Born in the USA 23 years before the beginning of the twentieth century. An unsociable, self-contained boy, having matured, ironically turned into a world celebrity. Heard voices, and when he once told about it, his peers began to shun him. This is the lot, probably, of every non-standard thinking person. Only once, while in a state of hypnotic sleep, he spoke about the very near future of one person. When what Edgar told about happened, those around him began to listen with increasing confidence to the predictions that came to the young man in a dream.

What did such a medium learn, what will we know about in the near future? Will Edgar Cayce's 2017 prediction come true? Or will it become another unsuccessful intrusion into the plans of higher powers?

What did he see in such a distant future, living a hundred years ago? Maybe, using time streams, he was able to move to the place he needed and at the specified time, so that later, when he returned, he could describe what he saw? Why, while firmly believing in the doctrine of reincarnation, did he dream of being born in Eurasia in his later life? What will happen on this mainland that attracted the soothsayer? After all, as he foresaw, it was here that the two largest wars on Earth began and ended. And I saw the birth of the genius Adolf Schicklgruber already at the end of the nineteenth century. It was this nondescript boy who ignited a spark of hatred for Jews and Slavs, burned cities in the toughest World War II. Casey knew about it and told the world. How could an ordinary person who has never studied economics, could see the development of economic cycles, and warn the world from devastating economic depressions and crises? Let's try and we understand the predictions of the seer.

Casey's prophecy for 2017

The time of the great depression will come for the powerful countries of the world. A decline in production will lead to a decrease in stocks of goods. Labor market prices will fall. As a result of an insignificant demand for consumer goods, the mass of free money capital will grow, and the bank interest rate will gradually decrease to a minimum. Casey's prophecy for 2017 also applies to changes in nature. The melting of the ice will begin faster, and this cannot be averted in any way. Edgar Cayce saw the activity of the Yellowstone supervolcano skyrocket.

The Crimean peninsula will move away from the mainland of Eurasia and go under water. Earthquakes will pass through the Mediterranean belt of Europe and Asia. Earthquakes will become more frequent in the Himalayas, the Caucasus, the Crimean Mountains, the Carpathians, the Alps and the Pyrenees. Huge destruction will follow. There will be many human casualties. People will try to move to safer places - to the north, a little further from the southern mountains and from the Pacific Ocean, because as a result of strong tremors, tsunamis will become more frequent, which without any periodicity will bring down masses of sea water on the eastern part of Eurasia, destroying everything on the way. Nature will not leave the population of the planet alone. But in the struggle for survival, man will win. After all, he can successfully adapt to any big and small cataclysms. What Edgar Cayce 2017 predictions for Russia exist?

Russia in 2017

Given that the time frame of natural catastrophic changes is not exactly indicated, let's hope that this will all happen in the distant future, when the population learns to deal with cataclysms. In any case, without trying to provoke them with their activities.

Starting this year, the Russian economy will begin to emerge from the depression. The hopes of rural residents of the southern regions of the country will come true. The development of the agro-industrial sector here will lead to the fact that this part of the country, together with the central Black Earth region, will provide the state with food, but as a result of the intensification of production, it will be possible to import most of the agricultural products. The population will gradually return from big cities to their villages, as well-paid jobs will appear there. Dwellings for young specialists will be rebuilt, and after studying at universities, young people will be happy to go to the village to work in their specialty without any problems. Megacities will unload. The status of cities will gradually equalize. All of this will start in 2017. The rulers will understand that black gold needs to be saved a little. Because there is very little of it in the world. Literally in a dozen years, we can expect complete exhaustion in most countries of the world.

The situation in the west of the country will gradually begin to lose its severity and some of the money allocated for the development of the military-industrial complex will go to the development of the processing industry. The rise in commodity prices will stop. And salaries and pensions, on the contrary, will rise significantly.

