between - after".

An adult invites the child to remember what seasons, months, days of the week he remembers; asks to say them in order. Then the adult asks questions: what is the first month of the year? last? before March? after March? between June and August? (Similarly, the game is played on the material of the days of the week, seasons.)

Task 3. Acquaintance with the sound [M].

The adult invites the child to guess the riddle and answer the question:

Hungry - mooing

Satiated - chews,

Gives milk to all children. (Cow)

"How does a cow moo?" - "MMM..."

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [M]: when we pronounce the sound [M]:

Sponges are closed without tension;

Air exits through the nose;

The neck "works".

The adult shows the child the sound symbol [M]: the cow lows: MMM...,

then he explains that the sound [M] cannot be sung, because the sponges create a barrier to the air. This sound is a consonant, solid, sonorous (the neck “works”), so we denote the sound [M] with a blue circle with a bell. Thus the child learns characteristic sound [M].

Task 4. phonetic exercise.

The cow lows: MMMMMMMMMMM... (after the adult, pronounce the sound [M] for a long time).

Task 5. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands"

An adult pronounces a series of sounds, syllables, words and asks the child to clap his hands if he hears the sound [M] (in isolation, in syllables, in words):

m, a, y, m, m, and; am, ar, or, om, ma, mu, ka, sa, we;

poppy, Olya, fly, house, soup, flour;

Task 6. An adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat the syllables, while the child should feel the closing of the lips when pronouncing the sound [M]:

ma, mo, mu, we; am, om, mind, im.

Task 7. The adult invites the child to repeat the syllable series:

ma-mo, ma-we, mu-ma, mu-we; um-um, um-im, um-um, om-im.

Task 8. An adult pronounces words, highlighting the sound [M] in them with his voice, and the child names the same first (last) sound in words:

poppy, fly, car, soap; house, catfish, com, scrap.

Task 9. The child is invited to choose from a number of drawn objects those in the name of which the sound [M] is:

at the beginning of words: poppy, fly, mask, brand;

at the end of words: house, catfish, album;

in the middle of words: bag, plane, lamp.

To determine the place of the sound [M] in a word, it is recommended to use a card and a blue circle with a bell.

Task 10. Remember with your child:

months of the year, in the name of which there is a sound [M] (March, May);

season, in the name of which there is a sound [M] (winter).

Task 11. Finish sentences (coordination of pronouns with nouns):

This is my ... (hat). This is my home). This is my ... (coat). These are my books).

Task 12. Acquaintance with the sound [M "].

An adult asks a child a question: “What is the name of a baby cow?” - Calf.

An adult draws the attention of the child to the fact that the calf is small, he hums: mum ...

Then he introduces the child to the sound symbol [M "]: the calf mooing: mum ..., X characteristicssound: consonant, soft, voiced, and designation: green circle with a bell.

Task 13. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [M"]":

m, a, y, m, and, m; me, ka, pa, mi, ki, me;

ball, soup, bowl, Misha, peace, crow.

Task 14. The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables:

me-me, mi-mu...; um-om, um-im...

Task 15. An adult asks the child to list pictures whose names begin with the sound [M "]:

ball, bowl, bear, chalk, subway, month.

Picture Games: "What's gone?"(the child closes his eyes, the adult removes the picture. The child must remember the name of the picture that was removed.)

"What changed?"(the child closes his eyes, the adult changes the pictures in places. The child must remember and howl to form the initial row of pictures.)

Task 16. Differentiation of sounds [M] - [M "]. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [M]":

m, m, m, m ...; ma, me, mi, mu...;am, om...; ball, fly, poppy, Misha...,

Didactic exercise “Say the other way around” (ball game: an adult pronounces a syllable with a hard consonant sound [M], while throwing the ball to the child. The child catches the ball, pronounces a syllable with a soft consonant sound, returning the ball to an adult, etc.):

ma-me, mo-..., mu-..., we-...; me-ma, mi-..., mu-..., me-...

Task 17. The child is invited to choose among the names those that begin with the sound [M] ():

Misha, Mark, Marina, Miron...

Paste in a notebook pictures with images of objects whose names begin with the sounds [M] and. (At the end of the lesson on the topic, the adult invites the child to remember which pictures he pasted into his notebook.)

Task 18. Didactic exercise "Say the word, name the first sound in the word."

Underground, in a closet

She lives in a mink

Gray baby.

Who is it?., (mouse)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

It's a forest animal... (bear)

Guess riddles, name the first sound in the riddle:

Sleeping in winter

In the summer - the hives stir. (Bear)

No arms, no legs

And he knows how to draw. (Freezing)

A girl sits in a dungeon

And the spit is on the street. ( Carrot)

Flying all day

Everyone gets bored

The night will come

Then it will stop. (Fly)

Learn vocabulary:

Ma-ma-ma - I'm at home by myself.

