People dream of a successful and prosperous life, they try to do everything to get it. But not everyone is able to cope with the difficulties on this exciting, but winding path. And first of all, a weak-willed person surrenders. This person has absolutely no willpower. How does it work? Is it possible to fight this "flaw" or suffer all your life?

What does "weak person" mean?

The problem must be solved with open eyes. And this means that you should deal with the phenomenon that prevents you from developing in your personal life, business and other areas.

It is believed that weak character is:

  • timid;
  • indecisive;
  • modest;
  • fearful.

In fact, this is not entirely true. Even timid, quiet personalities are capable of action. And what a! A quiet husband, for example, is able to fight for his betrothed with any rival, showing miracles of perseverance and perseverance. Weakness lies in the inability to develop one's own opinion and follow it. Probably the best synonym for this word is the term "slave". And this allows you to look at the problem from a different angle.

Signs of a weak character

Unfortunately, the lack of will does not depend on gender, age or race. Men and women can have this characteristic equally. Signs of weakness include the following:

  1. Inability to make decisions.
  2. Uncontrollable emotions.
  3. Inability to keep the attention of the interlocutor.
  4. Timidity.
  5. tendency to complain.
  6. Envy.
  7. Lack of opinion on important issues.
  8. Blind imitation of authority.

We have given only the most superficial characteristics. Moreover, a man often masks an internal problem with external brutality. For example, he is rude if a wave of shyness rises inside. A woman tends to accept her flaw as it is.

The inner meaning of weakness

So far, we have decided how this quality is manifested in society. But for the development of personality, it is more important why a person behaves in this way. If a weak will influenced life positively, no one would ask how to strengthen it, temper character. To find a way to solve the problem, you need to understand what is happening in the human soul.

Weakness is often congenital. A person is born with a predetermined set of qualities. They are given to the individual for development. For example, every newborn is not capable of counting, writing, driving a car, preparing food for her husband and children. This needs to be learned. This is how a citizen develops. Along with learning the skills and rules of behavior, we develop the soul in parallel. That is, we improve the innate set of qualities.

One is given talent, it should be identified and developed. Others receive from the Lord (Higher Forces or the Universe) the ability to teach, draw on batik, build sand castles, and so on. And each of us must understand where to move, then start developing. Moreover, the more problems along the way, the stronger the personality becomes, if it does not break, of course.

In this sense, weakness of character is a great gift. Its presence says that a person is endowed with great potential for development. There is bad news for such people: you can’t leave a problem without a solution. Otherwise, you will never understand the true meaning of happiness.

The task of a weak person is to overcome the problem, to become strong. By the way, if a lady has a weak husband, she needs to help him. After all, the condition of a man depends on the female energy. But the opposite is not true. The husband is not able to cope with the weak will of his wife. She has to work on her own.

How to overcome yourself?

At first it will seem that it is impossible to get rid of shyness, envy and other qualities listed above. If you limit yourself to one or two days, then the truth will not work.

You have to be ready for long term work. And first of all, understand that no one will do it for you. Husband or wife in this case is not a support. Relatives can only morally encourage at the first stage.

There are several points to which you should pay attention. Weakness is a special quality. It does not always manifest itself in the way described above. Its most important characteristics:

  • lack of opinion;
  • statement.

These qualities manifest themselves in various ways. For example, if a husband offers to go on a hike and describes the delights of hiking, the spouse happily agrees. She just doesn't understand the challenges ahead. She cannot decide whether she wants to walk in the mountains. But this is not weakness. Now, if the husband cools down, when the girl has already bought equipment and chosen a route, comes up with a different plan, and she again follows his lead, it’s worth considering. This is a clear manifestation of the lack of own opinion.

We develop a plan

It is proposed to work in stages:

  1. The first step is the most responsible. It is necessary to analyze your reactions, then write out manifestations of a weak character. You can focus on the above signs. However, it should be understood that the manifestations are not limited to them.
  2. The second stage is more difficult. It's good to ask friends to tell you how they perceive your personality. At this stage, it is worth relying on loved ones. A woman should listen to what her husband thinks about this and vice versa. Based on the results of the work, adjust the list of manifestations.
  3. The third stage is the actual development of the action plan. Each flaw will have to be dealt with separately. Below are the methods recommended by psychologists, as well as suggested by the experience of people involved in solving such problems.
  4. The last step is work. Do not limit time. Also, don't stress. Do "exercises" by playing like children. Take failures and successes lightly. Know that every person came into this world to be happy. This applies to the weak as well. Decide to develop, put happiness at the forefront. Willpower will apply if you do not give up. It is important to understand that a husband is also given to a woman for inner work on creating happiness. If he has zero will, you need to encourage, guide. But the husband is not able to help his wife.