In foreign policy, Russia will reach a consensus with the most powerful countries. Casey's prophecy for 2017 for Russia and Ukraine is quite optimistic. The degree of tension in the relationship will subside a little. The countries of Western Europe will provide substantial assistance in this. The countries will not be as close as a dozen years ago, but gradually the aggression is neutralized. Peaceful good neighborly relations without the right to dictate. By joint efforts, the revival of the eastern part of Ukraine will begin. This will take more than one year, but times of peace and common good intentions will accelerate this process.

Ukraine in 2017

After the establishment of neutral relations with Russia, investors will be attracted to this country. At first, it was timid, since there are few people who want to invest money if there is a war on the territory of the country. But then the flow of those wishing to invest their money in the economy and make a profit will increase markedly. Edgar Cayce's 2017 prediction for Ukraine is also quite optimistic. Slow economic growth will lead to an improvement in the quality of life of the population. Casey warned that in some individual Slavic countries, an increase in unprecedented diseases is possible and pointed out that medical institutions in villages and towns to provide primary care to the suffering should not be closed. That infringement in the means of medicine will lead to diseases that have not “visited” humanity in the European part of the continent for centuries. This awaits Ukraine. Residents of both Slavic countries should be wary that the closure of educational institutions in the villages will lead to illiteracy of the population. And as you know, it is very easy to manage such people later.

A prediction is a warning not to make a mistake, and if this has already happened, then there will be time to correct it.

The famous soothsayer from the United States lived in the late 19th - early 20th century. It is authentically known and proven that he could heal people and predict the future. So, for example, he accurately predicted the beginning and end of the Second World War, as well as its outcome. It is believed that he even announced in advance the exact date of the surrender of the Germans.

In the Soviet Union, his predictions were banned, and they were not particularly believed. Moreover, he promised all of us the collapse of our country. True, he spoke about the collapse of the USSR not openly, but slightly veiled: “before the end of the 20th century, communism will collapse, the communists will lose their power.” Well, who in our country in 1944 could believe such a thing? But he promised a Russia free from socialism a long and difficult crisis, which, by the way, we will eventually overcome.

Edgar Cayce Predictions for 2017, 2018, 2019

One of the greatest American predictors in the history of mankind claimed that in 2017, 2018 and 2019 there will be a very large number of natural disasters. As a result, not only the geographical map of the earth, but also the political one will be subject to global changes. It is believed that 2017 should be a turning point and usher in a new era.

Of course, cataclysms always happen and will always happen, but already now, in the middle of 2017, we are seeing an abnormally cold summer in the western regions of Russia, while in Siberia, on the contrary, abnormal heat has set in, unusual for this region.

Yes, most likely there will be a scientific explanation for this, but everything is known by comparison, for example, we have a more severe climate in Russia, but we have fewer natural disasters, and some do not exist at all, such as strong hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis and the like. And there is a widespread opinion among the people that each such anomaly will mark or precede some kind of global change in our lives.

Casey's predictions about Russia and Ukraine

It is believed that E. Casey predicted the arrival of Putin back in 1938, he also predicted not only the collapse of the Soviet Union, but also its further revival. The last statement is very controversial, but if it happens, then most likely through Russia, to which Crimea and Sevastopol have already returned. Under certain circumstances, Eastern Ukraine, which is now fighting for independence, Abkhazia, the Transnistrian Republic and South Ossetia could join Russia. Also, if you remember, at one time in Kyrgyzstan, the possibility of holding a referendum on Kyrgyzstan's accession to Russia was very vigorously discussed.

But on the other hand, the Baltic countries and Western Ukraine will never voluntarily join Russia.

For Ukraine, Edgar Cayce predicted not only the loss of Crimea along with Sevastopol, but also the loss of Eastern Ukraine. And if in the first case everything is clear, and most likely Crimea and Sevastopol will never retreat back to Ukraine, then in the second case the issue is still being resolved, but in all likelihood Ukraine has lost control over its eastern part forever.