Mu-mu-mu - milk to whom?

Mo-mo-mo - eat popsicle.

We-we-we - we read the book.

Mi-mi-mi - sing the note mi.

Me-me-me - give me some weed.

Task 19. An adult pronounces a couple of words and asks the child to determine what the first sound is in these words, and then make a sentence with each word:

mouse - bear; soap - Mila; small - crumpled.

Task 20. Exercise for fingers and development of coordination of speech with movements:

We wrote, we wrote, -

And now everyone stood up together

They stomped their feet,

They clapped their hands.

Perform appropriate movements.

We wrote, we wrote, - Rhythmically squeeze your fingers into fists.

Our fingers are tired.

We'll take a little rest

And let's start writing again.

Task 20. Introduction to the letter M.

Letter M with two humps

Like a camel - see for yourself!

O. Hoffman

What does the letter M look like? The letter M from the fingers: close the tips of the index fingers, lower them down along with the middle fingers, and squeeze the rest into a fist.

Letter games.

Task 21. Syllable analysis: AM, MA. Drawing diagrams from circles. (The consonant is a blue circle with a bell, the vowel is a red circle.)

Composition of the letters of the split alphabet of syllables AM, MA. Reading, copying, writing in block letters from dictation.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution"Kindergarten" Alyonka "Soviet"

Abstract directly educational activities in preparation for literacy

Topic: " Acquaintance with consonant sounds [M] and [M "] and the letter "M"

in preparatory school group No. 12 "Rainbow"

Educator: Postovalova E.A.


October 2014

OO integration:

Target : introduce children to consonant sounds [M] and [M "] and the letter (M);

Educational tasks:

Characterization of sound using circuits;

Exercise in distinguishing hard - soft consonants in syllables, words;

Improve phonemic hearing (determine the place of sound in a word); selection of a given sound from the stream of sounds;

Strengthen the ability to answer questions;

Learn to compose and analyze sentences with the word "Poppy";

Introduce the letter M;

Activate dictionary;

Development tasks:

To develop visual perception, movement of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing, memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills of the hands.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate the ability to yield to each other, to be attentive to the answers of other children. Develop teamwork skills.

Types of children's activities and methods of work:

types of children's activities

Methodological techniques


game situations, didactic game"Slam - stomp"; game "Cheerful tongue", d / and "Say the opposite", motivation: "Invitation to travel through the magical land of sounds and letters".

cognitive - speech

problem solving


letter constructor (letter M), a workshop for the production of children's art products - "draw the letter point by point".


situational conversation, questions, guessing riddles; reading poetry.

Location: Group

Amount of children: 10

Materials and equipment:

Demo material:a card with the image of the letter and the sound "M" (black font), a picture - a diagram of the word "poppy", circles (green, blue, red), subject pictures where the sound "M" is present, sentence schemes, a scheme for pronunciation of sounds, a flannelgraph, stacked canvas.

Handout: diagrams of the word "poppy" and blue and red chips for sound analysis of the word, diagrams for determining the location of the sound in the word and chips, diagrams for compiling a sentence, mirrors for articulatory gymnastics, cards for determining hard and soft sounds (blue, green), subject pictures, where the sound "M" is present, pictures are surprises.


The bell rings (the teacher gives a bell to start the GCD) - the children stand in a semicircle.

Good morning children, I'm glad to see you, today we will continue our journey through the magical land of sounds and letters, get acquainted with new sounds and letters. You are ready? - Yes. Come in and stand at your chairs.- (Children come to the chairs.)

I. Organizing time :

The one who comes up with a word with a sound (A) at the beginning will sit down.

- Sit right, now, as always, we will first play the game "Merry Tongue", take mirrors -articulation gymnastics:“Smile” - “Proboscis” “Fence” - “Chick”, “Watch”, “Swing”, “Cup” (diagrams - cards for showing exercises).

Repetition of the studied material:

We have already met with some sounds and letters. Name them.

A, O, U, I, E, S.

What are they?


Why do we call them that?

Because they can be sung freely, easily, with a voice, they do not encounter obstacles.

What color do we represent vowel sounds? - red.

II. Introduction to the topic:

Listen guys, I have prepared riddles for you. Try to guess them.Listen carefully:

1. The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street!(Carrot)

The corresponding picture appears

Next riddle:

2. Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

You know her, of course.. (a car)

Listen to the third riddle:

3. In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a mink

gray baby

Who is this? (Mouse.)