Sample list of exercises

  • Own opinion. It doesn't just appear. It needs to be developed. To do this, it is recommended to constantly express your attitude to the phenomenon or image that aroused interest. You can start on your own. Just speak what comes in your head. Then, analyze your words. Later, try not to remain silent in public.
    For married ladies, a husband will help in developing confidence. Keep telling him everything that's in your head. It is important not to be afraid that the thought will seem stupid or uninteresting to others. She's yours! And if your husband criticizes such a change in behavior, laugh it off. Only the strong have a sense of humor. Let your husband understand this too.
  • The desire to imitate is the easiest to get rid of. Look at others, reveal their uniqueness. Try to see something beautiful in everyone you meet. A friend's husband grumbles, for example, all the time, spares money for her jewelry? Which economic man! In this direction, try to think constantly.
  • Learn to complain. Understand that what you are talking about happens in life. If moans are constantly broken from the lips, your angels take them for an order. They organize everything as ordered. In any situation, look for a reason to be happy. Is the cup broken? There was a chance to get a new one. Beloved husband does not pay attention? So take the initiative yourself!
  • Learning to hold the attention of other people, to be an interesting person is also easy. You need to get excited about something. For example, read books, cross-stitch, study the features of Japanese butterflies. It is important that the activity is truly exciting. After a while, you will forget about the weakness of character, as these little things will leave your head. Hobby love nests there.
    Secret: People don't listen with their ears, but with their souls. They are attracted by the energy of the interlocutor. And she's pumping positive emotions that gives their own passion.
  • Shyness is harder to deal with. If a guy experiences discomfort when communicating with young ladies, it is difficult for him to concentrate on a conversation. The same is experienced by a weak woman. The attention of these people is directed to their problem, which is why communication suffers. The advice is this: during the meeting, try to fix the external characteristics of the person. Directly write yourself a list of tasks and follow it.
    For example, make it a rule to be distracted from your condition and fix the color of the eyes of a new interlocutor, the appearance of his fingers, hands, nostrils, and the like. It is important to be distracted, stop focusing on shyness. As a rule, after a certain time (21 days) a skill is developed. It consists in the fact that a person focuses attention on another person. And this leads to a decrease in the level of shyness.

Character grows out of habits. If you start changing them, get rid of the problems. Only the work ahead is not easy. We repeat: no one will do it for you. Good luck!

Take advantage of these ideas and stop being a weak person!

5 science-backed secrets

Is someone constantly using you? Perhaps this is your partner or boss?

Are you always trying to please them, but you don't get any return? Are you 24 hours a day adjusting to their mood? Are you doing more and more for them, but getting less and less? And when you try to calmly talk to them about it, do they become short-tempered and aggressive or just sob - and in the end nothing changes?

Chances are you've turned into a "babysitter" for someone who has narcissistic tendencies or suffers from borderline personality disorder.

In fact, this is very bad. However, there are several ways to help you improve the situation.

Psychotherapist Margalis Fjelstad writes about them in her book Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist: How to End the Drama and Get On with Life).

Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are serious mental health problems. People who suffer from these disorders can ruin your life, even at a subclinical level.

So, let's first get to know the distinguishing characteristics of these disorders, and then proceed to consider tips on how to stop being a weak person when dealing with people suffering from narcissism or borderline personality disorder.

Narcissism and borderline personality disorder

You probably already know a thing or two about narcissism. And, most likely, there are a couple of daffodils in your environment. What do they have in common?

exaggerated sense of self-importance;

Preoccupation with fantasies of success, wealth, beauty and talent;

Belief in one's own uniqueness and superiority over other people;

Exploitation of other people;

Envy and arrogance;

Unwillingness and inability to notice and understand the feelings of other people;

Expecting a good attitude and unquestioning obedience from others.

In general, you understand. Narcissists think they are better than others. Including you.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) somewhat more difficult, but you may have come across people suffering from this problem.