Salvation and hope of the world

For our sins and unbelief, as E. Casey believed, we will be punished, and environmental troubles will be sent to us as punishment. And the famous soothsayer saw salvation for mankind precisely in Russia, that it is our country, thanks to its spiritual and religious development, that is able to give the world hope for salvation.

Also, the famous soothsayer argued that the unbelievers still have a chance to be saved, but they still need to be used. The goal of all the surviving people on earth will be the creation and construction of a new Jerusalem, and only after that will rebirth come.

E. Casey believed that the nature of the Russian people has an instinct to live in peace and in friendship with his brother and people of a different nationality. And it is thanks to this feature that Russia in the future will be able to become a hope and salvation for mankind.

Without a doubt, many people may have a completely logical question: “why would it be the Russians who should suddenly become, almost the saviors of the world?” The fact is that Russians from generation to generation have always prioritized friendship, unity, something spiritual, but not material.

For example, in many Western countries, even a husband and wife live as if together, but they can even eat separately, the husband has his own life, and the wife has her own. And if a wife, for example, declares that she is leaving for three days with friends in the mountains, then the husband does not have the right not to let her go, and if something goes wrong, then immediately divorce, well, they say, a tyrant, oppresses her rights and so Further.

In general, they seem to live under the same roof, but at the same time everyone has their own life, and even adult children, as a rule, eat separately from their parents. Their relationship is more tied to money and material values. It’s our girl or guy who falls in love, “loses his head” and doesn’t even remember money. But if, for example, you divorce your Mexican wife, then she will definitely leave you without a penny, at least she will do everything for this. Here, specifically, peaceful divorces are very rare, so that without scandals and litigation.

According to E. Casey, Western Siberia should become the center of a new civilization. In fact, this region is considered one of the safest in this regard, there are no such disasters as tsunamis, floods or any seismic shifts. And according to many scientists, Western Siberia is even capable of surviving a nuclear war. So if anything, we all run there! I’m joking, of course, but let’s hope that Edgar Cayce was still wrong in his predictions, or at least they somehow pass us by or something.

E. Casey's predictions for the future of Europe and the world

The famous seer's forecasts on this score, unfortunately, are not comforting, in his opinion, many states, as a result of natural disasters, will either disappear completely and go under water or suffer greatly from this. So, for example, according to his statements and the map he compiled, most of Russia and Canada will go under water. And such countries as Japan, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan will disappear altogether, Europe will be almost completely flooded.

Edgar Cayce on the USA and World War III

The famous seer, unlike other prophets, did not speak or predict a third world war, moreover, he claimed that it would not happen as such. But our world is waiting for other strong shocks and natural phenomena, which will lead to very large victims, unprecedented until now.

So, for example, he predicted the strongest earthquakes on the east coast of the United States, as a result of which many cities, including New York, would disappear.

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Will the fate of Byzantium await Russia?

By comparison, to classify yourself and your family as middle class in China, your annual income would have to be $28,000, in Switzerland $72,900, in the US $50,000. In Western countries, this figure is much higher, another thing is that there is an opportunity, if not to reach the middle class, then at least a year to save 20,000 thousand dollars. Even…

The outstanding US medium Edgar Cayce became famous for his numerous predictions, which tended to come true. This man had incredibly psychic abilities, and he also knew how to communicate with otherworldly forces. Casey skillfully used this gift and tried to help people in certain situations. He was able to foresee the impending wars, the economic crisis that occurred in 1929 and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler.

Surprisingly, the prophecies left by the clairvoyant continue to come true today. What did the great prophet see in the future and what are Edgar Cayce predictions for 2017, this article reveals.

Life of a famous medium

Edgar Cayce is the most significant and talented clairvoyant in the history of mankind. He was born in 1877 in Kentucky. From childhood, the boy was distinguished by a calm, even closed character, who claimed to hear voices and see dead relatives. After an illness (laryngitis), Edgar lost his voice for a while.