The corresponding picture appears.

Guys, let's call these words again - riddles. (carrot, car, mouse)

And what is the same sound heard at the beginning of a word? (M)

Today we will get acquainted with the sound (M)

Sound characteristic (M)- according to the scheme

Take your mirrors. Let's first say the sound [M](choir, individual) .

What happens to our lips?

They first close and then open.

What happens to our teeth?

They close up.

Where is the language? (behind teeth)

Yes, and the air comes out freely?

No, the air meets the barrier

What's stopping him?


Sound (M) what?

Consistent, firm.

How do we color it?


Our sound (M) has a brother sound (M) - say the sound (M)

How do we pronounce it - softly, so what kind of sound is it?

Consistent, soft.

What color do we represent it?

Green. (in -l exposes a blue circle)

And in order to remember it all better, I suggest playing the game "Slam - stomp"

(I will name the sounds, and you will have to clap if you hear the sound M; and if M - stomp) -children playing at tables.

Fitness minute.

Ball game "Say the other way around"

(v - l says for example: mo - mo - mo, throws the ball to the child, and the child answers mi - mi - mi, etc ....) (sit down)

Work with schemes.

Determining the place of sound (m) in a word.

Look at your pictures and determine where the sound is (M)

(Each child takes a picture and places it under the corresponding diagram on the table: (soap, bedside table, house, bag, aquarium, lemon, raspberry, mouse, paper, suitcase)

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Children look up, then down, blink, close your eyes.

Introduction to the letter M.

Children, what can we say about sounds?

We hear and pronounce them.

And the letters?

We write.

So, our sound [m] in writing is denoted by the letter M (m). Here she is.

(Image printed letter hung out on a typesetting canvas.)

What does the letter M look like? (children's answers)

Now let's write this letter in the air.

Wand and wand

There is a checkbox between them.

And it's clear to everyone:

Got the letter M.

Well done.

Sound - letter analysis the words Mac

On the board - a picture-diagram depicting a flower (poppy).

Children on the tables have cards for analyzing a three-sound word and chips (blue and red).

See what is in this picture?(Poppy.)

Cells are drawn under the poppy,

What does it mean?

(These cells indicate how many sounds are in the word "poppy".)

- What is the first sound? - (m) - consonant, solid, in blue.

What is the second one? - (a) - vowel, red.

What is the third? - (k) - consonant, in blue.

Poppy - m-aaa-k - poppy.(Each time the words are pronounced with the voice of the desired sound). - one child performs at the blackboard.

How many sounds are in the word poppy?(Three.)

How many consonants? - two, which ones? - (m), (k).

How many vowels? - one, which one? - (a)

How many syllables are in the word poppy? - determined by claps - one (denoted by a strip).

Liven up the sounds, one and two. (children put letters instead of chips)

4) Pronunciation of the word in accordance with the movement of the teacher's pointer according to the scheme of the sound composition of the word.

The good guys got the job done.

Making sentences with the word "Poppy"

Make sentences with the word "Poppy" from three words (diagram) - children say their sentences. V-l offers to draw up one sentence according to the scheme.

(the sound scheme remains on the board, under it is the sentence scheme, the children at the tables make up the sentence scheme on their own) - one at the blackboard.

Offer analysis:

What letter does the sentence begin with? - with a capital.

What goes at the end of a sentence? - dot.

How many words are in a sentence? - three

What is the first?

What is the second?

What is the third?

If I remove one word, what happens? children's answers. Puts back.

Well done guys, you got the job done.

Let's populate the letter M in our letter house (the children get up and go to the easel with the house, they say what color the apartment is, on what floor the letter M is settled).

- (children stand in a circle)


So, guys, what letter did we meet today?

With the letter M (m).

What sound does it represent?

Sound [m].

What is this sound? (consonant)

What is the consonant sound like? (hard and soft)


What did you like more?

What interesting things do you remember?

- You did a very good job, well done! - And for the fact that you coped with all the tasks, I want to give you magical "pictures - invisible"(with the image of the letter M in dots.)

You can connect the dots and see what you get.

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group
compensatory direction.
Topic: Sounds "m, m", letter M.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher MBDOU No. 41
highest qualification category

Topic: Sounds "m", "m". Letter M.

Correctional and educational tasks:

To fix the pronunciation of vowel sounds, the concept of "consonant sound". - To teach children to pronounce correctly and distinguish between the sounds "m" and "m", to highlight the desired consonant sound in syllables, words. - Learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonants. - Learn to identify the first and last sound in a word, a vowel sound in the middle of a word. - Introduce the letter M. - Consolidate the skills of sound analysis, drawing up a sound scheme of the reverse syllable, reading reverse syllables. - To develop the ability of children to divide words into syllables. - Exercise in the use of the accusative and instrumental cases of nouns, the formation of relative adjectives, the coordination of numerals with nouns.