BPD is described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition) as "common model of instability interpersonal relationships, ideas about oneself, affects or moods, as well as outright impulsiveness; it begins to emerge in early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts.".

guided by their emotions. They do not rely on logic and everything that contradicts their feelings is considered false. They are impulsive. Their mood is unpredictable, like Lady Gaga's outfits.

People suffering from BPD do not have a clear idea of ​​themselves. They change depending on the circumstances and wear "masks". They are afraid of their true self, believing that they will be rejected because of it.

People with borderline personality disorder need comfort, and at the same time, they tirelessly start quarrels and play out dramas. (They will send you 30 messages on your cell phone saying they don't want to talk to you.) It's no surprise that they have a long history of unstable relationships.

You might think that narcissists and people with BPD are completely different. Yes, but they do have a number of things in common.

1. Narcissists need someone to support their unrealistic self-images (and do all the things they're too good for). People with BPD are black hole uncertainty; they need someone who constantly encourages them (but it is never enough for them).

2. Both narcissists and people with BPD need intimacy, but they are afraid of it. Narcissists don't want to give up their "uniqueness" and people with borderline personality disorder fear losing themselves by getting close to another person.

For this reason, in their relationship, whether at home or at work, there is a constant attraction-repulsion. Often, they will idealize you until you begin to bond with them. However, when this happens, they will devalue you so that you do not get too close to them. If you want to leave, they will stop you. If you stay, they will start mocking you. They often find themselves next to partners or surround themselves with employees who, as they think, will never be able to leave them - and then they begin to treat those people extremely badly.

They are constantly engaged in "projection" - blaming you for what they themselves are to blame. Say no to a narcissist and they will accuse you of being selfish. People with BPD will play out drama and try to make you jealous, or they will test your loyalty and then blame you for everything.

Are there such people in your life? If yes, then answer the following question: how did it happen that you ended up in such a lousy situation?

Most likely, you are a "nanny"

In general, this is a good thing. "Nannies" have excellent traits that make them effective at maintaining good relationships at work or at home, despite inadequate colleagues or relatives. They are the foundation of the group. However…

When faced with narcissists or people with borderline personality disorder, they get lost. Caring for a narcissist or a person with BPD becomes a thankless, life-threatening, and time-consuming task.

Babysitter traits include:

  • desire to do a good job
  • taking pleasure in pleasing other people,
  • desire to take care of others
  • peace promotion,
  • gentle and soft temperament,
  • calm and reasonable behavior.

These traits can be the hallmark of someone who gets along well with people, cares for them, is a good employee, spouse and parent. However, when you use this behavior as a countermeasure against narcissists or people with BPD, it can turn into a more toxic form and become perfectionism, need to please, over-compliance, extreme guilt, anxiety, over-anxiety, conflict avoidance, fear of anger, low self-esteem. and passivity. These traits are detrimental to the mental, emotional and physical health of the individual and become part of the babysitter behavior.

Why do you choose to be a "nanny"?

First of all, you are trying to be nice. Maybe too cute.

You want to be needed.(And you will constantly feel needed, because narcissists always need someone to support them, and people with BPD are experts at creating new sources of stress for themselves.)

Also you may have self-esteem issues. When emotionally healthy people are around narcissists or people with BPD, they tend to say, "I don't play those games."

So, what should you do if you are caught in the web of a narcissist or a person with a mental personality disorder?

1. Run. Right now.

They are unlikely to change. And people who suffer from narcissistic and borderline personality disorders tend to have the emotional development of two-year-olds. You cannot fix them.

In terms of emotional development, narcissists and people with BPD are more like two-year-olds than adults. They do not believe that nothing and no one in this world is permanent. Only the specific emotions that narcissists and people with BPD are experiencing at the moment are real. They often do not remember past emotions, thoughts, or behaviors. They are convinced that their current emotions will last forever.

Ask yourself: Is a two-year-old child able to keep promises or remember to do household chores? Can he be left alone for more than a few minutes? Does he understand how to behave at official events? Can he wait? Do what you need to do, even if you don't feel like it? Stay calm in new situations? Adapt to changing plans? Of course not.

I know, I know - if leaving was so easy, you would hardly be reading this article. I understand you perfectly.

You want to interact as little as possible with people who suffer from narcissism or BPD. Getting away from them is often not so easy. They will constantly try to bring you back.