The ability to speak returned to the future prophet after visiting the hypnotist El Lane. This acquaintance played a decisive role in the development of the young man as a soothsayer. Together with Lane, he began to treat local residents for various ailments and was very successful in this matter. It is noteworthy that Casey put forward all his diagnoses and appointments in a state of trance. From all over the country, people flocked to the medium, who soon called him the “sleeping prophet” because of the unusual method of work.

In addition to medicinal activities and diagnosis, the American, that there is a reincarnation of souls, spoke about the death of Atlantis and the fate of its inhabitants. Casey also mentioned wars, coup d'état, and natural disasters. How did the clairvoyant tell the world about his knowledge? The thing is that during the trance, his wife or stenographer was near him, who wrote down his thoughts, and after that, Casey's “thoughts” scattered all over the world.

What to expect in the near future

Many of the medium's prophecies were rarely tied to any particular time, especially the 21st century. Therefore, all accurate predictions for 2017 are just a clever trick of scammers. However, in the "base" of the clairvoyant, you can find truly amazing predictions that will come true at any moment. The most exciting topic for Edgar Cayce was climate change. The prophet stated that with the advent of the new millennium, Japan, Northern Europe and America will go under water.

The world will forever lose San Francisco and New York, as well as most of Greenland. Large-scale fractures of the earth's crust will begin all over the planet, and new lands will emerge from under the water in the Caribbean Sea. Major earthquakes that will take place in South America will significantly change the map of the Earth. In the course of a desperate struggle with the elements, the economic and political concept around the world will change radically.

Casey did not forget to mention in his own about global warming, which will spread rapidly throughout the globe. In those places where the temperate and subtropical climate prevailed, the tropics will be established. Also at the beginning of the new millennium, an unknown super-hardy human race with improved DNA should appear.

These people will be able to self-repair and will be quite hardy. The medium is sure that the new race will carry with it some special purpose, which one, he did not mention.

Predictions for Russia

The Russian Federation will continue to confidently move towards development and strengthening. Moreover, these changes will take place not only in the material plane, but also in the spiritual. Of course, it is difficult to talk about any specific dates, because Edgar Cayce did not indicate exact dates in his predictions, but in general, 2017 is the period when Russia will begin a steady path to its greatness and development.

Predictions for Ukraine

In order for the issue of internal confrontation to be resolved in a positive way, the inhabitants of the country must decide with whom they will cooperate in the future. You should not rely on the help of the Western powers, because they are also looking for some benefit with such an alliance. Most likely, Ukraine will again be divided into two "camps" and the people will play a crucial role in making the final decision.

It is worth noting that Casey was convinced that the Ukrainians should not seek to join the European side, because in the end it could be the loser. At the same time, equal partnership relations should be built with Russia so that its well-being will gradually begin to rise.

Believe it or not in Casey's words

Recently, people have ceased to trust the predictions that were made by clairvoyants. But the words of Edgar Cayce never raised doubts, because each of his prophecies came true. For example, scientists are already noticing that the Earth's magnetic pole is rapidly moving. If this continues, then the inhabitants of Europe will be able to watch from their window the delights of the northern lights. As you can see, climate forecasts have every chance of coming true.

Speaking of political events, the famous medium claimed that China would soon be great. Indeed, today China has made a sharp leap forward. The GDP of this country can only be inferior to the American one, and even then, this is just the beginning. So, we can say with confidence that it is advisable to listen to the words of Edgar Cayce and be ready to meet the new era fully armed.

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He could heal the sick and predict the future of the whole world. E. Casey knew in advance the time of the beginning of the Second World War, the victory of the USSR in it, called the date of the signing of the surrender by the Germans, and even listed the cataclysms that would befall the earth in the 21st century. For example, not so long ago there was an earthquake in Japan. Cayce's predictions about Russia were banned in the USSR because they promised its collapse and predicted the collapse of communism.