Correction-developing tasks:

Develop auditory and visual attention, logical thinking, phonemic representations, fine motor skills, coherence of statements, creative imagination.

Correctional and educational tasks:

To cultivate interest in cognitive activity, initiative, independence, the ability to interact with each other.

Equipment: toys - a mouse and mice, a bear cub, a monkey; subject pictures depicting a house, clouds, the sun, a cow and a calf in a meadow; symbols of sounds (chips), houses for sounds, for determining the sound in a word; items: milk, sour cream, butter, honey; M card.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment. Children stand in the center of the room.

Eyelashes fall

The eyes are closing

We fall asleep with a magical dream

We fly to the land of fairy tales.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 —

Let's look with our eyes again.

Speech therapist: There is a house in the clearing. Who lives here, now you will find out, guys. Listen to the riddle and find the answer among the pictures.

These little crumbs

Even bread crumbs are welcome. (Mice)

Who lives in the house? (Children's answers) The speech therapist puts out toys - a mother a mouse and a mouse.

II. Psychogymnastics.

Speech therapist: Every morning the mice got up early, looked out the window and met the sun. And today it hid behind the clouds, and the mice were sad. Show guys how sad the mice were (Children's actions).

But soon the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, the mice smiled at him, were delighted. Show how happy the mice were (Children's actions).

III. Articulation gymnastics, voice development.

The kids smiled and sang their songs: u-a-i; and - a - o;

Repeat mouse songs (children sing combinations of sounds);

What sounds did the mice sing? (children's answers)

What are these sounds? (children's answers)

Why are they called vowels? (children's answers)

In which house do vowels live? (children's answers)

IV. Introduction to the "m" sound.

1. Guessing a riddle.

Early in the morning, having performed their songs, the mice ran out into the meadow to collect grains (they were preparing supplies for the winter), and saw ... a huge animal (the mice had never seen it). Who is this, guys, help the mice, guess the riddle.

Hungry mumbles, full chews,

Gives milk to all children.

Who is it? (children's answers)

That's right, guys, it's Martha the cow.

What are you doing, cow, long horns,

"Mmm!" - mooing the cow Martha, - "I graze in the meadows."

2. Sound pronunciation, characteristics, voice development.

How did the cow moo? (Children answer in unison)

What sound are we going to get acquainted with today? (children's answers)

When we pronounce the sound "m", the lips close, the air cannot pass through the mouth, the lips interfere. The air found another way - through the nose. "M" is a nasal sound.

Guys let's hum like Martha. (Children: “Mmmm…”)

Did the song work? (Answers)

So what is the sound "m"? (Answers)

Why is "m" a consonant? (Answers)

- If the neck trembles, then a ringing sound sounds.

- » Mmmm" - the cow mooed, -

She was looking for Milka's heifer.

And the heifer answered her: "Mm-mm."

The cow mooed sternly: m-m-m-m; and the heifer answered tenderly, affectionately: m-m-m.

How did Martha mumble? (Children answer) How did Milka answer? (Answers)

The sound “m” is a consonant, voiced, solid, nasal, denoted by a blue chip with a bell, lives in a blue house (the chip is placed in a blue house).

The sound "m" is a consonant, voiced, soft, nasal, denoted by a green chip with a bell, lives in a green house (the chip is placed in a green house).

V. Development of phonemic hearing.

The game "Who is mooing?"

The mice sit in the grass and listen to who is mooing, Marta or Milka. Let's guys help them: if Martha moans, we raise the symbol of the sound "m", if Milka - the symbol of the sound "m".

1. Isolation of sound from a number of consonant sounds:

c, m, n, m, c, m, f, m, w, m, n, m ....

2. From a series of syllables: am, ap, mi, wa, pe, mu, me, ma, pho, shi, we, mi ...

VI. Development speech breathing, speech memory, voice.

Speech therapist: We listen, remember, we clearly repeat the tongue twisters.

Ma - ma - ma - winter is in the yard,

Ma - ma - ma - cold winter,

We - we - we - we are not afraid of winter,

Me - me - me - we are glad for winter.

VII. Gymnastics for fingers

1. Game "Count" (coordination of numbers 1 - 5 with nouns)

The mice collected seeds in the meadow and ran home, their mother praised them: “There will be a supply of food for the winter.” Let's help the mice count the seeds.

Children have seeds on saucers, they count and voice their actions.