When it seems to you that they are finally gone from your life, they will resurface again - completely forgetting how badly they behaved in the past. Don't fall for their hook.

Most likely, they showed up because the last weak-willed person they dealt with finally came to his senses and fled, or they want to move to a new level. You are not special. They will most likely continue their hunt (actively or passively) while trying to lure you back.

Okay, maybe you really can't get away from this. You don't want to leave your job, get divorced, or it's too hard for you to pull away from the situation. In that case, what attitude should you develop towards them?

2. Give up trying to change them and start changing yourself

If you decide to have a serious talk with them, they are unlikely to tell you: “Yes, I understand everything. You're right)". And even if they do, don't expect any significant changes from them. Again, if this were a real possibility, you probably wouldn't be reading this article.

You cannot force people to change. You can only control your own behavior.

If you want relationships at work or at home to be functional, you must accept the fact that everything is up to you.

Only after you give up denial, anger and negotiation; give up hope that the narcissist or person with BPD will change; let go of the expectation that the narcissist or person with BPD will do what you want; and accept the real situation, you will finally start generating ideas that can improve your life. Only after you stop focusing on what "should" and "shouldn't" happen can you see the real situation. Hopes for what is to come is one of the reasons why you get upset, angry and resentful.

This does not mean that you cannot seek help. Ask people for advice, enlist their support, find role models - those who successfully coped with a similar situation. Just don't expect a narcissist or a person with BPD to see these examples and want to change. You must change yourself.

Should not? OK. If you decide to focus on what they “should” do and not you, then what approach should you take to get them to treat you better?

3. Stop talking, start doing

Talking to narcissists or people with borderline personality disorder is completely useless. Don't count on a good conversation to make a difference in the long run.

If you think this will work and they will change, then you are very wrong. Their words have no meaning and are only meant to drive you crazy.

A very small proportion of people who suffer from narcissism and borderline personality disorder change under the influence of conversation. Narcissists and people with BPD are masters of denial and deception. They instantly jump from topic to topic, they are guided by emotions rather than logic, they tend to forget all discussions that were emotionally rich. To change relationships with narcissists and those who suffer from BPD, you need to take new measures, and not make agreements or come to an understanding.

You need to back up your words with actions. This is the only thing they will understand.

Refusing to save a narcissist or a person with BPD is an action, not a discussion. This is not something that is said to a narcissist or a person with BPD. This is not something that is agreed upon with a narcissist or a person with BPD. This is not something that is threatened by a narcissist or a person with BPD. This is action. You refuse to take part in their games, you refuse to argue, you refuse to worry about what the narcissist or BPD person will do next, you refuse to expect the narcissist or BPD person to meet your needs.

Do they say cruel things to you? Tell them that you do not intend to continue the conversation in this tone, and return to it as soon as they feel better.

It is necessary not to talk, but to act. However, what can help make your relationship more stable?

4. Set boundaries

You are acting like a weak person. You need boundaries that the narcissist or person with BPD must respect. This means being firm and consistent, but not mean. You must know in advance what you will do if the boundaries you set are violated.

Keep in mind that it is impossible to enforce boundaries or boundaries over which you have no control. If the border is violated, you must clearly know what you will do in this case. It is important to set boundaries related only to the things that matter most to you. They must justify the amount of energy and mental strength that you spend to restore them. You don't need to explain to the narcissist or the person with BPD why you chose to set boundaries - just keep talking about them over and over and be sure to act consistently.

Narcissists and people with borderline personality disorder are highly emotional. They are also good at manipulating others. For this reason, you may not be able to always be direct and assertive. How can you set clear and understandable boundaries while minimizing conflict?

The Yale Communications Model was designed to help you interact with highly sensitive or manipulative people.

So formulate your statement using the following formula.

1. When __________ happens

2. I feel like __________

3. I would like to ___________

4. Or do I need __________

Remember, the most important part here is #4. If there is no punishment, it's just words. Nothing will change.

So, you have learned to set boundaries. But how can one become stronger so as not to continue to be a weak person?

5. Rebuild your life

The needs of a narcissist or someone with borderline personality disorder can become the center of your universe. This needs to end. In fact, there is one lesson you can learn from their behavior, advice you don't hear very often: be a little more selfish.

Better take care of yourself. Meet your friends. Rest. Go in for sports. Spend time alone with yourself. Focus on your goals. On all that you sacrificed as a "nanny". Create a life that has no place for that toxic person.