How is this possible?

In 1877, the future healer and prophet was born. How could an ordinary boy develop such a talent? Researchers, psychotherapists and doctors of medical sciences describe this state as the ability to enter the level of transnational consciousness, in which a person manages to see cause and effect relationships. In this stay there is no past and no future, the medium is in the present.

E. Casey himself called such a state the universal mind. His prophecies for a lifetime fit on fourteen thousand sheets. Among the records, the researchers found the predictions of the American soothsayer about Russia. Edgar Cayce endowed her with the role of the savior of the world and mankind.

What contributed to this gift?

In information sources, information about the origin of Casey's gift to foresee the future varies. There is data on the hereditary component. His mother heard voices all the time and acted according to their promptings. Edgar's grandfather knew how to move pieces of furniture with the power of thought. The medium himself, being a schoolboy, could sleep on a textbook, and the next day tell all the material contained in it. At the age of thirteen, Edgar, after suffering from laryngitis, was left without a voice. And allegedly meeting with a local hypnotist turned his life upside down. He managed to fall into a trance, describe the reasons for his dumbness and prescribe a treatment for himself. Casey woke up already talking.

The exact details of what happened are unknown, but Russia has been known for years. And this arouses the interest of mankind in his person.


The first good mission of the American psychic was the healing of the sick. He, going into the astral plane, described aloud the ailment that tormented a person and gave recommendations for its elimination. Incredibly, sometimes they were whole recipe notes. Waking up, Edgar forgot what he was talking about, and he himself did not believe what was written by the stenographers (assistants) during the session. Being conscious, he did not even know the names of the drugs that he prescribed to patients.

Later, in addition to seeing hidden ailments, he discovered the gift of prophesying the future of nations. Casey's first predictions about Russia concerned the collapse of the Union. Why do these events apply only to Russia? This question may arise from the reader. Because this state is the successor and successor of the USSR.

From what happened in history, he foresaw: earthquakes in Chile (1960), Antarctica (1988), Turkey (1990), Japan (2011); the death of a woman's premiership in the UK; date and outcome of World War II. There were also Cayce's predictions about Russia. He promised a crisis in the country after the collapse of the totalitarian regime, which the state would overcome in the future. And for his homeland, Edgar prophesied the Great American Depression and the fall of the stock exchanges.

Was there a connection with space?

In his notes, Edgar talked about a mysterious incident that happened to him. Allegedly unknown people flew in on an unreal object for that time and took it into space. In an unknown space, he was inspired about extraordinary abilities and told that he could teleport to anywhere in the world and broadcast about events that were or would occur in a particular place. From a scientific point of view, such a case looks absurd. Everyone knows that at that time humanity did not know about spacecraft missiles, not to mention UFOs.

Casey claimed that, once in space above the planet, he saw the near future of the Earth. Only Cayce's predictions about Russia in ecological terms were rosy. Edgar witnessed the most terrible events. He saw the consequences of an atomic attack on Hiroshima, volcanoes in Hawaii, the flooding of America, earthquakes and a radioactive disaster in the Land of the Rising Sun.

3000: Russians become Martians

Edgar Cayce saw the end of the world and the coming of the messiah before the coming apocalypse. Predictions about Russia promised her salvation and a new religious development. It is this country that will become the revival of civilization with a center in the western part of Siberia. The climate on the planet will change due to the shift of the earth's axis, many coastal states will disappear. Russia will accept on its territory those who lose their native lands. And the peoples who will be on friendly terms with Muscovy will live better.

Casey foreshadowed China's dominance in the world and friendship with Russia. He prophesied to these countries the joint colonization of the Moon, Mars, and that this process would be facilitated by the civilizations of individual galaxies. In publications on this score, the skeptical attitude of the authors can be traced. Who knows, maybe in a thousand years it will still be possible to expand the territory suitable for human life.