2. The game "Mice wash their paws"

Speech therapist: We prepared food for the winter, now it is not terrible. We need to wash the paws of the mice, friends will come soon. Let's help them guys.

Mice washed their paws with soap,

Each finger in order:

Here they lathered a big one,

Sprinkling it with water.

Don't forget the pointer

Wash off dirt and paint.

The middle one was washed diligently,

It must have been very dirty.

Nameless rubbed with paste -

Immediately the skin turned red.

And the little finger was quickly washed

He was very afraid of soap.

VIII. Determination of the position of the sounds "m", "m" in words.

1. The use of the accusative case of nouns.

Friends came to visit the mice. Who do we see visiting mice?

(children's answers)

What is the first sound we hear in the word "monkey"? (Answer)

And in the word "bear"? (Answer)

The game "Who brought what?"

Friends brought toys to the mice. The speech therapist places them on the table.

Let's try to guess who brought what?

(Answers: The monkey brought a nesting doll, a typewriter.

The bear brought a pyramid, a ball.)

2. The use of the instrumental case of nouns.

What did the mice treat their friends to? Items are located on the table (products - milk, butter, sour cream, honey). Children respond with suggestions.

(Answers: The mice treated their friends with milk.)

3. Formation of relative adjectives

Mom Mouse prepared a treat for the guests:

from milk she cooked porridge (what?) .... (dairy),

baked a cake from honey (what?) ... (honey),

I made cream for the cake from butter (what?) .... (oil)

IX. Development of phonemic hearing.

1. The game "Which syllable is superfluous"

The monkey invited her friends to play the game, and we will play with them. The speech therapist pronounces a series of syllables, the children highlight the extra one:

Ma-ma-pa mu-mu-nu

Mi-mi-pi mo-mo-but

2. The game "Which vowel is hidden in the word?"

The bear invites us to play with words in which vowel sounds are hidden. Which? Listen and speak. (According to individual pictures: poppy, bridge, goose, whale, cat, tail, steam).

3. The game "What sound ran to the end of the word?" (based on subject pictures)

The speech therapist pronounces the word, the children call the last sound.

4. The game "Let's walk the words"

Children divide words into syllables, lay out syllabic schemes.


The mice invite their friends to move, and we guys are with them.

One, two - everyone get up,

Three, four - squat

Five, six - turn around

Seven, eight - bend over

Turn left right

And smile at each other.

X. Sound analysis of reverse and direct syllables.

(a noise is heard at the door)

Speech therapist: Guys, someone is scratching at the door, do you hear?

Included in the group is the cat Murzik.

Murzik: I often wash myself not with water, but with my tongue.

And I also often dream of a saucer with warm mm milk and smmm methanka, and it also smells like a mouse.

Speech therapist: Who is this? (Answer) Hooligan and prankster cat Murzik. We recognized you.

Murzik: How many guys do you have a holiday?

Speech therapist: Guys, what are we doing? (Children's answers) You are wandering the streets, and the guys are learning and are very good at distinguishing sounds. Do you, Mmmurzik, know what 1st sound we hear in your name?

Murzik: No, I don't know. Which?

Speech therapist: The guys will tell you now (children answer).

Have you come to visit us?

Murzik: Mmmyshki here - mmmy favorite delicacy, ummm - ummm, so tasty.

Speech therapist (in a whisper): Guys, let's quickly complete the tasks and then the cat will become kind, fabulous and will not touch our mice.

Sound analysis of backward syllables:

How many sounds did Murzik make: aammm (answer),

What do we hear the 1st sound - ("a" - a vowel),

What is the 2nd - (“m” - consonant, voiced, solid),

Say. What happened (ahhh)

Children transform syllables: am - mind - im - om.

What did we do? (children's answers)

Sounds we ... (hear, pronounce). Sounds live in letters.

XI. Introduction to the letter M.

A card showing the letter M.

Speech therapist: We see the letter, we read it.

1. Children write a letter in the air, outline the letter on the board., Fold it from sticks.

2. The game "Let's draw a letter"

We quickly got up in pairs

They look like the letter M.- Children draw the letter in pairs.

3. The game "Windows"

The guys play with the “Windows” manual, correlate the sounds “a, y, and, o, m” and their letters, read the syllables.

Murzik praises the guys.

Murzik: Guys, forgive me, I won't hurt mice anymore and I want to be as kind as you.

Children: Well done, Murzik!

Speech therapist: What will we treat the cat, guys?

(Sour cream. Here's a bowl of sour cream, kitty)

Cat: Delicious smmmetana. Guys, you guys are so uh, you know a lot, uhm. I also want to learn and will no longer hunt for mmmice. Now I will feed you.