This does not mean completely ignoring others. And if the narcissist or the person with BPD is still a part of your life, you can continue to take care of him. However, do it as the instructions explain what to do if the plane crashes: put on the oxygen mask first on yourself and then on the "two-year-old". Take care of yourself, because who else if not you?

Also, work on your self-esteem, as it is she who is to blame for the fact that you are in this situation. Start having compassionate conversations with yourself.

How do you talk to yourself in your own mind? Do you talk to yourself as if you were a friend or loved one that you really appreciate? If not, why are you negative about yourself? Why do you criticize yourself, call names, ridicule and even emotionally punish yourself? Why are you doing this? What is your goal? These internal negative attacks on yourself may seem automatic, but you can learn to control and redirect them towards a positive self-perception.

They have nothing to do with your personality. Take time to enjoy yourself.

When was the last time you just enjoyed who you are? When you fully experience your feelings, do not think in other people's thoughts and accept independent solutions, it says that you really like being who you are.

So, we have already learned a lot. It's time to sum up. So how can you learn to make new friends without letting a narcissist or borderline personality disorder into your life in the process?


1) Run. Right now. Narcissists and people with BPD are unlikely to ever change. It will be nice if you reduce interaction with them to zero.

2) Give up trying to change them and start changing yourself. If you want to improve the situation and relationships, then everything depends on you.

3) Stop talking, start doing. Talking is a waste of time. Always know what you will do if they do not behave very decently.

4) Set boundaries.“I'm not going to explain anything to you. I'm on the edge. You are not my boss."

5) Rebuild your life.“Ask nothing. I'm going to the gym."

So, when you're looking to build a new relationship or look for a different job (with a new boss), what should you keep in mind to avoid creating the same problems?

Surround yourself with people who have qualities you value

Identify the positive qualities and shortcomings of a person

Be aware of how much and what each of you tell about yourself

Watch what decisions you both make about what to do and where to go

Determine if this person has boundaries and how good they are

If you are behaving like a "nanny", then try to do what most normal people do. This will help you become stronger and forget about weakness.

Ask the other person to do something you find uncomfortable

reschedule meetings

If there's something you don't like about a new friend, tell him or her about it.

Embrace these ideas and stop being a weak person. published



WEAK CHARACTER, weak character, weak character; weak-character, weak-character, weak-character (book). Distinguished by a weak character, one whose character is devoid of the necessary firmness, willpower. Weak person. Weak man.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "WEAK CHARACTER" is in other dictionaries:

    Weak character… orthographic dictionary-directory

    See the weak-willed Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. weak character adj. weak-willed... Synonym dictionary

    WEAK CHARACTER, oh, oh; ren, rna. Distinguished by a weak character, weak-willed. S. man. | noun weakness of character, and, wives. Show with. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    App. Characterized by a weak character, lack of strong will; spineless. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, weak character, ... ... Forms of words

    weak character- weak actor; briefly form of ren, rna ... Russian spelling dictionary

    weak character- kr.f. weak character / cteren, weak character / cterna, rno, rny; weak/cterne… Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    weak character- weak character / cternary ... merged. Apart. Through a hyphen.

    Aya, oh; ren, rna, rno. Characterized by a weak character, not having a strong will. S. man. S. commander. With th woman. ◁ Weakness, and; well. Scold someone. for s… encyclopedic Dictionary

    weak character- oh, oh; ren, rna, rno. see also weakness of character Distinguished by a weak character, not having a strong will. Weak character / cterny person. Weak character / ctern commander. With th woman ... Dictionary of many expressions


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  • White steamer, Chingiz Aitmatov. The action takes place on a dense forest cordon, high in the mountains, far from inhabited places. A seven-year-old boy, the granddaughter of old Momun, lives alone among adults, without friends, without mother and father; is he…
19/01/09, Sergi
It was enough to read the right column to form an impression of "strong" personalities. It kills when a strong character means without fail "toughness, rudeness, and the ability to walk over corpses without pity." All these freaks, eager for the start of a third world, must be sent somewhere to a meat grinder like the Gaza Strip, so that they understand what peace and comradely relations are worth.

