Category Geometry

Separate definition: examples

The application is a minor member of the sentence; this is a definition expressed by a noun, which gives another title that characterizes the subject: Song, a winged bird, calls the brave to go on a campaign; brave man Answers definition questions: which one?

Define argument increment

Let x be an arbitrary point in some neighborhood of a fixed point x 0 . the difference x – x 0 is usually called the increment of the independent variable (or argument increment) at the point x 0 and is denoted Δx. Thus, Δx = x –x 0, whence

Municipal budgetary educational institution Lyceum No. 57 of the Togliatti city district “Greatest common divisor. Mutually prime numbers.Teacher Kostina T.K.g. O. Togliatti Lesson topic: “Greatest common divisor. Coprime numbers" Preliminary

Coprime numbers: definition, examples and properties

Competition for young teaching workers in the Bryansk region “Pedagogical debut - 2014” 2014-2015 academic year Reinforcement lesson in mathematics in grade 6 on the topic “GCD. Mutually prime numbers" Place of work: MBOU "Glinishchevskaya Secondary School" Bryansk district