Murzik treats the guys with Puss in Boots sweets and leaves.

Did you like fairyland? What sound are we talking about today? (children's answers)

And now it's time for us to return from the fairy tale:

One, two, three, four, five,

turn around yourself

Return from the fairy tale.

Well done boys. You have worked very hard and done well.

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce the sounds [M], [M '] and the letter M.

Tasks: differentiation of sounds [M], [M '] by ear, acquaintance with the image of the letter M; improvement of phonemic representations, skills of sound analysis and synthesis; development of fine motor skills, auditory attention, memory, prosodic side of speech; education of love and respect for one's family.

Material: pictures: house, family, crown, cloud, bridge, snowball, sled, donkey, hammer, catfish, door, cucumber, car, carrot, stork, crane, poppy; sound houses, symbols of sounds, graphic image of the letter “M”, individual mirrors, notebooks, counting sticks.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Psychogymnastics. Mimic exercises.

- What is the expression on the face of mom and dad when they are joyful, sad, angry. Picture a happy mom, an angry dad. Take a mirror, it will help you.

Breathing exercises. “Cooking porridge”

Our mother cooks porridge
She feeds her daughter Masha with porridge.

I.p. - standing, one palm on the chest, the second - on the stomach. Inhale through the nose, while exhaling, pronounce “puff-puff-puff” and stroke yourself on the stomach.

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

- Guys, guess the riddle:

Where is our family comfortable?
Where in the morning smells of porridge?
There are cat paws walking,
And there are slippers at the entrance. (House)

The picture "House" is exposed.

What is the last sound you hear in the word house? [M]. A family lives in this house. Listen to what consonant sound is in the middle of the word family [M ']. ( The picture “family” is displayed)

- Today we will get acquainted with the sounds [M] and [M '], as well as the letter “M”, which denotes these sounds.

3. Characteristics of sounds [M], [M '] according to articulatory and acoustic features.

- Take the mirrors, say alternately the sounds [M], [M ']. What's going on with the lips? ( Lips close. When we pronounce the sound [M], the lips get a little angry, and when we pronounce the sound[M'] - smile a little. Does the air come out through the nose or through the mouth? ( Through the nose). Is the voice "sleeping" or "waking up"? ( wakes up). So the sounds [M], [M '] what? ( consonants, voiced). Sound [M] - ( solid), and [M'] - (soft). We denote the sound [M] with a square ( blue) colors, [M'] - ( green).

4. Development of phonemic perception differentiation of sounds [M], [M '].

Play "Listen carefully"

Now I'll see how attentive you are. I will name the words, and if you hear the sound [M], raise the blue box if [M '] is green.

Words: m oloko, m just, m ost, m ololok, to m sweat, m month, m yshka, se m ya.

5. Analysis and synthesis of syllables with sounds [M], [M ']

Game "Count sounds"

- Listen, and count how many sounds I will make, use the symbol chips to make diagrams. Be careful: MA, AM, YM, WE, etc. (Children count and lay out syllable schemes)

The game "Let's be friends."

We are already familiar with several vowel sounds. name them ( a, o, u, s, i). Let's "make friends" them with the sounds [M], [M ']. I will call the vowel, and you add the sound [M], so that it comes first, and name the resulting syllable. A - MA, O - MO, U - MU, S - WE. Well done! Now add the sound [M '], so that it is the second, and name the resulting syllable.

6. Determining the position of sounds [M], [M '] in words.

- Let's come up with names with sounds [M], [M '], to all family members Dima, Mitya, Maya, Masha, Mila and others.) Determine where the sounds [M], [M '] are in these words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word. Working with sound houses

How can children affectionately call their mother ( children's answers). What do you affectionately call your mother? ( Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, etc.). What did you notice when you said these words? (There are two sounds in these owls [M]) What is she, your mother? ( kind, gentle, sweet, etc.).

7. Physical Minute.

And now let's "charge"

We stomp our feet:
- Top - top - top.
We raise our hands
- Clap - clap - clap.
We will part our hands
And we'll run around.

8. Development of phonemic representations.

The game "Guess the word".

Game progress: The speech therapist offers the children cards with the image of objects, the children must highlight the first sound of each word, and, adding them one by one, form a new word. An example is given first.

Cards: crown, cloud, bridge - com
sledge, donkey, hammer - catfish
door, cucumber, car - House
carrot, stork, crane - poppy

9. Development of prosody.

- Mom bathed baby Mila and sentenced these words:

Mom washed Mila with soap

Mila did not like soap.

(The tongue twister is read on behalf of all family members in turn, with a change in timbre and voice strength).