19/01/09, Sergi
What do you mean by strong character? Judging by your words, everyone should strive to enslave humanity and walk over the corpses directly to the goal. Despite the fact that such people are most often paranoid and afraid of conspiracies, you somehow lose sight of it. A strong person does not have to be a bastard, he simply decides his own fate and for him the concept of honor is not an empty phrase, but victory at any cost is not a sign of strength of character, but only unscrupulousness.

20/01/09, Kiskis
The cult of power has become a general paranoia - everyone should be strong, lead, break noses and stand up for rights. But no one does it, that is, someone else is trying at school - well, they kill nerds there, they stuff dirt into a briefcase or beat them at breaks, but the most interesting thing begins later, when you need to defeat yourself. Inflated self-esteem and the inability to compromise are great harms in life, and yesterday's leaders are increasingly hearing "no". And they break. But it's okay, everything has its time - everyone will have to remove the crown and ask for help. Each person is both weak and strong, it all depends on the circumstances.

20/01/09, Beach is Fack
I will say this, in order to constantly endure someone’s beatings and offensive words, you need just strength of character and willpower! In my opinion, it is much easier to answer than to remain silent! teachers of life, it looks like a concentration camp, not a school! You need to educate not animals, but people! And a person sounds proud only if his respect for himself does not exceed respect for others! , all usurpers and lovers, so that everyone around them sings how exceptional and good they are, and it is precisely such people who strive to depersonalize the team! Not everyone needs leaders, many live well without them!

20/01/09, Johnson
I am weak. Opa. Well, how am I already a little more publicly admitting my weak character? Someone is looking for a way out, and someone is looking for a treasure, someone loves money, and someone is a machine gun, and someone is running, and someone is shooting, and someone is finding, and someone is losing.

20/01/09, Devil's girlfriend
I am more for the fact that in every person there is both strength and weakness. Evaluation of outsiders also does not take into account the fact that each person perceives his own problems with triple emotions, while those around him judge purely superficially and dryly. "an alcoholic - well, let him stop drinking", "a lover / mistress quit - well, let him find someone else" and so on. Therefore, being a so-called "strong" person means, first of all, control over one's feelings and emotions. And the need to treat your problems less emotionally. That is, suppress self-pity and move on. This is the so-called willpower, but I do not particularly believe in its miraculous effect, since it does not solve the problems themselves, it only changes the way we deal with them.

20/01/09, Utahan
Ha! Yes, since when did people who do not show cruelty to others, and do not strive to go upstairs over the corpses, become weak-willed? And the strong are those who, regardless of other people's opinions and feelings, go ahead to their false materialistic ideals, destroying everything in their path, right? NO, there is clearly a substitution of concepts. The classification is organized in the wrong way. There is no need to divide people into weak and "strong". I tend to use more traditional terms: there is good people, but there is, sorry, g * vnyuki. I prefer to call everything by its proper name.

21/01/09, Kiskis
Ah, schoolchildren, schoolchildren, they should score everything with their boots ... In fact, in order to walk over corpses, you just need to "lick your ass and stick your opinion in" - the example of all great politicians without exception demonstrates this perfectly, and to say what you think - everyone can do it, such truth-tellers are always made the object of ridicule. Strength is, first of all, a cleverly directed energy, and if this energy is splashed, then there will be no corpses. By the way, killing a person is not so easy - neither literally nor figuratively. I don't know if it needs power. And in general, strong people are those who go their own way, and do not knock others down.

21/01/09, PushaShusha
There is no weak or strong character, there are strong and weak nerves. By nature, calm, unemotional people do not understand how it is possible to react to something more painfully than themselves. That is why they call the vulnerable and sensitive weak.

22/01/09, Strus
And what do you mean by that? As I understand it, people who do not want and cannot afford to respond with cruelty for cruelty, and meanness for meanness? And imagine if there were no such people - what the world would have turned into, but they would have killed each other already. As for the schools where such people are bullied, it is possible and necessary to introduce a real punishment for those who bully - then it will be disrespectful. Of course, no one forces you to be friends or love, but to mock you should be punishable. Further, universal free military training (but voluntary, with the right to refuse), so that a simple, ordinary person can effectively protect himself. Well, in general, in life - if such people do not achieve success, why did you decide that they are bad? Everyone has talent and uniqueness, and it is important to encourage them, and not to crush, and not to propagandize purest. But if there are conditions, but the person does not achieve anything, then this is another question, overcoming laziness and lack of will. But with the current system of relations in society, is it really relevant to talk about this?!