Heart of the world

“Natural disasters are designed to destroy those who have sinned,” Edward Casey interpreted the cause of all environmental troubles. Predictions about Russia concerned its saving role for all mankind. He said that the religious development of this country could give hope to the world.

“The unbelievers still have a chance for salvation, and they must take advantage of it. The goal of the entire earthly society will be the construction of a new Jerusalem. Only then will the revival come.” The medium promised changes in the ideas of religious thought, which Russia would contribute to. He believed that the principle of living in friendship with his brother was laid down in this country. And thanks to this feature of the Russian people, Muscovy will give humanity hope for salvation and become the heart of the world.

Also, Casey's predictions about the future of Russia applied to its leader. Edgar described him as a man with unique abilities, such that no one else in the world has. And the intellect of the new leader will allow the country to learn fantastic technologies.

Agreement between the US and Russia

In his prophecies, Casey mentioned the relationship of the two superpowers. If only the seer knew then what rivalry for dominance began between the above states after the Second World War! And after the annexation of Crimea and the start of hostilities in Ukraine, the situation escalated to the limit.

However, E. Casey's predictions about Russia are connected with friendship with the American people. Perhaps the reason for such reconciliation will be the natural disasters that the clairvoyant prophesied for his country. There is a possibility that the United States will resort to the help of its opponent. In 1934, information appeared about the split of the Earth in Western America, about the flooding of part of Japan, about changes in Antarctica and the Arctic. Later, in 1941, the prophet expanded on the description of the catastrophes. He spoke about the end of the existence of the Carolinas, and the east coast of America. The safe areas will be southeast Canada, Indiana.

The future belongs to the Russian people

For many, the question may arise: “Why will Russia become a beacon of hope?” The Russian people have always prioritized unity, friendship and spiritual development. Children are taught by fairy tales, proverbs and example to love and help their neighbor. In Western countries, relations between people are more mercantile. Everyone knows the broad Russian soul. She was sung by poets, and she remains unknown to other peoples. It is the Russians who are characterized by selfless friendship, generosity and obedience to God. And Casey's predictions about Russia were based on the religious aspect and the principle of mutual assistance inherent in the people.

As for Western Siberia as a center of civilizations, this is even a scientifically proven fact. The area where this region is located is considered a safe place. There have not been and will not be seismic shifts, floods and tsunamis. Edgar described it as a place where there is an accumulation of clean energy that can protect the earth from energy and environmental disasters.


Casey did not consider his prophecies to be true. He understood that it was impossible to completely predetermine the course of events, explaining this by the dependence of the future on the will of man and the entire population of planet Earth. “By living by the word of God, you can expect the best changes in life,” said Edward Casey.

Predictions about Russia concerned her victory over the US in terms of world domination. Due to the tilt of the earth's axis and impending disasters, Casey singled out the Russian land, christening it the safest place. And religiosity, spirituality of the Slavic people, Edgar put at the head of the salvation of all unbelievers, who in the future will suffer from their position in life.

The scale of the legacy of the outstanding seer is impressive, and his predictions seem ridiculous to a sane person. But the fact that climate change is taking place in the world at the present time is a fact. The reversal of the Earth's poles is a prophecy that is coming true today.

After all, most of the visions about the future came to him at a time when he was in a state of half-sleep - a trance) always enjoyed increased popularity, and today this has not changed. Today, many are looking for information on what Edgar Cayce 2017 predictions for Russia exist, because many of his past prophecies came true, and this suggests that he also made correct predictions for the future.

A clairvoyant was born in the 19th century and at first he grew up as a completely ordinary boy, that is, his gift did not manifest itself in any way, but according to the legend, his father hit him as a child, because he could not learn any spelling rule. From the blow, the boy began to feel dizzy, but at the same time he began to hear a voice that advised him, and in the morning he knew about everything that was written in the textbook. This case can be considered the first when his abilities manifested, because then there were several more cases, until at the age of twenty-three he lost his voice and met a hypnotist who put him into a trance and noticed that he was manifesting inexplicable abilities.