10. Acquaintance with the letter "M".

Children, do you love your mothers? (Yes). To write this beautiful word, you need to get acquainted with the letter "M". See what the letter "M" looks like. (Children's answers). Let's try to draw the letter "M" together.

Friends held hands.
And they said: “You and I are us!”
It turned out the letter "M".

A. Shibaev.

(Children join hands in pairs, depicting the letter “M”).

- Well done! And the letter "M" can be laid out from counting sticks.

Laying out the letter "M" from counting sticks.

The game "Sleep".

Game progress: The children closed their eyes. The speech therapist removes one counting stick. Children must restore the letter "M".

While the eyes were fast asleep
The letters in the book have become smaller,
Open up your eyes
What to add, guess! (Words copyright)

Finger gymnastics “My family”

Squeeze your fingers into a fist. Then unbend them one by one, starting with the thumb.

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
And this finger is me
That's my whole family.

(To the words of the last line, rhythmically squeeze and unclench your fingers.)

Coloring letters in notebooks.

11. The result of the lesson.

What sounds did we meet? What letter are they?

Surprise moment. Magic box game.

- Children, today you called so many good, kind, affectionate words with the sounds [M], [M ']. Let's remember them again and pronounce them in our palms, and lower them into a magic box. ( The speech therapist takes out multi-colored stars from the box). And now guys, look, your words have turned into stars, this is gratitude for the good work in class.

Used Books:

  1. Pozhilenko E.A. Magic world of sounds and words \ Handbook for speech therapists. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2002
  2. Kartushina M.Yu. logorhythmic exercises in kindergarten. Method. allowance - M .: TC Sphere, 2004
  3. Novikova E.V. Articulation of sounds in a graphic image. Teaching and demonstration material. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2003

Purpose: creating conditions for consolidating children's knowledge about the sounds M and M, the letter M.


Correctional and educational:

  • teach children to describe sounds [m], [m'] based on various types of control
  • consolidate children's knowledge on the topic "Vegetables and fruits"


  • improve the skills of sound-letter analysis of words
  • develop phonemic hearing and perception in children
  • develop gross and fine motor skills and articulatory motor skills
  • expand and refine vocabulary
  • develop facial muscles

Correctional and educational:

  • cultivate feelings of sympathy and mutual assistance, interest in activities.

Equipment and materials: -projector, computer, multimedia presentation "Masha and the bear Misha" ; - blue and green squares, pictures with sound M, pictures of vegetables and fruits, subject pictures (honey, tangerine, raspberries, milk, ice cream, carrots); - cash desks of letters, chips of blue, red, green color for individual work; - images "Wood" And "Bed"

Org. Moment.

Soundtrack of the play "October" P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons" . Children enter the hall

Speech therapist: Children, guess what time of the year I will say:

Will wash the roof at the hut

He will take Misha to the lair.

Peasant labor will complete,

And then the leaves rustle.

We quietly ask her:

"Who are you?" - and hear... (Autumn)

Speech therapist: Guys. Today we were invited to visit by Masha and the bear Misha. The bear hasn't hibernated yet. Today he will show what kind of crop he has born.

(Showing the bear Misha and the girl Masha). Let's go.

Doing exercises

1. General relaxation.

Come to the garden Steps in place

See how everything grows, Raise your hands up

Everything grows, everything blooms Shaking hands

No one is tight. Hands spread apart

Come to the garden! Jerky movements

Very interesting Lean forward

2. Development of general motor skills "Harvest"

Let's go to the garden

Harvest the Steps in place.

We carry carrots "Drag" ..

And we're digging up potatoes. "Digging" ..

We will cut a head of cabbage, Round, juicy, very tasty! "Cut off"

Round, juicy, very tasty! (Nishcheva). Show a circle with hands three times

3. Development of fine motor skills.

Let's show what vegetables have grown.

At Lariska -

Two radishes.


Two potatoes.

At Earrings tomboy -

Two green cucumbers.

And Vovka -

Two carrots.

Yes, even at Petka -

Two tailed radishes. In turn, unbend the fingers from the cams.

starting with the big one on both hands

4. Facial massage.

Stroking, tapping, circular movements, stroking.

5. Development of facial muscles.

Perform actions on text.

It's good when you smile

It's good when you wonder

But how can we not have fun

When you get angry and upset.

6. Development of articulatory motility.

For the jaw: close your teeth, open - close your mouth;

For lips: "smack" lips; "slap" lips;

For the tongue: hold the tongue at lower teeth counting from 1 to 5;

bite your tongue with your teeth.

For cheeks: plump tomatoes, skinny cucumbers.