23/01/09, SnowyWhite
If there were no weak people, then how would we single out people with a strong character from the crowd? If everyone had a strong character, that everyone would be bosses and there would be no subordinates? And who would the authorities command then? The weak need to be supported, not to spread rot and not to humiliate them. They just don't have enough faith in themselves. Those who help such people become stronger themselves. Do they have some good character too? Not everyone is lucky to be strong.

25/01/09, Susie
And I am the weak one. I always worry about who and what will think of me. But it's not the first time I've had to "walk over corpses." That is, at first I do everything that is necessary to survive and even enjoy life, and then I feel ashamed. In general, the topic is funny. That is, everyone should be bastards, and whoever cannot be a bastard will be hunted down. By the way, about the school. I was bullied until the ninth grade, then I just put a knife to the throat of the main mocker. I recently met him on the street. She approached, said hello, put her hand in her pocket. He escaped. But he was one of those who poisoned, such as strong characters :).

25/01/09, recluse
I treat myself like this. In terms of communication, attitude and worldview, I am a rather notorious person, and if I conduct adequate self-criticism, we can conclude that I am practically not adapted to life and in society I feel like a blind kitten, so any actions that could at least to change my life one iota, I did almost out of hopelessness ... and that's how I repeatedly began my being from scratch. According to Castaneda, the above can be described as the "state of a warrior", but I don't give a damn about that, as well as my own character.

25/01/09, Elivan
It depends in what sense. In my opinion, weak characters are those who lick the ass of those who are cooler, and then pretend to be tough, humiliating their former friends. (oh, I turned down something ...) In general, the one whom everyone kicks is not necessarily weak-willed, maybe on the contrary, he is very strong (spiritually) to endure all this. But usually they are not silent. A "cool" may "upon closer examination" be just a weakling. In short, the first time you do not understand who is who.

29/01/10, Invictus
To PushaShusha +1000. Exactly. Everything depends on the sensitivity of the nervous system. It’s easier to become strong in this world for a person who doesn’t care, who lives for today and doesn’t think that when leaving the house he can fall down the stairs and break his skull, that he just crushed a spider under his heel and it hurt him a lot, and doesn’t suffer from suspicions about what, his wife is engaged while he works all day. Such people go through life easily, for them life is a game, they do not feel strong attachment to anyone, they also first act and then think, therefore they are able to save a drowning person or fight a stronger opponent. The opposite of such a character is an overly sensitive physically and emotionally person who is able to be offended by the fact that someone looked askance at him, feeling uncomfortable in an unusual environment and busy thinking about the meaning of his existence. The further humanity moves away from the primitive way of life, the more the latter type of people becomes>>

29/01/10, Invictus
>> More Friedrich Nietzsche wrote that humanity "degenerates" because people are becoming more susceptible to pain. Consequently, there will be less and less heroes who, even under torture, did not reveal military secrets, or people who are able to enjoy life despite poverty, illness, and old age. Many of us are lazy and spoiled by civilization, and what seems heroic to us, for those who lived in the past is just a trifle. But I am not at all saddened by such a course of events, I somehow understand "whiners" and egoists more than fanatical heroes capable of self-denial for the sake of their neighbor. As for the so-called successes in life, in our time they rather depend not on strength of character, but on helpfulness and elasticity, that is, the ability to please the authorities, report on other employees, manage to never wear a smarter suit than the boss ... This can be attributed to both strength and weakness, depends on the principles of the one who judges.

04/05/10, discussion lover
And who is such a weak person in general? Maybe this is a person who does not fit the scope of your decency ..... if, for example, a person is called a LOSSER, then it is not a fact that in a few years he will justify his name or he recognizes himself as such. I know many cases where the strong man he was strong-willed all the time, he was respected, he had many friends ..... but one day he showed a weakness ..... and everyone turned away from him. And at that time a weak-minded person showed courage, for which they began to respect him ... .Time changes people conclusion: no matter who you were, it is important who you are

21/07/10, Carrie White
I love weak people very much, because they behave very well, they are polite, reliable (I understand that being reliable is hard - everyone is trying to take advantage of you, I myself am weak and reliable, but this is still a good quality). Only with weak-willed people can you communicate normally, they are not able to piss off something (I only communicate with such people, but with strong people almost immediately I start to swear) and most importantly - they are just very good!