Discussing Casey's prophecies for 2017, it is simply impossible not to discuss what no one knows for sure, where exactly did the clairvoyant get the ability to heal people and predict the future. Moreover, the clairvoyant himself did not know this either, because these events seemed to have been erased from his memory. However, the fact that they appeared in him in a state of trance (into which he was first introduced by a hypnotist) is a proven fact. Edgar was trusted by millions, because stigmata appeared on his body (traces from the crucifixion, the same as those of Jesus).

All the clairvoyant's predictions were recorded by one woman who was hired specifically for such purposes, Edgar Cayce's 2017 prediction was no exception, and I must say that many of his past prophecies have already come true. At one time, he was sure that America would be ruled by presidents who would die, but would not have time to complete their mission, in addition, he knew that Adolf Hitler would bring a lot of blood and destruction to the world, and the country's climate would significantly will change. Naturally, all this gives hope that the predictions concerning Russia and Ukraine will turn out to be true.

What awaits the Russians?

Despite the fact that the clairvoyant was born and lived in America, he periodically saw visions about Russia. Experts say that most often he saw the development of any military conflicts, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that he predicted that Russia, although some military conflicts are waiting, it will be able to defeat them all and this will only strengthen its global position.

The clairvoyant said that the future of Russia remains with Siberia, because it is she who is rich in various natural resources that will allow building the country's economy literally anew. There is everything on the territory of Siberia in order to build a new state, so it can be assumed that in the future many investors will be attracted to this part of the Russian Federation (and not all of them will be Russians).

Discussing Casey's prophecy for 2017 for Russia and Ukraine, one cannot fail to say that he warned of possible natural disasters that would hit the country. Perhaps this will be the fires that the whole world warned about more than once, or the floods predicted by Vanga, no one can answer this for sure, because Edgar Cayce did not give any specific data on this matter, however, keep in mind that this is all - it can happen, it should.

What did Edgar Cayce predict for Ukrainians?

Frankly speaking, it is very difficult to find any specific prediction of a clairvoyant regarding Ukraine specifically, because he spoke most of all about the Russian Federation, however, there is some information regarding this issue. If you believe the experts who are engaged in deciphering the words of the clairvoyant, then Edgar Cayce's prediction for 2017 for Ukraine says that the country will gain its power only if it joins some kind of alliance that will help it cope with its internal problems. Frankly, many people tend to believe such a forecast, because the formation of such a union (most likely it will consist of Orthodox states and be called "Eurasian"), Nostradamus and even Pavel Globa. Today it is very hard to believe that the Ukrainians will want to unite with someone, so it remains only to observe the developing situation, because only time will help to verify or refute this fact.

What awaits man in the future?

Edgar Cayce made fairly large-scale predictions that allow you to imagine what the planet will look like in many years. Speaking about climate change on earth, he often repeated that the poles would shift so much that mangoes would grow in Siberia (harsh and cold enough), but snowfalls would begin to fall in Africa. Many willingly believe in such a forecast, if only because millions of scientists talk about global warming and they are sure that the process of climate change has already begun.

One of the most incredible assumptions of the clairvoyant can be considered that before the year 3000, China, the USA and Russia (today this is very hard to believe) will also be engaged in the colonization of the Moon, and this event will be successful, and extraterrestrial civilizations will help them in this ( no one can say how possible this is, but there are people who tend to believe in such a theory).

In addition, the soothsayer, entering a state of trance, often repeated that any person could live for a very long time (up to 800 years), but for this he must join a special coalition of wanderers in time, the emblem of which he depicted as a sphere, with housed in it by a man and a woman. What did Edgar mean by this prediction? Unfortunately, none of the scientists can answer this question. Perhaps the soothsayer himself is still alive and traveling in time, because many argue that his grave is completely empty?