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

Speech therapist: -Masha and Misha played. And got lost. They started calling each other

Hand on diaphragm.

Speech therapist: So they found each other.

8. Riddles, sound analysis clues

Misha and Masha prepared a treat. We need to solve riddles to find out what they want to treat us to.

There are pictures in the basket. If we guess correctly, these pictures will appear on the screen.

I'll give you a riddle.

It's delicious and very sweet.

It helps to be healthy

His bees collect ... (Honey)

Orange is a brother,

But smaller fruit-baby.

It is also divided into slices.

But they are only smaller. (mandarin).

Curly braid

And dew shines on it!

Whose scythe lies in the garden?

Where are the orange heels?

A cheat hid in the ground,

Vitamin... (carrot)

Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (Milk)

Bears love her so much

And no wonder:

Fragrant, sweet

Very beautiful. (Raspberries)

Very fond of children

Cold pack.

Cold, cold

Let me lick you once! (Ice cream)

Look how good!

Red hat with polka dots

Lace collar -

He is not new to the forest!


Speech therapist: Guys. We will not eat fly agaric. He is poisonous. Some wild animals are treated with fly agaric.

Look at the food pictures. These are raspberries, milk, tangerines, ice cream, carrots, honey.

Speech therapist takes out pictures from Masha (pictures in the name of which the sound M is solid), then pictures from Mishka (from soft sound M). Children name the objects depicted on them. The speech therapist pronounces words with exaggeratedly pronounced sounds being studied.

Speech therapist: Guys, you called different pictures. What sounds do you hear most often? That's right, we hear "sounds M and M".

(Characteristics of sound by articulatory and acoustic features. Working with mirrors)

Speech therapist: Look in the mirror and say the sound M. The lips are pressed together, they do not let in Air. But he found a way: The air goes through the nose. When we say the sound M, the nose gets angry, “buzzes”, and the lips “buzz”. You can feel it if you touch them with your fingers.

Speech therapist: What is the sound M? (consonant, hard, voiced) how is it marked? (blue chip) how are the lips? (close tightly)

What is the sound of M? (consonant, voiced, soft) how is it marked? (green chip) what is the position of the lips? (lips in a smile, close)

Development of phonemic hearing.

Now we'll play a game "Who is attentive?" . Raise the blue circle if you hear a sound in the word [m], green - if the word has a sound [m]: ball, mouse, raspberry, house, fly, bear, car, house, family, smoke.

Sound analysis of the syllables WE and MI with the help of chips.

We put blue and red chips. Mi-chips are green and red.

9. Clean tongues for differentiating sounds

The bear found honey in the forest,

Little honey, a lot of bees.

10. "Say the opposite"





11. Physical education.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's play with Misha

The bear was walking in the forest (we walk around)

The bear was looking for berries.

Like this, like this (put one hand on the side - this is "basket" )

The bear was looking for berries.

Sweet berry raspberry

Put everything in a basket

Like this, like this. (collect berries and put in "basket" )

I put everything in a basket.

How they treated themselves to raspberries,

All fell apart on the grass.

Like this, like this (stroking your tummy)

All fell apart on the grass.

And then Mishka danced

Paws raised up

Like this, like this. (we put the legs on the heel, raise our hands up)

12. Acquaintance with the letter.

Speech therapist shows a letter "M" .

Speech therapist:

Friends held hands.

And they said: "You and I are us!"


Got the letter M.

Speech therapist: Let's write the letter M in the air.

Lay out the letter from the counting sticks.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys.

13. "The letters are hidden" - prevention of dysgraphia.

Speech therapist: Look at the sheet with the letters. The bear and Masha cannot find the letter M among the letters. Let's help them.

Find the letter that represents the sounds [m], [m]. Color her.

14. Exercise for the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. "Where does it grow?"

Speech therapist: Guys. In autumn, Misha had a rich harvest. Masha and Misha ask us to determine what is growing in the garden, what is on the tree.

We put fruit "tree" . We will put vegetables on the picture with "bed" .

(Children distribute pictures)

Speech therapist: Well done. Masha and Misha thank you for your help.

Summary of the lesson.

What sounds did you hear today? (with M-M)

What was difficult for you? (Puzzles, …)

What else did you learn? (Sounds mi. Met the letter M)

Thanks everyone. And now we say goodbye to Masha and Misha. They prepared gifts for us. - (Apples that grew in their garden,)

We are returning to our kindergarten. Guys. Did you enjoy playing?


  1. Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly at 6-7 years old. Abstracts frontal exercises in the preparatory school logogroup. - M .: GNOM Publishing House, 2017
  2. Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten. Method. allowance - M .: TC Sphere, 2004
